How could O who installed A find A again?

Chapter 13

Tval always yelled wrong, but this time the captain did not correct him, but seriously looked down at the radar in front of him. Unidentified energy fluctuations appeared behind him and disappeared in a flash, but the combat power of the starship 927 can be far away. The super-normal transport ship is because she was built by the members themselves as if they were picking up junk, so they are also very alert to any small anomalies.

But the fluctuations disappeared in a flash, and the enemy army in front was already standing head-on.

By this time, the unlucky Star Bandits had obviously realized that they had been used as guns by the rebels. Facing the elite fleet of the Federation, they had no chance of winning.

The captain waved his hand: "Let's make a formality first."

According to the rules of the fleet, Tvar shouted to Xingkou in the whole channel: "Surrender immediately, turn off the engine, wait for traction, or annihilate on the spot!"

He shouted three times earnestly, and then the entire fleet began to gather.

The star bandits rushed towards the direction of the flagship, and they would not surrender, because none of the star bandits had a criminal record. The consequences of surrendering may be spent in prison for the rest of their lives, or sent to the barren star in the black area to pioneer, or even worse , may be exiled to the black hole.

The flagship Yasuno was converted from a transport ship, which was the perfect breakthrough.

The frigate began to intercept from both sides, and the Yasuno remained in place. The flagship is the navigation coordinates of the fleet in deep space. As annoying as a swarm of flies.

The smallest one can't even be called a battleship, it has to be called an aircraft. It may be about the same size as a Federation mech, so it is extremely flexible.

If you can sink the flagship, or even take two captains as prisoners...

The mecha regiment accurately judged the daydreams of the star bandits, and the complex and orderly formation of mechas formed a spiral shape and surrounded the flagship.

The Marshal's order came: "Catch the living ones."

After a pause, he added: "Try your best."

The population of the interstellar era is expanding, and a civilized country can spread over several star fields, so the number of kills alone cannot really bring shock.

Only cut off the flag.

Obviously, Xingkou also understands this truth.

"Catch Ryan!"

"Anyway, it's death. If you want to die, bring the bastard Ren Chu with you!"

"Also, if I go to hell, I will curse that liar Langdon to death!"

It has been said since ancient times that madmen are afraid of dying. A group of star bandits swayed their shots, and suddenly brushed the edge of the range of Yasuno's main gun and turned back sharply. Some ships' engines could not withstand this forced steering, and a burst of fire burst out. Two flames.

They rushed towards the eye-catching black mech.

The mecha regiment changed formation, and the artillery fire staggered in the airspace, making people dizzy for a while.

"Pay attention to dodge."

Ren's voice was crisp and decisive.

No matter how daring the team is, it is not used to head-to-head with the self-explosive team.

Starship main guns attacking star bandits is a bit like rockets shooting flies, so each warship releases small frigates, and the entire star field is suddenly devastated by suicide attack bandits.

The desperate Xingkou spaceships did not dodge, and hit something in front of them, and some even hit the mech. Fortunately, they didn't explode, but they still rushed against the hapless mecha.

"This is a group of mad dogs." Tvar frowned, but the support artillery in his hand was unable to accurately lock the target for a while.

"Rogue bandits." Lin Jing beside him suddenly said, "It's not a big deal, but it can't be wiped out completely. This is the main reason."

These gangsters and hooligans roaming the starry sky sometimes bite each other between different small groups, but they have a similar combat style: take advantage of it, no matter how big or small, withdraw if you suffer a loss, no matter what is around you if you are in a hurry , and die with you directly.

After the star bandits were wiped out several times, and the star bandits rushed into a nearby planet and blown up a civilian area directly to ashes, the Federation's attitude towards the star bandits was mainly to expel them, and they dared not be too tough.

"Marshal's mecha is so eye-catching!" Yom said angrily, "All the mad dogs are on it!"

But Tval guessed: "He did it on purpose. He was worried that Xingkou would explode into the Dyson sphere of the S71 star and explode, and then the energy of the entire eighth sector would be destroyed."

Not just energy, the Dyson sphere is a very large project, so a large area of ​​residential areas has already been developed around it. This city with tens of thousands of people is completely built out of thin air. The atmospheric environment, gravity, day and night wind and rain in the space station, etc. The natural environment is all man-made by the central control system. Once the core control is damaged, the city will instantly become a dead city in space.

Tvar: "I'll just say, I live in such a broken city because I don't have a clear mind!"

The crimson mecha group had to dodge in all directions to avoid the bite of the mad dog. The crazy star bandits rushed towards the black mecha, like a pack of hungry wolves rushing towards fresh meat.

But this is not a delicious piece of meat waiting to be eaten. The plasma cannon hit the spaceship of the star bandits at close range. , exploded together, and the other spaceships quickly bypassed, killing the black mecha.

The mecha regiment of Sky Sword was orderly. They dispersed and lined up again. The intertwined plasma cannons were pulled into a net in an instant. The crazy star bandits were not to be outdone, and they opened shields around them, regardless of force.

