Husband of the Goblin Tribe

Chapter Six – In which Ark does nothing productive except talk, and also show some hungry goblins that he’s a consummate gentleman.

I had woken up holding on to Lily, my fingers tracing around her flat breasts with perked up nipples because I couldn’t see in the darkness and frankly, there was nothing else to do.


“Good morning, Lily. How are you feeling?”

“GWUUH… Belly full of big seed. Fuckhole sore.”

“Yeah. Sorry about that.”

“Why sorry? Husband give Lily big seed.”

“I wasn’t trying to leave you feeling sore.”

“Why Husband still hold Lily?”

“It was your night. I wanted you to be comfortable and warm until you woke up.”

“Husband care for Lily?”

“As much as I can, anyway.”

Lily flopped onto her back, taking my hand and moving it down to her stomach.

“Belly full of big seed. Hungry, but no want hunt rabbit. Husband hungry?”

“A little. Maybe Prima will bring me something to eat soon?”

“Lily, runt. Tired after big seed, maybe not eat today. Useless.”

“Don’t say that. I’m sure once you feel a little more rested you’ll be back to hunting in no time. And you’re keeping me company right now, so you aren’t useless.”

“Company? Mean Husband want Lily stay?”

“Sure, until you feel well enough to walk on your own.”

“Husband not treat Lily like runt.”

“Is there any reason I should?”

“Strong take. Not strong, do what strong say. Lily weakest goblin in tribe.”

“Maybe, but you know, I don’t think that’s entirely true. I’m sure Lily has something she is the strongest at.”

“Lily strongest?”

“Yep. I’m sure there’s something you can do even better than Prima.”

“Husband strong. Give biggest seed, do thing with mouth, make Lily feel good. Rest of Husband stupid. Lily know only runt, not strongest.”

I laughed. Well, at least I’m being complimented for something. The cave seemed pretty busy today, footsteps everywhere, though I couldn’t see anything since the torch was dead. I wish I had my quartz focus orb or something. I could at least create an artificial light with one. I had one in my pack, but I was already worried asking for my canteen back was pushing things. I was a breeding slave here and I didn’t want to ruin whatever good fortune I could call this situation.

I wasn’t tied up, I wasn’t starving, and though they were goblins, I was drowning in quite the enjoyable amount of pussy. A sudden torchlight had revealed both Prima and Jewel entering the room carrying… meat.

“Husband, here. Have fire meat.”

Jewel had handed over to me what I swear to god was an entire hind leg of a small deer or wild pig or something like that. The outside was blackened since they didn’t skin it fully, but the charred exterior was easily pulled off. Prima was holding on to the raw and bloody other haunch that had to have been the pair to this large piece of cooked meat they brought me. Prima snapped it in half and gave the leg to Jewel, while she enjoyed the thigh. They were careful not to sit and get the blood over the straw bed which I was grateful for.

I did notice, however, they brought nothing for Lily to eat. I could see her staring at the large piece of meat in my hand, and salivating a little.

“Hungry?” I asked Lily, who instead of looking at me, caught the eyes of Prima and Jewel.

“No hunt no eat.” she said with no energy behind her voice.

I pat my naked thigh, beckoning her.

“Come. Sit on my lap.”


“Just do it.”

Lily crawled over to my lap and climbed on top of it.

“I know it might not taste good to you, but would you like to share it with me?”

“Husband!” Prima complained immediately. “Goblins no eat fire meat.”

I gave her a pleading look, and she hissed, taking a large bite from the bloody meaty ass of whatever creature they had hunted.

“Husband stupid! Waste big seed, give strange name, try share fire meat...”

I put my free hand on Lily’s stomach.

“It’s not only for Lily. It’s also for the future of the goblin tribe.”

Jewel had laughed.

“Husband take food to give runt. Husband not stupid. Husband smart. Better than hungry even if fire meat. Now Lily owe Husband.”

“I trade… later!” Lily said emphatically and began to use her pointy fingers to shear the blackened outside of the whole leg of fire meat I was holding for us.

