HP Approaches the Magical World

Chapter 898

Chapter 882 Ministry of Magic

Chapter 882: The Rebellion of the Ministry of Magic

“No, no, I’m telling you I’m a mixed race, I’m a mixed race.

My father is a wizard, he is, you can check it, Aki Alderton, he is a famous flying broomstick designer, you can check it.

I tell you—don’t touch me, don’t touch—”

Jon sat on the chair of the familiar Ministry of Magic court, watching the scene before him with interest.

This was the first time he had seen this kind of sight. The Ministry of Magic’s handling of affairs was very inefficient, of course, this was also because they had fewer things to manage.

Inefficiency also has the benefits of inefficiency. Being able to see the emotional changes clearly, that kind of pain and despair, without knowing why, can make him feel the truth of the world.

Somewhat ironic.

He hides in the darkness, looking at Hermione—she is now Malfada.

She has entered the role, and although she should have seen the locket around Umbridge’s neck, she is still working hard now.

The work of the Ministry of Magic seemed handy to her, it was hard to say whether it was a talent or something else.

But Umbridge’s voice was as unpleasant as ever.

Thinking this way, he fell silent again, after all, the protagonist today is not him.

“This is the last warning,”

Umbridge said softly, his voice amplified by magic, clearly overshadowing the man’s desperate cry:

“If you resist any more, you will get a kiss from the dementor.”

The man’s cries were lowered, but the sobs were still reverberating in the aisle.

“Take him away.”

Two dementors appeared at the door of the court, his rotten, crusted hands clutching a wizard’s upper arm, and he seemed to faint.

The dementors dragged him away in the aisle, and the darkness behind them swallowed him.

“Next—Mary Catmore.”

Shouted Umbridge.

A thin woman stood up, shaking all over.

She was wearing a plain robe, her black hair was in a round bun on the back of her head, and her face was completely bloodless. When the woman passed by the dementor, Harry saw her shiver.

He was completely impulsive, without any plans, but couldn’t bear to see her walk into the court alone: ​​when the door began to close, he followed her and sneaked in.

This is not the court where he was tried on the grounds of abuse of magic last time. Although the ceiling was the same high, it was much smaller than that, and there was a sense of horror at the bottom of a deep well.

There are more dementors here, and the cold is engulfing the entire room.

They are like sentinels without faces, standing in the corner farthest from the high interrogation platform.

Sitting behind the railing on the stage was Umbridge, with Yaxley on one side and Hermione who was as pale as Mrs. Catmore on the other.

A silvery long-haired cat was pacing around at the bottom of the platform, and Harry realized that it was there to protect the prosecutors from the despair emanating from the dementors.

Despair is for the defendant, not for the interrogator.

“sit down.”

Said Umbridge’s sweet voice.

Mrs. Catmore hobbled to the lonely chair in the middle of the stage.

As soon as she sat down, the chain clanged out of the armrest to secure her there.

“Are you Mary Elizabeth Catmore?”

Mrs. Catmore nodded tremblingly.

“The wife of Reginald Catmore of the Magic Maintenance Service?”

Mrs. Catmore cried.

“I don’t know where he is, he should have been here with me!”

Umbridge ignored it.

“The mother of Maezi, Ellie and Alfred Catmore?”

Mrs. Catmore cried harder.

“They are scared, worried that I might not be able to go back—”


Yaxley said contemptuously, “Mudblood cubs can’t attract our sympathy.”

Mrs. Catmore’s sobbing concealed Harry’s footsteps, and he walked carefully towards the steps of the high platform.

When he passed the place where the patron saint of the silver cat was walking, he immediately felt the temperature change: it was warm and comfortable.

He was sure that this patron saint was Umbridge’s, and if it was bright, it was because she was very happy here, well served, and upheld the twisted laws she participated in.

Little by little, Harry moved carefully behind Umbridge, Yaxley and Hermione, and finally sat down behind Hermione.

He was afraid to startle Hermione. He wanted to close his ears and listen to the spell on Umbridge and Yaxley, but chanting the spell softly might also startle Hermione.

Then Umbridge raised his voice to speak to Mrs. Catmore, and Harry seized the opportunity.

“I’m behind you.”

He whispered to Hermione.

As expected, she shook suddenly and almost knocked over the ink bottle used for recording.

But Umbridge and Yaxley’s attention was on Mrs. Catmore, and they didn’t notice.

“When you arrived at the Ministry of Magic today, a wand was taken away, Mrs. Catmore,” Umbridge said. “Eight and three quarters of an inch, cherry wood, unicorn hair core. Do you confirm this description?”

Mrs. Catmore nodded and wiped her eyes with her sleeve.

“Can you tell us which wizard you took this wand from?”


Mrs. Catmore cried: “I didn’t take it from someone-take it.

It was bought when I was eleven-years-old, and it-it-it chose me. ”

She cried more fiercely.

Umbridge let out a little girlish smile, and Harry really wanted to beat her up.

She leaned forward, in order to get over the obstacles to better examine her prey, a golden thing also swung to her chest, hanging there: the locket.

