Hogwarts: Past Life Exposed, I Am The Supreme Wizard

Chapter 124: An Investigation Method That Can Be Called Cheating! Raise The Body To A Morgue!

After saying that, the forest goblins disappeared deep into the mine, and the reporter who fell on the ground suddenly started to writhe.

"Are they gone?"

Seeing that this reporter was actually pretending to be dead, Zed couldn't help but sigh.


The reporter said rather embarrassingly:

"Thank you, I haven't asked your names yet.

Zed gave the reporter a middle finger, turned around and left. Constantine patted the reporter on the shoulder and put a business card in his hand.

"Remember, if there are any hauntings or abnormal things in the future, come to me."

Talking about me, the two left the mine.

Wizards are very interested in these magical forest elves, especially Newt, who is obsessed with these magical creatures.

[Newt: It’s amazing. I didn’t expect there to be intelligent creatures in the Muggle world. 】

[Newt: They look like goblins, but they are more generous than goblins. 】

[Ronald: What a pity. If our fairies also like to give things to people, they will definitely go to the Tongue Spirit Pavilion every day. 】

[Sirius: Goblins are stingy, wishing that all the treasures in the world would be moved to Gringotts. 】

[Flitwick: If these goblins didn’t kill those people, then who did they? 】

[Flitwick: And what kind of devil is targeting Anton? 】

[ Flitwick: I feel like this is getting more and more complicated. 】

[Congratulations to Anton for the correct answer, the reward has been delivered]

In the empty Room of Requirement, Anton looked at the hexagonal stone that suddenly appeared in his hand and was in a good mood.

A hound is engraved in the center of the stone. The hound is lifelike and is the Tang dog from the Dragon Kingdom.

Hermione looked a little disappointed when she saw Anton got a stone.

"I thought it was a good reward, but it turned out to be just a stone.

"This screen is too stingy. Obviously only Anton answered the question correctly."

Anton snapped his fingers, and the stone was thrown into his own void. This was the "Seven Zero Seven" storage spell used by Doctor Strange.

This is a dog talisman. The holder can be immortal and immune to all harm.

Even if the world order is deleted by the rules, the dog spell is still there.

But Anton couldn't help but feel a little strange. According to this systematic theory, what he should get was more or less related to his previous life.

But he had no impression of this dog talisman at all.


"Anton, tell me, what is that devil?"

Hermione shook Anton's shoulder. Obviously, she wasn't resenting the demon who turned water into fire.

These demons are mysterious and very cowardly. They dare not come to them, but instead make harsh remarks every day.

Anton said:

"Just look carefully, but don't worry, these demons are not powerful.

"At least in my memory, they are completely incomparable to other things I encountered.

This surprised Hermione even more. In fact, the lightning demon from before was not considered weak.

However, An Dongsheng was planning and used his contacts and strategies to win it down.

This time the devil looked even more sinister, and was cunningly absent. This insidiousness made Hermione quite uneasy.

The two came out of the mine, agreed on a time to meet the next day, and parted ways.

Constantine grabbed the gem and returned to the hotel humming a tune.

But as soon as he entered the door, he found that the magic circle at the door had been moved again.

Constantine is not a good-tempered person. He does it again and again, not again and again.

This time he put down the finger tiger directly and replaced Qianli with the heavy crossbow.

The cannon-like crossbow arrows are strange to both humans and demons.

After kicking the door open, Constantine went straight to the bedroom and wanted to draw a crossbow when he saw the figure.

But before the crossbow was fired, a figure had already fallen into Constantine's arms, it was Zed.

Constantine was a little dizzy.

"Zed, don't you have a home of your own?"

Zed said frankly:

"I lost the key in that mine. It will take a month to replace it."

"My parents have already gone on a trip."

"So, the only place I can think of to live is yours.

"Who told you to book a honeymoon suite?"

Constantine said:

“When I go out, I always book a honeymoon suite. The room is big, there are many people, and it’s a great experience.

As he said that, he put aside Zed's salute.

Seeing Constantine accepting his salute, Zed said happily:

"So, you are planning to let me stay?"


In the live broadcast room, the witches were eager to take out their magnifying glasses to study.

This witch's skills are on par with Fleur's!

If it were to be written into a book, it would simply be another one hundred ways to charm a wizard!

[Fleur: Bad Witch! Why do I feel like this Zed doesn’t look like a good person and has other plans for my knight!]

