Hogwarts: Past Life Exposed, I Am The Supreme Wizard

Chapter 63: The Opponent Is The Cosmic Ultron? Anton Still Kills

In the corridors of Hogwarts, Cassandra was electrocuted.

Although she has some vague expectations in her heart, she hopes that she will be an excellent character.

At least he's not a bad guy, after all, dark wizards have become a Slytherin stereotype.

But she had no idea that Captain Carter, holding the Yingguo shield, was actually herself.

This is great.

Cassandra felt secretly happy.

At least, you are doing the right thing.

Luna looked at Cassandra on her left and Carter Page in the universe on her right.

The same toughness, coldness, and the same royal sister style.

Completely alone.

Sirius and Thor are only similar on the inside, but Carter and Cassandra are quite similar even on the outside.

But compared to Carter's black hair, Cassandra's blond hair is obviously more conspicuous.

But their strong temperaments are the same.

Even Hermione, who was immersed in sadness, expressed her admiration.

"That's great, senpai."

Carter snapped his fingers.

"You're not bad either."

"Anton has changed a lot for you."

Hermione lowered her head and said nothing, while Cassandra said seriously:

"Just kidding, but since we need so many heroes."

"This battle should be quite difficult."

On the screen, the observer stood outside the tavern and introduced it to everyone.

"Everyone, I have called you here because you all have extraordinary talents and strength."

"You are the guardians of the multiverse, you are the world's last hope."

"Only you can deal with that existence."

At the mention of that existence, the wizards shivered, and they knew what the observer was talking about.

It was the mechanical monster that Strange fought with in the first place.

The monster looks like a machine, but it can skillfully use six extremely powerful gems.

More powerful than Thanos, the user of the gem!

What kind of monster can use this kind of energy? And what kind of person created that monster.

The wizards were full of doubts, but they could only follow and look at the screen.

Among the heroes, Gamora raised her hand to ask a question.

"Excuse me, Mr. Observer."

"What exactly is that monster?"

"Why it can threaten multiple universes."

The observer said in a mechanical tone:

"It's called Ultron, and it's a highly intelligent life form developed by someone."

"But he has seized the power of the Infinity Stones."

"And he has developed hatred for all organic life forms. The power of the infinite stones gives him the ability to attack all universes."

"Your world is in danger."

Machine life? Attacking all universes at the same time? The combination of these two terrifying words really scared the wizards.

That crazy Thanos just wants to destroy half of the universe.

Already a lunatic among lunatics.

Unexpectedly, there is a crazier and more terrifying mechanical life, threatening to destroy all life!

This is a monster among monsters!

For a moment, the chat group was filled with shock.

[ Harry: Another madman! What happened to Anton? Why are there always dangerous things in their world! 】

[Ronald: Compared with them, the mysterious man is simply too ordinary. 】

[Voldemort: Weasley brat, you are right, even if I want to kill, I will not let the blood of a pure-blood wizard be shed in vain! 】

[Voldemort: This crazy life form called Ultron is completely the creation of the God of Death. I can't imagine any normal person could do this. 】

[Sirius: Madman, what kind of madman would create such a thing! He even put six gems on it! 】

[Dumbledore: The universe does not lack crazy careerists, it just lacks ability. 】

[Dumbledore: Obviously, there are many people with this weird ability in Anton's universe. 】

[ Harry: Come on Sirius, come on Anton, we must defeat that guy. 】

[Hermione: Senior sister, you have to work hard too. 】

[Cassandra: I'll do my best. 】

See information about monsters mentioned by observers.

Sol smiled disdainfully:

"Sorry, Loki, your prank is interesting, but it's still boring."

"If there really is a god who possesses infinite gems and can rule the universe, then I will believe it.

"Robot? Totally kidding."

"What robot could have the power of an Infinity Stone?"

With that said, he started to walk towards the gate, taking off his hat to Strange before leaving.

"By the way, thank you for the beer, it tastes delicious."

Strange whispered to dissuade.

"I advise you not to go out."

"Outside is the torrent of time. Even gods will be easily crushed and washed away."

Thor laughed.

"Okay, Master, I think you are better than my brother.

"If it was really that scary, my brother would definitely say it.

"Go! Thor! There's nothing outside."

Strange held his forehead.

Sure enough, no matter what universe we are in, there are always people who don't listen to advice.

Thor Shishiran opened the door.

In the next second, the torrent of the multiverse will rush toward him, almost completely dragging the God of Thunder into the gap of time.

