How could O who installed A find A again?

Chapter 12

Benson seemed to be choking. Although the marshal was not really conclusive, it was also a signal to end the topic. He could do nothing but give Lin Jingye a hard look.

Ren didn't take it seriously, and tilted his head to Lin Jingye: "Hey, do you have any information to tell?"

Lin Jing also calmly took out the light screen, as if he was not affected by any influence at all, and said: "Indeed, this is the information sent by the original No. 927 technical officer not long ago, around our destination star, for collecting Near the Dyson sphere of Stellar Energy, there are signs of star bandit activity."

"The Star Bandit came out again." Benson clicked his tongue, "It's too lively, and you've brought in a fourth party in a while."

Rebecca thought for a while, and asked seriously: "Your people and my investigation team have reached similar conclusions. The Federation is not merciful to the interstellar bandit law, but the rebels don't mind, and they often do business with them. Lan Deng's fleet instigated a group of star bandits to serve as his gunmen, although it is reasonable, but how did you confirm it?"

Lin Jing also nodded to her, and said: "Xingkou never dared to take the initiative to provoke the first-line elite, but when we were transporting in the second line, the most familiar enemy was the Xingkou."

Rebecca couldn't find any flaws and could only nod her head.

There was nothing wrong with her, so no one in the meeting room made a sound, and everyone lowered their heads to look at the light screen in front of them. Benson poked the screen angrily, as if it was Lin Jingye.

"Oh." Ren sighed suddenly, looking at his cup, "The Dyson sphere is the center, surrounded by residential areas with staff, it's not a small area, I hope I can find a supermarket to buy some instant hot chocolate."

There was a slight pause in his voice, and he added: "So, where are the fleas coming from here to ruin my vacation, just catch two and you will know, right?"

Ren stood up, and everyone stood up with him.

"The battleship is advancing at full speed. If you arrive late, you will not be able to catch up with this lively cosmic party. Be careful to avoid residential areas." Ren said, "This is not a broken relay station, this is a Dyson sphere built near a star, which blew me up Where can I buy hot chocolates, then everyone will be done playing."


The people in the conference room dispersed quickly, and Ren suddenly called out to Benson and Rebecca.

"How?" he asked.

Rebecca: "Marshal, Lin Jingye is very suspicious."

Benson also hurriedly said: "Yes. After all, the core pillars of Echo are generations of scientists. Most of the chips they quietly implanted in the human body are made of biological materials. Unless you can see the real thing through anatomy, it is difficult for the Federation's current technology to detect it through in vitro scanning. of."

Rebecca: "What confuses me is that the situation was really critical at that time. If he really had a problem, why did he succeed in saving you? He could have acted out a bitter trick of trying to rescue you but failing."

Benson retorted: "The echoes of Eryland have existed for centuries. From the very beginning, they did not aim to kill people, but to 'liberate' all human beings to the eternal paradise of thinking. So the subordinates thought that they might still fight With the idea of ​​capturing the Marshal's mind."

Ren drank the rest of the drink in the cup and said, "I have a count, you go back to your respective posts."

Rebecca saluted and left. Benson seemed to still have something to say, but Ren had already turned and left.


"Major General Benson." Lin Jing also passed by the door, looking at the last man, "Your post doesn't seem to be on the Jingye."

Benson turned his face from the screen sullenly: "Don't be too complacent."

After speaking, he turned around and ran to the tarmac, ignoring Lin Jingye.

Looking at his back, Lin Jing also said, "I will try my best."


Until the deployment of combat missions was completed, Lin Jing was still suspicious. The reason why Ren said "everyone is over" was not because he accidentally blew up the Dyson ball, but because the marshal couldn't buy chocolate, so he massacred his subordinates to vent his anger .

This is really quite strange. Is there really no special reason for being so obsessed with chocolate?

He didn't have time to think about it, and Ren's layout was similar to the operation. The starships in the fleet were assigned transition locations one by one, which was very precise. Looking at his own alone, he couldn't guess what formation it was, but the person who coordinated it There seems to be a three-dimensional map in their minds. When all the points are connected, their firepower can just cover the entire Dyson sphere.

This is a complex celestial body built on stars. Because there are no habitable planets in the surrounding planetary system, it is not necessary to consider maintaining the normal brightness of the stars when building. With many living areas, it looks like a space city with a unique style.

Yom sighed, "Wow, that's spectacular."

Tval rolled his eyes: "I'm afraid it's overcooked, why do some people like such a terrible city, every day when they look up, there is a huge star that sticks to their face."

Yom has gotten used to Tvar slapping him, and now he has been officially appointed by Rennes as a member of the stormtrooper of the Yasuno, and he has enough confidence, so he dares to confront Tvar: "Old man, you are so conservative in aesthetics, you Should live on Earth."

The marshal was not on the bridge, and had already gone to prepare the mecha, so Tvar frowned and was about to spray it back, but he suddenly turned around and saw the half-smiling captain at the console, and shivered inexplicably.

There is an indescribable sense of crisis.

The captain looked at him, and then asked, "What's the matter, looking at me like that?"

Tval's face was sullen, although his tone was still joking, but the content was quite sincere: "Shi...uh, ahem, sir, I think you are particularly scary today, although you were scary before, but..."

Lin Jing also seemed quite interested, he asked, "Why was I so scary before?"

The captain is terrible, but the military virtues are obedience and honesty, aren't they?Twal replied: "While you don't put a smile on your face every time someone messes with you, that person can get very unlucky very quickly."

Lin Jing also snorted, and the navigator next to him also interjected: "Yeah, for example, Adjutant Tvar was defiant when he first arrived, and felt that he was a majestic Alpha who was underappreciated, and was plotted by the villain, and was reduced to be an adjutant under Beta's hands, tsk tsk .”