Hermione screamed softly, but Umbridge and Yaxley still stared at the prey, hearing no other sounds.

“No,” Umbridge said. “No, I don’t think so, Mrs. Catmore.

The wand only chooses wizards, and you are not a wizard.

I have the questionnaire that I sent you last time—Mafalda. Bring it. ”

Umbridge held out a small hand: She looked so much like a toad, and Harry was surprised for a moment that there were no webs between those stubby fingers.

Hermione’s hands trembled from shock, and she fumbled for a while among the pile of papers on the chair beside her, and finally pulled out a roll of parchment with Mrs. Catmore’s name on it.

“That-that’s beautiful, Dolores.”

She pointed to the shiny pendant in the folds of Umbridge’s jacket.


Umbridge snapped, and looked down: “Oh, yeah—an ancient heirloom.”

She patted the locket on her plump breast and said:

“S is the abbreviation of Selwyn… I have a close relationship with the Selwyn family…

In fact, there are very few pure-blood families who have no relatives with me… a pity,”

She flipped through Mrs. Catmore’s questionnaire and raised her voice and said:

“You can’t say that.

Parent occupation: vegetable dealer. ”

Yaxley laughed disdainfully.

Down the stage, the fluffy silver cat was pacing around, and the dementor stood waiting in the corner of the room.

Umbridge’s lie caused Harry’s blood to rush to his head, forgetting to be cautious.

The locket she got bribed from an illegal peddler is now used to prove her pure-blood identity.

Harry didn’t even care about continuing to hide under the invisibility cloak, so he raised his wand and shouted, “Faint!”

With a flash of red light, Umbridge fell, his head hit the edge of the railing, and Mrs. Catmore’s paper slipped from her leg to the ground. The silver cat walking back and forth disappeared, and the cold air hit like the wind. Come.

Inexplicably, Yaxley turned to look for the source of the riot.

He saw a bodyless hand pointing at him with a magic wand, and hurriedly drew his wand, but it was too late.


Yaxley slid to the ground and curled up into a ball.


“Hermione, if you think I would sit here and watch her pretend-”

“Harry, Mrs. Catmore!”

Harry turned hurriedly, ditching the invisibility cloak.

Off the stage, the dementor had come out of the corner and was drifting towards the woman tied to the chair.

I don’t know if it was because the patron saint disappeared, or because they felt that the master had lost control, they seemed unscrupulous.

Mrs. Catmore screamed in terror, and a big sticky, crusted hand pinched her chin and pulled her face back.

“Call God to guard!”

The silver stag rose from the tip of Harry’s rod and leaped towards the dementor. They backed away and melted into the shadows again.

The silver deer was jogging round and round in the house, its light was stronger and warmer than that of the cat, and it filled the whole court.

“Take the Horcrux.”

He ran down the steps, stuffing the invisibility cloak into his bag, and came to Mrs. Catmore’s side.


She looked at his face and whispered: “But-but Reggie said you reported my name for review!”

“is it?”

Harry murmured, pulling the chain on his arm: “Oh, I changed my mind. It’s torn apart!”

no response.

“Hermione, how do you remove these chains?”

“Wait, I’m doing something—”

“Hermione, dementors are all around us!”

“I know, Harry, but if she wakes up and finds the locket is gone—

I have to duplicate one… duplicate it!

Alright… Then she shouldn’t be able to see it…”

Hermione rushed down the steps.

“Let me see… let go!”

The chains were dangling into the arm of the chair, and Mrs. Catmore still looked terrified.

“I do not understand.”

“You have to leave here with us,” Harry said as he pulled her up: “Go home and take your children and run away. If it doesn’t work, you will escape the country and flee in disguise.

You see what the situation is now, and you can’t get justice here. ”

“Harry,” Hermione said, “There are so many dementors at the door, how do we get out?”

“Patron saint.”

Har used his wand to point at his own patron saint: the silver stag slowed down, still shining brightly, and walked towards the door.

“The more the better, call out yours too, Hermione.”

“Call the gods-call the gods to guard.”

Hermione said, nothing appeared.

“This is the only spell that is a little difficult for her,”

Harry said to Mrs. Catmore who was completely stunned.

“It’s a bit unfortunate… Come on, Hermione…”

“Call God to guard!”

A silver otter jumped out of the tip of Hermione’s wand and swam gracefully towards the silver stag in the air.


Harry led Hermione and Mrs. Catmore towards the door.

When the patron saint floated out of the court, the crowd waiting outside screamed.

Harry glanced around, and the dementors on both sides were retreating, blending into the darkness, and being dispersed by the silver spirit.

“Now it’s decided, you all go home and hide with your family.”

Harry said to the Muggle-born wizards who were still a little cringing, dazzled by the light of the patron saint.

“If possible, go abroad, away from the Ministry of Magic.

This is-uh-the new official position.

Now, as long as you follow the patron saint, you can escape the hall. ”

They went all the way to the top of the stone ladder without being stopped.

But as he walked to the elevator, Harry became worried.

