I Became the Finance Director of an Academy on the Verge of Bankruptcy

Chapter 4

Laura returned just under 10 minutes later.

With a bright face as if she had luck on her side, she exclaimed,

“Adam, I just contacted the representative from Raven Trading Company. They’re on their way right now!”

“Seems like they were already at the academy?”

“Yep. Lucky, right?”

“Lucky, huh…”


“Let’s just go. You take notes on the negotiation details.”


With just the two of us, it’s easy to talk casually, but when we get to a formal setting, the rank difference between Laura and me is like night and day.

She has to use formal speech in front of the academy staff, and even more so in a meeting with outsiders.

Because of that, the atmosphere changed entirely between leaving my office and walking to our meeting place with Laura.

“Finance Director Adam Keynes, here are the details related to the contract renewal.”


Even being in a far superior position than my peers, I don’t feel any sense of superiority. If I hadn’t accidentally come across the financial documents in the headmistress’s office, I’d probably be in the same position as Laura.

However, it still feels odd treating Laura casually.

“Excuse me, aren’t you Finance Director Adam? And beside you is…?”

“That’s the youngest member of the Food Ingredients Management Department. She is the second daughter of the Edelwein family.”

“If she’s the second daughter of Edelwein, isn’t she your peer in the finance department? She’s only been here for two years!”

“Yeah, right? Isn’t the Finance Director quite lucky?”

That’s the kind of chatter floating around us.

Regardless of the other intentions, I can’t help but think how impressive it is that Laura came to me for help in such an atmosphere.

Unlike in my office, the polite Laura took a glance at me and picked up her pace. Honestly, the best course of action was to just get to the negotiation room quickly.

So we arrived at the reception room in the academy.

“Nice to meet you. I’m Hans Raven, the new representative.”

“I’m Finance Director Adam Keynes.”

“Finance Director… I see.”

A young man who looked a bit older than me momentarily froze before smiling and shaking my hand.

By the way, Hans ‘Raven’…

I had some thoughts after reading the report on those scoundrels’ trading company earlier.

Now things are starting to make sense.

“By the way, I’m surprised that the finance director of Grandis Academy is so young.”

“I started last year.”

“I see. If you don’t mind, may I ask how old you are…?”

“22 years old.”


It was a bit odd to be asked about my age.

“Well then, about this matter…”

“Wow, the reception room at the academy truly lives up to its reputation. There must be countless reception rooms like this, but to have such facilities…from the perspective of a small trading company, it’s quite humbling.”

The fact that he called himself a ‘small’ trading company on purpose is suspicious, and then to imply that the academy has multiple reception rooms? They must be loaded.

This guy…

“By the way, I’m also from Grandis Academy but the professors there—”

“I understand the intentions of Raven Trading Company well. I’ll be taking my leave now.”

“Wait a moment, Finance Director? What do you mean by that?!”

“You’ve handled the merchant’s style of speech excellently. Your finesse in beating around the bush without being direct is commendable. Since I’ve grasped the true intentions of Raven Trading Company, I’ll just act on that.”

“Finance Director! What do you mean out of nowhere?!”

“It’s clear as day that you’re making unreasonable demands regarding contract renewal. The negotiation manager of a trading company with longstanding dealings with the academy doesn’t even know me, and you’re initiating chatter without addressing the substance of the deal.”


“Raven Trading Company is looking to cut its dealings with the academy. I completely understand.”

Of course, our finances are on the brink of bankruptcy, but on the surface, Grandis Academy appears to be a wealthy institution that will thrive for decades to come.

In such a situation, Raven Trading Company supplying food ingredients is clearly the advantageous position for the academy. According to the reports, 30% of Raven Trading’s profits come from their business with the academy.

So, to deal with the academy’s top VIP in such a manner? To provide less food ingredients while taking the same amount of money? That’s sheer madness.

There would have to be some ulterior motive if this deal were to ever go through.

‘What exactly could that ulterior motive be?’

Hearing the newly appointed rep’s name helped me piece it together.

Hans Raven.

He must be the son of the head of Raven Trading.

According to the reports, the head of Raven Trading has been frail and virtually bedridden for several years now.

He’s likely plotting to hand over the head of the company position to one of his sons. I’ve heard he has five sons.

So, what Hans Raven wants is simple. Results that can help him in succession battles.

But would someone desiring results really try to cut ties with the academy, their biggest client?

No way.

I must be bluffing.

“F-Finance Director! I think there’s a misunderstanding!”

“Is there more misunderstanding? If so, why didn’t your son, the head of the trading company, receive a proper handover upon taking this position?”


“I’ve met your previous rep several times. If you’ve received a proper handover while holding the title of Finance Director, you shouldn’t not know who I am.”


