HP Approaches the Magical World

Chapter 897

Chapter 881 This world with nothing new (part 2)

“Ah, Mafalda!”

Umbridge looked at Hermione and said, “Traverse asked you to come, right?”

“Yes-yes,” Hermione said softly.

“Okay, you will do well.”

Umbridge turned to a wizard in black and gold robes and said, “This will solve the problem, Minister, if Mafalda can take notes, we can start now.”

She looked at the clipboard: “There are ten people today, and one of them is the wife of an employee of the Ministry of Magic!

Gee, tut… right here, inside the Ministry of Magic! ”

She walked into the elevator and stood next to Hermione, followed by two other wizards who listened to Umbridge’s conversation with the minister.

“Let’s go straight down, Mafalda, everything you want to use is available in the court.

Good morning, Albert, won’t you go out? ”

“Get out, of course.”

Hari said in the low voice of Runcorn.

Harry stepped out of the elevator.

The golden fence door slammed shut behind them.

He turned his head and saw Hermione’s anxious face descended again, and a tall wizard with Umbridge’s velvet bow was all over Hermione’s shoulder.

“What are you doing here, Runcorn?”

The new Minister of Magic asked, with wisps of silver between his long black hair and beard, and the shadow of the brain door covering his twinkling eyes, making Harry think of a crab looking out from under the rock.

“Look for it,” Harry hesitated for a few minutes: “Look for Arthur Weasley to speak.

Some people say he is on the first floor. ”


Pierce Sinknis said: “Did anyone run into him talking to bad guys?”

“No,” Harry said with a dry throat. “No, it’s not.”

“Ah…huh, it’s just a matter of time,”

Sinknis muttered, “Let me say that a pure-blood traitor is as bad as a mudblood.

Goodbye, Runcorn. ”

“Goodbye, Minister.”

Harry watched Hinkennis walking away in the thickly carpeted aisle.

As soon as the minister disappeared, Harry took out the invisibility cloak from under the heavy black robe, put it on his body, and walked in the opposite direction.

Runcorn was so tall that Harry had to bend down to make sure his big feet wouldn’t show.

A burst of fear came to his mind, and he passed through bright wooden doors, each with a small sign on it, with the name and position of the person in the room written on it.

The majesty, complexity, and unpredictability of the Ministry seemed to have stunned him, making the action plan carefully planned by him, Ron and Hermione over the past four weeks seemed ridiculous.

They put all their minds on how to mix in, but they never thought about what to do if they were forced to separate.

Now Hermione is trapped in the courtroom, which will undoubtedly drag on for a few hours;

Ron is trying hard to try magic that Harry knows is beyond his ability, and a woman’s freedom may depend on his performance;

Harry was still wandering on the top floor, knowing that the person he was looking for had just taken the elevator down.

He stopped and leaned against the wall, trying to make up his mind about what to do.

Silence oppresses him: there are no rushes, speeches, and hurried footsteps, and the aisles covered with purple and red carpets are silent, as if they have put their earplugs to listen to a curse.

Her office must be here, Harry thought.

Umbridge seemed unlikely to hide the jewelry in the office, but it seemed foolish not to search to make sure.

So he walked down the aisle again, and on the way only saw a frowning wizard saying something to a quill pen, which was hung in the air on a roll of parchment in front of him, writing quickly.

Harry began to pay attention to the name on the door, and after walking around a corner for a while, the passage opened into a spacious area.

A dozen witches and wizards were sitting in front of rows of small tables. Those tables were similar to school desks, except that they were much smoother and had no traces of messy painting.

Harry couldn’t help but stop and watch, because the scene had a hypnotic effect.

The wizards waved and turned their wands in unison, and many square colored papers floated in the air like little pink kites.

After a few seconds, Harry realized that this was a rhythmic procedure, and the gathering and scattering of colored paper also had a certain pattern.

After a few more seconds, he realized that he was watching the process of making the booklet. The square papers were pages of content, gathered and folded, and after being stapled by magic, they were neatly stacked next to each wizard.

Harry approached lightly. In fact, the wizards were so attentive in their work that he suspected that they would not have noticed his footsteps weakened by the carpet.

