How I became the Empress of Hell

3.3: ❤️Full Oblivion

“Judas! I think she’s waking up.”

My vision swam again and for a second I thought I was back in the castle waking up to my master after he fucked me into oblivion. I closed my eyes tightly and shook my head a few times to clear the fog in my head and then gingerly opened them. I felt like I’d been hit by a city bus going 90 miles per hour. Twice. Everything hurt and it felt like my limbs were made of Hellforged Voidsteel. I started to get up and then thought better of it. As I became more aware of my surroundings I felt the softness of Emelia’s legs beneath my head.

“The fuck happened, Em? I feel like shit twice overcooked.”

I felt her lips on my forehead and her fingers ran through my hair.

“Shhhhh relax babe. We’ll talk about it in a bit. Just rest for now.”

I had no idea how long I’d been asleep when I opened my eyes, but I definitely felt better than I had before. I sat up and leaned against something cool and metallic. I looked around and saw that some of my clan mates were moving around several pieces of machinery. Tifa saw me and we locked eyes for a moment and I gave her a weak smile.

“Hey guys! She’s awake!”

“Thank god… this shit is too heavy! I feel like my arms are about to fall off. What I wouldn’t give to have even half of her strength.”

I eased myself up and stood unsteadily, putting my arm out against the metal wall to keep me steady.

“Quit complaining Blaine! You haven’t even carried anything even remotely heavy.”

“But I could have! That’s the point!”

Several clan members  walked into view and I gave them a small wave with one hand.

“Hey guys.”

“Hey guys?! You nearly blow me up twice and all you have to say is ‘hey guys?’”

Bray glanced at me with a look of irritation, but he smiled and shook his head.

“To be fair… I don’t actually remember doing that… if that counts for anything.”

“What do you remember?”

“Being bound in some weird laboratory and then Tesrif…”

I blushed as much as my demon body would allow and then continued.

“After she did what the archangel had told her to do… I remember Areandra and… not a whole lot past that point actually. It’s like when you wake up from a dream and you feel like you can almost remember. Anyone care to fill me in?”

Aeryn stepped forward and offered his hand to me to help me up, and I gratefully accepted it. We walked slowly with the others trailing just behind us.

“After she converted Tesrif into an angel and forced her to try and convert you, she also coerced Areandra into accepting being converted as well. You umm… converted Tesrif back with your corruption ability… but unfortunately Areandra had already lost all of her humanity. The vial the archangel was going to give her would have turned her into an angel… but after you corrupted it she became… well… that.”

I saw a brunette with black feathery wings and a circle of black light above her head. She was flapping gently keeping herself aloft when she turned and saw me. She flew down quickly towards me and landed softly just in front of me.

“Hey Allie! Whatcha think?”

I looked at the gorgeous olive skinned woman who was grinning ear to ear. Her skin was the same as her normal complexion and completely unblemished. She looked remarkably human, except for the dark halo above her head and two enormous black wings that folded as she drew closer to me. She was the epitome of a fallen angel… and looked absolutely gorgeous. I felt her arms around me as she pulled me into a tight hug.

“Thank you for saving me. I don’t want to think what would have happened if that… bitch… had given me that potion thing before you made it change. I’m really glad you’re ok. And before you ask… I’m fine! A little embarrassed that you all had to see me like that… but if I’m being honest it wasn’t the worst thing in the world.”

She bit her lip gently and blushed a bright scarlet. Unlike my demon body, her angelic one seemed to allow the embarrassment, and she gave me another quick hug, spread her wings and flew upwards. I saw Jade, Emelia, and Judas talking with Scythe and another average looking demon I didn’t recognize. Em saw me first, and she said something to the others and turned to run towards me. I caught her as she leapt into my arms and she pressed her lips against mine in a soul searing kiss. She pulled away and spoke softly.

“Are you OK?”

I shrugged and laughed through my nose.

“I don’t even know what happened! No one’s told me what happened after all the… angel sex.”

“You don’t remember killing Kelbeth and then feeding her heart to the Angelspawn that were helping her?”

I gave her a look of revulsion and horror.

“What the fuck?! Ew! I wouldn’t- Really?! Ok… you know what… that does sound like something I would do after they did what they did to us. So is that the reason everyone is giving me the side-eye?”

She shook her head and gave me a pained look.

“Not… exactly. You sort of went on a rampage and blew up almost everything. Including Ikelos and his group, who barely managed to get away from you in time. I tried several times to get you to snap out of it… but it was like you were in some sort of blood haze. Your tactical sense didn’t totally go out the window though… as it looked like you avoided destroying the majority of the colossus. We still lost almost half the bonus reward, but we didn’t fare too badly considering what we all went through."

I nodded solemnly and we all walked over to the others. The other demon I didn’t recognize walked away as we drew closer, giving me a look of intense disgust. Em told Jade and Scythe about what I had told them about my memory and then I gathered everyone up.

