How I became the Empress of Hell

3.4: ❤️❤️All the kinks! & Mistress

Another long, very spicy scene that I couldn't break up. The content warning is simply because I know not everyone is into light BDSM play


For the second time in one day, I found myself staring up at the most beautiful woman in the world as soon as I opened my eyes. I could tell that she had taken her contacts out, because she was wearing a pair of glasses that made her look like the sexiest librarian on the face of the planet and was gently stroking my hair with one hand. She giggled softly at something Jade had said and I smiled at the sweet sound of her laughter. I was momentarily embarrassed by the fact I was still naked, but realized as long as Emily was here, I didn’t have a care in the world. I shifted slightly to look at Jade, and the woman I would call my wife looked down at me.

“Hey gorgeous. How you feelin’?”

My entire lower half felt like I had run a marathon four hundred times. Everything ached and every little movement felt like it took three times as much effort as normal. I had to pee… but I knew there was zero chance of my legs working normally.

“Blissfully happy. You?”

“Same. Although… I definitely have some questions for you.”

“And that’s my cue to leave… I’m so not getting in the middle of that conversation.”

We both laughed as Jade got up and left. We waited til the door was shut to continue talking.

“So… Mistress, huh?”

“I didn’t realize I said it out loud. I thought that was in my head.”

“Oh no. Most definitely not. At one point you were screaming so loudly the RA came to check and Jade had to tell them that no one was, in fact, getting murdered. They uh… politely… asked us to keep it down."

 As I glanced up at her I saw that something about where we were laying wasn’t quite right. The bed was at a different height than it had been before and as I looked down at the wall I didn’t see Emily’s massive Pride flag hanging there. I looked around the room and realized we were laying on Jade’s bed.

“Um… Em…”

“You made quite a mess of my bed. I’ve never actually seen someone squirt before. Like… sure in porn they do it all the time. But that was the first time I actually saw it happen in real life. After I cleaned you up a bit, Jade helped me get you into her room and we started a load of laundry while the room airs out a bit. I can literally taste you if I walk into my room right now… Which to be fair I’m not objecting to. I’m just not sure I could have anyone else in my room. Besides you, obviously.”

“Not a fan of Eau D’Allie?”

She rolled her eyes and laughed softly through her nose.

“I am, actually. I’m just not sure anyone else is. But.. anyways… back to this Mistress thing.”

“Damn, I was hoping you’d forgotten.”

She cocked an eyebrow and gave me a half grin.

“So… I know we briefly talked about the kinkiest thing we’d done… but we didn’t talk about the kinkiest thing we’d fantasized about doing. I uh… I definitely have a sub/Domme kink. Like… if you saw my web search history you’d see a bunch of erotica stories about being a sub or having a Mistress. That kind of stuff. I’m not sure how into the whole BDSM thing I am.. but the thought of being tied up and letting a hot girl have her way with me… god… I’m getting wet again thinking about it.”

“Suddenly the whole Demon Master thing takes on a whole new light for me.”

I shrugged.

“I mean… I guess… I’m not into guys, though. The very, very few times I’ve fantasized about guys it’s been very effeminate ones. And my sub kink was definitely not involved.”

 “Wait. Back up. You’ve fantasized about guys?”

I could see the smile reaching her eyes and I knew she was just teasing, but I figured I’d indulge her curiosity.

“A few times, yes. More so… their cock? Like… I actually don’t mind cock. I just wish that most weren’t attached to guys.”

“Have you ever dated a transgirl?”

“I have actually, twice. One of them broke up with me when she realized she wasn’t as gay as she thought. We had only been on a couple of dates and had sex once, so there weren't any real feelings there. We're actually still really good friends.”

“The more I learn about you, Allison, the more interesting you become.”

“I’m glad you find me such a fascinating topic Ms. Jameson-soon to be-Raynier.”

I grinned widely and thought about something interesting that had just occurred to me.

“So, I just realized that I really like it when you call me Allison. Like… everyone calls me Allie. Even my nametag at work says Allie. I don’t mind being called Allie. Hell… I even grew up with my parents calling me Allie. But when you say Allison… something about it makes me feel so… special. Like you’re the only one who does it… and I love that.”

“Do you want me to start calling you that instead of Allie?”

