I Became the Finance Director of an Academy on the Verge of Bankruptcy

Chapter 5

“……The report is unusual, Director.”

“Laura, what do you think?”

“Excuse me?”

“I mean the work that the Finance Director handled this time. Do you think it went well?”

“I… I believe it went well.”

“No, that’s incorrect.”

“Huh? Why?”

“It’s not just well, it’s the best result our academy could achieve.”


“If it were someone like me or you, we would have simply switched trading companies to Albatross. In that case, Albatross, being our rival, would have offered a lower price than usual. We might have gained from that, though.”

“Instead, we reopened negotiations with Raven Trading Company…”

“Half the original cost. I say ‘half,’ but really, it practically eliminates the need to allocate next year’s food ingredients budget. To put it dramatically, it’s as if our department won’t have any work to do next year.”


“This isn’t something that can be explained by just being smart or quick on your feet. That Finance Director has a natural talent for sniffing out money.”

“Natural talent…”

“I understand why the Headmistress entrusted a newbie with the Finance Director position. Laura, you said you were colleagues at the academy? Was he like this even as an undergrad?”

“He was very focused on money due to his upbringing as an orphan… but still…”

“But still?”

“Once he became a graduate student, all of that would be resolved, so I didn’t worry too much.”

“……Cough! Cough! I’ve heard all sorts of gossip among the academy staff about the Finance Director. I was skeptical, but now I see how ridiculous those rumors are. The Finance Director is a remarkable talent.”

“I see.”

“Traditionally, the academy’s finances have been managed solely by the Headmistress, but he has broken that custom. I’m simply impressed by the Headmistress’s insight.”

“……As expected.”


“Honestly, we must drag him into the graduate program…”

“Ugh, um.”

The head of the food ingredients department quickly diverted his gaze from Laura, who was muttering about the graduate program with a chilling intensity, to look out the window.

The vast view of the academy, which is also his alma mater.

“……In any case, we can trust that man with the academy.”

He planned to discuss the other managers and the Finance Director again.

He dreamed of a bright future for the academy, excellent welfare, and a lifetime job with an even better salary.


“This academy is doomed.”

“Finance Director! It’s been just a week, no need to say such things!”

“I’m sorry, Headmistress. The reality is just too bleak.”

“Ugh… just keep kneading my shoulders. It’s been a week since I boarded the ship, and my shoulders are stiff.”

If an 8th rank martial artist has stiff shoulders, shouldn’t the other crew members all be dead?

Considering whether to give the Headmistress a whack on the back of the head for shamelessly lying, he kneaded her shoulders with his left hand while handling the reports with his right.

His respect for the Headmistress wasn’t that high, but ever since the last gift exchange, her standing with him had been slipping.

Talk about bankruptcy in five years or three years—it’s an astronomical amount for this enormous academy’s budget over two years.

To blow it all away with a single gift exchange?

He accidentally applied more pressure in kneading her shoulders, but the Headmistress merely hummed a tune.

“Mm? That feels better. Put more strength into it.”


Well, no matter how much strength I put in as a Rank 1, the 8th rank Headmistress probably won’t notice. But why on earth is she insisting on a massage?

Anyway, since he had genuinely worked on the fishing boat, he decided to go along with it in silence.

“The budget allocation meeting for research funds went smoothly while you were away, and we managed to cut the food ingredients purchasing budget down to half. Detailed information is in the report; please read it.”

“My goodness… If we managed to reduce it by half, the bankruptcy…!!”

“Correct. We’ve extended the bankruptcy from three years to three years and two months.”

“That’s good, right? And how much did I earn this time?”

“Certainly, the amount you earned went well above expectations.”

“Just as I thought!?”

Although the Headmistress, who is an 8th rank being and one of only four in the kingdom, couldn’t openly catch a fishing boat, she had disguised herself thoroughly and only used 6th rank strength.

Even taking that into account, the money she made in just one week was considerable.

Despite being called a fishing boat, it was said the Headmistress managed to fill two ships to the brim every day.

Thus, the amount she had earned was.

“Three years, two months, and now a day, huh.”


“A day is a considerable achievement, Headmistress.”

“I know, but…”

How much money does this academy spend in a day? Considering the dormitory’s water bills, the magic power bills to keep the lights on, the wages for temporary staff, and materials for the environment and research, it’s a staggering amount each day.

No matter how much management ability is lacking, the Headmistress, who has been managing the academy’s finances for decades, wouldn’t be unaware of this.

She was just feeling a bit deflated about it.

“I’ve worked non-stop for a week without sleeping a wink…”

I may poke fun at the Headmistress now and then, but if we set aside the financial issues, she’s genuinely a great person.

