How I became the Empress of Hell

3.70: Girl’s Game Night

Hey all, I want to apologize for the lack of chapters over the past two weeks. I ran out of my meds and also needed to quit the absolute shit part time job that I had. I am getting back into a routine and will get this story moving again. Thank you all for your continued support!

Over the course of the next 45 minutes, I pestered Emily, Jade, and Tiffany continually to try to get them to tell me what the hell the note said and what I had just agreed to. Even after kissing and sucking on Em’s neck to try and seduce the information out of her, I was still no closer to figuring it out. I attempted to distract myself from thinking about what it could possibly be by playing several four player games that the arcade had, but I kept glancing over nervously at the bartender, quickly averting my gaze every time she caught me staring. After getting my ass kicked by Jade in a PvP first person shooter six times in a row, I figured it was time to call it a night. As the four of us moved towards the exit,  I looked over to where the bartender should be, but when I saw an older guy instead of the pretty redhead, my heart began to hammer. I grabbed Emily’s hand as we walked out, and saw the bartender leaning against her car… waiting for us.

My pulse began to race and my palms felt sweaty as I looked at the others. Em and Jade shared a knowing grin, before Tiffany, Jade, and Emily stopped.

“Alright, Em, Allie… I had so much fun this evening! Thank you for inviting me and Tif.”

“Yes. Thank you for inviting me. Thanks to you guys, I’m quickly becoming more comfortable being… out. It’s… very freeing.”

Em and I nodded in agreement, wished Jade and Tiffany a goodnight, and hugged them tightly before they walked to Jade’s car. I turned to Em to speak, but she merely grabbed my hand and walked towards the other woman who gave us both a huge grin when she saw us coming her way. As we approached her, she smirked at me and then her eyes settled on Emily.

“So… Allie and Emily, right?”

I gave her a look of confusion before I remembered she had carded both of us when she served us drinks. I nodded nervously and looked from Emily back towards the redhead.

“It’s a pleasure to officially meet you both. I’m Sydney… or Syd.”

“Do you prefer Sydney or Syd?”

“Either one is fine, so go with whichever is easier for you to remember.”

Sydney turned towards Emily with an amused expression.

“So… my place or yours, ladies?”

My face turned beet red and I spluttered as my brain went into panic mode. My eyes shot towards Emily but she had the perfect poker face that betrayed absolutely no emotion. I looked back to Sydney and I managed to make my mouth form words.

“Wait. Hold up. What is going on? No one has told me anything.”

Sydney glanced from me to Emily, giving her a questioning look. Em merely nodded and Sydney’s face broke out into a huge smile and she spoke in a husky tone that sent shivers down my spine.

“That’s OK, Allie. Just be a good girl, don’t ask any more questions, and I promise everything will be just fine.”

If I hadn’t already been blushing, her calling me a good girl in that tone of voice caused me to nearly melt down on the spot. I had no idea how in the hell this girl knew what I was into, and what she had planned with Emily, but my mind spun and I felt slightly lightheaded.

“Do you have roommates, Sydney?”

The redhead shook her head.

“Nope. Just me in my tiny studio apartment.”

“Then it's probably best if we go to your place. I live in the dorms on the CU campus and Jade is my roommate, she’s the gorgeous black girl we were playing with.”

Sydney nodded and gave both of us a huge grin.

“Cool. You good to drive?”

I opened my mouth to answer, but Emily beat me to the punch.

“I only had the one shot you brought us, so I’m good.”

“Awesome. Text me if you get lost.”

“Sure… Uh… I need your number.”

“Oh, right!”

Emily unlocked her phone with one hand and handed it to Sydney, who quickly typed in her number and handed it back to Em. I distinctly noticed that she had pressed the power button so as to prevent me from seeing what was on the screen.

“Alright, see you guys in a few.”

Sydney gave us one final grin before opening her door and getting into her car. Emily wordlessly walked towards her car without a single glance back. I ran to catch up, still trying to figure out what in the hell was going on. After we both got into the car and buckled up, I placed my hand on Emily’s arm before she could start the car.

“Em. Seriously… can you please tell me what’s going on?”

Emily gave a long sigh through her nose and stared into my eyes.

“I will tell you if you absolutely must know, but I really, really want it to be a surprise. I promise it will be fun and you will enjoy it, and if you ever feel uncomfortable or want to stop, we’ll stop, no questions asked.”

It was my turn to sigh, and I sat back in my seat and stared at my fiancée. I gave her a single nod and she grabbed my hand with hers and brought it to her lips.

“I love you, Allison.”

“And I love you, Emily.”

Emily gave me a warm smile and started her car. After pulling behind Sydney’s blue sedan, she led us out of the parking lot and onto the main street. We followed behind her in silence for a while, when my impatience got the better of me again.

