How I became the Empress of Hell

1.23: ❤️The other “L” word

“Jesus Allie… you were in there a lot longer than I thought you were going to be… everything OK?”

I looked over at the sexy woman sitting on the edge of the bed and nodded. I pulled off my headset and placed it gently on the nightstand beside the bed before sitting up and scooting down to sit next to Emily. I turned towards her and kissed her on the cheek before recounting everything that happened upon my return to the castle. The look of disgust and fury was evident on her face, and I placed a hand over hers and smiled.

“Don’t worry, Em. He’ll get his when it comes time. I don’t suppose you’d be willing to double check what level I am now… my character’s body was so exhausted I just saved and logged out before leveling up.

She scrolled quickly in her phone and tilted the screen towards me. After the eventful day we had, I had progressed to level 40. I tried to put thoughts of the game out of my mind as I stood up and stretched.             

“I’m gonna go brush my teeth… then I expect to be snuggled and spooned for the rest of the night… lest you suffer the wrath of the Demoness Allexus.”

“You’re such a dork. Which is why you’re perfect.”

We both giggled and I tossed on one of her fuzzy bathrobes before heading towards the bathroom. After I brushed my teeth, I stared at myself in the mirror and had a moment of introspection. There I was in another girl’s dorm room that I had met not even a week ago, wearing nothing but her bathrobe, getting ready to cuddle up next to her for the night. Most of my relationships never made it past the third date… and now I was convinced I was head-over-heels for this girl and already calling her my girlfriend. No. If I was being honest with myself, I was far beyond 'head-over-heels' for her. And that thought alone was enough to give me pause.

The intensity of the game and the way the near death experiences felt so real had gone a long way in bringing us closer, but if I took the game out of the equation… did I really feel like she was someone I could spend my life with? I wanted to say yes… but the truth was that I didn’t really know her very well to fully answer that question. There were so many questions about our relationship that the more I thought about it the more I wanted to overanalyze every little detail. I was so deep in thought that I didn’t notice Emily enter the bathroom until I felt her arms snake around me. I immediately felt a sense of relief and pure bliss that drove the negative thoughts swirling in my brain away.

“Everything OK? You seemed to be lost in your head for a minute.”

I turned and gave her a wide grin before kissing her on the tip of the nose.

“Can I ask for a weird favor, Em?”

“Sure. Anything.”

“I don’t want to play the game tomorrow. I want to spend the day getting to know you. The real you. Not Emelia. I know barely anything about you and I’m already falling for you. I mean… only if you want-”

“Yes. I’d love to. Anything specific you had in mind?”

“Well… I didn’t know if you were going to say yes or not… so I hadn’t thought that far ahead…”

 It was her turn to kiss the tip of my nose, and I wrinkled it as I smirked at her.

“Boulder is mostly a college town, but I’m sure we can find something worth doing together. I love the idea… but just curious what prompted the sudden urge to delve into the mysteries of Emily?”

I sighed and my grin faded just a little. I could tell by her reaction that she was worried that I was having second thoughts about us.

“Don’t worry… I’m not going anywhere. I just feel like I barely know you outside the game. I mean… beyond some basic details of your life and your past relationships… I don’t know anything about you.”

She nodded and smiled warmly at me as she pulled me back towards her bedroom. She sat on the edge of her bed and patted the mattress next to her. I threw off the bathrobe and literally  jumped onto the bed next to her as she rolled her eyes at my childish exuberance. Emily stretched out behind me and pulled me into her tightly. I leaned my head back and kissed her passionately before turning back and falling deeply asleep.

 We awoke in the same position and I sighed contentedly as I turned towards her. She was already awake and kissed me softly before speaking quietly.

“So… I don’t know if this changes your mind about going out… but apparently there’s a double XP event going on today. Here’s my proposition... There’s a few bounties that call for two or more players… if you want you and me can do something on our own today, and I’ll tell you anything you want to know about me. Well…  I guess we can both share stuff… cause… I wanna get to know you too, obviously. I’m game if you don’t want to play though. I’m cool with pretty much anything Allie. I’m… fuck… I’m rambling now. Anytime you wanna chime in would be great.”

I giggled and wrinkled my nose.

“I was just going to let you keep talking. I’m totally down for doing something in game as long as it’s just you and me. I’m just not looking forward to the inevitable run-in with Mellic; if only I had a portal spell or something that could let me get out of there without him noticing…You’re lucky you’re cute, Em. I wouldn’t put up with him for just anybody. Also… has anyone told you how sexy you are in the morning… If I wasn’t so hungry I’d let everyone in your dorm hear just how loud you can scream.”

My stomach growled right on cue and we both laughed loudly. I eased myself off her plush mattress and stretched. I jumped and let out a loud squeak as Emily smacked my ass. Before I could retaliate she hopped out of the bed, threw her bathrobe on, and ran out of the room. I debated chasing after her despite my nakedness, but reconsidered after realizing that Jade or my other clan mates could be sitting out in the common room. I tossed on a tank top and a pair of faded jean shorts before rushing out of the room. I was glad I had opted for clothing, because Jade was sitting at the large table eating her breakfast. She waved enthusiastically as she took another bite of what appeared to be a danish. I waved back and headed towards the bathroom where Emily was tapping her foot impatiently. I gently nudged her into the room and peeled off my clothing. As she bent over to get some dry towels from beneath the sink, it was my turn to smack her bare ass. Her reaction mirrored mine from earlier and I smirked as she jumped up and glared at me playfully before urging me into the shower.

