How I became the Empress of Hell

3.2: ❤️❤️Tactical Error & Lady Kelbeth

Hello Everyone! Releasing a chapter early cause I was feeling especially inspired after completely updating my Patreon and Discord. The permanent link for the discord is Lost and the Damned

Content Warning: These chapters will contain scenes of coerced/forced consent. Two chapters instead of one, as breaking it up didn't make sense


I hate waiting. I always have since I was little. The longer I'm forced to wait for something the more I get anxious about that thing and tend to overthink it. While I realize this is true for most with ADHD, I felt it was especially true for me. I mean… one only had to look at my love life to know the full extent of my distaste at being patient. So when I say that waiting for something to happen after Areandra's signal was tortuous, I want you to know how much of an understatement that was for me. 

After five minutes with no contact, I was beginning to think I had made a tactical error. Aeryn checked with the other team and reported that they were engaged with a decent amount of troops. I wondered why the enemy had chosen to attack en masse there instead of sending patrols out to both locations. It made absolutely no tactical sense. If I had two armies encroaching on my defensive position, ignoring one would allow that army to move around unchecked. 

Emelia must have noticed the frustrated look on my face and she spoke softly.

"Whatcha thinkin', Allie?"

"I'm not sure. Gimme a sec."

I closed my eyes and pictured the map of the area in my mind. I imagined myself in the position of this 'Tactician' and tried to think what I would do if I was her. 

I had a large number of troops available and had set up in an elevated position around the colossus. My goal was to protect it but also to prevent it from falling into enemy hands. I had several patrols in each of the buildings doing regular sweeps. All of the buildings contained barrels of explosive chemicals that- oh shit.

"Aeryn, are the enemies that Ikelos's group are fighting actually moving through the choke point and attacking or are they just engaging from a distance and reinforcing their position?"

He looked at me and all four of his eyes closed at once. He cocked his head to the side and held up one finger in a 'hold on' gesture. 

"They're engaging from a distance. It looks like they have several pieces of machinery pushed in front of the other side of the choke point to create a sort of barricade."


"One more question. Do you see any explosive barrels near the area they're reinforcing?"



"Power Limiter Release: 30%! [Blastburn]!"

I raised my hand and quickly blasted a large hole in the ceiling.

"Allie, what the fu-" 

"We need to go, NOW! They're gonna blow the building. Aeryn, grab Areandra and get out!"

I spread my wings and flew as quickly as I could towards Ghost and yanked him up into a tight grasp. Despite the size difference I was easily able to lift him and I flew at top speed up and out of the hole. I looked around for a fraction of a second before finding a suitable location a fair distance away from the building. I pulled up my minion menu and summoned Tesrif and Emelia to my side with a wave of my hand. I heard a soft crunch in the gravel behind us and saw Aeyrn and Areandra had kept up with us. I was about to say something when we were all thrown off our feet from a massive explosion.

My vision swam and my head pounded as I heard voices above us.

"It’s not them, it’s Just a bunch of filthy Demonspawn, kill them and let's get back, Jax."

I felt strong hands grip my side and turn me over onto my back.

"This one isn't a fucking Demonspawn, Jess. I think it's her."

I heard the other voice who I assumed was Jess much closer now.

"It sorta looks like her, but she's way too short."

"Nah, it's definitely her, look at this other one. She's an ice mage like the report said. And there's the spider guy. God he looks creepy."

I tried to force my body to move, to get up and deal with these enemies… But something was keeping me in this half-conscious state. 

"Helaina! Mason! Get over here and help us with these guys! We captured the great Allexus and her clan mates."

Well… fuck.

I felt myself being carried for what felt like at least 10 minutes and then a sudden pain in my side as I was dropped on the ground. 

"Lady Kelbeth, we captured the Demon Allexus and several of her clan mates."

A woman that sounded like Cate Blanchett spoke softly. 

"Excellent. Thank you, Jax. Remove their armor and weapons and then put Allexus in that device and her clan mates in those devices."

I felt a sudden tug on my neck. 

"I can't remove this necklace, Lady Kelbeth."

I wondered what would happen if they did manage to remove it, but any hopes of suddenly releasing all my power were dashed.

"Don't touch that, Jax! That's a Power Limiter. Until she is secured in those restraints, if you were to have taken that off she would have likely overpowered us."

After a couple minutes I felt an intense burning sensation on several parts of my body and I was suddenly brought back to consciousness.

