Husband of the Goblin Tribe

Chapter Five – In which Ark picks up a familiar goblin on the way to the shit-pit and brings her back to his cave-hole for a late-night quickie.

There was quiet for a moment in the cavern after I finished with the runt, Lily.

“Husband done?” Prima had asked from a short distance away. She was sitting against the wall near to where the torch was ensconced.

“More like Lily is done.” I answered Prima as I carefully unplugged myself from Lily’s light green cunt and laid her down next to me. “I assume there is a reason you chose this one?”

“Prima want know.”

“Know what?”

“Husband have Prima most times. Husband also have Stone-seeker. Both are biggest goblins in tribe, have biggest milkies. Runt smallest, have small milkies.”

“You wanted to know if it mattered to me?”


“I… am your Husband, right?”

“Yes. Husband of goblin tribe.”

“Then, isn’t that your answer?”

Prima crawled over to Lily and looked down at her.

“What Husband think? Not enjoy Runt?”

“She was enjoyable.”

“What about Prima? Prima not clean body like Runt.”

“Come here.”

Prima came before me again. I pulled her loincloth off and had her drape a leg over my shoulder as I went right to work eating her goblin pussy that wasn’t nearly as clean as Lily’s was.

“Prima is Prima, and that means Prima is first.” I said to her, trying to solidify the understanding that she was the goblin I was relying on. Though I couldn’t be certain with the goblin name of Guardian exactly how high up the ladder she was in terms of authority, she definitely seemed like someone who had significant influence here in this tribe. “With Prima, even if she’s not clean, Husband will still do this to her.”

“Why only Prima not need be clean?”

I didn’t answer her. I could only hope she would be smart enough to come to her own conclusion.

“Prima like mouth thing, but rather waste big seed with Husband seed-stick.”

I stopped licking her cunt when she said that. Her leg came off of my shoulder and I pulled her down to the ground. I put her on the straw bed right next to Lily and I spread her legs as she lay on her back, looking up at me. I was ready to go full-on Missionary with her.

Even though I had just fucked Lily, I still wanted to fuck more. I wasn’t even close to being done for some reason I couldn’t hope to explain.

“Husband enjoys Prima.” I said to her and thrust my member inside of her, wet with Lily’s fluids and our mixed cum.

“Wait. Husband no waste big seed. Already waste much!”

“Husband is stupid now. Can’t understand what Prima is saying.” I said with a grin, and hefted her legs high and bent her ass upwards so I could get into a fierce mating press position. I knew she wanted it as much as I wanted to give it to her with how little she even tried to resist. After the third goblin pussy conquered, I had come to a conclusion.

Things… weren’t all that bad here.

So I fucked my main wife silly. She had a habit of drooling when she was in that headspace of enjoying it. Come to think of it, they all sort of did that. And from how she clenched and released her cunt-muscles on my dick, I could tell she was enjoying being continually bred by this otherwise failure of a human. She was down for the count before I could nut inside of her, and as she did say she didn’t want me to waste my big seed on her…


I rolled Lily over and decided to use her fuckhole again as the cum repository for all the weight I felt in my balls while fucking Prima again. I’m not sure if Lily was conscious or not, but she was promised my biggest seed, and I was the responsible party. So, one sloppy mess of a runt’s pussy later, I laid down between the two with a rock hard cock still troubling me. That, and a desire to piss like a racehorse.

After holding it in for a while, I decided I just had to go, so I got up from the straw bed and grabbed the torch ensconced on the wall, hoping I was still on the approved list for a late-night jaunt to the shit-pit.

Along the way, a soft voice whispered “Husband” at me.

I turned around and saw a female goblin that looked a bit familiar in the torchlight.

“Why Husband not in cave-hole?”

“Had to piss. I just finished giving the runt my big seed, so I need to piss now.”

“I go there too. Come with Husband?”

“By all means.”

The two of us entered the aptly named shit-pit and I let a yellow stream flow freely from my dick.

