How I became the Empress of Hell

3.47: ❤️Itinerary

After most likely waking up the entire building with her screams of ecstasy, we did our best to keep the noise as quiet as possible. When we were both too tired to continue, we fell asleep wrapped in each other's arms. It felt like my head had just hit the pillow when the sound of Em's air raid siren jolted me awake. After I let out a long exasperated groan, Emily kissed me on the forehead and extracted herself from my arms.

“Whose bright idea was it to have sex until 4:00 in the morning?” 

Emily scoffed and smacked my ass as I rolled onto my belly.

“I didn't hear you complaining last night… In fact… I'm pretty sure I had to hold my hand over your mouth to muffle your cries for more.”

I let out a contented sigh as I recalled all the amazing sex from the night before. Everytime I thought I had had the best sex of my life, she managed to top her previous performance and completely blow my mind again and again. 

“Are you going to get up or sleep for a few more hours?”

I yawned loudly and blinked my eyes in an effort to clear the haze of sleep that still lingered. As much as I wanted to just sleep for another 30 hours, I knew it would take me forever to fall back asleep. 

“Mie fmink Miemma meph fup.”

“Do you kiss your fiancée with that mouth?”

I snorted at that and lifted my head out of the pillow as Emily smacked my ass again and moved to start getting dressed. 

“I said I think Imma get up. Although… If you smack my ass again I might drag you back into bed and… and…”

My voice trailed off as Emily stood with a hand on her hip and cocked her eyebrow.

“And do what?”

The dominant tone of her voice and her posture made me instantly go weak and I felt a shiver of pleasure pulse through me. She was getting very good at playing the Domme to my extremely submissive nature, and I could tell she enjoyed the role as much as I did. 

I stared into my beautiful fiancée's brown eyes and bit my lip as I pushed my face back into the pillow.

“Uh-huh… that's what I thought.”

She walked back across the room and smacked the exact same spot that she had before. I let out a groan of pain and pleasure as she pressed her hand to where she had struck and began to rub it softly.

“This ass is mine, princess.”

I let out a small whimper of pleasure at hearing the submissive name she had chosen for me; something I'm sure she chose as a jab at my soon to be title of Empress. As she continued to stroke my slightly stinging ass cheek, I let out a sharp gasp when her fingers traveled downwards towards my inner thighs. I unconsciously spread my legs as she wedged her hand between my thighs, and inhaled sharply when she traced one of her fingers along the outer fold of my completely soaked pussy lips. Despite the hours of sex we had had the night before, my body responded to her touch just as eagerly as ever. I let out a moan when I felt her push a finger into me and pushed back against her slightly as she started to finger fuck me gently.

“If you cum for me quickly, princess, I'll let you eat my pussy as a reward.”

My body needed no further prompting. As she slipped another finger inside of me and started strumming her fingertips against my g-spot, I immediately started convulsing and my back arched as my climax rose within me quickly. I buried my face into the pillow even deeper and let out a cry of pleasure as my orgasm overtook my senses. Emily slowed the movements of her fingers and then pulled them out of me when I had finally come back down from my peak. I heard the sound of her putting her fingers in her mouth and the intentionally loud noise of her licking and sucking at them. 

“Good girl. You have less than a minute to get down here and claim your reward before I opt to withhold it from you.”

Despite my legs still slightly trembling I burst out of bed and knelt before my stunning future wife with an eagerness that surprised even me. Emily laughed softly through her nose as she reached down with one of her hands and started slowly removing her jeans. My heart pounded in my ears as she moved at an achingly slow speed to pull the zipper downwards. I watched as she hooked a thumb in either side of her waistband and then started sliding them down her creamy white legs, inch by inch. When they were around her knees she stopped and ran her hands up the sides of her legs. She moved one of them to her crotch and then pulled the pair of purple cotton panties she was wearing to the side, showing me just how wet she already was. I licked my lips as I stared at her glistening sex, but I forced my body to remain otherwise motionless.

“Claim your reward, princess.”

My body practically moved on its own as I rocketed forward and buried my face between her thighs. My tongue homed in on her clit and I took the nub between my teeth gently before running my tongue up and down the length of her slit.