“Hmm… Yes. I’d like that. Like… I don’t mind if you call me Allie, especially in front of other people, but to you I’m-”

“My Allison.”

My heart leapt for joy and I grinned widely and nodded.

“I’ll just make it clear to everyone else that you’re the only one allowed to call me that.”

“Sounds good… Allison.”

I couldn’t help but grin as Emily moved her head down and kissed me. She pulled back and gave me another pensive look.

“So… circling back to the Mistress thing again.”


“What if I told you… that… I have… a kink… too? At least one… I want to try.”

I looked up at her with intense curiosity and smiled widely.

“Tell me tell me! I wanna know all the kinks!”

She snorted in laughter and stuck out her tongue.

“So… at the risk of needing a cover for Jade’s bed… what if I told you I have a… similar fetish to yours. It’s not quite the same. Well… it’s more like the opposite of yours really.”

“Wait… are you telling me you have a Domme kink?”

“I don’t have any clue what that means. Maybe? All I know is that I saw this porn video that had one of the girls being pleasured by a whole bunch of other girls, ordering them to eat her pussy… or suck her tits. Every dirty thing she thought of she would order one of the girls to do it.”

“So wait… you have a Domme fetish and a harem fetish?”

“Yes? I think.”

“You. Scandalous. Harlot!”

I crinkled my nose and laughed softly as I stuck out my tongue. Emily blushed and looked away from me, avoiding eye contact.

“I’m totally kidding, Em. I think that’s super hot. While one part of me is absolutely screaming in joy, another part of me is super curious about the implications.”

“You wanna know if I want to have sex with multiple girls at the same time…”

“Yes. But before you tell me, I want to inform you ahead of time that I am 200% okay with polyamory. Most forms of it anyways.”

“Wait. You want an open relationship?”

I could see a look of panic on her face and I shook my head.

“No. Hell no! Not even a little bit. That’s not what polyamory is truly about. At its core, it’s about trust. Trust that no matter what, you want the other person to be happy in every way possible. Trust that no matter what, you will always remain bonded to that person, body and soul. Trust that that person is the most important person in the world to you. Trust that you will be completely open and honest about every aspect of your relationship with that person. That’s it. At least to me. As long as those things hold true above all else, I’m happy. So if you wanted to bring a person or people into the bedroom to have sex with, as long as it truly made you happy and you stuck to the things I said before, I’m totally all for it. Granted, I’d love to be included in this, but I just want you to be happy above all else.”

She looked incredibly deep in thought and tapped her nose a few times.

“Huh. I never thought about it like that. So, basically, as long as you remain my soulmate forever and ever and I tell you everything that I’m doing and thinking about our relationship, you don’t care who I have sex with?”

“That’s… sort of right? I mean… I’m still allowed my opinions on people. Like… if I truly don’t like someone you want to have sex with or date I will definitely say something about it. And I’d expect you to respect me enough to not do anything that person.”

“Wait… date them? I thought we were just talking about sex.”

“Let me say it this way. You can have as many girlfriends as you can keep up with as long as you aren’t neglecting your wife in any way.”

She looked very pensive again and had her lips pursed slightly.

“That’s me by the way. Your wife. In… case that wasn’t overly obvious.”

She smiled again and laughed softly, but I could tell she was still processing what I had said.

“Em. You’re overthinking it. First off… I have zero intention of dating anyone besides you right now, and I don’t see that changing anytime soon. Second, I would never ever ever ever do anything that would make you upset or unhappy. If it was just you and me for the rest of our lives, Emily… I’m a million percent happy with that. Truly.”

She cheered up a bit and nodded.

“I still don’t fully understand, but it definitely gives me some things to think about. Not in a bad way. I promise. Thank you for telling me though. I know sometimes it’s hard to share stuff like that. Even with your future wife.”

“You’re worth it, Em.”

“Awww… you’re gonna make me blush.”

She bent down to kiss me again. When she pulled away I grinned and laughed softly through my nose.

“We’re definitely gonna circle back to the Domme kink at some point in the near future.”

“I’d expect nothing less… Allison.”

 After Emily’s bed sheets and comforter were dried we said goodnight to Jade and retired to Emily’s dorm room. As we were laying naked in her bed, I was still feeling rather horny after our conversation about our kinks, but I was also incredibly sore from the hard fucking we’d done earlier. Emily answered the question weighing on my mind by running her hand down my chest and between my legs. She whispered softly in my ear as she ran her fingers along the outer edges of my sensitive folds. 