He stole a bound booklet from a young witch and took it into the invisibility cloak to look at it.

The pink cover is printed with a bold gold headline:


Threat to a peaceful pure-blood society

Below is a picture of a red rose being held tightly by a green grass with fangs and a ferocious look, with a smirking face in the center of the petal.

There was no signature on the pamphlet, but the scar on the back of Harry’s right hand was prickling again.

At this moment, the witch beside him confirmed his suspicion. While waving and turning her wand, she said, “Does that old witch have to interrogate Mudbloods all day? Does anyone know?”


The wizard next to her looked anxiously and said that a piece of his paper slipped to the ground.

“Why, not only does she have a magic eye, but now she has a magic ear again?”

The witch glanced at the shiny mahogany door opposite the pamphlet makers.

Harry looked over, too, and a wave of anger surged in his chest like a poisonous snake.

In the place where the Muggle door is in the mirror, a big round eyeball and a bright blue iris are embedded in the mahogany, which is shockingly familiar to anyone who knows Aristo Moody.

At that moment, Harry forgot where he was, what he was going to do, and even forgot that he was invisible.

He strode to the door and looked at that eye. It stopped turning, just staring up blankly. The following sign reads:

Dolores Umbridge

Senior Deputy Minister of Magic

There is a brighter new brand underneath:

Director of the Muggle Birth Registration Committee

Harry looked back at the dozen or so wizards who were making pamphlets. Although they were all busy with their work, if the door of an empty office opened in front of them, it was hard to imagine that nobody would notice.

So he took out a weird thing from the pocket inside his clothes.

It has swinging legs, and its body is a spherical rubber horn.

Harry crouched in the invisibility cloak and dropped the decoy bomb on the floor.

The decoy bomb immediately moved and swiftly passed between the shins of the wizards.

Harry leaned his hand on the doorknob and waited. After a short while, he heard a loud noise, and a lot of black smoke gushing from a corner.

The young witch in the front row screamed, and pink pages were flying everywhere. She and her companions all jumped up, looking for the source of confusion.

Harry took the opportunity to turn the doorknob, stepped into Umbridge’s office, and closed the door behind him.

He feels like going back in time. This room is exactly the same as Umbridge’s Hogwarts office: lace curtains, decorative cloth cushions and dried flowers cover every surface that can be decorated, and the walls are still those flower plates. , The pattern is a big cat wearing a bow tie, brightly colored, dancing and playing there, it is disgusting.

The table is covered with a tablecloth decorated with ruffles and flowers.

A telescope-like device was attached to the mad eye’s eyeballs, allowing Umbridge to monitor employees outside the door.

Harry leaned over and took a look. Seeing that they were still around the decoy bomb, he tore the telescope from the door, leaving a hole in the door.

He removed the magic eye and put it in his pocket, then turned to face the room, raised his wand and whispered, “The locket is flying.”

Nothing happened, but he didn’t expect it. Umbridge was undoubtedly very proficient in the protection spell.

He hurriedly walked to the desk, opened drawers, and saw quill pens, notebooks and correction tapes;

The enchanted paper clips spiraled out of the drawer like a snake, and he had to hit them back;

There is also a small elegant lace box filled with bows and hairpins; there is no locket.

There was a filing cabinet behind the desk, and Harry went to look for it.

It’s like those filing cabinets of Hogwarts administrator Filch, full of folders, each with a name posted on it.

Harry searched the bottom drawer until he saw one thing that distracted him: Mr. Weasley’s file.

He pulled it out and opened it.

Arthur Weasley

Blood: Pure blood, but has an intolerable pro-Muggle tendency.

Known members of the Order of the Phoenix.

Family: wife (pure-blood), seven children, the youngest two are still in Hogwarts.

Note: The youngest son is currently seriously ill at home, which has been confirmed by the inspector of the Ministry of Magic.

Security status: tracking.

All actions are monitored.

The top bad guy is likely to contact him (had lived in Weasley’s house.)

“The number one bad guy.”

Harry whispered softly, put Mr. Weasley’s file back, and closed the drawer.