[Cassandra: The Witch of the Kingdom is right, this Zed is very dangerous. 】

[Ronald:…………Why didn’t I see it? 】

[ Harry: Me neither, she is so pitiful. 】

[Cassandra: You guys! Can you open your eyes and take a look! Is she pitiful? 】

[ Harry: She's going to be homeless. 】

[Cassandra: I, I won’t speak. 】

Zed was just about to lie down on the bed, but Constantine pointed to the sofa outside.

"Sorry, you have to sleep here."

Zed looked at Constantine with an unbelievable expression, and his eyes were about to burst out with fire.

"You? You let me sleep on the sofa?"

"It's a shame that I dreamed of you for three months, and it's a shame that I went into the mine with you."

Constantine said calmly:

"Yes, I'm used to sleeping on the bed, so you have to sleep on the sofa.

"By the way, I knew the devil wasn't in the mine. He only went down to see what was there."

Zed became even more angry.

"You! You already knew this! Why did you take me down?"

"That place is scary!"

Constantine said:

"Some things are not as simple as they seem, miss.

"By the way, remember not to call me before twelve o'clock tomorrow. I want to have a good rest."

After saying that, Constantine pushed Zed out of the door.

The next day passed, and Constantine was woken up by a phone call.

After taking a look, I found that the caller was Chas. This old friend could be said to be quite sensible and would never wake him up during his rest time.

But right now, it seems that this old friend has something urgent to do.

"John, we need your help. The situation is less urgent than you think!"

Chas's voice was very urgent. If Constantine hadn't understood the habits of his old friend, he might have thought that Chas had been kidnapped.

"What's wrong, I'm still in Conilworth, but I still need a few days to collect intelligence on the target."

Chase's tone was filled with fatigue:

"We have a case here about a cursed record that will cause instant death if heard."

Constantine said.

"I'm not responsible for exorcising the curse, Chas, and I don't really think he has anything to do with the demon I'm hunting."

Chase said:

"This news first came out from Conilworth State. Seventy people were killed. Those idiots from Verber and CLA are offering a million-dollar reward for information."

"The most important thing is that he killed Benny.


This name is already unfamiliar to Constantine, who belongs to that innocent childhood.

When Constantine was still seventeen or eighteen years old, he had his own musical dream and even formed a band with Ben.

Later, Benny became a star, but he wandered in heaven and hell.

"Damn it."

Constantine cursed under his breath.

"I'm going to fly back now and prepare my things. By the way, remember to call one more person."

After saying that, Constantine hung up the phone.

Shake awake Zed who is sitting on the edge of the bed.

The sleepy Zed opened his eyes and was startled by the look of Constantine in front of him.


"Is it already noon?"

"Pack your things and let's go."

Zed was confused.

"where to?!"

"what happened?!"

"Go and break the appointment. The bastard in Conilworth thinks he's so powerful and feels like he's underachieving in Conilworth."

Constantine said coldly.

"We have to teach him a lesson now."

Wizards all know a little bit about curses. This is considered a category of black magic.

These are often discussed in the dark arts at Hogwarts.

[ Ronald: Curse? I thought only the dark wizards here would use these things, but it turns out Anton’s world also has them! 】

[ Harry: Curse? I don’t understand. Have we ever learned about it? 】

[Ronald: It is a kind of curse, but some curses are invisible and some curses are tangible. 】

[Ronald: By the way, a little tidbit, I heard from a ghost that the Defense Against the Dark Arts position in our school is cursed. 】

[Voldemort: Hahahaha, how is that possible? This is definitely a joke. 】

[Flitwick: So the demon escaped Conilworth and put a curse on Anton's friend?]

[Flitwick: It's so insidiously disgusting, these demons seem to be running away from Anton. 】

[Flitwick: And what is this cursed record?]

[Flitwick: Record? What kind of new Muggle thing is it?]

[ Harry: It is a kind of optical disc that can record sound and then play it through some machines. 】

[ Flitwick: Wait? Project sound, it's like magic. 】

[Dumbledore: As I often say, don't underestimate Muggles. They have many powers that we can't explain. 】

[Flitwick: It seems that I also need to study more things that Muggles use. 】

The scene switched, and it was back to the show, with Zed and Constantine standing outside a morgue.

It was very cold inside.

Although Zed was adventurous by nature, this was a morgue after all. The air-conditioning inside the door was turned on to zero, and the yellow banner hanging outside the door kept her away.

Said to Constantine:

"Sir, can't we go here?"

"You know, I can use necromancy."

