Hogwarts: Past Life Exposed, I Am The Supreme Wizard

Chapter 64: Ultron Appears, A Multiverse-Level Battle!

As Ultron poked his head out, Party Thor scratched his head in embarrassment.

"I told you, I attract other people's attention easily."

Strange held his forehead helplessly.

The original plan was to start the fight with Ultron the next day.

Now we have to fight immediately.

Gamora and Black Panther Star-Lord immediately asked the observer to open the space, and the two went to find the time stone.

Party Sol sighed helplessly.

"Alright alright."

"Blame me.

"What do we do now?"

Strange recited the magic spell and said calmly.

"Just wait and see what happens."

In the chat group, the wizards have only seen fragments of this story.

Now that a fierce battle was suddenly approaching, all the wizards' hearts were tense.

[Ronald: It’s broken, there’s Star-Lord again!]

[Ronald: Mr. Sirius, although it’s bad to say this, but. 】

[Ronald: Don’t be so reckless anymore. 】

[ Snape: Interestingly, his and Thor's personalities are indeed exactly the same. 】

[Sirius: Damn it, I really want this man to live in Azkaban for a few days to change his impulsive personality. 】

[ Harry: Huh, I always feel like this battle is definitely not easy. 】

[ Harry: As soon as we came up, the plan was broken. 】

[Ronald: No, that big robot is really coming. 】

In the screen, the sky in the distance shattered, and a hole was torn out in the dimension. This is Ultron's usual skill.

In his hands, any dimension is as fragile as white paper.

As long as he thinks slightly, time and space will be torn apart.

In the hands of Ultron, who has six gems, it is just a warm-up.

But in the eyes of the multiverse guards, this super-standard move far exceeded their tone.

While cheering himself up, Sol turned around and said:

"Mage, give me the order. Should we go together or something?"

Strange frowned, raised his hand and said "Zero Eight Three", countless golden characters surrounded everyone.

The characters are condensed into armor, sometimes guarding several people.

"Whoa! Whoa! What is this?"

The guards looked at the shields on their bodies and said with interest:

"This is a protective spell to prevent you from dying too quickly."

Thor raised his hammer excitedly.

Looking at the sky in the distance, Ultron broke the gap between dimensions and slowly descended with the spear in his hand.

"Cool! Then let me play the first game."

Carter hurriedly said:

"Wait, Thor, did you forget the plan?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Thor bent one knee, aimed at Ultron, and made a charging motion.

“Long live Las Vegas!!”

Raising his hand, the war hammer stirred up infinite divine power, and a thunder dragon rose into the air from the hammer, aiming for the Ultron.

Facing this unparalleled energy, Ultron didn't make any move. He just stood, put one hand in front of him, and quietly waited for the arrival of thunder and lightning.

He raised his arm as usual, letting the force hit his hand.

With thunder and lightning in hand, Thor's domineering lightning seemed to have malfunctioned and had no effect at all.

In just one second, it died down and disappeared in the hands of Ultron.

At this time, Ultron didn't even have any use for gems.

In the live broadcast room, the wizard's heart trembled.

If we talk about the previous Dormammu and the previous Thanos, they can be regarded as ferocious monsters that can destroy planets and destroy the world.

This robot named Ultron can only be said to be the most ruthless killing machine.

His power, as well as its silence in response to attacks, made people feel chilly in their hearts.

The wizards were all sweating for Anton when they thought of Anton having to deal with such a thing.

[Flitwick: Be good! Merlin’s boxers! What kind of monster are this robot and the Muggle who created him? 】

[Flitwick: That is thunder mixed with the power of the God of Thunder!]

[Flitwick: No one can withstand such a thunder! 】

[ Flitwick: This thing is even more exaggerated than Thanos. 】

[Snape: More crazy than Thanos, and even more exaggerated than Thanos. It’s really hard to imagine that Anton’s world is full of such lunatics. 】

[Newt: In comparison, our world is much safer. 】

[Newt: At least, no one is thinking about destroying the world all day long. 】

[Ronald: This thing is so oppressive. 】

[ McGonagall: Right now we can only pray for Anton, he is our last hope. 】

[ McGonagall: But this guy is stronger than any monster I have seen before. 】

[Dumbledore: Believe in Anton, his potential is the best wizard I have ever seen. 】

[Dumbledore: And even at this time, he still remains calm. 】

The wizards looked at the screen.

The relaxed smile was no longer on Thor's face, and Captain Kashi subconsciously protected himself with a shield.