“Oh fuck! Ohhh that's really good, princess. You really wanted this reward, didn't you?”

Emily shivered in pleasure as I gave an affirmative hum and continued to push the tip of my tongue inside of her and then lick upwards to her clit. Her fingers ran across my head and then gently grabbed hold of my ponytail like a handle. I heard Em's breathing hitch and her legs began to quiver as she started to cum. Her grip on my hair tightened and she held my face against her pussy as her orgasm reached its peak. Her whole body shuddered a few times before she released her grip on my hair and then reached down with her other hand to pull me upwards into a searing kiss. 

She continued to hold my chin with her hand and I returned her kisses with an equal amount of passion. She pulled away slightly and I opened my eyes and stared into hers. She smiled warmly at me and gave me another soft peck on the lips.

“You did such a good job, Allison. I love you so much, you know that?”

Her using my real name was the signal that our little sub/Domme play had ended and I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her into a tight embrace.

“I love you, Emily. More than I can ever put into words.”

I kissed her again as I looked back at the clock on her bed stand. As I saw that it was still roughly 4 minutes before she was supposed to be up, I looked back at her with a raised eyebrow.

“You planned this whole thing… Didn't you?”

“What can I say? You're just so goddamn good at making me cum over and over, I couldn't help myself.”

I beamed at the compliment and kissed her again before pulling away.

“I don't know about you… But after that delicious appetizer I'm craving something a bit more substantial.”

Emily smirked and cocked her eyebrow again.

“Real food, babe. As much as I wish I could survive off of solely eating you out, I haven't figured out how to do that yet.”

“Anything in particular you're hungry for?”

“I'm really craving some crispy bacon… Maybe some scrambled eggs with hot sauce and cheese?”

Emily's stomach grumbled loudly and we both giggled at the perfect timing. 

“Hurry up and get dressed then, beautiful. Now you got me super hungry.

As we ate breakfast in the cafeteria, we were joined by Tiffany, Jade, Blaine, Trevor, Sabrina and Aaron. We chatted for a few minutes until everyone except Trevor and Aaron had to leave for class. After they informed me that neither of them had any other classes, we discussed the details of everything that had happened yesterday. I told them about dueling Varanix, “meeting” Gehenna's generals, Em getting a new form, and my power-up. When I explained what I was going to have to do to become Empress, both of them stared at me wide-eyed.

“Well, I think the best idea would be to log in and figure out who else is online. If we can get a decent party, it might be a good idea to attempt a high level dungeon run to get some more levels. Trevor can be our healer, Allie, you can fill whatever role we end up needing, and I can bring some of my new spiders I created.”

“New spiders? Now I'm intrigued.”

Aaron gave me a wide grin and then made a gesture with his fingers like he was zipping his lips closed.

“It'll be a surprise… I think you'll like them though.”

I stuck my tongue out at him playfully and then pushed myself back from the table.

“So, meet me in the clan hall?” 

Both of them nodded eagerly and we left the cafeteria and went back to our respective rooms. I stripped down to my underwear and laid out a fresh towel on the bed before sending Em a text letting her know what we were planning on doing and then logging in.

Once I logged in I sent a message to Gehenna, informing her of my plans for the day. She responded within seconds and let me know she had other duties to attend to and that she'd catch up with me after we returned to the castle.

Upon leaving my room in the castle, I was immediately greeted by Hana, who suddenly appeared right in front of me.

“Good morning, Allexus.”

I allowed my breathing to return to normal from having been startled by her unexpected appearance and gave her a smirk. 

“Good morning, Hana. We really need to get you a bell or something…”

“A… Bell? Ah. Apologies… I didn't mean to startle you. It's just that when I saw you online I figured it would be a good time to discuss some things and a potential itinerary for today if you don't have any plans.”

“Well, I was gonna do a dungeon run with Aeryn and Ghost, but… Let's see whatcha got. I'm on my way to the clan hall, so you cool with walking and talking?”

She gave me one of her almost smiles and nodded. We both started walking slowly and she snapped her fingers and pulled out a literal clipboard. I resisted the urge to laugh at the absurdity of the situation, but thought better of it when I saw the serious look on Hana's face.

