Husband of the Goblin Tribe

Chapter Four – In which Ark complains about cleanliness and gives a creampie to the runt of the goblin tribe

“What Husband do?”

“Oh, Prima. I made a hand broom. I want to clean up the inside of this cavern a little bit.”

By selecting a number of long straw pieces from the makeshift bed I’ve been given use of, I took the rope that once bound my hands and used it to fasten the straw by tying them up, making something of a short-handled broom to work with for sweeping some of the excessive floor dirt away from my straw bed.


“Uh… move dirt away? Like you said, there’s no pissing and shitting in this room. Being surrounded by too much dirt makes me feel like I’m surrounded by shit since I am naked. As a human, I like being as clean as possible.”

“Fine. After move dirt, what Husband do?”

“Well, if I had anything nice I would decorate the room a little.”

“Decorate? Husband keep say strange words.”

“Sorry. Decorate means to keep nice things to look at when I’m not doing anything?”

“What kind thing?”

“I’m not sure. When the torch goes out, I can’t see anything anyway. For now, I am happy enough knowing the place around my bed has as little dirt as possible. I can worry about things I might be allowed to keep later.”

“Not know why need move dirt. Human thing or Husband thing? Husband do if want, Prima not care. Next goblin come tonight. Goblin runt. You give big seed.”

“Runt…? It’s not a child is it?”

“All goblins in tribe not strong ones anymore. All goblins old enough take big seed and make own strong one with Husband. Why Husband here now.”

From what I could discern from that statement, the phrase strong one referred to a goblin child, at least in some fashion. Also, all of the goblins I would be seeing are old enough to procreate, it seems.

“When will she arrive?”

“When Husband want Prima send Runt? Now or later?”

I get to decide?

“You can send her in now if she wants. I might as well see what I am working with while there’s still light from the torch.”

“Prima get runt. Husband stay.”

“I know the drill. I’ll be right here trying to… move dirt.”

Prima looked at me curiously for a moment, but left me to my obsession. I hadn’t received my canteen yet, but I didn’t think it would come into my possession so soon. I’m sure I just had to have some patience.

So, in a bit of a semi-cylindrical shape going outward from my bed at the center, I pushed as much dirt away from the straw pile as I could, until the pattering sounds of footsteps began to reach my ears once more. Prima had said this goblin female was an adult, only a runt. I could relate with that. Back before I reincarnated into this world, I was the smallest of five siblings, even though I was the middle child. It was tough being chosen over others in a world where the gap between five foot eleven and six foot was like heaven and Earth to superficial bitches with loose morals. Especially when I was five foot three.

So I wound up dying a virgin having never made the cut.

I was a bit taller in this world, but a whole hell of a lot of good that did me when I managed to wind up as a breeding slave to a group of thirsty female goblins.

“Husband. Runt come.”

A goblin who, when standing straight up barely reached my pectorals, had entered the cave announcing her arrival. Her skin was also light green, boasting a complexion that almost made her seem closer to having a human skin tone over that of either of the two other goblins. Her face wasn’t half bad, cute almost, but her hair was a tangled mess. She came closer and I could see that she was absolutely covered in dirt.

I sighed.

“Husband no like runt?” She asked me, looking sad.

“I didn’t say that. What do you do exactly that has you covered in so much dirt?”

“Find pointy things. Leaves. Cover tracks so black-claws no find goblin-home. Hunt rabbits. What Runt do.”

“I wish I could ask that all you goblins come to me after taking a bath at least.”

“Bath? What that?”

“Uh… body cleaned with water? No dirt left on body?”

Prima was also in the room, and she shared a head shaking look with the runt.

“Clean body for goblin important for Husband big seed?” Prima asked me.

“For giving big seed? No. I just like clean bodies. It makes me really want to give the biggest seed I can.”

I figured the whole big seed thing was of importance to these goblin women, so maybe I could use it as some kind of bargaining piece for now. I’ve already fucked two goblins, at least let me not think they are rolling around in dirt and shit before I fuck a third, please.

“Runt can do. Take small time. Do for biggest seed!”


I grabbed hold of the goblin runt’s waist and pulled her close to me, inspecting everything. Even lifting her loincloth.

“I want you to clean the dirt here, here, and here, and come back.”

I had pointed to the front of her chest, to her goblin hole, and to her neck. I let go of her and she scampered out of the room quickly.

“What point of clean goblin?” Prima, my main wife had asked. “Fuckhole get sticky and dirty again after big seed.”

“When I gave big seed to the one you brought me earlier, you rubbed yourself. Do you do that often?”

“Rub self feel good.”

“Touching that part of yourself with dirty fingers will lead to your body getting sick. This is human knowledge, though. Maybe it doesn’t apply to goblins, but it does to humans.”

Prima didn’t seem all that interested in my explanation.