‘She invested all her life savings into improving the academy and the quality of education.’

As far as I know, she doesn’t even have a separate house and sleeps in the academy dormitory.

She truly is a dedicated Headmistress who cares for the students and education.

It’s just that as a manager, she’s failing miserably.

“Were you under a lot of stress?”

“Do you say such things to the one who sent you? I swear I didn’t sleep for even a minute. Luckily I’m Rank 8───”

“If you’ve managed to stay fine without sleeping at all for a week, then how about considering a different job? We have saltworks and mines available.”


“Just kidding, just joking.”

If I had the opportunity, I might genuinely consider sending her there, but she can’t just leave the academy without caution now.

The entrance exams for this year are about to begin.

“But still, I always feel good at this time of year. Students eager to learn seek out the academy, and we at Grandis Academy reach out our hands for their education.”

“However, this year’s students might be the last ones. If bankruptcy happens in three years, this graduating class will be the final one, and any future students might not even get to graduate.”

“……Finance Director.”

“I’m also an academy graduate; I’m merely saying this in light of the current atmosphere. For the sake of education that the Headmistress values, we must do something within the next three years.”

“Oh, I get it. But we’re the Finance Director and I! Can’t we find a way out?”

“That’s quite reassuring to hear.”

While it sounds overly optimistic, it’s not entirely incorrect. Just like this recent Raven Trading Company deal, perhaps we can find a way to cut costs.

More importantly, the Headmistress is an 8th rank martial artist. It’s not merely about physical strength; she also possesses a certain social network.

And of course, I can’t say this to the Headmistress.

‘In the worst-case scenario, as long as we get the protagonist to graduate, we can manage.’

Though I’ve only managed to clear the first chapter of the [Dark Kingdom], during the academy chapter, the protagonist focuses on growth and recruiting allies.

The high difficulty is just a game mechanic, and as long as we graduate from the academy, they’ll naturally save the world.

There’s a colossal risk of losing my lifetime job, but isn’t that better than the world ending?

I have no intention of meddling with the protagonist or getting close.

I just need to ensure the academy survives in my capacity as Finance Director.


“Headmistress, may I see the list of applicants for this year’s entrance exam?”

“Huh? Why that all of a sudden…?”

“Is that not allowed?”

“Come on! There isn’t a single document that our Finance Director can’t access! Just a moment.”

With a cheerful grin, the Headmistress sifted through some piles of documents before handing over a thick folder.

There are so many applicants for the entrance exam.

“Did anyone you know apply this time? While I know it’s against educational fairness, if it’s someone you know, I could turn a blind eye and pass them…!!”

“What are you talking about? You know I’m an orphan. I might know colleagues from the academy, but I have no acquaintances.”

“……I-I’m sorry, Finance Director.”

“You don’t need to apologize. I’m just thankful that the Headmistress seems to think more highly of me than I expected.”

“Absolutely! Since I think so highly of the Finance Director, in my bosom… ”

“Excuse me?”


Could she have known I was holding my resignation letter in my bosom? How did she figure it out?

Feeling uneasy that my last line of defense had been uncovered, I opened the list of entrance exam applicants.

‘Of course, there are no ID photos, and many candidates didn’t fill out all their personal information.’

But at the very least, they had to write their names.

Besides, the name of [Dark Kingdom]’s protagonist is not set by the player; it’s predetermined.

‘Here it is.’

Ruth Spero.

According to the TMI in the game review, it means light and hope in Latin.

Considering the title is [Dark Kingdom], it’s quite fitting for the protagonist in the game.

And this year is precisely when the protagonist is set to enter the academy.

‘Having received the lowest score on the entrance exam, the protagonist astonishingly grows over the three years at the academy.’

Thinking that I was finally in the time frame I had played the game, my heart swelled… not really.

After all, it’s not like I’ll ever meet the protagonist. But I can use my position as Finance Director to help him grow a bit better.

Good luck, protagonist. I’ll just do my job on my end.

“Finance Director, what’s wrong? Are you keeping an eye on a particular applicant?”

“Just something trivial. Let’s return to paperwork. If the Headmistress could assist, we could set up a meeting with Professor Circe as soon as possible.”

“Professor Circe….”

“If she could just develop and distribute hair loss treatment before the academy goes bankrupt, we could greatly extend the deadline before bankruptcy hits.”

“Why don’t I just talk to this Professor Circe myself?”

“If the Headmistress goes to an individual professor to demand profit sharing from her research results, it would be seen as coercion. If it’s truly an emergency, we may have to resort to that, but we are not in any immediate need.”