It took a couple of seconds for my vision to clear and as I looked around me I realized how dire the situation had become. Tesrif, Ghost, and Areandra were in some sort of metal stockade that was glowing with a faint ethereal light. Aeryn was entirely bound in a bright glowing chain and inside of a large clear box. Emelia had a glowing metal collar on her neck and was laying on her side in the middle of a ring of holy fire. All of them were entirely naked, and I could see the charred flesh where the metal was touching their skin. I looked down and saw that each of my wrists and ankles had been bound with glowing chains and a collar similar to Emelia's was around my neck. Each of the chains was bolted to a sturdy anchor on the floor.

In front of me stood a brunette in a long flowing dress that hugged her curves very tightly. I could see her nipples through the light material and what appeared to be a small bulge at her groin. She had four feathery wings that were currently folded and was standing with her hands clasped together in front of her. 

"Greetings, Allexus. I'm so very glad you could join us."

She smiled at me warmly and something about her grin made me incredibly uncomfortable. I felt my demonic instincts flare within me and I curled my lips into a sneer.

"That's Demon Lord Allexus to you... bitch. What the fuck do you want?"

"I am the Archangel Kelbeth. It is my job to deal with things that High Command considers a ‘problem.’ The problem that brings me here today, dearest Allexus, is you. You see, your unique skill that can turn our Angelspawn into full demons has more than a few in High Command worried that you could unfavorably tip the balance of power within the realms. I have been tasked to come up with a solution to either permanently eliminate you, or find a way to neutralize your ability. While killing you would likely be far easier, I was never one to take the easy way out. Especially when I’m presented with the wonderful challenge of coming up with a way to neutralize such a powerful ability! I ran all sorts of field tests and various experiments, but nothing I tried seemed to work. I was beginning to give up hope when I had a thought. What if I were to develop a skill that worked in the same way yours did, only in reverse?"

A hard sneer full of intense revulsion was my only reply.

"I see by the look on your face you guessed what I have in store for you and your friends. I’m so very excited to be able to fully field test this on you and your clan!

"Unfortunately, in the limited tests I did conduct, I found that my ‘purification’ techniques tend to be a bit lethal for Demonspawn until their redemption meter is full… so why don't we start with this beautiful specimen."

She stood in front of Tesrif and motioned to someone I couldn't see behind me. Tesrif's eyes flashed open and she snarled in rage and struggled against the stockade she was in.

"Such a brutal creature… Your scars go much deeper than your skin, don't they?" 

She reached down and gently stroked Tesrif's cheek.

"Allexus… please explain to your clan mate what exactly I have planned for her."

"She's going to use sex to 'purify' us and turn us into angels."

A look of horror appeared on Tesrif's face and she struggled even harder against the stockade.

"Never. You'll have to kill me, Angelfilth."

"I will give you one chance, Demon. Allow this to happen willingly or there will be… Consequences."

With that, she snapped her fingers and a large glowing claymore hovered above my head. I was about to speak and tell Tesrif I didn't care about dying when I felt something keeping my lips shut. Tesrif gave the angel a death stare and then I saw the defeat in her eyes before she nodded once. I thrashed against my bonds and shook my head vigorously.

"Forgive me, Lady Allexus. I would never be able to live with myself if I allowed you to be harmed, especially when I had a way to stop it."

My eyes started to blur with tears before my demonic body stopped the emotion from taking hold. The angel smiled and reached up with one hand and pulled a clasp that allowed her dress to fall around her feet in a puddle. I saw a huge erect cock throbbing against her abdomen and a feminine slit nestled behind a pair of heavy testicles. She moved behind Tesrif and spread the tall warrior's legs with one of her knees. She placed her hands on Tesrif's hips and I saw the head of the angel's cock brushing against the entrance to Tesrif's warm depths. 

"Are you ready to be purified, my dear?" 

'Just get it over with Angelfilth."

Tesrif let out an involuntary moan as Kelbeth pushed into her. I saw her try her hardest to suppress a shiver but I could tell from the way she bit her lip that Tesrif was incredibly aroused. Every time she struggled to maintain her composure, the stockade she was in glowed brighter and a look of intense pleasure would pass over her face. After a few moments of listening to flesh pounding against wet flesh, my demonic body started responding and I felt wetness begin to trickle down my legs. I watched Tesrif's eyes roll back into her head and her legs locked up as she came. As I watched this happening, Tesrif's abdomen started glowing from within. Luminescent white veins stood out on her skin and started winding their way up and down her body. When they reached her face, her eyes and mouth shone with a bright light from within and then all at once her body seized up and collapsed, the angel still standing behind her still completely hilted inside her. I watched her blue hair change to a much lighter shade and her skin went from a reddish white to a pale white. I saw the skin on her back pucker and then feathers began to push their way out of her skin. After a moment they formed into wings and folded gently against her back. With a loud grunt of triumph the angel released her seed deep with Tesrif, and the massive warrior woman went completely limp. 