“Sorry it’s only fire meat that I can offer you, Lily. It’s the best I can do.”

She sniffed the piece of meat I held before growling.

“Meat meat. Eat eat. Better not be hungry.”

I laughed while she tore into the chunk of meat. The way she ate was atrocious, but I held the piece of meat steady and we both ate from it directly. It was far easier for Lily with her sharp goblin teeth to tear off chunks of meat than it was for me.

“Husband even let Lily eat best part!” Prima almost sounded offended with the way she scolded me.

“Prima, I can’t eat the whole thing anyway. You brought me way too much fire meat.”

“Too much? Only leg!”

“This leg is far more than enough for me. But thank you both for bringing me food today.” I said in gratitude to my goblin huntress… err… wives? I was a kept man, it’s important to show my appreciation.

“Here. Maybe not have clean water make Husband stupid-think too much.”

She tossed something at me which hit my body and bounced off to the floor.

“What’s this?”

“Stream water.”

“Oh! Thank god!”

I thrust the piece of meat I had been given into Lily’s hand, grabbing the waterskin and chugging a hefty amount of the delicious clean water, letting out a refreshing sigh of satisfaction, followed by a healthy belch.

“No forget wash seed-stick.” Prima reminded me, not that I needed her to.

“Yep!” I said quite happily as I dug into the meat with renewed ferocity. Not as much ferocity as this little runty goblin who was devouring it, but I felt instantly better after a few gulps of delicious cool water.

“Eat with Husband look fun. Maybe more fun waste big seed and eat together!” Jewel said with a laugh, and it didn’t seem like a bad idea to me. I reached down between our legs and found Lily was game for it, so I grabbed Lily by the waist and pulled her body close enough to my own so that I could put my cock inside of her.

“GYAH!” she croaked when both her mouths were stuffed with meat.

I laughed as I tore a piece of meat with my teeth from the whole leg of fire meat Lily held and proceeded to have an all-you-can-eat-and-fuck buffet with her.

“GYAHAHA! Husband do what say! Husband good!” Jewel had said fully amused, as she kept eating her bloody leg with one hand and began rubbing herself with the other.

“I’ll be with you two in a little bit.” I said to both Prima and Jewel.

“Oh? Husband waste big seed again with me?” Jewel asked.

“Yes. With both Prima and Jewel.”


“Yes, I will call you Jewel from now on.”

“Jewel? Husband give name? Same as Lily and Prima?”

“That’s right. Jewel means something similar to shiny stones in the human language, and if I remember correctly last night, you seemed to talk a lot about them.”

“Like name. Also like shiny stones.”

I continued to have sex with Lily while talking with Jewel, letting her enjoy being fucked slowly and giving her all the time she needed to eat her fill. Maybe it was because she was small, and I just didn’t think it was right to violate this poor goblin to the point of being unable to hunt for her meal the next day, or maybe it was because of my previous life, knowing what it was like to be the runt of my own family, but I felt like protecting her, even though this was the limit of what I could do right now, and I probably made Prima angry in the process of doing so.

Well, I’ll make it up to Prima.

I had unloaded a fresh creampie into Lily right as she tore off another huge chunk of cooked meat, and took some satisfaction in that. I’m a stand up guy. Even if I had to get a handout from my other wives, I would make sure no one got fucked by me without getting treated to a meal in whatever mouth they desired.

No sir, not on my watch.

I had also eaten my fill. Prima and Jewel had already finished their own pieces of raw meat and were just sitting around at this point waiting for me to say I was done.

I plucked Lily from my lap, resting her body on the straw bed near one side and leaving the rest of the piece of meat with her to finish devouring. Standing up, my cock was erect and glistening. “Come over here,” I patted the free space on the straw bed I was just sitting down on, “I’ll give both of you big seed at the same time!” I said confidently.

Jewel had practically leapt right in front of me.

“Where Jewel go?” She said enthusiastically, immediately using the name I chose to call her.

“Right there,” I stood up and pointed to the place I had been sitting, “I want you to lay on your back this time.”