If they followed a silver stag and a silver otter into the hall and brought about twenty people, half of whom were alleged wizards of Muggle origin, he couldn’t help but feel too conspicuous.

Just as he came to this unpleasant conclusion, the elevator door in front of them slammed open.


Mrs. Catmore screamed and threw herself into Ron’s arms: “Luncorn released me. He knocked out Umbridge and Yaxley, and told us all to flee the country. I think we should do this, Reggie, really. Hurry home and take the baby-why are you so wet?”


Ron murmured, and broke free: “Harry, they know someone has broken into the Ministry of Magic, as if there was a hole in the door of Umbridge’s office.

In that case, I think we still have five minutes—”

Hermione’s patron saint disappeared in a pop, and she turned to Harry in shock.

“Harry, if we are trapped here, we…”

“As long as you act quickly, you won’t.”

Harry turned to the group of people behind him who were staring at him dumbfounded.

“Who has a magic wand?”

About half of them raised their hands.

“Well, if you don’t have a wand, find someone with a wand to follow.

We have to move fast-before being blocked by them.

let’s go. ”

Everyone squeezed into the two elevators, Harry’s patron saint guarding in front of the golden fence door, the door closed, and the elevator began to rise.

At the same time, outside the Ministry of Magic, Stephen waved his hand, and the wizards from the Magic Research Society began to disappear one by one. Most of these people were Muggle-born wizards. During this time, the Magic Research Society has been responsible for protecting and Conceal these people.

Their task today is not to fight, because it is not necessary, not yet in time, their task today is to disrupt the Ministry of Magic.

“It looks like we should go, Uncle Catmore, time is almost up.”

Reggie nodded and watched Stephen put on the gray cloak, then Apparated with him back to the Ministry of Magic.

Ministry of Magic.


“The eighth floor,”

The witch’s indifferent voice said, “Atrium.”

Harry knew immediately that there was a problem.

There are many people in the main hall, walking around in front of the fireplaces, closing the fireplaces.


Hermione screamed, “What do we—”


Harry yelled, and Runcorn’s powerful voice echoed in the main hall, and the wizards who had blocked the fireplace were stunned.

“follow me.”

He whispered to the terrified Muggle-born wizards that Ron and Hermione led the group forward.

“What’s the matter, Albert?”

Asked the bald wizard who had followed Harry out of the fireplace before, and he looked nervous.

“These people will leave before you close the exit.”

Harry tried his best to speak in a majestic tone.

The wizards looked at each other.

“We are ordered to close all exits and no one is allowed…”

“Are you defying me?”

Harry said aggressively: “Do you want me to investigate your genealogy, like Dirk Cresway?”

“I am sorry!”

The bald wizard was taken aback and stepped back: “I don’t mean anything else, Albert, but I think…I think they are being interrogated…”

“Their blood is pure,”

Harry said, his low voice echoed in the hall, very shocking: “I dare say that it is more pure than many of you, let’s go.”

He said loudly to the Muggle-born wizards that they hurried into the fireplace and disappeared in pairs.

The wizards of the Ministry of Magic stayed behind hesitantly, some with confused faces and some with panic and dissatisfaction.



Mrs. Catmore turned her head, and the real, no-vomiting Reggie Catmore had just run out of an elevator.


She looked at her husband and Ron, who cursed loudly.

The bald wizard opened his mouth wide, and his head turned ridiculously between the two Reggie Catmores.

“Hey—what’s going on!”

“Close the exit! Close it!”

Yaxley rushed out of the other elevator and ran to the crowd by the fireplace.

At this time, the wizards of Muggle origin had disappeared from the fireplace except Mrs. Catmore. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

As soon as the bald wizard raised his wand, Harry raised his huge fist and knocked him out with one punch.

“He’s helping the Muggle-born wizard escape, Yaxley!”

The bald wizard’s companions were in an uproar, and Ron took advantage of the chaos and grabbed Mrs. Catmore, dragged her into the still open fireplace and disappeared.

Yaxley looked at Harry in bewilderment, and then at the beaten wizard, here is really Reggie Catmore exclaimed: “My wife! Who is the person with my wife? It happened. what’s up?”

Harry saw Yaxley turn his head, a look of awakening appeared on his dull face.


Harry said to Hermione aloud, grabbing her hand, and the two jumped into the fireplace together, and Yaxley’s spell flew over Harry’s head.

They whirled for a few seconds and ejected from the toilet bowl.

“Reggie, I don’t understand—”

“Let go, I am not your husband, you must go home!”

With a bang in the cubicle behind him, Harry turned his head and Yaxley just jumped out.

“let’s go!”

Harry shouted, grabbing Hermione’s hand and Ron’s arm, and spinning quickly.

Harry suspected that he was suffocating. He couldn’t breathe and couldn’t see. The only real things in the world were Ron’s arm and Hermione’s fingers, but his fingers were slowly slipping…

Then he saw the gate of Grimmauld Place 12 and the serpentine knocker, but before he could breathe, he heard a scream, a flash of purple light, and Hermione’s hands suddenly became like pliers. Staying with him, everything fell into darkness again.

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