Hollywood King

Chapter 300 | Young Night~

A/N; cheers to 300 chapters! Happy reading, everyone!


The morning ended well with both Ian and Raelynn getting their satisfied ending. Although both of them got late to work, their morning couldn’t be any better—or could it?

Ian walked inside his office. He knew that he would look properly dressed for the evening considering that he was the host, and many top-tier celebrities would attend the event expecting the host to look good, and the event to be better.

As soon as he walked in, several pairs of eyes fell down on him.

“Wah! Look at him!”

“He really looks great!”

“I couldn’t believe it was really Ian! Why does he look great today?!”


Eyes and people turned to look at Ian, who simply waved at them and walked to his floor. He was truly having his celebrity moment, that too, inside his office.

As soon as he walked in, he was greeted by Niko, who was in his usual clothes.

“Ian, good morning… Wow. Look at you!” he said and clutched his heart being dramatic.

It seemed to be what he does when he is being dramatic, yet it suited him considering how childish he could be at times.

“Yes, and look at you. Don’t tell me you’re skipping the party. I’d fire you immediately,” Ian said as a joke—which didn’t sound like a joke.

“Don’t worry, Ian. I get a good sum for my income, so I wouldn’t dare to. After three hours of work, Keith is coming to pick me up…”

Ian nodded and paused before replying.

“Keith and you’re… pretty serious huh?” he asked.

Niko shrugged.

“Honestly, I don’t know. Things have been getting complicated recently. He’s been so busy, but we’ll see. I hope I don’t-”

“You won’t. Anyways, how do I look? Decent enough to make the women fall for me?” Ian asked and winked.

Ian's suit was impeccably tailored, hugging his frame in all the right places. The fabric was a deep shade of navy blue, almost black, with a subtle sheen that caught the light just so. The jacket had a slim, modern cut, with narrow lapels and a single button fastening. The sleeves were perfectly hemmed to show just a hint of crisp white shirt cuff underneath. The trousers were slim-fitting, without being too tight, and tapered elegantly down to his shiny black leather shoes. The whole effect was sleek and sophisticated, making Ian look every inch the confident and stylish host.

Simple, he looked flawless.

“Hell yeah! All those old ass directors would be fuming, because the attention will be on you!” Niko said and dusted off Ian’s shoulder.

“As they should. I’ll leave in four hours, and will meet you there.”

Niko and Ian both walked away, the opposite directions after agreeing that they would meet at the party.

Ian walked off and started to do the paperwork of the studio as he had been doing for the past couple of months. As Mason left, the entire paperwork of the studio and the distributing sector fell on to him. He took the responsibility with open hands as he knew that it was one of the most important things in the studio, and without proper management of the monitory, things could go utterly wrong.

And the latter was something he didn’t want for some more time knowing he had a lot more things to do.


The evening arrived quicker than anyone had expected.

Ian took the limousine and Raelynn as her date without any question and arrived at the event where everything was extremely happening.

His mansion was decorated with elegance and grandeur, adorned with crystal chandeliers and opulent floral arrangements. The walls were adorned with modern art, with strategically placed spotlights emphasising their beauty. As guests began to arrive, the atmosphere was filled with the buzz of excitement and the sound of champagne corks popping.

A world-renowned DJ was situated in the grand ballroom, spinning the latest hits as guests mingled and danced. The music was a mix of upbeat pop and electronic dance tunes, keeping the partygoers on their feet all night long.

The celebrities in attendance were some of the biggest names in entertainment, from Hollywood A-listers to international superstars. Some arrived in limousines, while others made grand entrances in sports cars.

Fashion was in full swing at the event, with each guest vying to outdo the others with their unique and stylish outfits. Women dazzled in sparkling gowns and glamorous jewellery, while men sported designer suits with custom-made accessories.

Ian, as the host of the event, looked extremely handsome appearing among the crowd. His hair was slicked back, and he wore a watch that sparkled in the light. He mingled effortlessly with the guests, making sure that everyone was having a good time and that all the details of the party were running smoothly.

The mansion's pool area was also a major attraction, with a bar serving exotic cocktails and a buffet of gourmet food. The guests lounged on sunbeds, sipping on drinks and enjoying the beautiful weather.

“Remind me why we are having this party again,” Niko asked Keith who shrugged.

“Just as a formality every year this would happen. Ian is a new director in the industry who got extremely famous really quickly. So it’s good to host such a party where everyone will be gathered together. Just enjoy the drinks,” Rae said, saying the latter part and rolling her eyes in the process.

“Lots of parties in such a short time.”

Ian rolled his eyes this time. “Quiet nagging and trying mingling. And don’t worry, I’m ready to soon disappear from all these parties for some time, so it’s better to enjoy while we can.”

He said as a joke, but the looks on everyone’s faces made it feel like the opposite. “Gosh, I’m just joking, guys! Calm down!” he said and walked away.

“Hello, Ian… It’s been so long since we last talked,” The voice made Ian feel like he wanted to run away from the spot, but he chose the opposite.

It was Jeff.

“Good to see you too, Mr. Sanson. How have you been? Let’s go have a drink,” Ian said knowing that this conversation definitely needed a drink.

“Two glasses of champagne please.”

The bartender nodded at Ian’s order.

“Ian, is it true that you’re partnering with Mr Joseph for your next project?” Jeff asked Ian with much curiosity in his eyes.

“Ah, yes. I’m. Where did you hear it?”

Jeff chuckled.

“I’ve my ways. But, from an old friend to another, be careful with Joseph. He might not be who he shows…”

“That's time to tell, isn’t it? And honestly, I don’t mind who he is, and what kind of a person he is, until he follows our contract.”

Jeff’s eyebrows raised at his statement.


“Yeah. I decided to collaborate with him for a whole different reason.”

Jeff chuckled and took a sip from his drink. “Well, I hope things go alright for you. You’re new, and you don’t know much around… Who knows what’s gonna happen?”

“Yeah, gotta be careful.”

Jeff nodded, “Waiting for your next step with Feazel Gaming too, Ian. I’ll see you around,”

He said and walked away. Ian immediately knew that the guy was up to no good. And the night was still young. For whatever would happen, he was prepared.




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