“Are we going there for a threesome?”

Emily chuckled and looked down at the digital display of her radio.

“Seven minutes. You lasted longer than I was expecting. But… I’m not saying we are going to have a threesome, but I’m also not saying it’s out of the realm of possibility.”

I thought about that for a moment.

“So… if we do end up having a threesome, you’re OK with that?”

“If that is something we end up doing, and I’m not saying it is… yes, I would be OK with that.”

A sudden cloud of anxiety and doubt swept over me and I sighed loudly. I opened my mouth to ask Emily something else, before shutting it again.

“What’s up, babe?”

“I know we talked a little about polyamory regarding all the stuff with Noelle, but… are you truly OK with me having sex with someone else IRL?”

“Let me answer your question with a question. Can you say with absolute certainty that you will always love me and be by my side from now until the end of time? Not how you feel, or what you want to happen, but something you are absolutely sure about.”

I spoke without a second of hesitation.

“Absolutely, 100%. There is nothing in the world that could make me stop loving you. I’m not a spiritual person, and I don’t say this lightly… you are a piece of my soul, Emily.”

My answer hung between us for a moment before I continued.

“Do you feel the same about me?”

“One million percent, yes. I have no doubts in my mind that no matter what life throws at us, we will always be there for one another, and our love will only grow stronger by the day. So… to answer your question… yes, I am truly OK with you having sex with someone else, because I am absolutely certain that nothing that happens will ever come between you and me.”

She paused for a moment before laughing softly.

“Now… all that being said, we may not even be having sex tonight. With Sydney, I mean. You and I will most definitely have sex no matter what.”

I laughed at that and let out a contented sigh. After a few more minutes of silence, we pulled into the parking lot of a cozy one story apartment complex. As we drove through the lot, Sydney stopped, rolled down her window, and pointed to a spot that was labeled “Guest Parking.” Em parked, turned off the car, and turned to face me.


I scoffed loudly and shrugged.

“As much as I can be, sure.”

She stuck her tongue out at me and got out of the car. I exhaled loudly and nodded once to myself as I cleared away any lingering thoughts of worry or anxiety. I stepped out of the car and quickly ran to catch up with Em as she walked towards Sydney. My heart began to race as we approached the sexy redhead, but something nagged at the back of my mind as I strode through the parking lot. Pushing whatever it was aside, I took a deep breath and gave the taller woman a huge smile, the conversation I had had with Emily still running through my mind. 

Upon reaching where Sydney was standing, she grinned at both of us and turned to lead us into a nearby building. After stepping into a long narrow hallway that angled off to the left, we walked slowly in silence. After rounding the corner, I scoffed loudly as soon as I saw two people standing in front of the doorway at the end of the hall.

“Alright… Alright… you got me good.”

Jade and Tiffany wore extremely amused smirks as the three of us walked up to them.

“I’m honestly surprised you didn’t convince Em to tell you what was going on.”

The other two women moved to the side to allow Sydney access to the door, and after quickly unlocking it, she stepped inside and held the door open. The four of us piled in behind her and looked around us at Sydney’s apartment.

“It isn’t much, but… it’s mine. Go ahead and make yourselves at home while I get changed real fast. Drinks are in the fridge, and feel free to help yourself to anything else in there if you want.”

Jade was the first to reply as she moved further into the apartment.

“Thanks Syd. Uh… where do you keep your playing cards?”

“Oh, ummm… fuck. I remember letting my nephew play with them to show me a magic trick, so they should be near, on, or around the coffee table.”

I watched as Jade walked over to a large L-shaped plush black leather sofa which was situated around a small coffee table. After searching around for a moment, Jade held up a pack of cards in a black box. Em moved towards the kitchen area and went to the fridge, before pulling out a bottle of sparkling wine, she placed it on the small counter and then pulled out a large tub of what appeared to be some sort of dip.

“Hey, Sydney… large bowls for some chips?”

“Cabinet above the sink and to the left. If there isn’t a clean one, check the dishwasher.”

Tiffany took me by the hand and led me towards the couch where Jade was sitting. I took a seat as I stared at everything taking place around me, still attempting to figure out what was going on. I faced Tiffany as she turned towards me with a smile on her lips.

“To answer the question I can tell is burning in your mind, Sydney and Jade used to be in the same study group when she was taking courses at the college. Jade already had her number, so while you were kicking that guy’s ass, we made plans to have a little game night back here. Emily suggested having a little fun fucking with you, and we readily agreed. You made it so hard to keep from telling you. I almost felt bad for keeping it a secret. Like Jade said though, I’m surprised you didn’t convince Emily to tell you with how insistent you were at the arcade.”