“Will you be staying while I give big seed to the runt?”

“Yes. Runt weakest. Make sure safe with Husband.”

“I get it. Then watch closely, Prima. I will do many things that will help… give my best big seed.”

I could see my wife extend her tongue and lick around her mouth.

“What many things?”

“I will show you why cleanliness is important to me. Husband will do many things that make you goblins feel good, then I will give my best seed after.”

“Best? Husband no give best to Prima?”

“Watch me and the runt. If you like what you see, go take a bath and I will give you more seed.”

“Husband only waste big seed! Prima already know have strong one inside.”

“Then… how about practice?”

“Practice… waste big seed?”

I nodded.

“You’ll get to have the all the fun but don’t have to worry about me wasting my big seed.”

“What Husband do with big seed?”

“Give it to the runt? What does it matter? I told you already. If I eat fire meat, or eat fruits and vegetables, and drink clean water regularly, I can make enough big seed for everyone. Enough to waste it without worrying.”

“This no lie?”

“I swear.”

She walked over to me. Her body wasn’t nearly as filthy as the runt’s was, so I sat down on the straw pile and pulled her down into my lap. I began to kiss one of her breasts as my other hand slid under her loincloth and rubbed her green gobbo cunt.

“Husband practice now with Prima?”

“Yes. I just want to prepare your body a little first.”

“GROO… Prima like Husband rubbing fuckhole. Also tell Husband Stone-seeker well.”

“She is? That’s good to hear. How about you? I tried to be a little less rough with you after her.”

“Prima legs bend like reeds. Not want leave bed with Husband.”

“Well, You’re free to share my bed anytime.”

“Prima think.”

“No rush.” I said, and continued my fingering assault as I put her green breast into my mouth and began to suck on it. Her hips were trying to match the timing of my rubbing, and we were only interrupted when the runt female had returned a little while later..

“Taking big seed from Runt?” She complained once she had returned and caught us fooling around.

“No. Just waiting for you to return.” I answered.

Runt was dripping wet with water, but she was as clean as I could hope for! Probably the cleanest goblin in the whole damn cave right now. Prima had climbed out of my lap, revealing an already hard dick, which the Runt stared at intently.

“Seed-stick ready for Runt?”

“Come. Stand here.” I said to the runt, directing her where to go.

Her wet and clean body now before me, I began to sniff all over, checking for anything offensive. The loincloth was wet and still smelled a bit rank, but what was underneath it smelled neutral and that was something I felt was the most critical.

“Have you ever taken big seed before?”

“Me Runt. When have chance?”

“So this is your first time?”

“Yes. Runt first time get big seed.”

“No. You are not Runt anymore. You are Lily now.”

“Lily? What that?”

“What your Husband will call you from now on. Lily… it’s a small flower that smells good.”

“Runt smelly flower now?”

“A good smelly flower!” I said with a laugh.

“Still Runt.” Lily said matter-of-factly.

“Will Lily let Husband make her feel good before he gives her big seed?”

“Feel good?” Lily asked while staring at me, confused.

“Go ahead and take off your loincloth.” I told her.

She let it fall from her body. A fully naked half-sized goblin stood ready and eager for raw breeding sex. I however wanted to use her to test something first. It’s something I always wanted to try with a woman, I just hoped goblin anatomy wasn’t all that different where it counted right now. I leaned back onto the straw bed and instructed her to stand over my face and slowly fall to her knees.

“Why fuckhole over mouth?” She asked.

“I want to make Lily feel good first. Help ready her fuckhole for Husband’s seed-stick and biggest seed. It should also make it hurt less for the first time.”

“Runt not afraid of hurt.”

“I didn’t say you were. Goblins take care of Husband, right? It’s only fair that Husband also takes care of goblins.”

“Let Husband do.” Prima said from the side, with some authority in her voice.

“Fine. Runt let Husband do. But no forget want big seed!”

With tiny legs on either side of my head, and no wet pungent loincloth to offend my olfactory senses, a goblin pussy wasn’t all that different from a human pussy now that it was this close to my eyes, I imagine. Just a smooth and clean green-tinted slit for me to enjoy trying goblin cunnilingus with. While these girls might be classified as monsters, and in the future history books I might also be classified as one later on, I wasn’t one just yet. I was simply braving the green beyond down here. Pioneering the viridian trails, so to speak.

I began with some slow stroking of her legs as I kissed her slim inner thighs, licking them as I saw fit to and on occasion nipping at her green petals. Something that she was quick to yelp at when I had done so.

“What Husband do?” she barked at me nervously.

“Just relax. This is all for making Lily feel good and giving her big seed.”

