How I became the Empress of Hell

1.22: ❤️❤️Mellic’s Cruelty

Content Warning: This chapter will contain scenes of coerced/forced consent. This is the last short intense chapter in Arc 1.


The castle looked different as I approached the main entrance; more sinister and imposing. I eased open the door and peered into the darkened entry way cautiously. I didn’t take more than one step forward before my Master’s voice boomed loudly through the stone corridor.

“Allexus! Get your ass in here… NOW!!”

I felt like a giant hand was pushing me forward as I made my way towards the throne room. Upon entering the brightly lit chamber my demonic vision quickly adjusted to the overly illuminated room. The normally dimly burning torches were instead shooting columns of white fire almost all the way up to the huge vaulted ceiling. The most startling change was sitting in the throne room. Instead of wearing the twisted form of Emelia or the massive muscular body that he had when I met him; a tall, slender, unassuming male demon sat upon the brightly gleaming throne. He only wore a pair of flowing red pants and his toned abdomen glistened in the firelight. He was drumming his fingers with a look of pure rage and hatred on his face as I was push-walked up to him.

“No point in hiding it anymore… I suppose. Of all the demons in all the realms you had to summon me to fight my sister… MY FUCKING SISTER!! You will pay dearly for this, Allexus. Once I’ve dealt with you I intend to go back at full strength and wipe the stain that is my sibling out for good. I-”

“She’s already been dealt with.”

He sat straight up and glared daggers at me.

“What did you say?! Already dealt with?! How? You expect me to believe you were able to overpower her and permanently kill her? You do know that she can change bodies… right?”

“She was mortally wounded and I cut the head off the first body. We dealt with her second body and she faded to ash. I can guarantee you she is no longer alive.”

“Which one did she pass her powers on to? I’m guessing that blood mage… she always had a thing for hex mages.”

“She died before she had a chance to do anything else. Your attacks weakened her quite a bit, and when you killed the big spider her army was very disorganized.”

He nodded very slowly, studying my face intently before standing up. I instinctively backed up as he stepped forward and shook his head with a smirk on his face. He waved his hand and tightly squeezed his fist closed. Chains shot from the floor and wrapped themselves around each of my arms and legs.

“Kneel you ungrateful bitch.”

The chains pulled me downwards onto my hands and knees; no matter how hard I pulled I couldn’t get the tightly wound metal off. I tilted my head upwards and glared at my master, who in turn merely smirked back at me. He waved his hand again and my armor and clothing evaporated. My master knelt down next to me and surprised me by sitting cross legged right in front of me. His claws scraped my neck as he tilted my head up to look directly at his face.

“Allexus… it would be so much easier if I could just make you forget everything you learned from my sister.”

“Why Mellic? Afraid me knowing all about you will give me an edge over you?”

He slapped me hard and the pain blossomed in my face and made my vision go white for a second. I debated on making another retort but realized that he had me in a very vulnerable position and could easily kill me if he wanted to. All that experience and effort I had accrued since my last save would be wasted and I would be stuck at level 1 for a day, all because of my temper was getting the best of me. I closed my mouth and sighed.

“Let me ask you a question, dearest Allexus. If you had the ability to make yourself into whatever you wanted at will, would you do it? An amulet that lets its wearer gain amazing combat abilities… a ring that lets you assume whatever form you can think of. Or a room that bends and shapes to your every whim. That is my power.”

He sighed through his nose heavily and closed his eyes for a moment. I scoffed loudly and rolled my eyes at him.

“But enchantments can be undone. That’s your weakness. Strip away all those and you have nothing.”

He opened his eyes and smirked at me again.

“You’re correct up to a point. If you were to remove all my enchantments, I wouldn’t be much of a challenge to anyone. However… that's if you can remove them in the first place. My most powerful enchantments are crafted so that removal is nigh impossible. Some are impossible to remove. Like your body. It is layer upon layer upon layer of enchantment magic. The minor enchantments that I put on you to force control or to keep you aroused are merely surface spells. Every cell in your body is woven together using my abilities. You are by far my greatest creation.”

I had no idea the level of work it had taken to create my demonic body. The painstaking amount of effort required to turn me from a pathetic Angelspawn into a voluptuous Sex Demon must have been extreme. The amount of dedication it required to turn me into what I was also spoke volumes about my master.

“I didn’t know… why go to such lengths for me? I was a no-name Angelspawn who happened to stumble into the wrong castle… Why give me this gift?”

He leaned forward and kissed me passionately and my body responded in kind. I felt the familiar tingling between my thighs and moaned involuntarily into his mouth. After a few seconds he pulled away and sat back.

“I knew from the moment you set foot in my castle that you were destined to be mine forever, Allexus.”

I blinked my eyes in pure utter shock and was stunned into silence. After I thought about what he had said for a moment, I shook my head.

“I’m not some piece of property you can use at your own disposal and cast me aside or threaten my health and safety the next… All that does is make me hate and resent you. Why in the hell would I want to ‘be yours’ if you treat me like your slave?”

After waving his hand he vanished from sight. I looked around and suddenly jumped when I felt his hands on my ass. I could feel his hot breath as he leaned over me and whispered into my ear.

“It’s never been about what you want… Allexus. You exist purely for my pleasure.”

He pushed himself fully into me in one stroke and I screamed in ecstasy. He took me roughly for what felt like hours. I lost track of how many times he filled me with his seed and how many times my body responded to being taken. When he finally finished he released my limbs from the chains and I slumped to the floor. All the torches dimmed and the room returned to its usual appearance as my master teleported out. I staggered to my feet and leaned against the walls for support as I limped back to my room. I collapsed onto the bed and saved my progress before skipping my level up process and logging out.


For the life of me I could not get the generator I use to make him without horns. Even with the horns I feel like he turned out OK.


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