Holy Chronicles of Baator

Chapter 11 – Sunset Monster Mountain Range (6)

"Do you think there may be something valuable?"

Asked me Venelana as she looked around the ruins of the orc village.

"You really think that orc village would have something valuable? Even if it was true, it was probably already destroyed by your Power of Destruction."

I said as I looked around the destroyed orc village. Power of Destruction was truly fearsome.

"Do you want to go deeper into the forest, or shall we return already back?"

Asked Venelana as she was playing with a ball created from the Power of Destruction between her hands.

"Descending deeper is a foolish thing to do, as inner parts of this mountain range is swarming with a strong monster with similar power to the Ultimate-Class, even though both of us probably could take on one weaker General Level Monster that has the power of Ultimate-Class, as they don't generally know how to use Magical Power, if we are unlucky we could encounter some strong and old monster, and that would be our doom. It would be best to stay in the outer part of this place, as it is relatively safe... probably."

I explained as I was not that interested in exploring deeper parts of the Sunset Monster Mountain Range, it would only spell my death.

"That sounds logical. We are already near the inner parts."

Agreed with him, Venelana, while I was a bit scared when I realized that the orc village was located practically next to the inner parts of the Sunset Monster Mountain Range. Just as we were preparing to leave, I felt something weird.

'Architect, did the detection spell find something?'

I asked my A.I. Chip. From the moment he got consciousness from part of my soul, Architect could cast some simple spell by himself or maintain spells that I cast, using my Demonic Energy.

[There is movement, one kilometer from your position. Energy signature unclear; the target is heading here.]

Answered Architect calmly.

"Venelana, we have a slight problem. Something is heading our way here."

I said grimly, as I had a pretty bad feeling about this for a simple reason. We were near the inner parts of the Sunset Monster Mountain Range, and several minutes ago, we were throwing a huge amount of demonic energy around.

As I said that, both of us got into a battle stance as we waited for the arrival. I saw that the target was approaching at an enormous speed from the detection spell, so it was useless for us to run, and I felt that the intruder might be a General Level Monster. My only hope was, it was a weak one.

Venelana was generating many balls of Power of Destruction while I was preparing Gravity Magic runes and several Dark Light portals that would shoot out chains created from the Dark Light, to trap the enemy.

Soon enough, the monster arrived. It was a huge ape-like monster, around 13 meters in height, with silver fur and several horns on top of its head. It had bulging muscles and looked pretty intimidating, so physical strength was its forte.

'Architect, scan it.'

I commended in my head.

[Race: Ape-??? not enough information

Level: General Monster


Magical Power: 90

Strength: 139

Agility: 127

Vitality: 100]

'Hmm... Vitality is strong. Hopefully, the Power of Destruction and Dark Light on our level would be enough to overcome the regeneration power of the creature. Problematic is its speed and strength. Probably two or three attacks if hit us, it would be done, if not protected with magic. Still, it seems that this one can't use magical power consciously, so that would be our advantage. Architect, start the calculation.'

[Best course of action would be to trap it and then attack it with a Power of Destruction and Dark Light Spears barrage. Regeneration of this monster is very high, but alas, to regenerate from Power of Destruction and Dark Light instantaneously is impossible, but it will be able to regenerate its wounds very quickly.]

'So trap it.'

I thought as I waved my hand and created several Nordic Runes for Gravity Magic, five appeared around the Ape, and I increased the Gravity around it fifty times, which was enough to slow it down enough, so we could easily dodge its attack.

Next thing, I mimicked Chains of Enkidu and created chains out of the Dark Light, which started wrapping around the General Level Ape, binding it down, as the Ape was struggling very violently.

"Vene, start attacking it with all you got, it has very high Vitality, but with enough firepower, we would be able to cause enough damage to kill it."

I said as I was focusing on binding the Ape. For us, it was not an important thing to kill it; I would be glad just to scare it away; killing it would be just a good bonus.

Venelana did as I instructed and started throwing balls created from the Power of Destruction at the General Level Ape that was struggling in the Dark Light Chains that were binding it under heightened gravitational pressure.

What shocked me was that the Ape had already broken three chains; fortunately, I could replace them rather quickly, as I was focused only on that. The Architect was maintaining the Gravity runes for me, as he was part of my soul.

Really, General Level Monster that has Ultimate-Class physique was terrifying. The Ape, even under the binding of Dark Light Chains that were burning through the skin of the Ape, and gravitational runes, were still able to move faster than we.

Fortunately, Venelana's attacks on the Ape were proving effective, as countless wounds were appearing on its body, and the healing factor of the General Level Ape was doing everything in its might to heal it. Still, it was a good thing for us; we were causing more damage than what it could heal.

'Architect, how are my reserves?'

[Stable regeneration is high, with this tempo, you could fight approximately for twenty minutes before consumption is higher than the regeneration rate.]

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