The power of the torrent was so great that it could crush his whole body into pieces.

It's so big that even gods find it terrifying.

Even he, a battle-experienced Asgardian general, was completely unable to withstand this surging force.

Thor's eyes widened, unable to imagine what was happening in front of him.

He immediately closed the door and his forehead was covered with sweat.

"This, this, what is this?!"

Strange said calmly:

"The torrent of time is composed of entropy in the universe.

Thor approached cautiously.

"Sorry, wizard, thank you very much for your advice just now.

Before Sol finished speaking, the chat group burst into laughter.

[Ronald: I still like your unruly look just now. 】

[ Harry: Sorry, Uncle Sirius, but you are so funny. 】

【Sirius: Harry!】

[McGonagall: He is at least willing to listen to other people's advice and correct it. 】

[ McGonagall: Pretty good. 】

Seeing that Sol came back obediently, the observer continued to talk.

"There is nothing I can do against Ultron.

"Its intelligence is enough to simulate any special situation, and the infinite stones allow him to do everything."

"In his eyes, the birth and death of the universe is just a matter of breath."

Although the observer's words were quite exaggerated, each of the guardians had seen the world.

I know what he said is absolutely correct.

The power of the Infinity Stones coupled with Ultron's unique wisdom.

Creation and destruction were literally within his reach.

For a time, Chuang's power made the guardians fall silent.

Only Strange was still looking at the observer.

He asked a question.

"With this power, Ultron can hide anywhere in the multiverse."

"Isn't it?"

The observer nodded.

Everyone sighed, knowing that if this was the case, it would be even more difficult for them to deal with Ultron.

The multiverse can be said to be infinite.

Just searching and locating will consume countless hours.

The observer added again.

“And it likes to mass-produce itself, and it has a lot of thugs and replicators.

Star-Lord and Black Panther immediately covered their faces.

"Ah, this is really a suicide mission."

Strange said calmly.

"If you find it difficult, I will do it myself."

Thor suddenly interrupted:

"Wait a minute, which one of you has a Dragon Kingdom restaurant that can deliver goods across the stars?

"I'm a little hungry."

Strange shook his head and said to the observer:

"This is the person you chose?"

The observer sighed helplessly.

In the live broadcast room, the wizards also sighed.

When they fought Thanos before, the Avengers were united.

Apart from anything else, we have achieved the ultimate in unity.

Looking at Strange's team right now, Star-Lord Black Panther, another Gamora, and Party Thor look like Iron Man's Black Panther brother.

Except Strange and Captain Carter are somewhat reliable.

Everyone else is simply a big unknown.

And it was this Thor that made the wizards even more helpless.

[ Harry: Well, Uncle Sirius, it would be great if you could control that Thor. 】

[Ronald: I think so too. 】

[Sirius: Relax, kids, I seemed to have good strength in my previous life, but I just had some personality problems. 】

[ Harry: But the opponent is the Ultron robot with six gems. That monster is so scary. 】

[Ronald: Moreover, it also hides in the gaps of the multiverse, and there is this most advanced intelligence. 】

[Newt: Huh, it feels a bit like our plan to deal with the Dark Lord Grindelwald. 】

[Newt: That means there is no plan. 】

The picture flies again.

In the blink of an eye, everyone was served a steaming bowl of Longguo noodles.

Party Sol obviously eats Dragon Country rice often and uses chopsticks very well.

But others didn't use it very well. Carter picked up the chopsticks like a spear, Leopard could barely eat the noodles, and Star-Lord Black Panther, who was an alien and a foreigner, simply picked up a fork.

The biggest contrast is Strange, who is not only skillful in technique, but also directly controlled by magic. While talking, the chopsticks are automatically brought to his mouth.

Several people talked about the problem of looking for Ultron.

Thor patted his chest.

"I'm not satisfied with what you said. I'm very confident in finding things and attracting attention."

As he spoke, he threw Mjolnir into the sky, and Mjolnir made a very beautiful hammer flower in the sky.

Then it fell to the ground.

When it hits the ground, a current is aroused, which rushes straight into the light bulb.

In an instant, the light bulbs in the room were blown to pieces.

Countless fragments spread.

The room was dark.

Strange clapped his hands, and the fragments reassembled the light bulb and returned to the lamp.

Thor shook his head apologetically.

"Uh, sorry."

Then he seemed to change the subject.

"Wow, is this time magic? Mage."