“Make love to me.”

I turned and faced her and spread my legs open while pressing my hand between her legs as well. I heard a faint buzzing sound and gasped as Emily pressed her vibrator against my clit. She moaned in unison with me as she moved her body closer to mine so that her clit was pressed against the vibe as well. I used my free hand to pull her closer to me and pressed my lips to hers. We rocked against each other as we came together. Emily laid her head on my shoulder as she turned the vibrator off. I felt moisture on my shoulder and I pulled her head up gently. She had tears running down her face and I kissed her softly over and over.

“I’m not going anywhere babe. I promise. You’re mine forever and I’m yours forever.”

She nodded and sighed softly before laying back against the bed and pulling me down next to her. I was about to close my eyes and snuggle closer into her when a question popped into my head. I shifted so that I was now facing my future wife and she smiled warmly at me.

“What’s up babe?”

“Em… Where do you want to live after you graduate? Moreover, what are your plans overall after you do so? I can’t imagine there’s many video game companies based out of Colorado.”

From her expression I could tell she was studying my face to discover the purpose of my questions. She gave me a thoughtful look and pursed her lips slightly as she thought about what I had asked.

“Before I met you, I had always planned to basically go where the work is. I figured that’d likely have me end up in Silicon Valley or even up in Canada with some of their gaming companies. The only thing that was tying me to Colorado was my family… and I know that they would want me to pursue my passions no matter where they took me. Now though… I definitely found someone worth sticking around for. And… There actually are a few game studios here in Colorado. They haven’t made any all-star triple A games, but they would certainly be a good start for my first real job.”

My face darkened a bit and I sighed deeply.

“Emily, the last thing I want is to come between you and your dream job. I’d never forgive myself if I was the reason you weren’t able to do the thing you spent so many years learning how to do. If it came down to it, I’d uproot everything so you could be where you needed to be. There isn't anything actually tying me to Colorado, besides our clan. So moving wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world. And I could make a lot of cash renting out my house in Aspen.”

“Wait… You have a house?”

“Yeah, I inherited it from my parents when they passed and the title was put in my name when I turned 18. I got that and a uh… sizable amount of money that had been placed in a trust fund.”

Emily's eyes widened and she gave me a stunned look. I could tell she was burning to ask me for more information, but I could also see that she was holding her tongue because she wasn’t even sure how to ask more. I saved her the trouble and explained in more detail as I laid my head down on her chest.

“My dad was an engineer. He designed all sorts of stuff, most of which he couldn’t even tell me and my mom about. He spent a lot of time in Cheyenne Mountain… aka NORAD… so I know he was into some pretty serious stuff. So, between him doing that and my mom working as a private therapist with her own practice, when I say my family was loaded… hopefully that paints a better picture. Anyways… When they both passed, in addition to getting all their savings put into a trust I would get when I turned 18, they also had huge life insurance policies. If I’m being honest… If I never worked another day in my life, I could still live comfortably with what I have in my savings. The main reason I keep my job is to keep myself busy. Plus working at a hardware store is a great way to meet queer women. I can’t tell you how many dates I went on with someone I met through my work.”

Emily’s eyes grew very wide and her mouth opened in shock. I resisted the urge to poke her tongue with my finger just to be a brat, and laughed again as I thought about doing it.

“Out of all the things you were going to tell me… that didn’t even make the list.”

“Please don’t tell anyone though… I try not to flaunt it or be one of those ‘rich white girls.’ I mean hell… I still drive my dad’s beat up CRV even though that thing’s gas mileage is shit.”

“So wait. Are you telling me my fiancée is a millionaire?”

I pursed my lips and nodded against her chest.

“Holy shit. I was not expecting that. You are certainly full of surprises, Allison.”

I nodded again. I had to resist every single temptation to touch them as I saw every movement of my head jiggled Emily’s huge boobs. And I really tried to resist. I did! Honest!

Emily gasped as I licked the top of her breast.

“Seriously? You are insatiable.”

“In my defense… your tits are fucking perfect. I mean… how could I not do that?!”

“If I wasn’t so sore I’d punish you for being such a brat.”