Even the Leopard is in a defensive posture.

Only Strange still looked calm, mature, and confident.

It was like he had foreseen tens of millions of futures before the war even started in the previous Infinite War.

The wizards' mood slowed down slightly, and they silently cheered for Anton in their hearts.

And Ultron, who was high in the sky, had no intention of being idle. He didn't even look at it, but the gems on his chest flashed one after another.

The next second, the barren mountain where several people lived began to collapse.

Boom! Ultron activated the Infinity Stones silently, and the burst of power took only a microsecond.

The Multiverse Guardians on the ground had no time to take any action.

The barren mountain where they were was immediately blasted into a pile of rubble by the power of the gem.

And all the guards were buried under the barren mountains, with no trace at all.

Such silent and cold murderous intent made all the wizards in the live broadcast room feel ashamed.

The way this robot named Ultron uses gems can only be described as terrifying!


All just for the sake of killing.

[Ronald: Killing machine! Who built such a thing?!]

[Ronald: It’s so scary, I’m shaking all over in the public room right now!]

[Ronald: I have nightmares at night, which are scarier than ten thousand spiders!]

[ Harry: I wonder what happened to Anton and the escorts. Wait, they’re not just gone, are they? 】

[Hermione: No! Don’t be like this, Anton, Senior Cassandra, don’t let anything happen to you. 】

[Cassandra: I would rather fight the mysterious man for ten thousand death spells than stand in front of that robot. 】

[Sirius: Damn it, I didn’t help at all. 】

[Sirius: This is not my style at all. 】

The wizards stood nervously in front of the screen, waiting for a few people to break out from under the barren mountain.

But the screen was frozen for a long time, as if time had been suspended.

After such a long time, there was no movement from under the barren mountain.

Silence, long silence.

In the live broadcast room, the screen made sounds.

[What is the fate of the Multiverse Guardians? This question is multiple choice]

[A. Alive, B. Dead, C. Being beaten to another parallel universe, D. Traveling through time and space. 】

Thanks to the popular science on the screen, people are now quite familiar with the concepts of the multiverse and time travel.

But even so, they still looked at the four answers on the screen for a long time.

In Azkaban Prison, Sirius covered his head in frustration.

In his life, the last time he regretted and suffered from something was when he learned about James' death.

And now, because of his recklessness, he has attracted Ultron.

It directly ruined the life of a team.

Among them was his benefactor Anton.

At this time, his heart was in great torment.

"Damn it! Damn it!"

He growled at his own shadow on the wall.

"Blake! Why do you always do the wrong thing!"

He raised his wand and tried to kill himself.

Ding dong, a private chat interrupted his thoughts.

This private message comes from the most notorious dark wizard in history, now his cellmate Gellert Grindelwald.

[Grindelwald: Hey, do you want the answer? 】

Black lowered his wand and typed on the screen.

[Sirius: I don’t know, my mind is very messed up, why am I always so impulsive. 】

[Sirius: James, Lily, Anton, and the little girl named Cassandra. 】

[Sirius: They are all because of my fault. 】

[Grindelwald: Wait, you thought Anton was dead? 】

[Sirius: Isn’t it true? That mountain weighs tens of millions of tons. Even if Merlin was pressed down by such a thing, he wouldn’t be able to utter a single spell. 】

[Grindelwald: Hahahaha, Sirius, you really underestimate Anton. 】

Although his tone was quite urgent, Grindelwald's words gave him a glimmer of hope.

Could it be that the boy named Anton is really strong enough to block such an attack?

He recalled Anton's previous battle, and those forbidden spells and their spells were not magic from the same world at all!

The powerful one is even more astonishing.

A glimmer of hope ignited in Sirius's heart.

Maybe Anton really escaped from under the barren mountain, he was just waiting for an opportunity.

Thinking about it this way, Sirius felt a little comfort in his heart.

Grindelwald said categorically:

[Grindelwald: Don’t think about it, that wizard has magic that we can’t even imagine. They might be executing tactics below. 】

[Grindelwald: And, have you noticed? He had already put the Iron Armor Curse on your body long before you did anything stupid in your previous life! 】

Sirius's eyes lit up. Indeed, although the spell looked like the Iron Armor Curse, it was a million times stronger than the Iron Armor Curse.

He typed out a line of text without hesitation.

[Sirius: Thanks, Gellert, for a prisoner, you are really good. 】

[Sirius: When I get out of prison, I will ask Kreacher to give you something. 】

[Grindelwald: Remember to send some Chinese food and wine, as well as Chinese food. The Chinese food is terrible. 】

However, Sirius had no time to answer, he simply chose his option on the screen.