The black mecha shuttled back and forth in the flames with an erratic and flexible posture. Those star bandits put all their eggs in one basket, completely ignoring the mecha regiments and frigates, and still chasing the target closely, even if they were blown out, seeing the black mecha When the time comes, you have to pounce back as soon as possible.

The clear and pleasant voice suddenly said: "This is shame, hatred is really stable."

Tvar frowned and turned his head strangely: "Captain, what is face T?"

"Ham, this is a joke developed from the terminology of online games. The monster tank can hold back the hatred of all enemies with its face." The navigator turned back again, "But Captain, didn't you refuse to pull you to play the game before? Just kidding, tell me your ID, take me to fly, take me to fly!"

The weird feeling in Tval's heart became even stronger.

The topic was interrupted suddenly, and Ren's voice came from the channel:

"Flagship, prepare the main battery."

The Yasuno is the flagship of the half-way home. Her main gun is rear-mounted, and its power is far inferior to the original high-quality goods of other warships. However, it is really unnecessary to use a serious main gun to deal with the star bandits. If the power is too high, it will easily interfere with the Dyson ball.

Tval raised his head, and was surprised to find that the star bandits on the radar had been grouped into a group at some point, and the seemingly erratic and ghostly movement trajectory of the black mech unexpectedly made those flying around unknowingly. The star bandits gathered together.

They were heading straight for the flagship and would soon be within range.

"Target is in range!"

"The main gun is warming up."

"Lock complete."

Tval held the joystick, pointed at the final launch button, and waited for the command.

The captain also rarely showed a serious but concerned expression, leaning slightly to look at the scene in front of him.

Together with the group of enemy troops, the black mecha crossed the range limit of Yasuno's main gun.

In front is the main gun muzzle with blue light on. After all, the mecha is a small weapon for individual landing. No matter how small the star bandit's spaceship is, it is still faster than the mecha in terms of straight-line flight speed.

"Come on, catch up, we will die together!"

"Fuck if you have the ability to blow up together!"

"I'm going to be buried with the surname Chu, hahaha my name will last forever after my death!"

The cheering Xing Bandits had no fear of death at all. They were as happy as if they had won a lottery of [-] million yuan. The main gun in front seemed to be champagne ready to be opened for them.No matter how good a fighter is, it will be a headache for such a desperate lunatic.

The frigate had already rushed forward, and the large starship made a short jump, crossed the stars, and jumped directly into the arena. For a while, all parties seemed to be fighting, racing against time, and the situation in the game was indeed a close call.


Following the captain's low shout, Tvar's expression was solemn, and the other soldiers who assisted in the operation were also engrossed in monitoring the images on the radar.

The marshal's mecha is still rushing straight ahead, and the star bandits behind him are already close at hand.

The speed of the spaceship is dominant, while the flexibility of the mecha is dominant.

The black mecha suddenly tilted to the side, and the group of star bandits was completely exposed in the center of the fire control radar.



There was a strange sound, and the soldier in charge of monitoring the radar didn't finish his sentence, and stood up exclaiming: "Captain, the instrument has been interfered!"

The entire radar screen was scarlet, and the data streams of all other light screens flashed garbled characters, and even the monitoring field of view directly in front of them was streaked with snowflakes.

Tval's heart sank.

The battlefield is changing rapidly, and the opportunity created by the marshal by using the time difference between the spaceship and the mech to turn is only a short second. If this opportunity is missed, the mad dog will bite.

The lighting in the bridge also seemed to be disturbed, the surroundings suddenly went dark, and the emergency lights came on. At that moment, Tvar felt that the captain threw him out, because he couldn't see clearly in the dark, and accidentally let his back It directly hit the sharp corner of the operating table next to it, causing Tval to grunt in pain.

Then, his muffled groan was suppressed.

Because Yasuno's main gun has been fired successfully.

The emergency lights went out, and the bridge returned to normal. It was as fast as an illusion. In the front view, the dazzling flames exploded one after another, and the eyes were full of brilliance.

The accident happened again, and the lights in front of the eyes were still not extinguished. Suddenly, there was a violent vibration from the Yasuno's flank, and then the red alarm was deafening.

Tvar: "Captain, the flanks are bombarded!"

"Equalizer failure, flank engine failure stalled."

"Captain, we have a hole in our flank!"

Only then did the captain withdraw his slender fingers from the button of the main gun's firing, and turned around slowly.

Tvar was furious: "Who did it?"

"Report, the battleship has been invaded!"

"The intruder has logged in!"

"Captain, the intruders are going to the bridge—ah—"

Tvar's face was dark: "It's so fast, it's still a heavy attack, and it's one of our own."

"Flanking." The captain looked down at the dispatcher on the light screen.

In the next second, the safety door of the bridge exploded, and a group of assault soldiers wearing exoskeletons and holding light energy guns filed in. The muzzles of the guns were raised neatly and aimed at the command platform.

Benson entered through the door with a ferocious expression on his face: "Lin Jingye, you dare to attack with the marshal, and dare to say that you have not betrayed!"

The author has something to say: Marshal: Make trouble!

Captain: Do something.

Question: why do you fuck me TAT

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