My face instantly blushed a crimson red and I felt myself get incredibly aroused.

“Shit. Poor choice of words. I’m sorry! I’m sorry!”

“If you really wanna make it up to me…”


“You could punish me for being so bad.”

“And how would I go about doing that?”

My face felt flush and my heart was racing.

“By showing you that you’re always in charge and I should mind my manners.”

“And how would you show me I’m in charge?”

Goddammit she wasn’t letting me off easily. She knew that describing how I would submit to her was turning me on, and I knew hearing how I would submit to her was turning her on just as much.

“I asked you a question, Allison.”

A shiver ran up my spine and my arousal peaked even more.

“After you gave me my spankings I would eat your pussy until you came on my face.”


She was really laying it on thick… and she knew I loved it.

“I would masturbate in front of you but not allow myself to cum.”

She nodded and I looked up at her face. She raised an eyebrow and just stared at me. I shifted on the bed and just sat back on my haunches and looked down at the comforter avoiding eye contact.

I felt her move off the bed and walk around behind me. I remained motionless, but I was listening, waiting for her to say something.

“Turn and face me.”

I turned immediately and faced her. She reached down and stroked my face with her hand and I leaned into it.

“You’re being such a good girl right now…”

I bit my lip as my vaginal muscles clenched involuntarily.

“It’s really a shame you were a bad girl earlier… cause now you know what I have to do, don’t you?”

I nodded and then realized she was waiting on me to tell her what she needed to do.

“You have to punish me for being a bad girl. You need to spank me so that I don’t forget to mind my manners.”

“That’s right. Now then, lay on your stomach with your legs hanging off the side of the bed.”

“Yes, Mistress.”

I moved instantly without saying anything. Moisture was running down my legs freely and the scent of my arousal filled the air. I laid face down on the bed and let my legs hang off. I felt Emily pull me backwards until I was just barely on my tiptoes.

“I’m going to spank you now. I want you to count out loud and thank me before begging for another.”

I waited and waited for what felt like hours. I knew the pain was coming… I just had no idea when. My body tensed and relaxed several times, waiting for the moment when-

SMACK! Oh fuck that stung… that definitely was not her hand. The pain flared from my ass cheek but then turned into a dull throb that felt almost pleasurable.

“One! Thank you, Mistress! May I please, please have another?”

“Yes, my good girl, you may.”

I tensed up again, and then… nothing. It seemed she was waiting until-

SMACK! Oh goddammit! She hit me in the exact same spot! It stung so badly I felt it in my toes, but just like before it turned to a slow burn and I reveled in the feeling.

"Two! Thank you, Mistress! May I please have another spanking?”

I hesitated not tensing immediately and-

SMACK! My legs nearly buckled from the intense pain and I felt my eyes tearing up slightly. She had struck the same spot a third time and it felt like someone had taken a blowtorch to my ass cheek. It took longer this time for it to fade, but I moaned loudly as it did.

“Three! Thank you, Mistress! May I please please another spanking?! I need it so badly!”

I prepared myself for the inevitable strike, I knew that if I tensed it would just make her wait longer. My ass cheek throbbed and burned and I was more turned on now than I ever had been before. I flinched suddenly as I felt something soft brush the tender flesh and then moaned very loudly as I felt Emily’s hand rubbing some sort of lotion onto the very swollen part of my butt.

“You may not. While I should give you several more for being such a bad girl… you haven't earned that privilege.”

I nodded, almost panting with need. I felt her move back onto the bed and then sigh as she laid back down. I remained where I was but every muscle in my body was ready for her.

“Good girl. Come here and tell me why I should let you eat my pussy.”

“Yes Mistress.”

I moved with a speed that startled even me and knelt down between Emily’s spread legs. Her arousal was flowing out of her like a river and I could tell this was turning her on just as much as it was turning me on. I could see faint bruises in several places on her inner thighs and I thought of something special she might enjoy when she let me finally eat her out.

“Please let me eat your pussy, Mistress. I want to make you feel good and cum on my face to show everyone that I belong to you.”

“That’s right… you do belong to me. Put your face next to my pussy, but don’t lick it yet.”

I practically dove between her legs and hovered inches away from her sopping wet slit. The smell was overwhelming and I had to fight every urge to not just dive in and feast on this sweet treat in front of me. She shivered every time I breathed out and I could tell she was having trouble restraining herself from letting me do what I was so wanting to do.