I wonder if she believed me? At least she didn’t complain and pester me with questions when I finally got things started. I peeled her pussy lips apart and slid my wet tongue everywhere within. I had learned from various sources in my previous life that there was a bump at the top of the vagina that was supposed to be where the clitoris was on a female. Obviously being a lifetime virgin and this being my first pussy-eating I wasn’t exactly sure which one of the three separate bumps I felt with my tongue was the right one, so I spent a few moments on each hoping to discover which it was.

Lily was breathing heavily by then when I finally discovered it.

“Pisshole feel strange.” She had finally said after my sucking and licking around the second bump for a little while. “Not feel bad. What Husband do?”

I stopped for the briefest moment to tell her again that I was making her fuckhole ready to take me in for my big seed. She accepted that answer satisfactorily enough and I went back to licking her. A short while later her thin legs were squeezing the sides of my head.

“Husband need stop. Runt need piss!”

“It’s not piss.” I said as I grabbed her legs tightly, increasing the tempo of my tongue lashing.

“Runt know when need piss! Not stupid!” She complained.

I didn’t let her go. Trying to explain an orgasm to a goblin female virgin seemed way too complex a task for me, so I just locked her legs down with my hands and kept licking until she was almost crying.

“Trust Husband.” I said as I delivered the final few licks that sent her over the edge.

“Not runt fault!” She howled as she came. I kept lapping at her pussy which was now completely soaked. “Not… runt fault! Husband… stupid! Make Runt piss Husband fault!”

She was curled into a ball over my head, her hands grabbing tightly to my hair as she yelled.

“Feel good?”

She hit my head with her hand.

“Why make runt piss?”

“It wasn’t piss. Look, do you see piss anywhere?”

She stood up and looked down. Aside from some wetness around my mouth, there was no piss. She wasn’t a squirter either, it was just a normal oral orgasm.

“Where piss go?”

“What you had was called an orgasm. It is how a man makes a woman ready to take his seed-stick for big seed.”

“It over now?”

“That part is. Now it’s time to give you some big seed with my seed-stick.”

Telling her that much improved her mood quickly.

She had climbed onto all fours after hearing Prima tell her what to do from the side, but she was small enough that I could scoop her up.

“Not this way.” I said to her, sitting up and pulling her into my lap. “Sit here in my lap. Husband will take care of Lily in a special way since she’s smaller than Prima.”

Lily acquiesced, and I reached down to fit two fingers inside of her fuckhole. I had pulled and pushed inside, confident of the viscous wetness to be found inside of her now, and the elasticity of her goblin vagina made me think she was capable of taking all of me inside of her without issue. I raised her body up so that her pussy was over the tip of my glans, and with a free hand I directed it right to her entrance, then slowly lowered her down onto it. It went a third of the way in without difficulty. Then it was the familiar tightness as the two other goblins, Prima and the other one I had taken doggy-style had also demonstrated.

“How are you feeling, Lily? Did it hurt much going in?”

“No. Husband not lie. No hurt much.”

“Good. Now, do you know what to do from here?”

“Only know that seed-stick go inside and give big seed.”

“Then will you trust me again? There’s a bit more to it than that.”

“Runt listen Husband.”

I grabbed her hips and helped her rise and fall on my cock.

“Put your arms around my neck.”

She did as I asked. I kissed her neck and even bit it a little as I assisted her in pumping her runt body up and down on my cock. I felt her small chest with barely any lumps that could be called breasts up with one hand, and it felt a little criminal to be honest. But there are plenty of women who’ll never be more than an A-cup their entire lives. Should I discriminate because of nature?

“Are you used to it now, Lily?”

“Yes. Fuckhole feel good. No hurt anywhere.”

“Okay, I’m going to begin making you feel good again before my big seed comes.”

“Husband do.”

I held on to her small and tight ass as I thrust upwards, causing her to squeal. She kept a tight hold on my neck as I continued, making sure every so often to force her body down as I thrust upwards, causing her pointy fingers to dig into the top of my back as my cock slammed into something hard inside of her which then caused her cunt to feel like it was pouring out hot gravy into my crotch. She even returned the favor, with sharp teeth biting down and drawing blood on my shoulder. Her tongue just lapped it up and her hips moved on their own now without my help as she rode me like a rodeo bull.

“Husband! Husband ah! Husband! Husband!!”

I slapped her ass for good measure and she squeaked.

“Husband hit? Feel good! Do again!”

I slapped her ass again, on the other cheek this time and she squeaked, I thrust my dick into her with as much force as I could muster from this position. Her neck lolled and she stopped licking my bitten shoulder, her head drooped backwards and I held onto the back of her head and pulled it forward to rest on my shoulder. I was close anyway, so I sped up my thrusts until I exploded inside of her.

A whimper escaped her lips, and her runt frame went limp in my arms.

I held her close to my body, preciously as she drooled onto my shoulder.

“You did good, Lily. I hope you enjoyed taking my big seed.”

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