How I became the Empress of Hell

3.71: ❤️Girl’s Game Night II

Double length chapter since I forgot to post yesterday and because it didn't make sense to break up this extra spicy scene. Enjoy!!❤️❤️❤️❤️


We all nervously played the first round with a minimal amount of talking, the four of us thinking about what was likely to come. After Jade declared Mau and then went out the following hand, the rest of us groaned, albeit with obvious hints of underlying excitement.

“Alright ladies, hand over that first piece of clothing. Shoes and socks count as a single item for everyone except Emily, since she's wearing a dress and not two separate pieces like the rest of us. That leaves everyone starting with five pieces of clothing.”

Emily looked at Jade with some confusion.

“Instead of counting my shoes and socks separately, why not just count my stockings?”

Jade was about to answer when I immediately interrupted.

“I speak for everyone, babe, when I say, there is no way in hell you are taking those off tonight. They are sexy as fuck.”

Everyone, including Jade, readily agreed with me and Emily seemed mollified as she nodded and leaned back into the couch.

 “Alrighty, losers, strip!”

I quickly undid the straps of my heels and tossed them onto the floor in front of Jade. Emily’s boots, Sydney’s slippers, and surprisingly enough, Tiffany’s long sleeve top quickly joined the pile. We all looked at the petite Asian girl with a bit of confusion, who merely shrugged and stuck her tongue out at us. The reason for her choosing that particular piece of clothing became readily obvious, as Jade immediately started stroking the skin of her girlfriend’s back and arms. We all turned towards Jade as she was considering what her first rule was gonna be. She laughed as she realized she had lost herself a bit in the task of running her fingers along Tif’s spine.

“Sorry. Got distracted. Uh… let’s see.”

She thought for a moment while she drummed her finger on her chin, before shrugging and smiling.

“Alright… every time someone plays a non-face red card, they have to kiss the person on their left the same number of times as the number that’s on the card.”

Everyone gave their approval at the excellent idea, and I quickly turned towards Sydney… who was sitting on my left. She gave me a massive grin and waggled her eyebrows at me. I rolled my eyes, but couldn’t help but stare at her lips as I thought about kissing her. Em bumped me with her arm and gave me a knowing smirk, before reaching down and grabbing the cards that Jade had dealt in front of her. I grabbed my own cards, noting that all but one were red, and none of them were face cards. Better yet, I even had the eight of diamonds and the nine of hearts. I faced Sydney and the blush spreading up my cheeks told her immediately what my hand likely contained.

Plays passed quickly, everyone else playing a black card. After Em played the 9 of clubs, I let out a little sigh and steeled my nerves. I placed the rest of my hand facedown on the coffee table and shifted so I was now facing Sydney. I reached out to hand the remaining card to Emily, motioning for her to put it on the stack. She chuckled as she saw what it was, and the gorgeous redhead looked down at it and then up to me as she shifted on the couch. 

Knowing that if I gave any thought to what I was doing I would likely overthink it, I just went for it. I pushed my body against Sydney and pressed my lips to hers. I forced myself to keep the kiss chaste, and pulled back and went in for another. I moved my lips to various parts of her face, and gave her sweet, sensual kisses. Upon reaching eight, I moved back towards her mouth and slipped my hand behind her head. She leaned into me as I kissed her deeply, my tongue pushing into her mouth. She tasted of champagne and the orange soda she had been drinking, and as we continued to explore each other’s mouths, I knew it would be easy to get lost in her kisses. She was a damn good kisser. I pulled away after a moment, my entire body tingling and hungry for much, much more. She inhaled deeply and spoke in a breathy voice.

“Holy fuck. That was even better than I imagined.”

We both exhaled loudly as we tried to release a little of the tension that we had built up. I nodded to her and pointed to the cards she had set down on the arm of the couch, and she let out another long drawn out breath and picked them up. She got up from her seat and moved towards the loveseat where Jade was seated, played the two of hearts, and bent down towards the ebony goddess. The two of them shared a single quick peck on the lips, before Jade reached up and pulled Sydney down into a soul-searing kiss that left both of them panting when they were finished. Sydney walked slowly back towards her seat and shook her head as she let out a long exhale.

