Hollywood King

Chapter 301 | Announcement

After walking away from Jeff, he knew that he had a lot of things to think through, but he also knew that it wasn’t the right time or place to do it.

So he decided to mingle with other celebrities around him.

“Hi, good to see you here,” Ian asked the guy who had turned his back to him.

He immediately looked back with a giant smile. It was Christopher.

“After becoming the senator, it looked like the duties made you a busy man, huh?” Ian asked with a sly smile.

Christopher chuckled.

“Ian… Man of the night. How did you manage to pull such a great party in such a little time?” He asked back.

Ian shrugged. “How have you been? I kept inviting them to have a coffee but my requests kept getting denied over and over. What was that about?” He asked.

And it was true.

“I was busy. I was so busy that my secretary denied every request. Even requests of my own family. Your anger is no higher than my mother’s at the moment. It was tiring, yet it was peaceful,” Christopher said and took a sip of his drink.

Ian had his own drink in his hand. He took a sip as well.

“I can understand. You’re finally doing some good to the people, unlike other politicians, who say things they don’t mean, and when they are in power, they would do anything to keep their houses full, and banks filled.”

Christopher shrugged at his remark. Because it was true. The politics of the country was polluted in every possible way. But people like Christopher made it easy for the general public to believe in hope.

“Yeah, well. I’m trying my best, Ian. But the funny thing is-” Christopher said and extended his empty cup to the bartender, so he’d fill it and continue to say what he was about to. “The funny part is that, even with everything that was going on, I got time to watch Inception. How crazy is that?”

Ian shook his head, and almost spilled his champagne.

“You’re joking.”

“No, I’m not.”

“You have got to be joking! Are you serious?” Ian asked again.

“Yes, I am. Very serious in fact. The movie… Man, I found myself literally on the edge of my seat. That was how good it was.”

“Shut up. I can’t believe a busy man like you would have the time to watch Inception.”

Christopher laughed at his words.

“Trust me, I won't forget my roots. And watching Inception was something I needed. I needed something to forget reality and confuse me a little. Because things were going very clean, it started to hurt me.”

Ian shook his head completely understanding what he meant. He looked around while Christopher started to say how his week has been. His eyes stopped at Raelynn who was talking with Natalie and Angelina.

“Well, shit…” Ian muttered to himself. Christopher looked at Ian confusedly.

“What happened? I didn’t know talking about the economy made you look like… that.”

Ian suddenly became aware of where he was. It was weird how he forgot everything when he saw two other women who he found attractive with the woman he loved.

“That’s not it. Will you excuse me for a minute?” Ian asked, his eyes still locked on the three women.

Christopher followed his eyes and saw three beautiful women talking to each other. Among them, he recognized Raelynn. Because she got popular associating with Ian’s name and Chris kept an eye on news of Ian.

However, he understood the situation perfectly.

“Yes, sure. Come around!”

Christopher called while Ian walked away. Ian lifted his glass to show that he heard him.

Ian walked past different people and reached the little girl group.

“Good to see everyone here,” Ian said as soon as he stood next to Raelynn.

Although Ian wanted to talk to all three, he didn’t want to disrespect Rae of any sort. Which was why he stood closer to her.

“Oh wow, look at him. You look great tonight!” Natalie said and shook his hand.

“Yes, you do look great. Wow, I can’t believe I’m actually here. Would you guys mind if I take a picture with all of us?” she asked and looked around. “My guess was at least five more years, but my manager believed I could do it in three.”

Ian shook his head. “Not at all, take the picture.”

The three women and Ian smiled at the phone camera. The picture was taken as soon as she lifted her hand.

“Ah, that was a great one, thanks.”

“No problem. Were you guys in a deep discussion before I ruined the girl talk?” Ian asked as a joke and took a sip from his drink.

“Ah! Angelina was just talking about how he met you. I couldn’t recognize her at first, but then, it made sense. Anyways, Niko is there and he needs rescue from that director… Director Plain, uh, I’ll be right back,” Rae said and walked away.

“So, Angelina, I was about to talk to you about something…” Ian said and smiled looking at Natalie who walked off with Raelynn without a word.

“She just went-” Angelina said and brought her focus back to Ian. “What was it?”

“I’ve a role in mind for you. And trust me when I say, you wouldn’t need to even think twice about it.”

Angelina frowned at what she was hearing.

“What do you mean? I’d have to audition right? I mean, you’re not just taking me in…”

Ian chuckled. “Of course, you’d have to audition. I don’t offer roles based on good looks, or how well I know them. I need to see if they have what it takes.”

Angelina smiled back. The room became dimmer as she started to talk again. “I was wondering about my luck for quite some time. I mean, the first day I walked into the studio, I got to meet you—Ian Renner! The young director who everyone talks about. And then… Uh, I got invited to this party where everyone is… very well-known. And then a role-”

Ian listened to her carefully and almost laughed at how Angelina started rethinking her own luck.

“Things happen in the industry. Oh, excuse me, it’s almost time for the main announcement.”

Angelina nodded her head immediately. “Of course, go ahead…” she said and took a step back.

Ian couldn’t help but give a brief hug to her. “See you around,” he said and walked off to the little stage.

Thus, he knew that his announcement would make almost everyone’s jaw drop in surprise.

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