The angel released Tesrif's body and then waved her hand. The stockade holding her up opened and she collapsed onto the floor. Kelbeth knelt down and placed a hand on Tesrif's cheek. The blue-haired woman looked up at her and smiled.

"Hello, sister. I'm glad you embraced the light. You look amazing. Take a moment to regain your strength and then join me next to Allexus. I will require your aid for what's to come."

"I appreciate that, but there is no need, sister. Your purification gave me all the energy I needed."

Tesrif stood up and I saw that she now had a cock and testes similar to the other angel. Her skin was now shining and sparkling like it was covered in a layer of fine glitter in a way that reminded me of that terrible vampire movie. As she and the much smaller archangel walked over to me, I could see the faint scars that still covered my former demon general's entire body, but they did nothing to diminish her beauty. Her now very faint blue hair was tied back in a loose bun with two thick strands in front framing her face. She had a very muscular physique but not so much that it made her look less feminine. Her breasts, likely a B cup, were perky with small areola and nipples that pointed upwards. She had a small triangle of pubic hair that matched her hair color. Tesrif's height still astonished me as her enormous 9 foot frame towered over me and I felt like a child looking up at her in silence. Her face looked calm, radiant even, and she spoke softly to me as one would to their lover.

"It will be alright, Allexus. We won't hurt you. I won't hurt you. Let us help you."

Kelbeth waved her hand and the gag on my mouth was instantly removed.

"If you really want to help me, Tesrif, let me go. Doing anything else would hurt, not help."

"Sometimes helping someone means giving them what they need… Not what they want. You may want me to free you, but your soul begs for redemption. Please, let me help you."

"I'd sooner fuck your brother than let either of you anywhere near me."

Part of me wondered what would happen to the two of them if they did try to have sex with me. My powers of Corruption seemed to be the strongest enchantment Mellic had embedded in my demon body, so much so that they had influenced the entire skillset I had changed to. Maybe if it was just this… Kelbeth… I wouldn't have worried. But with both of them 'purifying' me… and with the Power Limiter active I'm not sure if my body could hold out. I'd sooner let them kill me than let that happen though. It would mean losing all the XP I had earned and potentially costing my clan mates the possible victory, but at least I wouldn't be converted back into an angel. Tesrif seemed to have noticed the defiance in my eyes and she turned briefly towards the smaller angel before shifting and pointing at Emelia.

"She won't break easily, Lady Kelbeth. That woman is her betrothed. I feel she would do anything to protect her."

"Fuck you, Tesrif. If either of you touch her I will rip you limb from limb." 

My demonic strength surged and I pulled at the chains. The metal plate that each chain was fastened to groaned and shifted and warped, but held fast.

"Then let us help you, dear Allexus. Let Tesrif and I purify you so that you might return to the light. Otherwise I'm more than happy to start with your beloved."

"No. I'll do it. Don't touch her."

"Splendid! I think your clanmates should witness this. It will show them they have nothing to fear."

She motioned to someone behind me and all my clan mates instantly awoke. They all looked at their surroundings and then finally saw me chained in front of Tesrif and the archangel. After explaining in full detail what she had done to Tesrif and exactly what she was planning to do to me I heard a distant explosion. It was faint, almost imperceptible. I was only able to hear it because of my enhanced senses. I smiled inwardly as I thought of my other clanmates still putting up a fight. The two angels in front me seemed to have not heard it, as they gave no indication anything was wrong. 

Kelbeth has used her magic again to bind everyone's mouths except mine, and they all looked at me with a mix of pity and anger. Emelia especially threw herself against the wall of holy fire over and over, the only result was her getting badly burned. I could hear her screaming against the gag and saw the look of absolute hatred in her eyes as Tesrif moved behind me and picked me up as easily as an adult picking up a toddler. I caught Emelia's gaze and mouthed the words "it's ok" and she collapsed onto her knees. 