“We are not going to get many rounds in if this keeps up like this.”

The rest of the round passed by in much the same manner, each person kissing the other in a manner that left each of them lusting for way more. I won that round with my eight of diamonds, and Sydney “rewarded me” with seven sweet, gentle kisses. The eighth kiss, however, she ran her hands through my hair as we locked lips, and I let out a moan as she slid her fingers down my back. When we broke apart, my head felt foggy and my skin burned with intense arousal. While Sydney and I had been lost in the other, Emily had apparently gone to the kitchen, as she walked back to the couch with an armful of bottles of water. I accepted one gratefully and found that it was ice-cold, which helped immensely to cool me down a bit.

“I figured we could all use a little cooling off after that round. Since uh… it’s only gonna get more intense from here.”

Murmurs of agreement sounded and as we all drank our water greedily. After retrieving another five bottles from the fridge and passing them out, I finally settled on a rule as the others piled up the articles of clothing they had removed. Emily and Jade had removed their socks, Tiffany had, of course, removed her bra, and Sydney had stripped off her pajama bottoms, leaving her in an absolutely adorable pair black of panties with little purple hearts on them. The front of her underwear was darkened from her obvious arousal, and as I pulled my eyes away, I saw that Sydney had seen where I had been staring. I grinned up at her as I leaned back into the couch, and noticed Jade had her arm around Tiffany and was teasing the underside of her small breast. Everyone looked at me expectantly as I took a long drink of my water. Just as I was about to announce the rule I had come up with, Emily interrupted me by placing a hand on my arm.

“Why don’t you and Sydney switch seats?”

I smirked at her and stuck out my tongue.

“Tired of kissing me already?”


I nodded and turned around to look at Sydney. She looked from me to Emily and then back to me with a huge smile.

“Wait… I get to make out with the hot goth girl? Fuck yes!”

We all chuckled as Sydney and I settled into our new seats. I looked from her over to Jade, who was now smirking at me with a perfectly sculpted arched brow.

“Should I make you beg before I let you kiss me, like you made me beg you?”

I scoffed and let out a grunt of exasperation. Curiosity was evident in Sydney’s voice as she spoke.

“OK, now I need details. There’s definitely a story there.”

As Sydney glanced from me to Jade, and then back to me again, her face lit up with sudden understanding.

“Wait… Holy Damnation?”

“I’m guessing they told you that’s how we all met?”

“Yeah, when I was texting Em she told me a bit about it. Sounds cool, actually. Maybe if I had more free time and an N-Vision I’d consider trying it out… but as it stands I don’t see myself in the market for that. For now I’ll have to settle for using the old school consoles that still use controllers. Now then… let’s hear this rule of yours, since we keep interrupting you.”

“Every time someone–”

I paused as I looked at Jade and Tiffany, recalling the conversation we had about keeping sex beyond the two of them limited to in-game exclusively. Despite how close the two of them were, I could tell that they were not at the stage Emily and I were at yet. Without that certainty of trust and devotion, what we were doing would most definitely test the depth of their commitment to one another in the face of possible unresolved jealousy. Jealousy stems from a lack of trust, and I was almost certain Jade and Tiffany were not there yet.

As I considered all of this, the others were staring at me with what started as intense, hungry curiosity, but morphed into concern when I didn't show any effort to finish what I had been saying.

“Allie are you–” 

“I'm good, Jade. But… can I talk to you and Tiffany out in the hall for a moment.”

They shared a look of confusion, but seeing the seriousness on my face must have made them realize this wasn't part of the game.

“Uhhhh. Sure. Come on Tif. Although… maybe put on your bra first?”

Tiffany moved towards the pile of clothing in front of me and retrieved her bra as I turned to face Emily and Sydney. My gorgeous fiancée looked up at me with a knowing expression written on her face.

“Everything OK, babe?”