He knew who he was referring to. Sure enough, when he straightened up and searched for any hiding places in the house, he saw a large portrait of himself on the wall, with the big characters of the top bad guy printed on his chest.

A small pink note with a kitten painted on one corner was also posted on the painting.

Harry walked over to look and found Umbridge had written the words “will be punished” on it.

He was even more angry, groping in the vases and baskets of dried flowers, but he was not surprised that he did not touch the locket.

He glanced at the office one last time, and suddenly his heart stopped beating: Dumbledore was looking at him through a small rectangular mirror on the bookshelf beside the table.

Harry rushed to grab it, but as soon as he touched it, he realized that it was not a mirror. Dumbledore was smiling pensively on the shiny cover of a book.

Harry did not notice the green squiggles on his hat for a moment: The life and lies of Albus Dumbledore, nor did he see the smaller words on his chest: Rita Skeeter, the best seller Armando Dupete: Master or idiot? “author.

Harry opened the book casually, and saw a page of photos of two teenage boys, who put their shoulders on each other and laughed wantonly.

Dumbledore’s hair was as long as his elbow, and he had a faint moustache, which reminded him of the thin beards on Krum’s chin that made Ron so disgusting.

The boy who laughed silently beside Dumbledore gave a happy and wild feeling, with golden curly hair hanging down his shoulders.

Harry wondered if he was Dorje when he was young, but before he had time to read the instructions, the office door opened.

Had it not been for Sinknis to look outside when he came in, Harry wouldn’t have time to put on the invisibility cloak.

However, he thought Sinknis might still catch a glimpse of movement, because he stood motionless for a while, staring in surprise at the place where Harry had just disappeared, and perhaps concluded that what he saw just now was Dumbledore scratching the cover. Scratching his nose (Harry hastily put the book back on the shelf).

Sinknis finally walked to the table and pointed his wand at the quill pen in the ink bottle. It immediately jumped out and began to write a note to Umbridge.

Harry held his breath, slowly exited the office and returned to the spacious area.

The wizards who made the pamphlet were still surrounded by the remains of the decoy bomb.

It was smoking and still whining faintly. Harry walked quickly into the aisle and heard the young witch say: “I guess it was from the experimental spell committee. They were so careless and remembered the poison. Duck?”

Harry hurried towards the elevator, considering his options.

Originally, it was unlikely that the locket would be in the Ministry of Magic, but Umbridge was sitting in a court full of people, and there was no hope of finding the whereabouts of the locket from her by magic.

The immediate priority now is to withdraw from the Ministry of Magic before exposure and try again another day.

First, find Ron, and then work out a way to get Hermione out of the court.

The elevator came and there was no one inside.

Harry jumped in and tore off the invisibility cloak as he began to descend.

Fortunately for him, when the elevator creaked to a halt on the second floor, he was soaked and Ron, with straight eyes, stepped in.

“Morning—good morning.”

He stammered that the elevator started again.

“Ron, it’s me, Harry!”

“Harry! My goodness, I forgot what you look like-why isn’t Hermione?”

“She and Umbridge went to the court downstairs and couldn’t refuse, and—”

But before Harry finished speaking, the elevator stopped again.

As soon as the door opened, Mr. Weasley walked in, while still talking to an old witch, her buff hair bun as high as an anthill.

“…I understand what you are talking about, Wakanda, but I’m afraid I can’t participate in—”

Mr. Weasley stopped suddenly because he saw Harry.

It was a very strange feeling for Mr. Weasley to stare at him in disgust.

The elevator door closed, and the four people descended again snoringly.

“Oh, hello, Reggie,” Mr. Weasley heard the sound of Ron’s robes dripping and turned around and said, “Isn’t your wife going to court today?

Huh-what’s the matter with you? Are you so wet? ”

“It’s raining in Yaxley’s office,”

Ron said to Mr. Weasley’s shoulder that Harry thought he must be afraid that his father would recognize him if his eyes met each other: “I can’t stop, they asked me to find Bernie Piersworth, I think they said–”

“Yeah, it has been raining in many offices recently,” Mr. Weasley said, “Have you tried the cloud curse to withdraw? Blake has used it quite smartly.”