Mellic had designed my entire body. Every cell was woven with his twisted yet powerful enchantment magic. I wasn't sure how powerful this purification magic was, but I did know just how powerful my corruption magic was. It was powerful enough to turn an Angelspawn into a pure demon and just a portion of that power was enough to gain me over 100 levels. I'd turned a Demonspawn into one of the strongest demons I'd seen with ice magic that was 2nd to none. I didn't know anything about Kelbeth or her magic, but I knew that I would win out in the end.

I just had to endure whatever she had planned for me.

Kelbeth handed Tesrif a device that looked like a glowing pair of futuristic handcuffs. I felt the tension in the chains holding my arms release all at once and my arms fell to my sides. I fought every instinct that told me to reach out and grab the archangel in front of me, as I knew that would only end up with one or both of the angels doing something to Emelia. Tesrif pulled my arms behind my back and I heard and felt the cuffs click closed, the holy metal burning my demon flesh. 

The chains that bound me vanished instantly and Tesrif lifted me up to her chest. I couldn't see her, but I could feel her tits pressing into my back. She pulled my legs apart and let me slide slowly downwards. I gasped as she slid into me with little resistance. I forced away the urge to moan as I felt her groin come into contact with my butt as she had fully pushed her entire length into me. I may have removed all the enchantments that forced my body to revel in sex in every form, but part of that same magic was also part of the fiber of who my character was at her core. No matter how much I resisted, I knew that inevitably my lust would take over and I would start to actually enjoy what was happening to me. 

I would have been fine if it had just been me placed into this position. I could let myself disassociate and let my focus drift elsewhere. Kelbeth must have sensed me withdrawing into myself and she spoke softly as Tesrif thrusted into me vigorously. 

"Oh look, it appears your Demonspawn friends are all ready for me."

I started to shout in protest and felt the gag reappear on my mouth instantly. I watched as the short archangel walked barefoot across the room to where Areandra was looking up at her with fear and anger. I started to struggle slightly and felt Tesrif’s iron grip on my arms tighten and hold me in place. My legs began to tremble slightly as I felt an orgasm beginning to build, and I did my best to focus on what Kelbeth was saying to the lithe Demonspawn. 

“-prefer to do it willingly. I know you’re scared, little one, but I promise it will get much worse if you resist. I really don’t want to get several of my Angelspawn friends to help me… I’d rather it just be you and me.”

She let her threat hang in the air a moment and I saw a dark resigned look on Areandra’s face as she nodded wordlessly. 

Kelbeth clapped her hands and stood up before walking around behind Areandra.

“Fantastic! Jax, if you would be so kind, I’m going to need that vial that’s there on the cart.”

 I heard heavy footsteps and saw a male Angelspawn with a half shaved head walk over to Kelbeth, who had positioned herself behind Areandra and had her hands on the small archer’s hips. He handed the vial to Kelbeth, and I recognized it as a variant of the one I had used to transform Nialla. I heard a sharp gasp as the archangel pushed fully into Areandra. I knew from personal experience that soon her redemption meter would shatter and instead of losing her powers and becoming human she would be transformed fully into an angel after drinking the contents of that vial. I just hoped that she would at least derive some pleasure from it in spite of the circumstances. I felt an orgasm swell and release within me and I trembled in Tesrif’s arms as she continued to plow into me. There was a sudden change in her pace and she let out a small grunt. I couldn’t see what was happening but something certainly felt… different. I looked down and could see small black veins spreading down Tesrif’s legs. I started moaning lasciviously and really getting into the sex trying to distract any who might be watching from what was happening to the tall warrior who was still fucking me. 

I came again as I saw Areandra riding the archangel eagerly. She had been freed from the stockade and was rocking back and forth on the huge cock that was hilted inside her. Her eyes were rolled back into her head in bliss and she had glowing white veins covering her body. I felt Tesrif’s grip on me loosen and she started to stumble forward. I landed hard on the floor and tumbled with my back towards the rest of the room. I looked at all the strange machinery and devices that filled the shelves behind me, and I saw that same Angelspawn rush over towards Tesrif. I flopped backwards and then managed to turn so that I was now facing the other way. Areandra was laying on the ground, white cracks forming in her skin from head to toe. I saw Tesrif’s body shifting and changing back to the way it was before, the white feathers falling like snow from her body. She spasmed on the floor and we locked eyes for a moment. I thrust my neck forward in hopes that she would understand what I wanted her to do, and I smiled as I felt her hand close around the Power Limiter. I relaxed my body and focused my energy on allowing the choker to be removed. I knew it was designed so that only I could remove it, but maybe if I mentally consented…

There was a tremendous orgasmic surge that tore through me like a category 5 hurricane. My body was literally thrashing uncontrollably and the entire world drowned out into a dull hum as I succumbed to the single most intense orgasm I had ever had in my entire life. I think had it not been from my power limiter being removed I would have passed out from the overwhelming sensations, instead I felt all my power return to me at once like someone had hooked me up to a power plant. 