“Ok, guys and gals… and Blaine. I would like to officially apologize for my umm… outburst. I not only cost us half the reward, I put several of you in danger. I will accept any punishment you all deem necessary up to but not limiting… umm… buying everyone dinner?”

The group laughed and each of them gave me a hug. Aeryn whispered softly to me as he hugged me.

“Thank you for what you did back there. I know the choice they gave you and I know why you did what you did. I don’t fault you in the slightest for going on a rampage. My sister is very lucky to have someone who would do that for her.”

He released me and gave me a smile and a single head nod. As the others went off to help load the last of the machinery, Emelia stayed behind. She sighed softly and put her arms around me. I looked into her gorgeous eyes and kissed her.

“What am I gonna do with you, Allie…? I was so worried, babe… I have never seen you like that before. Like… I’d seen you get mad at other enemies in the game… but that was the first time where I was actually afraid of you. I could tell that even in your daze you weren’t going to attack me, but… that look you had on your face… that look scared me. Like… I’d seen rage. I’d seen hate. I'd even seen the drunk distant look of when Mellic took control of you. This was the first time I looked into your eyes and they were empty.”

I pulled her into a very tight hug and then kissed her over and over.

“I know there’s no way for me to properly apologize for scaring you Em. I promise I don’t have a temper like that outside the game… so… at least there’s that…”

She hugged me tightly and then pulled away.

“Speaking of… let's go back to the clan HQ and then log off for a bit. I’m sure both of us could use a break for some food. And maybe some sex. Lots and lots of sex. You owe me after that little temper tantrum.”

“Oh fuck Allie! I’m gonna cum!”

I thrust my hips upwards and let the vibrations from the toy inside of me send shockwaves of pleasure throughout my body. I held Emily tightly against me as she rode me up and down slowly. Her legs were wrapped around my waist and we were both relishing the feeling of being as close to one another as we had ever been. I started to cum and a moan bubbled out of my throat as I kissed my fiancée deeply and passionately. She felt my legs start to tremble and my breathing hitched and she rode me faster in an attempt to cum with me. She put her head back slightly and arched her back a little as pleasure flooded through her. Watching the love of my life get off from our lovemaking was enough to push me over the edge, and I quickly joined her in the throes of pleasure. We held each other tightly as our breathing slowed and we started to descend from our sexual high.

“I love you Mrs. Raynier.”

“I love you too, Mrs. Raynier.”

She let out a very happy sigh and we eased ourselves down onto the bed.

“I can’t wait to be married to you, Allie. Maybe we’re the stereotypical lesbian couple who get married after two dates, but I don’t give a flying fuck. You are literally a piece of my soul. I love you so so so much.”

“And I love you, Emily. More than anything. More than everything. You make me happier than I’ve ever been. You make me feel like I can do anything… as long as you’re by my side.”

“I love you Allison… and there’s only one thing I need from you right now.”

“What’s that, my love?”

“I need you to fuck me. Hard and fast.”

“I can do that.”

She slid off of me and shifted so that she was on her hands and knees. I drank in the sight of the gorgeous woman who was looking at me with a look of intense love mixed with a very healthy dose of extreme lust. I could stare at her for eternity and never get bored. I could-


“Yes my love?”

“Get. Up. Here. And. Fuck. Me!”

I needed no further prompting and I moved behind her and pressed the head of my toy against her opening. She pushed all the way back against me and I was buried hilt deep inside her instantly. I took that as an invitation and I started by pulling out and slamming back into her as hard as my body would allow. I smacked her ass several times with one of my hands and she let out a loud moan as I did it. Her muscles started to tighten and she started to fall forward as she came. I reached down and gathered a fistful of her short hair before gently pulling on it as I resumed thrusting into her. I lost count of the number of times I felt an orgasm tear through me. I lost count of the number of times she screamed out in ecstasy. After what felt like the most blissful eternity she rolled onto her back and pulled me down towards her. I pushed into her and her eyes rolled back into her head briefly before focusing on me intensely. I pressed my body against hers and reached under her and wrapped my arms around her tightly. I felt her legs wrap around my waist and instead of thrusting I just held her close as we both basked in the amazing afterglow. She was still out of breath as she whispered softly in my ear.

“Give me five minutes and then I’m going to fuck your brains into oblivion, Mrs. Raynier.”

I chuckled softly and pulled out of her before laying on the bed next to her. My legs ached from all the thrusting but my sex drive was still raring to go. I reached down and undid the straps on my hips. I bit my lip slightly as I pulled the toy out of me, and I reached over Emily’s body and set it on the bed next to her.

“I expect full oblivion, Mrs. Raynier. Not just half oblivion. I won’t be thoroughly satisfied otherwise.”

“Oh… we can’t have that can we? I’ll make sure to satisfy my future wife’s every desire.”

“Mmmmm… Has it been five minutes yet?”

“Jesus woman, you are insatiable.”

“In the immortal words of someone beautiful and intelligent, ‘And?’”

She gave me a cocked grin and laughed softly.