I turned towards Em and nodded with a smile.

“Be right back.”


Jade, Tiffany, and I all walked through the small apartment and moved into the hallway. Once we were all outside and the door was shut, Jade narrowed her eyes at me.

“What's going on, Allie? Are you OK?”

“So… As much fun as we are having and as much as I'm sure we would all enjoy what's likely to come… I feel I need to remind you that you specifically requested that any sex be limited to in-game so you and Tiffany could continue growing closer together as a couple. I'm not sure how much has changed in your relationship over the course of one day, but I honestly wouldn't feel comfortable continuing without addressing this.”

Jade inhaled deeply and then let it out with a long sigh. She turned towards her girlfriend and then glanced back at me.

“Yeah. You're right. Do you mind if–” 

Immediately sensing what she was about to say, I held up my hand and gave them both a warm smile.

“I'm gonna head back inside.”

I moved to return back to the apartment, but Tiffany stopped me with a hand on my arm.

“Thanks, Allie.”

I nodded once and smiled, before opening the door and leaving the two of them to talk. When I returned to the couch, Emily and Sydney looked to me with curiosity. I explained what I had said to both of them, what had happened in-game between Jade, Tifa, and me to Sydney, and then took my place back on the couch while we waited. 

After a few minutes, the three of us turned as the door opened again, watching as Jade and Tiffany held hands as they walked towards the couch and sat back down. When they were finally situated, Jade gave her girlfriend a quick glance before looking at the rest of us.

“We're gonna stay. We're both good with whatever happens but… we will focus only on each other should things escalate to… well… when they escalate to outright sex.”

Tiffany nodded her head and chimed in.

“That doesn't mean we have to stop doing all the other stuff though.”

“You just want to keep kissing me, don't you?”

“Uh, yeah! I mean… have you seen yourself, Em? You are fucking hot! I was never really into the whole goth aesthetic, but you pull it off well.”

“Hear hear!”

The rest of us gave our very vocal agreement at this and laughed as Emily began to blush slightly. As we all turned our thoughts back to the game at hand, everyone glanced back at me. I opened my mouth to speak but Tiffany suddenly interjected.

“Wait. I think I have something you rightly earned.”

She swiftly undid her bra and tossed it to me. Her aim was a little off, so despite me attempting to catch it, it still hit me in the face. We all giggled as I placed it back on the pile of clothes at my feet and looked at everyone with mock outrage.

“Any more interruptions?!”

“Oh, come on, Allie… You know you like my tits.”

“Be that as it may… I… hmmm.”

I gave Tiffany an evil grin as I stared at her. She adopted a look of minor concern as I focused my attention on her.

“For interrupting me with your amazing breasts, Tiffany, the next rule will be about you. Anytime someone plays a red face card, they have to suck, lick, or bite one of your nipples.”

Her face flushed as she thought about what I had said, but still managed to squeak out a question.

“What happens if I play a red face card?” 

“Nothing. For now. You just have to sit there and look pretty.”

She pursed her lips at me and gave me a fake glare as I picked up the deck to deal out the cards. After two uneventful turns where everyone played a black card, Emily was the first to change things up as she played the queen of hearts. As she set the card on the stack, her eyes remained firmly locked onto Tiffany's. Em slowly rose from her seat and moved over to the other woman, and then crouched down directly in front of her. 

We all watched with rapt attention as Emily moved her face towards Tiffany's chest, stopping less than an inch away. Goosebumps rose on her skin as Emily breathed on her gently, before my gorgeous fiancée looked up at the other woman and took her nipple into her mouth. She noisily sucked on it for a few seconds while Tiffany let out a low moan of pleasure. After she finished, she stood up, all while maintaining eye contact. When she finally turned away, everyone seemed to exhale the breath they had been holding in simultaneously.

Sydney and I both played a black queen, and we looked at Jade as she held out a card in front of her. We grinned as we saw she was holding the queen of diamonds, and she tossed it onto the stack and practically dove towards her girlfriend's tits. Tiffany's laugh evolved into a long groan of pleasure that only intensified as Jade softly bit the hardened bud between her teeth.

