How I became the Empress of Hell

3.48: Standard Operating Procedure

If you've read up to this point, you are already intimately familiar with my standard operating procedure when it comes to sex. As Allexus, I am a dominant force who takes what she wants but gives pleasure in equal measure. I like to use my demonically enhanced abilities to exert my authority, and I have a slightly sadistic side when it comes to teasing my lovers until they beg for release. While I have been far gentler when the need arises, the feeling of power and control I have over my lovers gets me off almost as much as the amazing sex. The best part of having sex with Hana is that she feeds off of my dominance like a drug; the more authority I exert over her, the more she gets ramped up.

Hana is a true submissive. She relishes having absolutely no control. She basks in the feeling of me using her body to pleasure myself in whatever way I want. She gets off over and over at being taken hard with little regard to her own pleasure. By the time I released myself deep within her body for the third time, Hana had cum nearly a dozen times, each orgasm bigger and more intense than the previous one. 

After letting her body slump to the bed I let out a contented sigh and stared down at the gorgeous woman I had just fucked into nigh oblivion. She fluttered her eyes at me and gave me a huge smile, which made me smile in turn upon seeing the full emotion on her face. I stretched and moved to get off the bed, before turning back towards Hana as she spoke softly.

“Oh… Are you leaving then?”

My eyebrow rose at hearing the slightly disappointed tone of her voice and the crestfallen look on her face she couldn't hide.

“Eleven mind-blowing orgasms not enough for you to be able to maintain your efficiency?”

Hana shook her head and then turned away from me.

“It's not that. I promise, the sex was far far more than satisfactory. It's just that… Never mind. Thank you, Allexus. I had an excellent time.”

I moved across the bed in a blink of an eye and lifted Hana's face upwards towards me.

“Hana, what were you going to say? Tell me. Now.”

My authoritative tone resonated within her and she gave me a slight nod.

“After we had sex last time… I really enjoyed um…” 

Her face started to turn a bright crimson as she blushed, and when I realized what she was about to say, I interrupted her by laying back onto the bed and pulling her back into me with a single strong tug. Her body practically melted against me as she pressed her backside into me. As I started running the tips of my claws down the length of her arm, she let out a happy sigh.

“Thank you. I didn't realize how much I wanted this until you started to leave without a second thought. I'm… confused as to why I desire this so much. This level of affection I feel towards you typically takes months to develop, not two days. And even then… I’m not normally one to cuddle in bed for any significant length of time.”

“Level of affection? Confessing your love for me already?” 

Instead of replying, Hana shook her head and grabbed my hand. She kissed the top of it gently before wrapping it around her. I squeezed her tightly against me and she let out another contented sigh.

“No. Not yet. But I could see why Emelia, Nialla, and Gehenna love you like they do. You have this magnetic personality that draws people in and doesn't let go. I haven't smiled this much in a long time. My cheeks hurt from all the smiling you make me do.”

I was about to say something about how little I'd actually seen her make any facial expression, but despite the typical deadpan tone she spoke with, something in her voice told me she was being playful.

“Do you do that on purpose? The way you talk and how you keep your emotions pretty subdued most of the time I mean.”

“I'm socially awkward at best… I fail to pick up on most social cues, I have little tact with regards to most subjects, and I'm terrible at picking up on sarcasm. I learned that if I speak with as little emotion as possible, there's less of a chance someone will get offended by something I say. I don't show my emotions for the same reason. I don't want to convey the wrong emotion in any given situation, so I find it's better to convey no emotion so I don't say or do the wrong thing.”

“Are you autistic?” 

The words were out of my mouth before I could stop them, and I winced slightly at the potentially insulting question. Instead of getting offended, Hana nodded her head.

“Do you have ADHD?”

“I do… But can I ask what drew you to that conclusion?”

“Your constant need for stimuli and how distractible you are. Normally the latter would irritate me, but on you I find the trait endearing. It makes you seem… Fun and spontaneous.”

“Huh. Thanks, I guess. Normally my distractibility is seen as a detriment, but I'm glad you see the positive side of it. Also… To emphasize your point of being distracted, I did notice you said not yet when I asked if you were confessing your love for me… I just got distracted and failed to immediately point it out.”