“Put your fingers inside of me, but do not use your tongue until I tell you.”

I pushed one and then two fingers inside of her and she gasped and I felt her clench tightly on my fingers as she almost came just from that. She was so wet that I was able to fit a third finger in, and she groaned in approval.

“S-stroke my g s-spot with your fingers, but d-don’t use your tongue y-yet.”

I started moving my fingers backwards in a come here gesture and her legs bucked and thrashed. She accidentally mashed her pussy against my face, and I heard her gasp from the contact.

“Lick my clit! Do it now! I’m so fucking close!”

I began to lick with reckless abandon as I continued moving my fingers back and forth. She kicked out and arched her back. I held her down as best I could with my fingers still inside of her, and she came again and again on them. Finally she collapsed onto the bed and let out the breath that she had been holding. I continued to lick and finger her, as she had not told me to stop, and I felt her pull my face upwards to her and pulled me into a crushing kiss. She licked her cum off my face and then pushed her tongue into my mouth. I could tell she was acting on pure instinct, so I stopped what I was doing with my fingers and I felt her slowly grab my wrist and pull my hand out of her. She was breathing so hard her breaths were coming out quick and ragged.

“Popcorn! Butternut! Pineapple! Fuck… Safe word!”

I smiled at her choice of safe words and collapsed in bed next to her. My lips and wrist ached from pleasuring her, and my ass cheek felt like it was on fire. As I still hadn’t gotten off, however, my arousal flowed freely from between my legs.

“So… I did good?”

“Holy fuck, Allie…Allison… that was. I think… I saw god! I have never… ever… cum that hard in my… whole life. It was so much that it… fucking hurt. But… dear god… that was amazing!”

She moved close to me and I could feel her legs still quivering slightly as she pressed one against my body. She pushed herself up off the bed and over my body and started inspecting my butt.

“Daaaaamn… That looks beautiful! And painful… and.. holy shit Allie you’re literally soaking my bed. Oh my god! I’m so sorry!”

She moved back next to me and lay on her side so that we were both facing each other.

“As a special reward for being such a good girl and making me feel goddamn amazing… you can pick any method you want to get off.”

I spoke without even thinking.

“I wanna sit on your face.”

She grinned at me and moved her pillows to the other end of the bed and lay back against them. I was still feeling submissive as fuck, so I didn’t move a muscle until she spoke.

“Well get over here then.”

I sprang across the bed and then carefully straddled my fiancée’s face. I lowered my dripping sex onto her lips and felt her instantly start licking and sucking every part of me that was in her mouth. My eyes rolled back in my head as I started to cum, but I felt her tap my arm and I opened them and looked down at her. I could tell she was smiling even with her mouth full of my pussy, and she slowly nodded her head. I maintained eye contact and we interlocked our fingers as I rocked back and forth slightly. I lasted all of 30 seconds before I came in a giant explosion that almost rivaled my orgasm earlier that night. 

I had to move myself back off of Emily as her licking became far too much and I literally fell back onto the bed in a heap. My legs shook and I felt like I had bitten down on a circuit breaker. Every muscle in my entire body screamed in blissful agony. Even my tongue hurt. Emily stood up off the bed on shaky legs and spoke softly to me.

“Hey babe, I know it’s hard to move… but can you get up just for a sec?”

I groaned in painful frustration but did as she asked. She peeled the comforter off and went over to her loveseat in the corner and grabbed one of the blankets folded there. She spread it across the bed and then reached down and grabbed a towel. After cleaning herself off she tossed it to me and I gingerly used it to do the same. The stench of sex was so thick it was almost too much for even me… and I could tell Emily thought the same. She went over and opened her window and let out a very sharp gasp as the cold night air hit her.

She motioned towards the bed with her head and I happily climbed on and lay back against the plush pillows. We spooned together with her being the big spoon, and I sighed blissfully and I raised my hand that was interlocked with hers to my lips and kissed the back of her hand. I was absolutely exhausted, both physically and mentally… but sleep evaded me as I thought about everything that had happened and everything I wanted to happen. I apparently wasn’t alone in my sleeplessness as Emily spoke in a hushed tone behind me.