After Jade sat back down and Tiffany took a moment to recover, she played the six of diamonds and eagerly jumped up. She quickly closed the distance between her and Emily as she knelt down and peppered her neck and face with kisses. Instead of the last kiss being on Em’s lips, however, she began to gently suck on her neck on the spot just below her ear. My fiancée's eyes rolled back into her head as she let out a whimpering moan. When Tiffany pulled away with a loud pop, we all saw that she had left a deep hickey on Emily's neck. We all turned towards her as Sydney voiced the words we were all thinking in that moment

“That was fuckin’ hot.”

Murmurs of agreement sounded as we resumed playing. Despite two more instances of Tiffany's breasts receiving attention, she managed to pull off a win when everyone completely failed to notice she had only one card remaining. We all looked to her with bated breath as she thought about her rule. As she opened her mouth to speak, however, her face went completely scarlet and she shook her head vigorously. Jade put a hand on her girlfriend’s arm and spoke in a supportive tone.

“Just say the first thing that popped into your mind, babe. No one will judge you, I promise. Here, how about this… whisper it into my ear first and I’ll tell the others, yeah?”

Tiffany nodded slowly and leaned over to whisper in Jade’s ear. As she spoke, Jade’s face soon adopted a similar shade of red and her eyes went wide. She turned towards the smaller woman and gave her look of approving surprise as she cleared her throat.

“Every time any of us, besides Tiffany, play a queen… we have to… masturbate… until our next turn.”

The three of us on the couch drew in a collective gasp and immediately flushed with the idea of masturbating in front of everyone else. Before anyone could reply, however, Jade continued.

“There’s more. We have to masturbate… while maintaining eye contact with… Queen Tiffany.”

We all burst into nervous, aroused laughter as we looked from Jade to Tiffany. The petite Chinese woman was blushing so furiously now she was completely crimson from the tops of her breasts all the way up to her hairline. As I considered what we were about to do, I sighed loudly and gave Tiffany a thumbs-up.

“That rule… is fucking awesome! I wish I had thought of something like that, Tif.”

“Oh hell yeah. This is gonna be fun.”

“God, where in the hell have the four of you been all my life? This is fucking great!”

Tiffany turned her gaze from where she had been staring at her feet up to us with a look of surprise.

“Wait… you guys… like it?”

“Of course, Tif. We all knew what we were getting ourselves into when we started this. I’m just jealous I wasn’t the first one to take it to this level. Oh! Speaking of…”

I reached behind my head to untie the knot of my top, pulled it off of my body, and tossed it to Tiffany. The others quickly followed suit, Jade removed her long flared slacks, and Sydney pulled off her pajama top. We all looked up at Emily as she stood and moved to stand in front of me, facing away.

“Babe, can you untie me? This thing is hell to get on and off.”

I reached up and started undoing the laces on the back of her dress that gave it a somewhat corset look and helped her pull the entire thing up and over her head. Instead of tossing it to Tiffany, however, she set it gently on the floor out of the way of everything. We all marveled at the love of my life’s body that was now on display. She wore a matching set of bra and panties. The fabric was a thin, sheer material and the lace surrounding it was stylized with small skulls. As she turned around for us all to admire her, I noticed that the front of the underwear was completely see-through. When she caught me staring at the glistening petals of her sex, she walked over to me, swaying her hips with every step. She hooked a single finger underneath my chin and tilted my face upwards to look at her.

“I wore these for you, my love. What do you think?”

In that exact moment, my breath was caught in my throat and I was having trouble even forming a single complete thought. My brain felt like it was being smothered by a thick cloud of lust and hungry desire. She laughed upon seeing my expression, and bent down to kiss me. The kiss was short and sweet, but in combination with everything else, I felt myself practically float away. As she pulled away just slightly, our lips less than an inch apart, she spoke in a low husky tone that was still loud enough for everyone in the room to hear.

“Couldn’t have said it better myself, babe.”

