HP – Shadow Monarch!

Chapter 62 – Duel With Setenth Year.

[Chapter Size: 2100 Words.]

Third Person POV




"Mr. Snape and Miss Evans," Professor Longbottom announced from the platform, as everyone immediately turned to look at them.

"It almost seems like fate," Pandora spoke beside Snape as always, while Lucinda, standing beside her, looked disdainfully at this. Snape shrugged and walked up to the platform, while Lily was on the other side, looking strangely at Snape.

If she said she wasn't a little nervous, she would be lying. Snape had scared her a few days ago and she hadn't expected to have to face him in a spell duel. They hadn't faced each other for half a year, so today was the big day for Lily.

"Begin!" Professor Flitwick started the duel.

She quickly began casting spells in his direction, while he swiftly defended himself with that trick of making his wand reappear in his hand at the last moment, something even the teachers couldn't quite explain, but none of it bothered Snape with his secrets.

He seemed bored as he deflected Lily's spells, which frustrated her. This continued for a while until she reached her limit. "Aren't you going to attack?" she asked as he raised an eyebrow.

"Very well then," Snape responded, and the next moment, he cast a spell directly at her, which was so fast it surprised Lily. But just as she cast a shield that shook with the force of the spell, when she looked up, Snape was nowhere to be seen.

She widened her eyes and quickly looked for the teachers off the platform, while they looked shocked behind her, the same could be said of all the students, who were looking behind Lily with expressions of surprise, disbelief, and even fear.

It didn't take long for her to feel a wand touching the back of her neck, "You lose," she heard Snape's words and had no choice but to nod.

"..." Snape waited for Professor Longbottom to come out of her daze as she declared Snape the winner.

"Snape is the winner," she announced.

"As expected... but what did he do there, what was that..." The students began to murmur, not understanding what he had done.

"He must have cheated somehow!" Potter exclaimed as his friends nodded; they might no longer want to mess with Snape, but it didn't mean they wouldn't sabotage him at any opportunity they could.

Snape started to leave, not caring about the comments; after all, he had learned how persistent these people could be when they wanted to. And it's better to ignore 80% of what they say.

"Severus..." Lily suddenly called him.

"Don't call me that, Miss Evans," Snape replied dryly, while the girl seemed to tremble a bit.

She took a few seconds to start and continued. "My parents sent me a letter, a few months ago your father went to the hospital with broken bones after an accident at home," she said, despite having read this in her parents' letter, she hadn't had the courage to talk to Snape in the last week.

"Ah, better for him then," Snape shrugged, knowing that man was in that state thanks to him.

"You just say that? He's your father, even if you didn't get along very well," she said.

'What is this now...' Snape murmured internally.

"You didn't say that I had assumed Snape's body until a while ago? Why are you telling me this? Changed your mind?" he spoke while raising an eyebrow. They were speaking quietly, so no one could hear them, just see that they were conversing in some way, to the jealousy of some students from the four houses.

"I..." She seemed at a loss for words and embarrassed for him.

"What is he saying to her!!??" James Potter was almost running towards the platform, seeing Lily blush like that.

Snape sighed, and decided to answer her. "That man used to beat me for no reason, months ago, I lost any connection I had with that piece of human trash, so I don't care about his condition," Snape spoke and turned his back, leaving Lily watching him for a while until she also left as the duels continued.

New challenges were called, and it finally ended. "Mr. Snape... Can we talk to you?" Professor Longbottom called him over alongside Professor Flitwick, and he approached, standing alone with them there.

"Your performance was excellent, Mr. Snape. Even though Lily is one of the best at spells, you quickly defeated her, so I would like to invite you to the wizarding duel tournament between schools next year," Flitwick said with excitement.

"Wizarding tournament?" Snape had not heard of this.

"Yes, a global tournament that will bring together various wizarding schools from all over the world, taking place in Scotland. I'm sure it will be a great opportunity," Flitwick said. Hogwarts hadn't participated in a dueling tournament for a few years, but now with the DADA class focused on it, it will be a great opportunity.

"Well... that does sound interesting," Snape said, thinking about meeting other magical countries.

"Very well, Professor Longbottom and I have talked a lot, and we are thinking of placing you with the seventh-year students finally," Flitwick said.

"That would be much better than the fifth year," Snape said sincerely.

"That's good. I'm sure you would do very well fighting against the seventh-year students. Moreover, what was that spell you used? It looked like Apparition, but it wasn't at the same time," Professor Longbottom brought up this time.

"That's a spell I developed studying spatial magic. It doesn't have the range of Apparition, but it certainly is much faster," Snape said.

"That..." Flitwick seemed shocked and impressed while Professor Longbottom raised an eyebrow; there was no way they could doubt Snape after he had made that demonstration in front of everyone.

"Alright, when could I go to the seventh-year dueling classes?" Snape asked, changing the subject.

"It will be tomorrow, in the afternoon, your schedule is free during that period, right?" Professor Flitwick asked.

"I had some things to do, but I can attend easily," Snape said in the end.