“I've taken the liberty of requesting Kyra craft better armor and weapons for your demon army. They've been drastically under utilized and having them both better equipped and better trained would dramatically increase the defense of the castle. With your permission, I will have Tesrif accompany them on a dungeon run or two so they can level up.”

“You don't need my permission for that, it sounds like an excellent idea.”

“Ah. Well… Tesrif herself um…”

“Tesrif gave you some push back?”

“N-no. Not exactly. Um… It's just that… Um she uh… After our the last conversation with her she um, I'm-”

“Intimidated by her?” 

Hana gave me a sour look but then let out a small sigh and nodded. I chuckled and placed my hand on her arm.

“Don't worry, Hana, I'll talk to the big scary demon general.”

Instead of responding to my jibe, Hana nodded and went back to her list.

“We need to increase the clan's gold supply. After the recent upgrades to the castle plus the improvements to the forge room, we are running low on funds. While whatever gold we receive from the demon army's dungeon runs should suffice to keep us from completely running out of gold, we'll need a large influx if we plan to continue our expansion. Did Gehenna mention anything about what additional benefits you'll receive from becoming Empress? If the title does come with a monetary reward, that would be ideal.”

“She didn't mention anything, but given the fact that I'll literally be the rule of all demons, I'm sure money won't be an issue for long.”

She wrote something on her clipboard and nodded. As we arrived at the clan hall I saw Judas, Aaron, Ghost, Ash and another Hana waiting for me. The second image of Hana disappeared as we moved closer to the group and I greeted Ash and my retainer warmly before turning back to my Avatar of Efficiency.

“After noting a significant uptake in my productivity from the increased dopamine levels following our more than satisfactory intercourse, it would be ideal if we could spend a minimum of 30 minutes together to maintain peak efficiency.”

“Wait. You actually wrote us having sex into the itinerary for today?” 

“Solely for the purposes of-” 

I cut Hana off suddenly by reaching forward and pulling her very close to me until her lips were inches away from mine. Her face turned a bright shade of red as she stared into my eyes.

“The purposes of… What Hana? Tell me… What would the sole purpose of us having sex be?”


“Riiiiight. So that's the only reason, is it?”

Hana glanced back at the others standing nearby and I used one finger to turn her chin back towards me. I cupped the bottom of her face softly in my hand to gently hold her in place.

“Don't look at them, look at me. Is your ‘efficiency’ the only reason you want to have sex with me?”

I knew I was likely pushing this a little too far, but seeing the look of aroused distress on Hana's face was absolutely intoxicating. Seeing how flustered she got when I was this close to her caused my predatory demonic side to guide my actions, so... I just went with it.

“Aeryn, if Tesrif and 60 demon soldiers accompanied the rest of you, would that be sufficient enough to attempt a single mid level dungeon run?”

Aeryn laughed softly at my words and the implication that I wouldn't be joining them immediately.

“Yeah, that should be fine. A single run should give you plenty of time, but let us know if you need more… since it was only a minimum of 30 minutes written into your very busy schedule.”

“Excellent. Anything you'd like to add, Hana?”

The gorgeous Korean woman inhaled sharply and then disappeared out of my grasp. She appeared a few feet away looking only slightly less flustered. She started to speak, but I narrowed my eyes as I quickly opened my minion menu and then summoned her back to where she stood before. She gave me a look of utter shock as I stroked her cheek with my clawed hand and stared deeply into her eyes.

“Don't. Move.”

I turned towards the others, who were all smirking and shaking their heads at my antics.

“I'll catch up with you guys after a little while. It seems I need to check some things off my to-do list first.”

Aeryn rolled his eyes and nodded before he motioned for the others to join him as he walked towards the castle exit. Once everyone else departed, I summoned Tesrif to my side and informed her of the plan, all while I continued to gently stroke Hana's cheek. The tall warrior woman gave me a salute and departed without another word. Once I was sure that it was just Hana and me, I turned back towards her and smiled a predatory grin.

“Ready to go ‘maintain your efficiency?’”

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