A. Alive.


In the Gryffindor teacher discussion forum, all the professors looked shocked.

Obviously he was shocked by Ultron's incredible performance just now...

There is no doubt that this robot named Ultron uses gems to a completely monster level.

Compared with Thanos's flashy skills, the abilities of this robot seem to be specially designed for killing.

There is no sign, no foreshadowing, it is a killing move as soon as it is struck.

Professor McGonagall felt a little calmer, and she said to a few people:

"Impossible, we have seen Anton countless times

's resurrection from the dead. "

"This is nothing to him."

Although he said this, Professor McGonagall's eyes kept looking at the screen.

It's obviously a matter of concern.

There was also very little response from the professors.

Without him, it is obviously because the monster named Ultron on the screen is too scary, with no joy, sorrow, or emotion at all.

Completely a new cold species.

After a long silence, Snape raised his face and said to several people:

"I support Professor McGonagall's view.

"She's a great wizard, and she's never looked back."

McGonagall glanced at Snape in surprise, as if seeing Professor Snape for the first time.

And then, Flitwick raised his wand.

"Me too, Anton is undoubtedly the most outstanding magic duelist I have ever seen."

"If he wasn't as young as the savior, he should be on the Chocolate Frog card!"

"What's that mechanical monster?"

Dumbledore, who had always kept a straight face, finally spoke, clasping his hands and a wise light flashing in his eyes.

"But the monster possesses six powerful gems, and even his body can withstand the heavy blows of gods.

After saying this, several professors looked a little embarrassed.

McGonagall looked at Dumbledore in surprise.

"Headmaster Dumbledore?"

Dumbledore continued:

"But so what? He is still an empty machine, without love, without soul, without feeling.

"He is destined to be defeated by Anton."

After Dumbledore finished speaking, the audience burst into thunderous cheers.

The professors each selected an answer.

A. Alive.

In the corridor, Hermione pressed the button that meant she was alive without hesitation, and Cassandra next to her gave her an approving look.

"Well done Hermione, I knew you would believe me."

Hermione's expression turned red, obviously embarrassed.

"Uh, yes, senior sister, I chose this option because I believe in you.

Cassandra laughed and patted Hermione on the back.

"Okay, okay, senior, I'm just kidding."

"I know you because of Anton."

Luna clenched her pink fists.

"If I were here, I would blow up that bad machine!"

Cassandra glanced at Luna in surprise.

I didn't expect this school girl to have such a violent side.

But think about it carefully.

Not really a surprise.

The three of them looked at the screen quietly, waiting for the results to appear.

In the castle, Voldemort chose death without hesitation.

And smiled sarcastically.

According to his research on all spells.

No life "can survive such an attack.

The 5.7 weighs on me a whole mountain, and there is no air at the foot of the mountain.

There is no magic spell or power that can change this place.

At this time, Bella asked worriedly:

"Master, aren't you afraid that the little wizard named Anton will be resurrected again and miss another opportunity?"

Voldemort smiled cruelly:

"If the spell can be withdrawn, then Anton can naturally be resurrected."

"Otherwise, in that kind of place, any life can only become a meat pie."

As he spoke, he leaned on his throne and waited proudly for the verdict.

In the public room, the Gryffindor townsfolk were a little nervous because they were frightened by Shi Chuang's vicious methods.

But no one left. They were like brothers, standing in a row behind Anton.

The arms are placed one in front of the other, as if they are passing on magic.

Ronald and Harry were at the front, chanting slogans together.

"Anton! Come on! Anton! You will win!"

"Down with the killing machine! Anton! Win!"

This is the special slogan of the Gryffindor team during Quidditch, and it is not inconsistent to use it on Anton at this time.

Face these passionate Gryffindor wizards.

Anton responded with a cool answer.

He didn't use the magic spell, but patted the cloak, and the cloak chose the correct answer on the screen.

A. Alive.

The answer was chosen, and Gryffindor burst into a round of applause that could knock off the roof.

"Anton! We must win! Anton! We must win!"

Since you can escape from under those tens of millions of tons of rocks.

Anton can obviously defeat that cold-blooded machine.

Thinking of this, Xiao Er looked at the screen.

Waiting for Anton to break out of the ground.

On the screen, Ultron let out a bored yawn.

Intending to hunt down beings in other dimensions.

At this moment, a huge noise suddenly came from behind. .

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