Constantine didn't even reply, he just rushed in, and Zed had no choice but to follow behind.

Upon entering the place, Zed immediately regretted his ability to see ghosts.

Because this place is full of ghosts, ghosts who died violently, ghosts who died of illness...

Every ghost's body was covered in blood and flesh, and every ghost's eyes were full of resentment.

Although Zed knows that most of these ghosts have no consciousness of their own and will be quickly led by angels and demons.

But she still felt a visceral fear.

Constantine walked in front of her without saying a word.

Zed said doubtfully:

"By the way, shouldn't this kind of place be a confidential restricted area?"

"Why can we get in?"

Constantine said:

"I have many friends."

"There happened to be one who was negotiating."

As soon as these informative words came out, Zed understood something and immediately shut his mouth obediently.

The two walked around and came to the largest morgue. The air conditioning here was lower than outside, and the body was lying on the bed covered with white cloth.

White smoke was emitting from the air conditioner.

Outside, there were also many corpses placed beside the door, forming a strange scene.

The wizards at Hogwarts had never seen so many corpses before, and they were suddenly frightened.

And they were just as confused as Zed. They wanted to know what Constantine was doing in a place like this for no reason.

As soon as he entered the door, Constantine said to Zed:

"Remember, don't make a fuss about anything that happens next."

Zed made an OK gesture, but he was thinking in his heart.

No matter what, I am someone who has gone through the same experiences with Constantine in the mining industry.

No matter how gloomy the morgue is, there are only a few corpses in it at most. How can it compare to the dark mineshaft with the shadows dancing around it?

Seeing Zed's repeated assurances, Constantine took out a candle.

As soon as the candle was taken out, Zed's heart beat rapidly.

"This! What is this?!"

The reason why Zed was so surprised was that Constantine's candle was not a candle at all, but a shriveled human hand that had become waxed.

She was so nervous that she almost screamed, and suddenly remembered what Constantine had said in her mind.

Don't make a fuss about anything you encounter.

Only then did she understand why Constantine said that.

Zed took two deep breaths and comforted himself silently.

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, don't be afraid of anything you encounter.

The wizards greatly admired Constantine's hand.

This is called the hand of honor, and it is called the hand of luck.

It is often used as the basic material for making any complex magic. Making this kind of thing requires very, very exquisite magic.

Even in Knockturn Alley, the Holy Land of Black Magic, Hands of Honor are sold at extremely high prices.

A good Hand of Honor can be sold for thousands of galleons.

And the hand of honor in Anton's hand is perfectly made. Not only is it waxed just right, it's even lifelike.

Such a powerful Hand of Honor may cost nearly 10,000.

The wizards are not only curious about the value of this hand of honor, but also more curious.

What spell is Anton going to use such an expensive magic weapon to cast?

After ensuring that Zed would be emotionally stable, Constantine took out a lighter from his pocket.


The hand of honor ignited without warning, and the five fingers were on fire. Moreover, the colors of these flames were different, some were green, some were blue, and some were even purple. 3.5

Zed was completely fascinated by Constantine's spellcasting, and for a while, he was quite fascinated.

"What, what is this?"

"Are you here to find these men?"

Constantine said calmly:

"The hand of honor is just a key. I take the souls of these people across the River Styx.

"I want them back."

Zed was confused, and so were the wizards in the live broadcast room.

Spells like resurrection are forbidden in any magic world.

Even in Anton's world before, they had only seen the use of infinite gems and time manipulation to resurrect people.

These two things are also forbidden arts among the forbidden arts.

But now, Constantine actually wants to resurrect the dead himself.

This cannot be done casually.

While several wizards were wondering, Constantine had already chanted a spell.

For a moment, the originally spacious morgue suddenly became crowded, with figures swaying around, but no sound could be made.

Zed looked at the scene around him in surprise.

She once thought that Constantine was a powerful wizard, but she had no real sense of this power.

But now, she has completely understood this powerful definition.

Ghosts, ghosts in the entire ward, and even ghosts within a hundred miles radius, were all gathered in this house by him.

How much magic and spirituality does this require?

Zed had no time to think. She saw that the flames on her five fingers were burning brightly.

Suddenly, the whole room lights up.

And with this roar, Zed was even more surprised to see.

All the corpses under the white cloth sat up

The wizards were stunned and couldn't imagine what was happening?

It seems that their understanding of Constantine's spell is not accurate enough.

A lucky hand, four mantras.

He could actually make an entire room of dead people sit up!

Could it be that he was going to question the person involved?!

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