Tval's face was dark: "Shut up, who is not yet a fool."

"Hey, it turned out that in the next week, Adjutant Tvar's meals were raw, his nutritional supplements were expired, he lost his way while walking, and was beaten during training. The way you beat him up, Captain, is really scary!"

Terrible to read, super handsome to write.

Lin Jing also looked at Tvar for a while, smiled, and patted him on the shoulder: "It's okay, I don't blame you, although the federal law is one set of laws on the surface, but in fact, there are still many big Alphaists. Well, it doesn’t mean that it can be improved overnight.”

Tvar trembled a bit: "Captain, after you comforted me like this last time, you let me rush into the Star Bandits pile like an idiot."

Captain: "Uh..."

Navigator: "That's right, that's right, and then I was rescued by the captain holding the collar, dragged it all the way like mopping the floor, and wiped the ground with Adjutant Tvar, shiny!" After finishing speaking, he gave a thumbs up.

Tval: "I have deeply realized my own shortcomings, please continue to supervise me!"

The space jump is very short, and it will cause slight confusion during the process. The duration varies depending on the level of mental power of each person. Hundreds of years ago, people believed that only excellent Alphas could be immune to vertigo. Later experiments showed that people with high levels of mental power There are indeed advantages, but they are not decisive.

Generally speaking, A and O have good innate conditions, but it is very difficult to improve their level. However, Beta, who are considered to have no mental strength, as long as they train hard enough, their progress is not capped.

Although this kind of training intensity... is probably so harsh that it is abnormal.

When Teval's eyes regained clarity, he saw that the captain had completed a long series of operating instructions as expected, as if he hadn't experienced the leap at all.

When facing a huge star at close range, people can't help but feel their own insignificance, but when the artificial celestial body can control it, an opposite pride emerges again.

— as long as your starship navigator doesn't mutter, "Hey, how much sunscreen do you have to wear every day you live here?"

At this time, Ren's voice came from the channel: "The starship mecha regiments are preparing to enter the interior to search for possible hidden star pirate ships. The Marine Stormtroopers board the transport ship and prepare to take over the defense of S71's space station."

On the battleship on the other side of the Dyson sphere, Liu Jun sighed: "The marshal seems to be in a good mood today, and I actually understood his orders. Tsk, is it because the chocolate stock is about to be replenished?"

The deputy army commander beside him, Esuna, didn't speak, a strange flash of thought flashed in her heart, but she couldn't grasp the fleeting thought.

"what happened to you?"

Esuna regained her senses and shook her head: "It's okay, you continue to coordinate the dispatching of various units."

The mecha regiments filed in from the ejection port of the starship. There were not many of them, but against the background of the huge celestial body, they seemed to melt into the ocean like a trickle. The Marine Stormtrooper followed closely behind. In addition to being on standby, the rest of the combat units are orderly and quick.

Yom felt itchy when he saw it. He graduated from the military school and was just at the age of being impulsive. Among those crimson mechs, the black and gold body belonging to Renn was very conspicuous. He seemed to be the king who guided the bee swarm. The unique flag of the Commonwealth.

Yom exclaimed: "Wow, it's really strong to be able to fight on the front line, and at the same time take an overview of the overall situation and continue to adjust the macro deployment!"

After all, his face was full of admiration, and little hearts appeared in his eyes.

The captain beside him looked at it, and suddenly said leisurely: "Standing here and watching, this is really quite high-profile."

Even Tval, who has a bad face all the time, couldn't help but show a little respect. He said, "Yes, the Sword of the Vault of Heaven has never kept a low profile."

Yom: "Low-key fart, I need to be low-key when I wait for scumbags. The marshal's combat power is so powerful that he can beat me ten times, so there is no need to be low-key!"

The navigator in the front row turned his head and teased at the right time: "No, no, like this." He pointed out the window, nodded Yom again, and said, "One person can cut you a hundred!"

Yom was furious: "Drive your starship, why don't you talk about cross talk here? You are everywhere!"

"The Sword of the Vault of Heaven is the flag to recover the lost territory of the Federation." Tvar said suddenly, "So he must be clear, and he must not be low-key."

The captain glanced sideways at him, then looked forward again.

The mecha regiments and fighters involved in the tide, like a flood peak crossing the border, went straight to the core area of ​​the Dyson sphere of the S71 star. There was no need to hide it. The Sword of the Sky has always been like this. If you are still timid in this battle, then don't mess with the Federation.

The interstellar rogues dare not enter the city rashly. At most, they hide themselves by using the energy fluctuations of the stars near the outer platform where the energy of the stars is mined.

"Benson, pay attention to the safety of the flagship's right wing. Esuna, intercept the main gun and keep them away from the stars!"

Within a short time, dozens of small spaceships were dug out from various places. The models were not obvious at a glance, and the weapon configuration was even more varied. I felt that it would be very promising to be exhibited in the Interstellar Museum.

"All units pay attention to vigilance." The marshal's voice sounded again, "These fleas like to take advantage of the loopholes."

The ships of interstellar rogues are often cobbled together or robbed. Their tactic is to take advantage and run quickly. Over time, they have formed a set of methods specifically for fighting large federal starships - harassing in groups in front, only dispatching One or two inconspicuous ones, going around the dead corner of the starship, destroying the life support device or the auxiliary engine, this set of operations is too wretched, and occasionally a federal starship will capsize on it.

"Captain, there is something abnormal behind the flagship!"

The author has something to say: Marshal: A beauty with mandarin duck eyes, cute, but not scary.

Captain: Thank you for the invitation, I am not, the black cat with mandarin duck eyes is the cutest.

Tval: Back then, our captain used me to wipe the floor...

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