Raven Trading has never negotiated directly with me. While I’m the finance director, I manage everything, but that doesn’t involve negotiating face-to-face with every trading company.

I’m more like a manager, and they’re on the worker side. But that doesn’t mean not knowing anything about higher-ups is acceptable.

Especially in a country where privileges run rampant, if the previous rep had some acquaintance with me, there’s no way he wouldn’t know me.

For Raven Trading, this would’ve been a chance to establish connections with someone from a higher status, so there’s no way they wouldn’t have informed the new rep.

“Starting next year, we will terminate our dealings with Raven Trading Company. Instead, we’ll be malling with Albatross Trading Company.”

“Albatross, you say?!”

“Is there a problem?”

Albatross Trading Company is a traditional rival to Raven Trading, which handles the same food ingredients.

Letting a rival snatch their largest client? It wouldn’t be surprising if they collapsed without any revenue.

This wasn’t merely a threat to extract Hans’s true intentions. If we were genuinely going to trade at 2/3 of the original amount, I could just go with Albatross.


Still thinking?

Then let me reduce your options.

“I’ll end the negotiation here. Laura, let’s go back.”

“Sure, Finance Director.”

“Wait a moment!”

As I stood up to leave, Hans hurriedly stopped me.

Yeah, I’m dying to know what kind of plot this guy’s scheming.

“I don’t think we need to talk more.”

“I’m really sorry! The truth is…Raven Trading Company is currently unable to supply the desired amounts of food ingredients!”

“……What do you mean?”

“Since my father, I mean the head of the company has collapsed, Raven Trading Company has been struggling. Naturally, we don’t plan on cutting ties with the academy! However, due to issues with our suppliers….”


So, after the head of the company collapsed, his sons are fighting among themselves, and in that shambles, Hans, you became the rep for dealings with the academy.

If the deal with the largest client falls through, he would be off the map, and the other brothers are making all sorts of excuses to not supply ingredients, right?

But if that happens, the entire Raven Trading Company would also quake without 30% of their earnings.

Are they trying to sell the future, to buy the present? Idiots…I can’t even call them that.

‘The headmistress was the same…’

Anyway, I get the situation now.

“In the end, isn’t the lack of provided food ingredients Raven Trading Company’s fault?”

“Exactly! I’m truly sorry!”

“Yet you still wish to receive the same fees as last year?”


Are you seriously that concerned your brothers might retaliate against you if you charged less? Seriously?

If you’re one of the prominent sons, you should have enough clout to dodge such a backlash, but it seems you’re the fourth or youngest son.

But really, so what?

You want us to take the hit for you?

If you’re in worse financial shape than us, I might consider it.

“That, that is….”

You didn’t get the proper handover because you didn’t want to face the consequences. If you don’t charge less for less provided ingredients, your brothers may go berserk and attack you, but if you charge the same, the academy will undoubtedly raise a ruckus.

You must be in a terribly confusing situation, struggling to remember a proper handover.

Not that he is, but screw it.

While I let Hans wallow in his thoughts, I’m starting to think it’s a better choice to meet with Albatross Trading for a new contract.

Laura seemed to think similarly as she shot a frosty glance at the stammering Hans and whispered next to me.

“Finance Director, should I contact Albatross Trading?”

“……Wait a moment, Laura.”


“Mr. Hans, I have a proposal for you.”


“We will continue our dealings with Raven Trading Company.”

“A-Adam!? I mean, Finance Director? What do you mean…!!”

“Finance Director! I can’t thank you enough!”

Hans’s face lit up with joy as he expressed his gratitude, and Laura, startled, tried to stop me.

Look, my statement’s not over yet!

“However, it’ll be half.”

“……Excuse me?”

“Instead, I will only pay half of last year’s fee.”

“W-What does that mean?!”

Well, the ingredients are at 2/3 supply, so if there’s any actual trade, paying 2/3 of the original amount would be normal, but…

I had my reason for asking for half.

“You wouldn’t agree to such terms!”

Did you think we’d be fine with such a deal? You must be kidding.

“Instead, what we can offer to Raven Trading is…”

“What matters to a trading company is money! No matter how much of a finance director you are, such outrageous words—!”

“To be precise, it’s not Raven Trading that gets something, but ‘Hans Raven’ who will.”


Initially, I had planned to just go with Albatross Trading, but my mind changed a bit.

If played right, I might end up saving a lot of budget.

“The payment will be half the previous amount. The food ingredients this year will only be 2/3’s, and from next year, we revert to the original amount.”


“However, we will only hear the voice of the handler from Raven Trading, Hans Raven. Correspondingly, you will only be able to hear my voice.”