“Cloud Curse withdrawn?” Ron whispered, “I haven’t tried it, thank you, old—I mean, thank you, Arthur.”

The door opened, and the old witch against the anthill walked out of the elevator. Ron rushed past her and ran away. Harry tried to follow him, but was blocked. Percy Weasley stepped into the elevator with his nose Quickly buried in the file he was reading.

The door slammed shut and Percy realized that he was in the same elevator as his father.

He raised his eyes and saw Mr. Weasley, his face turned into a carrot, and he went out as soon as the elevator door opened.

Harry wanted to go down again, but this time he was blocked by Mr. Weasley’s arm.

“Wait a minute, Runcorn.”

The elevator door was closed, and when Tintin Dangdang was down one floor, Mr. Weasley said: “I heard you exposed Dirk Cresway.”

Harry felt that Mr. Weasley’s anger was increasing because of the encounter with Percy, and he decided that the safest way was to play stupid.

“what did you say?”

“Don’t pretend, Runcorn,” Mr. Weasley said angrily. “You hunted down the wizard who falsified the genealogy, didn’t you?”

“I—what about it?”


Dirk Cresway is ten times better than you as a wizard! “Mr. Weasley whispered, and the elevator was still going down: “If he can get out of Azkaban, he will find you to settle the bill, let alone his wife, children and friends—”

“Arthur,” Harry interrupted him: “Did you know that you are being followed?”

“Is this a threat? Runcorn?”

“No,” Harry said, “It’s true! They’re monitoring your every action—”

The elevator door opened and they were in the lobby.

Mr. Weasley gave Harry a stern look and walked away.

Harry stood there, hoping he was not pretending to be Runcorn… the elevator door slammed shut.

Harry took out the invisibility cloak and put it back on. Ron was still dealing with the raining office. He had to find a way to rescue Hermione by himself.

After the elevator door opened, he stepped into a torch-lit stone corridor, which was completely different from the carpeted aisle with wooden walls on the upper level.

The elevator cried away, and Harry shivered slightly, looking at the black door marking the entrance to the Department of Mysteries in the distance.

He walked forward, the target was not the black door, but the doorway on the left in his memory.

There is a flight of stairs down to the courtroom.

As he quietly went downstairs, he imagined various possibilities in his mind: he still has two decoy bombs, but maybe it is better to knock on the door and go in as Runcorn and ask to speak to Mafalda?

Of course, he didn’t know if Runcorn had such great power. Even if it could, Hermione’s refusal to go back could cause a search, and they hadn’t had time to evacuate the Ministry…

Thinking of his mind, he didn’t immediately feel an abnormal cold air coming quietly, as if falling into the fog, every step is getting colder The cold air poured into his throat, and his heart and lungs were frozen. He felt the kind of despair and helplessness invading his heart, spreading to his whole body…


When I reached the bottom of the stairs, I turned to the right, and there was a terrifying scene in front of my eyes.

The dark corridor outside the courthouse was full of tall black figures wearing hoods. Their faces were completely covered. The harsh breathing was the only sound there.

The Muggle-born wizards who were heard to appear in the court huddled together in fear, shivering on the hardwood bench outside, looking strange and uncomfortable.

Because many people cover their faces with their hands, perhaps instinctively trying to block the greedy mouth of the dementor, this situation looks a bit miserable, at least in his eyes, it is a bit uncomfortable.

Those people huddled together, some were accompanied by family members, and others sat alone.

The dementors floated in front of them, and the chill, the helplessness and despair were like a curse on Harry…

Resistance, he said to himself, but he knew that if the patron saint was summoned here, he would definitely expose himself immediately.

So he walked forward as quietly as possible. With each step, the numbness in his mind increased by one point, but he forced himself to think about Hermione and Ron, they needed him.

Walking among the tall black shadows is extremely terrifying: when he walked by, faces without eyes turned around under the hood, he was sure that they could feel him, maybe they could feel what is still in a person’s body Some hope, some vitality…

Suddenly, in the freezing silence, the door of a courtroom on the left side of the aisle opened, and there was an echoing shout.

HP approached the wizarding world https://

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