“But we only have three years left…?”

“We cannot risk the prestige of the academy by dealing with research that may or may not succeed in three years. More importantly, if we do that, it could also raise suspicions that the academy is running low on funds.”

“Ah, I see.”

Although we’re not in a position to be picky, we can’t afford to lose one of the academy’s few advantages.

The Headmistress’s authority and the honor of being the best in the kingdom.

While it doesn’t generate any immediate money, they would greatly aid the plans I have prepared later.

If the Headmistress does something that could be construed as coercion, it might lead to unnecessary gossip.

‘…But if I think we can’t meet in time, I’ll send the Headmistress instead.’

We need to ensure it’s settled before Professor Circe starts her research. Intruding in the middle of the research could complicate things.

I must also ensure she cannot do something as absurd as donations or breaches of contract. She’s going to get wiped out, that’s for sure.

As I was contemplating my future schedule and Professor Circe,


The Headmistress was observing me and the list interchangeably with a strange look.

Focus on your work!


“Headmistress? There’s no need to attend the entrance exam if it’s not the entrance ceremony…”

“Is there a problem you cannot show me?”

“Absolutely not! I just worry the students might get overly tense.”

“That’s unfortunate, but that’s why we have retake exams. In fact, having me watch might even encourage some applicants to perform at their best.”

“That was a foolish thought! Please, enjoy the show!”

After repeatedly bowing his head, the entrance exam supervisor exited.

From a hastily created special room above the entrance exam hall, the Headmistress looked down at the exam venue.

‘The list of applicants that the Finance Director had seen. There were a few particular applicants he was intently focused on.’

While the mere Rank 1 Finance Director was oblivious, the 8th rank martial artist’s senses had risen to the level of recognizing every action in the vicinity in real-time.

Even without being present, the Headmistress could easily tell which names the Finance Director had concentrated on and which names he had scrutinized.

That’s why she came secretly to the entrance exam hall while the Finance Director was working. To see for herself the applicants that had caught his attention.

“The youngest daughter of the Count, the princess of the neighboring kingdom, a boy who was appointed a knight at the youngest age, the promising candidate from the Magic Tower… well, they’re all decent candidates.”

While these individuals are well-known in society, they looked like chicks to the 8th rank Headmistress.

Was the Finance Director merely focusing on such individuals?

As she casually observed those who were scoring high on the entrance exam, the Headmistress heard.

“Next! Ruth Spero!”


As the name of the applicant he particularly scrutinized was called, the Headmistress instinctively leaned forward.

Ruth Spero. Compared to the other talents, he had neither fame nor any known skills.

He had a surname, but he wasn’t from a noble lineage—merely a descendant of a long-fallen noble family.

What on earth was the Finance Director concentrating on regarding that applicant?

Thud. Thud.

Ruth Spero stepped forward, a handsome boy with white hair.

With thin features that give him a somewhat feminine look, he had an androgynous charm about him.

Of course, the Headmistress felt indifferent.

“Ruth Spero, how will you be participating?”

“I will use a sword.”

“Good. Draw the sword you brought and strike it against the measuring device before you.”

“Should I go all out?”

“Are you worried? This measuring device can assess up to 5th rank. Even if children like you give it your all, it won’t leave a scratch. So don’t worry and do your best.”


With a slight nod, Ruth Spero pulled out a well-worn sword.

At first glance, he should have just used a provided training sword; why did he insist on using that sword? Was it a cherished keepsake from long ago?

In any case, since this applicant was the last one he had been focusing on, the Headmistress watched Ruth expectantly.

“……Wait a moment?”


As Ruth’s body radiated an immense light, the Headmistress stood up in shock.

Ruth Spero poured all that light into his sword and struck down onto the measuring device.


The downward strike not only shattered the measuring device but also reached the wall behind it.

The wall cracked instantly and collapsed.

“W-what the!?”

“Quick! Stop the collapse!”

While the examiners rushed to take action in panicking earnest,

The expressions of the other candidates—Count’s youngest daughter, the neighboring kingdom’s princess, the promising candidate from the Magic Tower, and the youngest knight—transformed as they looked at Ruth.


“What on earth—what kind of applicant is he!?”

“How audacious.”

“What a magnificent swordsmanship.”

All the applicant’s notable figures suddenly directed their attention towards Ruth Spero.

Meanwhile, the Headmistress, who had risen from her seat due to the forceful impact exceeding even the level of 6th rank, quietly began to tremble.

Looking at the completely ruined measuring device and the crumbled wall, she thought of the anxious Finance Director rushing over from the office.

Ruth Spero was completely oblivious to this sight…

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