“Lemme pee and then I’ll try my best to satiate you for at least 10 minutes.”

As she slid off the bed and walked by I couldn’t help but reach out and swat her naked butt. I know she knew I was going to do it. And I knew she let me do it. To this day, whenever I see that gorgeous ass I feel obligated to smack it at least once.

When she was gone I had a very dirty thought and quickly ran over to my bag. I searched through it for a moment before I finally found the two items I was looking for. I looked at the small metal toy with its pink jeweled base and bit my lip slightly. I pushed down on the pump a few times on the other item I had retrieved and smeared the lube on the toy in my hand. I knelt down and pushed out slightly with my ass before sliding the metal butt plug inside of me. I made sure the heart shaped jewel was facing upwards and then after squirting some lube into my hand I liberally applied some between my legs. Just as soon as I was returning to the same spot I had been laying before, Emily returned to the room and threw her robe off to the side. She sashayed over to the bed and grabbed the strap-on. She eyed the bottle of lube that was sitting on her nightstand and raised an eyebrow, before silently stepping into the harness. After she was finished adjusting it, she squirted some lube into her hand and ran her hand up and down the phallic toy that was strapped to her waist. She moved onto the bed but remained at the foot of it hunched down on her knees.

“Get on your hands and knees, Allie. I’m going to take you very hard. I want to hear you scream as you cum on my cock.”

If I hadn’t already been extremely turned on, that comment sent shivers up my spine and my pussy flooded with even more arousal. I moved into position in front of her and I felt her hand on my hip.

“Oh, hello there… what have we here?”

I felt the plug in my ass being twisted and I moaned in response. The head of the pink toy pushed against me before Emily thrust forward and slid the entire length inside of me in one stroke. I felt her do as I had done and grabbed a fistful of my hair before pulling me back towards her.

“Oh fuck!”

I nearly collapsed in pleasure as she licked from my collarbone up to my ear. Her breath was hot and absolutely dripping with arousal as she spoke.

“If you be a good girl and cum on my cock a few times, I’ll give you a treat. Do you want to know what it is?”

I nodded and was getting more turned on by the second.

“I’m going to fuck that tight little ass of yours while you use my vibrator in your pussy.”

I nearly came just from the lewd way she was talking to me. I had only seen this side of her in very small doses, but I was realllllllllllllly enjoying it. I have always been more submissive in bed, and I think my future wife sensed this and stepped into her role without a second thought. She pushed me back onto my hands and knees and with a stinging slap on my ass she started to fuck me very hard. It felt like she was slamming into my g-spot over and over and it wasn’t long before I felt heat bloom in my core and an intense pink haze wash over my brain. I felt her pull my hair roughly as she pounded into me with thrusts that shook my entire body. I vaguely remember hearing someone screaming in ecstasy, but couldn’t tell where the sound was coming from until I realized it was me. 

And then… all at once, my brain and body melted down and I came. Over and over and over and over. It felt like as soon as one orgasm ended another was just starting. It felt like waves within waves within waves of immense pleasure. Emily kept me at that peak and never let me come down. She could sense when one orgasm was fading and would do something to intensify everything again to set me off. A hard slap on my ass. Her fingers grinding on my clit. Her thrusting the butt plug in and out of me with her hand. Pulling me back into her and squeezing my tits. Everything she did was in service to keeping me at this peak of sexual bliss.

“Don’t move.”

I had just started to come down again as I felt her pull out of me. I moaned and nearly collapsed, but my mistress had told me to not move. 

Wait. Mistress? What? Where did-

My internal musings were cut short as I felt something wet and hard being pushed into my pussy. It was wider than my toy and the head started vibrating as soon as it was all the way inside me.

“Good girl. Now… hold this here and take some deep breaths, OK?”

“Yes, mistress.”

I said it again. I’m not sure why I did. I don’t care that I did. I just want her to keep making me feel this amazing. I groaned as I felt the plug being pulled out of me. My ass felt empty, aching to be filled with something. My mistress obliged me by shoving her cock into me slowly. She had applied lots of lube to it and I was already as relaxed as my body would allow, so I pushed back and felt her quads against my ass as she hilted inside of me. 

“My pussy feels so good. You’re making me feel so amazing. My Mistress… my wife.”

I heard her growl with intense lust and start pounding into me. I gasped at the dual penetration and reveled in the feeling of being very full. I felt her hand smack my ass again in a different spot, which set tremors of pleasure through my body. I felt something building inside of me that felt unlike anything I had experienced before. It was like a wild animal was getting ready to pounce, and any second now it would spring forward and-

Ho. Ly. Fuck. I had the most intense orgasm I had ever had in my entire life tear through my body. I felt a jet of liquid shoot out from between my legs as I came over and over and over and over and over. Starbursts appeared in my vision and my entire body locked up as everything hit a blazing crescendo within me. My vision went black and I felt myself falling. Falling into a sea of eternal bliss and pleasure.

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