I summoned my demonic strength and easily tore the metal cuffs on my hands like paper. I grabbed the collar that was around my neck and pulled on it. It came apart like it was made of some flimsy material and I tossed it to the floor.

Kelbeth had pulled her dress back on and was casting spells to summon her weapons in a frenzy. I saw the look of pure terror in her eyes as she saw me walking slowly towards her. As I passed the near unconscious form of Areandra laying on the floor, I reached down and grabbed the vial the archangel had dropped in her haste to get away from me. I pulled the stopper out and put one finger into the mixture and focused on my corruption powers. The vial turned into a murky gray and then to a jet black. I knelt down and poured the liquid into Areandra’s mouth. She coughed a few times and started spasming. I let the magic do its work on her body as I stood up and started walking again towards Kelbeth. A massive claymore flew at my head and I reached up and snatched it out of the air effortlessly, and threw it across the room where it embedded itself hilt deep into the wall. Kelbeth spread both pairs of wings and started flying above me. She started twirling a staff and chanting in some language I didn’t understand.

“Ah beset co dai fah-”

I moved with such blinding speed that she didn’t even have time to blink before I had flown up and grabbed her by the throat. I felt small pinpricks of pain as the other two Angelspawn had started to attack me from behind. I ignored them and instead gently placed one of my hands on the archangel’s shoulder and the other flat against her chest between her large breasts. I moved my mouth very close to her ear and spoke in a tone filled with all the vitriol and hate I was feeling.

“Purify this, Bitch!”

I used my demonic strength to push my hand into her chest and my fingers closed around her heart. I ripped it free violently and watched as the color drained from her face and the life left her eyes. I slowly turned in midair and faced the Angelspawn as the dead archangel collapsed to the floor behind me. I looked at the dripping heart in my hand and saw that it was beginning to blacken from being in contact with my corrupting touch. I watched in morbid fascination as it slowly shifted and warped. After it had fully changed, I descended to the floor softly and glared at the two Angelspawn who were looking at me in terror. I let my demonic instincts fully take over and I ripped the blackened heart in half, before extending my hands towards each of the Angelspawn with a bloody half of a heart. 

“Eat it. Now.”

My voice reverberated off the walls and I felt the power and authority flow from me in waves. The two in front of me grabbed the bloody organ and began tearing into it voraciously as I moved past them towards my clan mates. I freed the Arachnid Demon first, as he was the closest one to me and he moved across the room rapidly to free the Demonspawn healer. I walked over to the beautiful Snow Demon and looked at the brightly burning ring of holy fire with a look of… boredom. I stepped through it and felt a slight stinging sensation as I moved closer towards my consort. She looked at me with a look of love and… something else as I ripped the collar that was around her neck off and scooped her up into my arms. I stepped through the holy fire again and we both passed through easily. I set her down gently and saw that she was saying something to me, but my mind barely registered anything as I turned around and started walking towards the door that led out of the room.


The door in front of me exploded in a tremendous burst of electricity and fire and I stepped over the flaming debris and into the room beyond. I felt small pricks of pain as several attacks hit me at once, but I merely lifted my hand with a disinterested look.

[Corrupting Fire].”

I felt a rush of cold on my back, but I merely touched myself with one of my hands and ignited my own body in dark flames. I looked back up and saw someone in white holding a glowing weapon rushing away from me as quickly as they could.

[Corrupting Fire].”

Their body exploded in fiery bits of gore and bone as I walked forward through the silent charred room. I saw a group of Angelspawn and angels crouched behind several pieces of large machinery who were focused on something else. One of the Angelspawn saw me, but it was far too late. I held up my hand and sneered at them.

[Blastburn]. [Corrupting Fire].

[Blastburn]. [Coldfire]. [Blastburn]. Corrup-”

I felt that cold sensation again, and my eyes focused on the black haired woman who had her arms tightly around me. She pressed her lips to mine and I felt all emotion surge back into me at once. My knees buckled and my vision instantly went black.


This is my all time favorite scene that displays just a portion of the pure atrocity Allexus is capable of.


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