“Can’t sleep either?”

I shook my head. She sighed softly and kissed my back. It wasn’t a sensual act but an intimate one, and I pulled her arm that was wrapped around me into a tighter grip.

“You need to go home tomorrow, Allison. And as much as I don’t want to and you don’t want me to, I have to stay here. You do need to take a day or two to clear your mind. If you’re anywhere close to being as addicted to me as I am to you, I know neither of us are thinking clearly while being around the other. I know in my heart of hearts that you’ll come back to me, I just think this is something you need to do.”

I nodded silently and sighed. We both laid in silence for several minutes before Emily kissed my back again. I sighed happily and squeezed her arm as she spoke softly again.

“What do you want our wedding to be like?”

Her question threw me off guard for a second and I had to think about what I actually did want. I didn’t have much in the way of friends, and beyond an Uncle that I never spoke to, I didn’t have any actual family. If I had to pick people I wanted to be there it would be… Zoe for sure, which meant her husband as well. Sarah had moved to Seattle after she got married and we hadn’t really kept in touch so she probably wouldn’t be on my invite list. Hmmm… My foster mom would probably be furious with me if I didn’t at least send her an invitation. She lived in L.A. now… but I know it would mean a lot to her to at least get one. I wasn’t super close with anyone at my work, especially after getting promoted. Wow… I had come up with a grand total of 2 people who would for sure be at my wedding.

“So… I know this is gonna sound super sad, but I promise I’m not upset about it… Other than all of our clan mates, I really only have one friend. I don’t have any family that I’m especially close to, and I haven’t kept in touch with any of my friends I made over the years. So… I would have two people total, Zoe and her husband.”

She gripped me tightly and nodded before kissing my back again.

“So, we know your guest list… but you still didn’t tell me what your perfect wedding would be.”

I’m not much of a girly girl and that included the planning of my wedding. Truth be told, I never even considered marriage a prospect until just recently when Zoe got married. Her wedding had been fancy as fuck, with a horse-drawn carriage, the super elegant dress, and the whole nine yards. While I could see how that appealed to some people… I also knew how stressed out about it she had been and how much she almost dreaded it until it actually happened. No, that wasn’t for me. I did like the idea of a pretty wedding dress though. I may not wear dresses often, but the thought of wearing a bridal dress to a wedding with Emily made my heart soar.

“I think the perfect wedding would be something small and intimate. We’d do that thing where we exchange vows and then they tie our hands together, I can’t remember what it's called. We’d have a huge meal afterwards, and we’d do the typical thing of dancing together, speeches, and so on. I’m not sure how many people you would want to show up… but I feel like it would be less than 25 people total.”



“The knot tying ceremony. That’s what it’s called. Handfasting. It’s a celtic and wiccan thing.”

“Oh! Ok. Yeah… I had no idea what it was called. I just remember talking to one of my married lesbian coworkers who mentioned that that’s what she and her wife did.”

“Well… your idea of a wedding sounds absolutely perfect!”

“You really think so?”

“I do. It may not be what I had initially envisioned, but I like it so much better.”

“What did you initially envision? Wait… were you wanting the whole 'Cinderella fancy ball hundreds of people limousines and horse-drawn carriages' type of thing?”

She shook her head and laughed through her nose.

“No, nothing like that. All I had pictured was something involving exchanging vows and wearing a bridal dress. Ohhh would you wear a dress too or a tuxedo?”

“Definitely a dress. That’s one of the only things I knew for sure. When I pictured my wedding to you, it made me giddy thinking about wearing a dress to our wedding.”

I felt moisture on my back and Emily sniffled.

“Dear god you know exactly what to say to make me feel so goddamn happy.”

I kissed her hand again and sighed softly.

“What would you think about me wearing a black wedding dress?”

Emily purred and snuggled against me tighter.

“That would be sexy as hell. Especially cause you know I’d wear white.”

“Whaaat? The Queen of Ice herself wanting to wear white??? Who woulda thunk it?”


“Damn straight!”

“Not even a little bit…”

We both collapsed into a laughing fit and hugged each other even tighter. Emily yawned loudly, which in turn made me yawn. She pulled a sheet over top of us and wrapped her arm back around me.  I ignored the pit in my stomach as I snuggled back into the love of my life and drifted to sleep.


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