“Husband seed-stick.” She giggled.

“You like?” I asked, more of a joke than an offer.

“Mmm. Would like to have big seed again.”

“Again? Oh! Are you the one from earlier? Uh… what was it… Stone-seeker?”


“I hope I didn’t hurt you too badly.”

“Fuckhole okay. Legs like reeds for most day. Better now. Belly full of big seed. Will have strong ones.”

“Um… can I ask you something?”

“What Husband want know?”

“Is there some kind of restriction on who I can give big seed to?”


“What I can and can’t do?”

“No. Husband give big seed any goblin Husband want. Big seed rare.”

“Not at all. As long as I have fire meat to eat and plenty of water to drink, there is no problem with me making as much big seed as goblins need.”

“Husband no lie?”

“It’s no lie. It’s a normal thing for humans to be able to do.”

“If no lie… Husband want waste big seed with me?”

“As long as you are okay with it.”

“We go Husband cave-hole first?”

“W-well… Runt is asleep after… and Prima too…”

“Not matter. Husband cave-hole meant for getting big seed!” she said cheerfully.

“Then, will you help lead me back to my cave-hole?”

“Yes, I go! Husband follow!”

She escorted me back to my cavern, which was officially the breeding room I guess, and as soon as we entered I put the almost spent torch in the wall-hole for it and yanked down her loincloth, hefted her up by her ass as I pressed her back into the cavern wall, shoving my still wet cock right inside of her again.

“Wrap your legs around me. Hold on tight.”

“Yes, Husband.”

Her pussy squelched like a butter churn as I beat this poor goblin woman’s pussy to hell and back again. She didn’t seem to mind it one bit. She was talking about shiny colored stones or something at some point in a stuttered way, but I wasn’t sure if it was a coherent conversation she was actually trying to have with me or not. She was filled up with my spunk soon enough and I felt bad about not knowing where her room was so I could deposit her back there instead of potentially causing a problem when everyone woke up and found her here.

What is a breeding slave to do?

I am a gentleman, however. The only thing I could do for her was to put her down in the space between Lily and Prima. I decided on her name being Jewel since she talked about shiny stones. I’d start calling her that from tomorrow onwards.

I could tell right now that if I wanted to grab another goblin and go to town, my partner wouldn’t fail me. But I think this was going to be a big enough problem in the morning. I was hoping Prima would be a bit more receptive to the cunnilingus, maybe if it was successful it might get me off the hook, but there wasn’t anything to do but deal with what comes in the morning.

With the three of them laying on my straw bed, I ended up sleeping on the dirt floor, holding on to Lily. It was her night after all, and I would feel like an asshole if I didn’t do that much. I slid close to her and draped a hand over her body, her head moved to rest against my chest and like that, it would be day three as the goblin’s breeding slave… er, Husband.


~~** Interlude | Prima **~~


“Why are you here?” I asked the one lying where Husband should be, Stone-seeker.

“Husband brought me here to waste big seed last night.” She answered casually. “Didn’t even want my shiny yellow stone.”

“Where is Husband?”

“Next to runt. She’s lucky, I would like to be where she is.”

“Husband was careful with runt last night. No… not runt. Husband gave her a name.”

“A name?”

“It’s a human thing, I think. Husband called runt Lily.”

“Lily? Sounds nice. I also want Husband to give me a name.”

“Then ask him. Stupid Husband wastes big seed and gives name as easily as a fart comes. How are your legs today?”

“Only a little sore now. My fuckhole is sore, my body is sore, but my belly is full of big seed again.” She said, patting her belly contentedly, which would show her carrying a strong one as soon as my own did.

“You said Husband brought you here last night?”

“Yes. He went to take a piss and I saw him. His seed-stick was big, he asked if he could give big seed to any goblin. He said he can make as much big seed as he wants if he gets fire meat and water.”

“He said the same thing to me.”

“Is this why he wanted the kan-tin?”