“She and I talked about some things, and because I trust her and because she asked so nicely, I allowed her to keep it as a surprise. If I’m being honest, I fully expected to be partaking in a threesome right about now.”

“Who says that still isn’t the plan?”

I turned at the sounds of Sydney’s voice and smiled up at her as I saw she was wearing a pair of cute purple and black pajamas and some fuzzy light purple slippers. She had on a pair of glasses that made her look adorable as all hell, like a sexy curvy nerdy chick. I felt a blush crawl up my cheeks as I realized I had been staring at her far longer than I probably should have. She laughed, a sweet sound that was full of mirth, and moved to sit right the fuck next to me, her leg pushed against mine.

As my brain processed what she had actually said before, and given she was so close I could smell her vanilla scented perfume and feel the warmth of her body pressed against me, my mind went completely blank as I blushed harder than ever.

“You are absolutely adorable when you blush, Allie.”

Em’s voice called out from the kitchen, only adding to my discomfort.

“Isn’t she though? It really makes her eyes shine even brighter.”

Emily laughed softly as she heard me mutter out some unintelligible response and she moved closer to the couch with a huge bowl of potato chips in one hand, and a smaller bowl of a creamy dip in the other. Tiffany quickly stood up to allow Em to sit on my other side. She joined Jade, who had moved to sit on a smaller, yet still incredibly plush, loveseat.

I looked around for some alcohol that might alleviate some of my distress, but realized that Emily had left it in the kitchen. I made a move to stand up from the couch when two pairs of hands pulled me back down.

“Nuh-uh. You’re staying here, princess.”

“B-but… drinks?”

“I’ll get ‘em!”

Tiffany quickly shot up and moved towards the kitchen, but not before I gave her look of betrayal. As soon as she returned with the bottle of wine and several glasses, after leaving and returning once more with more glasses and a bottle opener, she handed it to Jade who had offered to open and pour some for everyone. Upon receiving my glass of bubbling light red liquid, I downed it all at once like it was the elixir of life. I let out a long slow sigh as the bubbles tickled my throat before issuing a long boisterous belch. The room went silent for a few seconds until everyone burst into laughter. I quickly joined in as I considered the hilarity of the situation, and my nerves immediately began to relax. I leaned back onto the couch and let out a sharp gasp when I felt Em’s lips on my neck. She kissed me slowly, and sweetly, before moving towards my ear.

“Are you OK?”

I nodded slowly, doing my best to ignore the electric feel she had left in the wake of her kisses.

“Alright you two, no making out yet. We still have a game to play.”

My eyes focused on Jade who had pulled the cards out of the box and was now busy shuffling them.

“Wha-what are w-we playing?”

“Mau. With a twist.”

“A… twist?”

I had a good feeling I knew where this was likely leading, but I still figured that after incorrectly guessing what I thought was going to originally happen with Sydney, it would be best to not assume.

“Yeah… Every time someone goes out, the others who didn’t win have to take off one piece of clothing.”

“So… Strip Mau?”

Emily giggled and nodded.

“Yes, but the real twist is that every rule that gets made has to be sexual in some manner. Now… it can be something as simple as… a kiss. Or… light touches over the clothes… but I have a feeling it won’t stay that chaste for long.”

I felt my skin heating up at the thought of what we were about to do and the implications of where it most definitely would lead, and shivered as I felt Sydney run her fingers up the length of my arm. I turned to look at her as she spoke, but didn’t make any attempts to move away from her.

“Is everyone OK with this setup and where it will likely end up?”

I found myself nodding immediately, and turned to see the others making murmurs of agreement or nodding as well. I focused on everything that had led up to this point and realized now would be a good time to establish some boundaries.

“Should we discuss boundaries and hard limits?”

More sounds of acknowledgement and I turned to look at Jade.

“Same as when you corrupted us, Allie, I won’t be directly having sex with Em. It still feels like having sex with my sister.”


After a moment of silence, I looked around the room at each of them before finally settling my gaze on Sydney.

“I’m down for whatever, with whoever. You all are super hot, so I’m just happy to be included in this.”

Despite the blush I felt creeping up my face again, I leaned against the taller woman and rubbed her arm softly.

“You are super hot too, Sydney.”

The others quickly chimed in with sounds of agreement and she beamed at all of us.

“Thanks guys. I’ve… always been super self-conscious about my weight and looks, so… hearing the four of you say that is… really flattering.”

I grinned widely at her and gave her a half-serious look.

“And fuck anyone who disagrees with that.”

“I mean… why don’t you fuck me instead?”

Emily quickly interrupted by grabbing my arm tightly and speaking in a louder voice.

“And on that note, why don’t we start playing?”

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