Emily spun slowly on her heel, and returned to her seat. Silence hung in the air as everyone caught their breath for a moment. Even after I downed another bottle of cold water, I still felt my body aching for release. Looking around at the others only served to heighten that sensation, as the entire room was filled with half-nude women. Sydney was down to a purple and black bra and her panties, Jade wore a black and gold blouse with a plunging neckline that showed an ample amount of cleavage, along with a sexy thong that was lime green and black. I still had on my black denim capris and mismatched set of bra and panties. My bra was a red and white push-up that gave me the illusion of having far more cleavage than I actually did.

“Holy fucking hell you are all gorgeous! I feel like I’m in the room with a bunch of freaking supermodels!

Not even thinking about what I was doing, I turned to face Sydney and ran one of my fingers up her arm and traced along her jawline. I pushed her head so that she was now facing me, and looked deep into her ocean blue eyes.

“You are gorgeous too, Sydney. I would kill to have tits as big as yours, and you got legs for days girl! Plus… these…”

I placed my finger on her lips.

“Are super fucking kissable.”

Emily joined in on the fun as she scooted closer and turned Sydney’s face towards her.

“Do you know the best thing about larger girls?”

Em wrapped her arm around Sydney’s back and shifted underneath the crook of the taller woman’s arm. She snuggled into Sydney tightly and rested her head against her breast.

“Larger girls are fucking amazing to snuggle with. Soft and curvy in all the right places.”

I hummed my agreement as I moved to mirror Emily’s position on Sydney’s opposite side. As the three of us slowly relaxed in our new position, Sydney’s chest shook as she laughed.

“Holy hot damn. I do believe I’ve died and gone to lesbian heaven. Now then… unless we get this game started, one of us is liable to progress things past the point of no return.”

Tiffany started us off with a queen of hearts, making all of us immediately smirk at her. Emily, who’s entire hand both Sydney and I could easily see from this position, intentionally chose to play a queen of spades, despite having three other heart cards she could have played. She tossed it towards the stack, and adjusted herself so that she was able to maintain eye contact as she slipped one of her hands underneath the waistband of her panties. Every instinct in my body told me to move so that I was able to watch what she was doing, but I forced myself to remain where I was, lest I forget all about the game and completely give into desire. Sydney, on the other hand, was able to get a clear view of everything the gorgeous love of my life was doing. Her breathing quickly became heavy and I felt her entire body begin to heat up. The intense arousal that had darkened her underwear now completely soaked them. 

After about half a minute, I realized Sydney had completely lost track of the game and was intensely focused on Emily. I shook the sexy redhead several times and she let out a long sigh and looked back at her cards. She played a four of spades and play passed to me. I looked at my hand and realized the only card I was able to play was, of course, a four of diamonds. I moved out from underneath Sydney’s arm and stood up as I placed the four on the stack. I padded across the carpet and leaned down in front of Jade. I focused all my attention on the sexy woman in front of me and pressed my lips against hers. I gave her four kisses in quick succession, leaning into the last one longer than I had initially intended. When I went to pull away, Jade surprised me by grabbing my face and holding me in place. She pushed her tongue into my mouth and pulled me into her. 

After a minute, five minutes, or maybe even ten minutes, I pulled away and sat back on the floor in front of Jade. I panted heavily and closed my eyes to try and clear my mind a little, and it was in that exact moment I heard Emily stifle a low moan and a gasp as she came on her fingers. As my eyes snapped open, something in my expression made Jade immediately realize where my head was. She grinned at me and whispered quietly.

“Go have fun. Tiffany and I will stay here.”

Without a second thought, I stood up, and reached behind me to unhook my bra. Both Sydney and Emily caught my eye as I took several more steps towards them, and I stopped and reached down to my waist. I quickly undid my belt, hooked my fingers underneath the band of my capris and my underwear, and yanked them both down before stepping out of them. Both of the women on the couch watched me, completely enraptured, as I closed the distance between us. Emily locked eyes with me and uttered a single word.


A huge grin spread across my face as I responded.


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