When Emily splashed water at me I thought we were going to continue our play fighting, but surprised me when she pressed herself into me and kissed me passionately. I melted into her and let my hands glide over her wet skin and I felt her fingers trace from between my breasts down towards my thighs. I moaned into her mouth as her fingertips gently eased my legs apart and began teasing my outer folds. Goosebumps raced up and down my body and I leaned into her eagerly. I growled hungrily as she continued to tease me and she laughed softly.

“I have you at my mercy now, Lady Allexus… Submit to me and I will let you show you endless pleasure.”

If we had been in-game I would have used my superior size and strength to overpower her and show her the meaning of submission. Given that my real body doesn’t have nearly the same abilities, I was pretty much helpless to fight back. I spread my legs wider for her and bit my lip suggestively.

“I submit, Mistress Emelia. I am forever your servant and will live to do your bidding.”

There was something about saying those words that would have made me cringe had I not been begging Emily to quit teasing me; I had said something not so different to a certain NPC who I now referred to as “my master.” For the sexy raven-haired beauty in front of me, however, I would willingly surrender myself to her. My mental musings were interrupted when I felt the tips of Emily’s skilled fingers come into contact with my clit. I moaned loudly and fought the urge to grind against her. As she continued to flick and rub the sensitive bud, she gently pushed one of her fingers into me and I almost came from the sensation. 

As she continued stimulating me with her hands, she leaned forward and kissed me deeply. My own hands roamed over her skin and settled on the mounds of her breasts. I rolled each of her nipples between my fingers as I felt my climax start to reach its peak. My legs shook and my toes curled. I pulled my head back slightly from her and bit my lip as a huge orgasm hit me. I had to fight the urge to scream in ecstacy and instead chose to return to kissing Emily hungrily. As the intense wave of pleasure ebbed, I had to lean against the wall in the shower for stability. 

“Gimme… Gimme a minute and I’ll return that mind-blowing wonderfulness tenfold.”

She shook her head and kissed me on the nose.

“No… You’ll owe me one for later. For now we have to finish up and get dressed. There’s a place I want to take you for breakfast; they have these cinnamon rolls that are to die for.” 

With that she turned off the water and stepped out onto the bath mat. After tossing me a towel I stared at her dumbfounded for a moment before my brain finally restarted and I started drying off. Once we were both finished in the bathroom, we dressed quickly in her bedroom and left a note for Jade and the others. We took Emily's car over to this place called Duffeyroll. Apparently they were only open for breakfast and that was the reason we had rushed out so quickly. I let her order for me and she insisted on paying since I had paid for our dinner, I wanted to argue and tell her money meant very little to me, but I knew better than to delve into that topic. The food was even better than she had raved about, and I ate every bite. As we drove back to the dorms we chatted about my least favorite topic; me.

“What exactly does a Front End Assistant Manager do? I am picturing so many things that I think have nothing to do with your job…”

“I’m responsible for making sure all the cashiers and head cashiers are doing their jobs to company standards, making their schedules, setting up product planograms, making sure the propane tanks get ordered, setting up the seasonal items that go outside in front of the store, and basically keeping everything running smoothly. Truthfully, I know very little when it comes to half the shit we sell, but I love the people I work with and my manager Richard is a godsend.”

“Wow… your job sounds so… official. Do you get hit on a lot? I feel like being a pretty girl in a place mostly dominated by men would be like a sheep amongst wolves.”

I shrugged my shoulders and shook my head.

“I’m pretty plain, I don’t wear any makeup or dress girly, so most of the time I feel like I’m just one of the guys. Especially when me and most of the guys end up checking out the same girl as she walks by.”

“You’re anything but plain, Allison. Huh… that sounds so weird… I’ve called you Allie every other time, it feels weird to use your full name.”

She smirked at me and placed her hand on top of mine, and I smiled at her in return.

“How long did you know you were gay?”

“Whoa. After the innocent conversation about my job I had not expected to be hit with the heavy questions so soon. It wasn’t like it was too personal of a question considering it’s you asking, I just hadn’t expected it. But to answer your question, I’ve known since I was about 10. My mom found me kissing our next door neighbor in our treehouse and nearly had a breakdown. I was fortunate that my parents were very accepting and they never tried to say who I’m supposed to be attracted to. They never had to worry about me getting pregnant accidentally and my dad was still just as overprotective when it came to anyone dating his daughter. When I brought home my first girlfriend, they were both ecstatic. School was pretty… blah. I never tried hiding the fact I was gay, and most of the school didn’t give it a second thought. I had a few people who were less accepting… but no ‘Ambers.’”

I could tell bringing up Amber’s name was still a painful memory for her from the grimace on her face, and I pulled her hand to my lips and kissed it gently.

“Hey. Amber’s gone, OK? Only name you need to remember is Allie… or Allison.”

She smirked at me and shook her head.

“Still weird to call you that.”  

We chatted about anything and everything as Emily took the extra scenic route to get back to the dorms, and headed back up to her room where the rest of the clan was hanging out. They were disappointed that Emily and I opted to spend the day alone together, but perked up when they found a suitable bounty for the rest of them. Aaron’s new character body would make up for the lack of my presence, so I wasn’t too worried about them. After a quick peck on the lips, Em pulled my headset over my eyes and I logged in.

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