Hana went silent for a few seconds before replying.

“As I said, it's easy to see why the others love you like they do.”

“That didn't really answer my question, Hana.”

“You failed to ask me a question, Allexus.”

I scoffed at her response before kissing her shoulder. When she felt the scrape of my upper and lower fangs against her skin, her eyes drifted upwards to stare at me.

“You are polyamorous, yes?”

“I am.”

“Emelia is as well?”

“She is warming up to the concept. But she fully accepts my own polyamory.”

“I've heard Gehenna refer to Emelia and Nialla as your ‘demon wives…’ Is that how you see them?”

“Well, Em is my fiancée, so I view her as my wife in every way possible. With Nialla it's… Complicated. I don't really know that much about her outside of what she's shared with me. But I still feel an undeniable connection to her. I actually need to talk with her… Since the last time we spoke I sorta dropped the ‘I love you’ bomb and then logged out.”

“You do need to speak with her then… But… to continue my questions… Do you plan to take more ‘demon wives?’ 

I stared into Hana's eyes for a moment, knowing exactly what she was really asking me.

“Is that what you want, Hana? To be one of my demon wives? To be in love with me and for me to love you in return?”

The intense blush on Hana’s face and the way she turned away from me told me I had hit the nail on the head. She remained silent for a full two minutes before speaking softly.

“Yes. I'd like that.”

She shifted her body towards me and was just about to kiss me when her eyes adopted a distant look. When she refocused them, she wore a grim expression on her face.

“Something's wrong. Tesrif is now level 1 and she's rushing towards this room.”


Without a second thought, I burst off the bed and waved my hand to equip my clothing and chainmail. I moved to open the door, but it opened automatically and I looked back towards Hana. Instead of being naked on the bed, she stood a few feet away fully clothed in her typical attire. As Tesrif came into view, I rushed over to her and put my hand on her arm. She moved to bow slightly and I shook my head. 

“Tesrif, forgo the formalities, what's happening?”

“We had just finished the dungeon run and were about to enter the treasure room when we were ambushed by over a dozen high leveled Angelspawn clans. Your demon soldiers and I rushed the large group in order to buy time for Aeryn, Judas, Ash and Ghost to retreat. The last thing I saw was the entire building collapsing around us.”

“Give me directions to this dungeon. I will make them pay for attacking my clan.”

Hana spoke from behind me and I turned to face her as she moved closer to Tesrif and me.

“I've taken the liberty of messaging Gehenna and the rest of the clan. While none of the others are online at the moment, Gehenna already rep-”

Hana was interrupted when a shimmering black portal opened a few feet away from me and Gehenna stepped through. She was clad in her gold, red, and black armor, and her golden eyes glowed with an intense anger. She looked from me to Tesrif and then moved to my side and placed a hand on my shoulder.

“I've already sent my generals ahead to meet up with your clan members, Allie. I will teleport us as close as possible if you're ready.”

I held up a finger to indicate to Gehenna I needed a moment. I turned back towards Tesrif and took both of her hands in mine.

“Thank you for what you did, Tesrif. Your actions likely saved the others from having to respawn. Please give your soldiers my thanks for their efforts as well.”

Tesrif sighed and gave me a grim look.

“They did not respawn, my lady. Only those of us with a Bond of Corruption are able to do so.”

I growled in irritation before nodding slowly.

“Then I will make them pay for every life they took.”

We will make them pay.”

I felt a strong hand grip my shoulder and turned to see Hana, who was now over 6 feet tall and had features I was used to seeing on my own body. Her horns swept forward across the top of her head and curved upwards a few inches past her brow. She had a pair of huge leathery bat wings, and her body now sported extremely exaggerated curves. When I arched my eyebrow and gave her an incredulous look, she merely shrugged and gave me a half smile.

“What can I say? Someone gave me good inspiration for a powerful fighting form. It's not permanent, but these enchantments should hold up long enough for me to be able to fight alongside you.”

I nodded at her and turned back towards Gehenna.

“OK. We're ready. Let's go kill some fucking Angelspawn.”

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