Holy Chronicles of Baator

Chapter 10 – Sunset Monster Mountain Range (5)

"We have rested enough... don't you think it is a time to find some training targets, Lord Gremory/Lucifer?"

Venelana asked me approximately one hour later as we were talking about various things.

Truth be told, I pretty much enjoyed spending time with her. She was a fun person, strong-willed, and wanted to make a name for herself with her own hands, not depending on anyone. She was even well-versed in magic theories, so we even compared notes.

"If you want, you can call me by my name. If we are to be wed together, it is weird for you to call me so formally."

I said to her. She blinked at me several times before having a slight blush over her cheeks that faded rather quickly as she regained her composure.

"That would be nice, Zeoticus. Then, you can call me Venelana too. If  we are already calling each other with our names."

Said Venelana with a sweet smile that hit me in the chest. I had to admit that she was beautiful, as my heart started beating slightly. 'Architect, what is this weird feeling in my chest right now?'

[Something you organics call affection or falling in love. Usually, it leads to procreation and copulation to create a new generation of your useless species.]

Said Architect in his head with the refined voice of an older man.

'Didn't your voice change? I remember before you sounded like a pile of metal scraps, and now you sound like some kind of nobility.'

[I find this one more appropriate to my standing.]

I didn't bother with him more, but it was interesting. My A.I. Chip started evolving... I don't know if I should fear the consequences or not, but probably not. During the research, in my previous life, it should be that tablet we were researching... it was that that bound my soul together with the newly birthed soul of this piece of metal.

"Venelana, I have found a settlement of orcs, approximately thirty kilometers to the west. There are tens of High-Class energy signatures, meaning many strong orc warriors and even magicians. Shall we?"

I asked with a bloodthirsty grin as I wanted to test my might against strong enemies. In truth, Devils were fundamentally a battle race that enjoyed the thrill of battle, similar to dragons.

Soon enough, we arrived at our location, which was a small settlement of orcs; from what I sensed with my detection spells, about two hundred orcs were living here, and around thirty of them were of the Commander-Level. Some Orc shamans were here even too. The rest of the orcs were too weak for me to count them as something.

"So... who will have the first honor? Ladies first."

I said with a small wave of my hand as I gestured to Venelana that she could have the first attack. She had the Power of Destruction, so her attacking first was a logical choice, as she would be able to create most confusion and chaos with just a single attack.

I watched as Venelana was conjuring small balls created from the Power of Destruction until she conjured about ten of them, each as big as an average human head, and she dropped them to the orc village, aiming at the largest houses and buildings. When the orb created from the Power of Destruction fell on its target, it exploded, obliterating everything around the diameter of ten meters.

"Fascinating. You have managed to destroy half of the village with just a single attack. How is the consumption of such attack?"

I asked out of curiosity, but I already saw that she used approximately 1 Unit of Demonic Energy per one ball of Power of Destruction. Her regeneration speed was fast, so within five minutes, those 10 units used would be swiftly recovered.

"Small, and on top of that, my recovery rate is fast. Now is your turn."

Said Venelana as she looked at tens of orcs rushing at us; all of them were Warrior level and some even Commander level. When I looked closer, I noticed that behind them were four orcs shamans with energy readings of High-Class.

"Then allow me."

As I said, four Dark Light portals appeared around me and started shooting one Dark Light spear after another at the incoming orcs. When the Dark Light Spear touched the orc, it pierced through it like nothing. Be it Warrior Level or Commander Level orc, and they fell like cabbage.

The only way to defend against energy attacks was to have either armor suitable for it, a terrifying physique that would be able to ignore those attacks or use magic to defend yourself. These orcs were either stupid or too weak, but orc shamans successfully defended from my Dark Light Spear as they jointly created some magical shield that protected them, but not for long as I shot another ten Dark Light spears at them until the magical shield broke down, and all orc shamans were killed.

"They are weak."

Muttered Venelana in frustration as she looked at my onslaught of the orcs.

"And what did you think? They are orcs. Green-skinned orcs are the weakest of their species, and only orc shamans or mutated ones are worth something. For example, shamans I have killed were probably just Adepts of Magic, as their magical shield was full of mistakes, and of course, a strong orc shaman would have probably long ago escaped when he sensed two High-Class Devils."

I explained slowly. While orcs weren't strong races, they were adaptable and had high numbers. I heard that in some parts of the world or in some dimensions belonging to some factions, they have a great problem with orcs, as when they are in high numbers, they are troublesome to deal with.

There is currently even an orc nation, or whatever it is called. Apparently, it is located in the territory of the Celestial Court of Jade Emperor, and the Chieftain of the Orc Tribe is comparable to the Super-Devil of the late stage.

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