“I don’t know. Maybe?”

“Shall we go hunt for food? Not only am I hungry, but I would like to give Husband a big piece of fire meat in case he isn’t lying about how his big seed works. Let’s leave those two here.”

“I guess. But my legs still feel a bit like reeds. We’ll be moving slow.”

By the Great Protector my fuckhole ached. It took a lot of effort to get up from the bed and I had to even help Stone-seeker up as well. We both went to our cave-holes first and brought the things we would need to hunt with us afterwards. For her a bow, for me a spear. It was far from the first time we have hunted together, but now it felt different with her.

Once we were a good way into the forest, I got lucky and spotted some fresh redboar tracks.

“Redboar. Fresh tracks. We follow.”

She nodded.

We fanned out and moved forward until we came close to the stream many many footsteps away from the cave. The tracks had led us to a male redboar that was drinking from the stream, its tusks warned us both that it was an aggressive male. Luck was on our side since it was on this side of the stream. Were it on the other side, I wouldn’t bother. Crossing the stream to hunt would only anger the Great Protector.

“How should we take it down?” She asked me.

“Think you can shoot it in the leg?”

“Yes. What will you do?”

“Jump out and stick it with my spear.”

“Okay. Ready?”


She had notched an arrow and got a bead on the redboar. She let the arrow fly and it stuck right into the rear haunch of the redboar. It squealed in pain and turned around, smacking the ground with a front hoof challenging whoever had attacked it.

Shit. I wasn’t ready fast enough. It is wary now.

“Shoot another arrow again, I’ll just throw my spear at it from here.” I said through our practiced silent hunting signs.

“Okay.” She signed back.

She notched another arrow, aiming for the redboar but it fell short and to the side. It took off running in the other direction from where the arrow landed but that was good, it was coming my way. I hurled my spear and it went right through the redboar’s body and into the stream. That is not what should have happened. The redboar dropped dead instantly, but why did the spear I use make a hole clean through it?

“What did you do? Is that a new spear?” she asked me once she drew close.

“No. Same spear I always use.”


“Why did you miss?” I asked her about her second shot.

“I saw where you were. I had a thought to scare it in your direction rather than waste an arrow injuring it and making it more angry.”

“Well, it worked… This is a big redboar.”

We both approached the redboar which was most certainly dead. I had waded into the stream to get my spear, and afterwards we both stood over the corpse, I gave it a tug and felt how heavy it was.

“It will take forever to drag this back.” I told her.

“Maybe not. I have an idea.”


“Put your spear through its mouth, let it come out of its shithole. We can both use your spear to carry it by sharing the heavy weight.”

“That’s not a bad idea.” I thought. I wasn’t aware that Stone-seeker was that smart.

“First I need to do something.” I said, and took a few steps back to the stream. I had brought a water-skin with me and filled it up with clean stream water.

“For Husband.”

“Stream water?”

“It will make him happy.” I answered.

“Want more big seed for giving Husband a present?” she asked with wide teeth.

“Just making sure Husband isn’t lying about that. Giving him some clean water is a good way to make sure.”

I plunged the spear through the body of the redboar mouth first, and when it came out the shithole, she grabbed the other end with no complaint. We both lifted it up expecting it to take all the effort we had, but it lifted easily.

“Was it supposed to be this easy to lift?” I asked her.

“It’s not that easy for me,” she complained, but held steady, “can we go back now?”

“Yes. Let’s go back… We’ll take it apart at the fire pit and give Husband a big leg of fire meat.”

“Heh. Husband can have this big leg, I’d be happy to get more of Husband’s big leg.”

“Stupid seed-head. Do you think you’re the only one who wants Husband’s big leg!”

She was all laughs however, even though I insulted her. Her belly was full of his big seed, and I felt like a fool for telling Husband not to waste it on me. He wasted it on her instead. Still, there is no question now that we will be having strong ones soon. All that remains is to wait three moons for them to come...

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