Strange turned away and concentrated on eating his own noodles.

For this living treasure, we have been forgiven by his operations time and time again.

Even Sirius couldn't bear it.


[Sirius: Believe me, no one wants to walk directly into the screen and hit him on the head more than me right now!]

[Sirius: I was clearly a proud warrior in my previous life, but why did I suddenly become like this when I got here? 】

[ Harry: Yes

Maybe this is what they say, different universes have different selves. 】

[ Harry: Maybe in some universe, I might still be a woman. 】


Sol's little episode actually livened up the atmosphere.

Among the guardians, Gamora, who once defeated Thanos and protected Sakaar, raised her hand.

"I have fought Thanos, and I know the Infinity Stones.

As she spoke, she placed a bronze-colored long-column machine on the bar.

His eyes were full of determination.

“This is a planet-powered infinite crusher.

"You can destroy the infinity stones on him."

"As long as you separate the gems on that guy, I can smash it."

Seeing Gamora take out a sharp weapon, the guardians were amazed.

This woman actually fought Thanos single-handedly.

The observer's eyes were filled with pride, and he said to Strange:

"Let's see, the mage is the one I chose."

"Well, not bad."

Captain Carter raised his arms and started mobilizing before the war as usual.

"Our plan is very simple, find the soul stone and then destroy it."

"The destruction of the Soul Stone will attract Ultron."

She tapped her shield.

"When the time comes, we will fight him to the death."

Seeing Captain Carter's leadership demeanor in the picture, Cassandra felt a little heartbroken for a moment.

Look at this natural leadership style and unyielding eyes.


A true Quidditch champion.

When she thought of how outstanding she was in a certain life, Cassandra couldn't help but puff up her chest.

Imitating Captain Carter's appearance on the screen.

At least, don't make yourself too bad.

The scene suddenly changed and came to a dark area in the universe.

This is a gap in the multiverse, and few people here will pay attention.

The guardians came here quietly.

Sol said in a very low voice:

"There is no barrier here, how can we protect ourselves?"

Strange snapped his fingers, and countless Seraphim shields covered them inside.

The originally empty open space turned into an indestructible barrier.

This shocked Thor and gave him a thumbs up.


Faced with this strange and powerful Dr. Strange, Carter was quite interested.

In her world, Dr. Strange is a rigid and serious mage.

She asked:

"The magic is powerful and shows no mercy.

"What turned you into this, Doctor?"

Strange paused, and then uttered two extremely simple words.


There was more sympathy in Carter's eyes, and she slowly walked to Strange's side.

"I guess you should know Captain Carter from your universe, right?"

Strange replied briefly:

"The captain of our universe is Steve Rogers."

Carter was really surprised to hear that Captain Badguo was a man.

"Wow, a man holding a shield."

"It's really interesting."

While the two were talking, the Leopard next to him was staring at a helmet.

Gamora whispered to Thor:

"Hey, do you trust that guy?"

Thor's tone was solemn:

"I believe everyone."

Upon hearing this familiar speech, all the wizards shook their heads.

[ Snape: Oh my god! Another Hufflepuff! Sorry, Ms. Pomona, Mr. Newt, I didn’t mean to say anything bad about Hufflepuff. 】

[ Pomona: It’s okay, Professor Severus, seventy points from Slytherin! 】


【Ronald: Great! Thank you Professor Pomona!】

[ Pomona: It’s not a personal grudge, I just suddenly remembered that Draco Malfoy, a student of your college, took the right foot first when he entered the greenhouse. 】

[ Pomona: This is quite disrespectful to our academy. 】



In the picture, the guardians were already preparing to take a rest.

Sol said a little depressed:

"It's a pity that if you don't drink before doing something big, you will be completely powerless."

Strange snapped his fingers, and a huge plate filled with wine glasses appeared out of thin air.

Thor's eyes immediately lit up after seeing it, and he rushed forward.

"Great wizard! You are many times better than my brother!"

Soon, the guardians each had a glass of wine.

Captain Carter raised the wine in his hand, and everyone cheered.

"This cup is dedicated to the guardian of the multiverse."

"To the guardians of the multiverse!"

Everyone raised their glasses to the sky, and when they got excited, Thor directly raised his war hammer.

A loud thunder was released into the sky.

The thunder roared and illuminated the entire universe as bright as day!

Suddenly, amidst the thunder and lightning, a figure appeared from the sky.

"So, this universe is alive."


That person was exactly what they were looking for.

Ultron. .

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