“Prima, come! Hunt together, waste big seed together with Husband!”

Prima put up a good act, I will give her that, but she couldn’t hide her interest. She flung the stripped bone to the corner of the room and quickly joined us.

“Stupid Husband. Where Prima go?”

“Can you get down on your hands and knees over Jewel?”

“What Husband do?”

“Just let me thank you both for your hard work today, okay? I’ll handle everything.”

She snorted, but did as I asked anyway. I slid between the both of them and began to fuck Prima first for a few strokes, and then swapped into Jewel as I spit on Prima’s goblin pussy and began to rub it with my fingers, doing with my hands what she wouldn’t let me finish doing with my tongue last night. I was careful not to stay in either one of them for too long, trying to be fair with how I rationed my seed-stick to them. Lily was off to the side just cleaning the rest of that huge piece of meat, audibly crunching on ligaments, tendons, or the very bone itself. Was she really a runt? I could not have eaten that whole thing If I had two days to do it in.

I ended up coming inside of Prima as planned, but I pulled out two throbbing ejaculations into her and tried to put the rest into Jewel. It wasn’t my best work, but both seemed satisfied enough to get injected with some of my baby batter.

“Why even when fuckhole sore, big seed feel good?” Jewel had asked contemplatively.

“Seed-stick make head stupid-think. Forget fuckhole hurt. That why.” Prima answered condescendingly.

Afterwards, I went for the waterskin and walked to a corner of the cavern where I discreetly emptied some of it out onto my cock and stroked as much of the funk off of it as I could, then washed my wet hand off on my bare ass. When my dick felt like a human appendage again, and not like it was coated in goblin snot, I went back to the three who were all lying side by side.

“Prima, sure Husband human, not monster?”

“Not sure now, Jewel. What think, Lily?”

“Lily belly big full. Take big shit later.”

That got a round of laughter from all three of them. They had gotten to their feet easily enough, save for a slightly wobbly Lily, and all three of them left me alone with a promise to visit again soon, even if not to waste more big seed with me.

That meant I was alone now, but I had some fresh torchlight to work with at least. I got to work with my makeshift handheld hay-broom and began sweeping the floor once more, aiming to move the non-solid dirt and dust on the floor to the cavern walls, as well as do some adjusting to the messy straw pile that was my bed. In the corner of the cavern nearest the only entrance, there was now a small junkpile of some kind. Some rags and a fairly sturdy thin piece of wood were found in it. The rags would be good to place down so I could do pushups without getting my hands too dirty, and I could file the piece of wood against the cavern wall in order to turn it into something I could dig with. It would be nice to have some kind of proper trash pit, as there were already littered bones left behind by my visitors. While the overhead of the cavern was completely solid stone, the floor had some places where it wasn’t stone at all, or if it was, it was buried under a lot of dirt.


~~** Interlude | Goblin Trio **~~

“Ahh, that was a good shit. I hope Husband’s big seed didn’t come out with it.” Lily grunted as she used a dry leaf to wipe her shithole.

“My fuckhole is so sore… ugh. I don’t even care anymore. Husband can break my fuckhole whenever he wants. How he leaves me feeling right now is just too much!” Jewel lamented happily.

“I guess I need to find the next goblin who gets to have Husband’s big seed tonight.” Prima added.

“Have an idea who it will be?” Jewel asked Prima.

“Not really. Do you have a suggestion?”

“None.” Jewel answered.

“Why not ask Husband who he wants to pick?” Lily the runt suggested.

“Lily, that’s… not a bad idea.” Prima considered, “I will gather a few goblins and bring them to Husband’s cave-hole tonight. Let Husband pick who he wants to give big seed to.”

With that as the immediate goal in mind, Prima, Lily, and Jewel separated after exiting the shit-pit and went to their respective cave-holes to rest. They put on a tough act in front of their Husband, but he was still too intense for each of them, even when he was trying to go easy.

Not a single one of the three minded how sore Husband left them, in comparison to how good they felt for the long while afterwards…

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