Luckily, he seems to understand the nuances of this wordplay.

Stating that we’ll only hear Hans Raven’s voice means that if he were to fall from his position, we won’t talk with whoever comes next at all.

Even if Hans falls, they can’t let anyone from Raven Trading take on the mantle of academy’s representative.

For Hans, interpreting this would mean the academy supports him.

Hans would get powerful backing from the academy, while we get food ingredients for half the cost.

It was a mutually beneficial deal. Of course, our share was way bigger.

“Is this enough?”

“……It seems the Finance Director is quite knowledgeable of our internal affairs.”

“Well, I am the finance director.”

Most of the information you told me was from you, you fool.

…I can’t say that, though. If Hans manages to win the succession battle, I would need to see that face more often.

Of course, it’s unlikely.

“Could you draft this into a contract?”

“Of course.”

With a nervous expression, Hans brought out the contract, jotted down what we just discussed, and signed my name.

With that, the contract holds an effect. Even if Hans falls from power later, he can’t just act ignorant about it.

That was sufficient for me.

“Thank you so much for your support, Finance Director. I will make sure to repay your trust.”

“I’m not sure what you’re talking about. Anyway, good luck.”



Distinct from our initial handshake, Hans bowed to express thanks and left the reception room with a much more confident stride.

Now, with only Laura and me left in the room…

“…Adam, are you sure about this?”

“What’s there to worry about? With this, the academy saved a ton of money. The quantity of food ingredients is significant, so the costs are astronomical, and we’re paying only half.”

“True, we did make a profit this time. But what if Hans falls and another rep arrives? That would cause issues, right? And this time we only got 2/3 of the food ingredients; how will we fill the rest?”

“Of course, we’ll trade with Albatross Trading. They’ll be eager to snag the academy’s business since they can potentially steal Raven Trading’s clientele.”

“What? But earlier, you said we would only listen to Hans Raven’s voice.”

“I only mentioned listening to Hans Raven’s voice from ‘Raven Trading’, I never mentioned anything about other companies. If you can’t catch this kind of wordplay, there’s no way Hans will ever be the head.”

The moment he got pressured a bit and started spilling internal information, and coupled with his obliviousness to the contract’s trick, he can’t possibly become the head. And if he does? The academy will just snag themselves a fool. Either way, we profit.

“…So we’ll switch to Albatross Trading from next year?”

“Pssh, why would we? From next year, we’re still getting the same amount at half the cost. We’ll continue dealing with Raven Trading Company.”

“What if another rep shows up? That person would be from Raven Trading.”

“So we just don’t listen to him.”

“Then what do we—”

Laura, who had intended to ask me again, looked at me with an expression of disbelief.

“Wait, you can’t be saying?”

“I never said I wouldn’t deal with them. I said we wouldn’t listen to him.”

“…You mean you want to trade through written conversations?”

“Well, as long as we don’t hear his voice and he doesn’t give us anything, we’ll be good. Regardless, there’s the contract to abide by.”

Trading without him speaking, just through written exchanges, for the sake of half the costs? I can’t resist.

However, Laura seemed a bit concerned.

“Do you think they’ll just accept that?”

“They’ll have to. If Hans is still here next year, it won’t be an issue, and if he falls out, we can say we only heard his proposal. Even if they want to push for a new contract, they won’t be able to demand the old prices. If they keep messing with us, we’ll just trade with Albatross.”

“So, you purposely planned to buy the remaining food ingredients from Albatross?”

“If they find out we already traded with Albatross last year, they’ll definitely get anxious. It might not be half but we’ll hopefully get a significant discount.”

In the end, the academy would end up saving on the budget for food ingredients. And that would push back our bankruptcy timeline.

Thanks to Laura, I unintentionally gained in unexpected places.

Ah, to be more precise…

“And tell the head of the food ingredients department I’m grateful for the opportunity.”

“Eh? What do you mean?”

“You’re not the only one who’s been managing such a deal on your own. The head already knew about it. Since you’re friendly with me, it looks like he wanted to test my capabilities,”

“…Sorry, Adam.”

“No need to apologize! In the end, we both passed the test as employees, and we also saved a significant amount of the academy budget, so it’s all good, right?”

“I’ll make sure to repay this favor.”


More than anything, the negotiation is over, and it’s time to get back to work.

As I stood up, Laura looked at something in my pocket.

“Hey? What’s that in your pocket?”

“This? It’s a long-distance communication magic tool.”

“That’s quite expensive, isn’t it? Where did you get it? Did the headmistress gift it to you?”

“Something like that.”

“Why did you even bother bringing that?”

“I’m going to sell it.”


Tsk, what a missed opportunity.”


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