"That's good, but I would also like you to continue with the fifth year if it's not too much to ask, they seem to see you as a model to reach..." the professor said, after all, Snape was the best in the class, far superior to the others, turning him into a model for the students to train harder and improve.

He nodded and started to leave, continuing his day with his tasks. "He really is a raw talent... a spell he created studying space...?" Professor Longbottom murmured as she crossed her arms and watched Snape leaving at that moment.

"Yes... he will certainly do very well tomorrow," Professor Flitwick said.

"We are having difficulty holding back those Slytherin seventh-year students, I hope he can calm things down... especially that woman..." she said.

"Miss Black has some difficulty understanding that she's fighting a schoolmate..." Flitwick commented, as Bellatrix had already sent about 4 to the infirmary with minor bruises, but always knocked out.

The next day quickly arrived as a woman with black hair walked down the corridor while all the students quickly moved away from her, she was enraged.

The rumors that happened in Slytherin did not leave the house, after all, most of the students disliked the other three houses, but this did not prevent all of Slytherin from knowing what happened, causing almost everyone to vomit blood with this.

Even Bellatrix's sisters kept cautious eyes, having never seen her so furious, 'You half-blood, you damn... you have my wand!!' she exclaimed internally, searching for Snape everywhere since yesterday.

She headed to the dueling class, while staying in a corner with everyone moving away with crossed arms. "Hey, did Snape really do that to the sister...?" Andromeda asked Narcissa at a distance.

"It seems so... I am as surprised as you. Your boyfriend might even hit her," Narcissa murmured.

The Slytherin students were all cautious around Bellatrix. Despite her not having her wand, seeing her beaten like that, as they saw or heard, was unbelievable, and no one wanted to die messing with this crazy one who was so out of control and in such an unstable state.

"Everyone, let's start!" Professor Longbottom exclaimed to everyone, as they nodded, waiting for her to call the first duels.

It was at that moment that Snape appeared in the corridor, heading towards the crowd after finally finishing his tasks, running a few minutes late.

"Hey, what is he doing here?" A Slytherin student pointed to Snape as soon as he noticed him.

"Is he here?" Lucius Malfoy narrowed his eyes, as other students who had also noticed Snape wondered why he was there.

Andromeda looked at him with bright eyes and smiled, while Narcissa also narrowed her eyes, confused.

Bellatrix didn't seem to care about anyone or the gossip happening in the crowd, just keeping her hatred to herself, but the conversations soon caught her attention and Snape's name was heard, causing her to lift her eyes and open her mouth, shocked, because that student was right there after she had searched the entire school yesterday and today.

"You!" she growled softly, clenching her hand with all the strength she could muster, torturing Snape in her imagination as she stared at him approaching. But, before she could do anything, Professor Longbottom continued the class and gave an introduction as to why Snape was there.

"Well, students, we have decided to place Severus Snape, who has advanced dueling skills in the fifth year, to join you. I firmly believe he is suitable to face him, even being two years younger," she said, as everyone nodded without issue despite the surprise, since Snape had a reputation for beating up seventh-year students lately.

She wasted no time ending any gossip that would start about this and continued speaking. "Well, let's start. I would like to start with Snape, is that okay?" she spoke to him, and Snape nodded, going directly to the platform.

She looked at the students there until suddenly, someone emerged from the crowd without even being called. Bellatrix looked with hatred in her eyes and headed to the platform without any restraint. Flitwick looked curiously at the student following there uninvited.

She stepped up and finally looked at the professors. "I will face him," she said, more as an order than a request. The professors, despite the authority they might have over the rebellious girl, just sighed and let her be. Snape would have to fight any seventh-year student anyway.

Snape raised an eyebrow at her, and the rest of the students looked stunned, some very curious about what would happen.

"Why are you here? You don't even have a wand..." Snape said calmly, leaving those who didn't know about the incident on Wednesday night with surprised looks at these words.

"You think I need a wand to take you down, half-blood?" Bellatrix growled and ran at him the next moment like a mad woman.

Snape found this amusing and didn't even summon his wand as the girl seemed to leap at him with her nails. Snape simply grabbed her by the wrists, stopping her from advancing on him as she started to shake her entire body.

"You fool! Don't touch me, you disgusting half-blood! I'll kill you! Give me back my wand!" she began to scream crazily as all the students widened their eyes, wondering if this was real. As for the professors, they looked at each other, also with wide eyes; it looked more like a fight between a Muggle husband and wife than a duel between two wizards.

"Honestly, if you think you can do anything to me in this state, you'd better leave. I don't have time to deal with children," Snape murmured, which seemed to make Bellatrix even crazier.

"Ah, you damn, I'll kill you!" she exclaimed, trying to muster any strength to overcome him, but Snape seemed to be dealing with a real child.

"Give me back my wand!" she spoke once again.

"I will return it if you apologize for what you did. Otherwise, forget your wand," Snape said calmly.

"You think I'm going to apologize to someone inferior to me, you fool? Let me go!" she shouted.

Tired of this, Snape slapped her on the head, making her fall knocked out once again. He simply stepped over her, still lying on the ground, jumped off the platform, and headed to a corner where he always stayed in this class, while everyone still looked stunned at what had just happened.


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