I Became the Finance Director of an Academy on the Verge of Bankruptcy

Chapter 6


I was busy with paperwork in my office when suddenly a huge noise erupted.

My face scrunched up at the sudden sound, but… that was the extent of my reaction.

“Looks like something got smashed again.”

Where could it be? The Martial Arts Training Ground? The Magic Research Lab? The Herb Production Field? Or perhaps the Graduate Student Dormitory?

At Grandis Academy, explosions like this happen at least once or twice a month. It’s no wonder repair costs are part of our fixed expenses.

Of course, that’s normal from the perspective of the professors or students; for me, the Finance Director, it was just annoying.

‘Well, it shouldn’t be a big deal.’

Since the training ground, research lab, and dormitories explode so frequently, even the repair companies give us discounts. It wouldn’t be an exaggeration to call that my greatest achievement last year.

The other buildings don’t get discounts, but classrooms and lecture halls don’t tend to collapse.

But honestly, shouldn’t they fix at least one building for free at this rate?

Grumbling, I put down my pen to check where exactly had collapsed.

“F-Finance Director! This is bad!”

“I don’t recognize your face, are you a newbie?”

“Y-Yes! I just joined the exam department!”

“Then let me give you a heads up. Buildings collapsing here is a regular occurrence. You don’t need to shout so frantically—”

“It’s the Entrance Exam Hall that collapsed!”


What do you mean it collapsed?

There were no events like that in the entrance exam of the game…!

“Luckily, the Headmistress was at the exam hall, so she prevented further collapse, but the exam supervisor insisted I summon you at once!”

“Let’s go right now!”

“I’ll guide you with magic!”

“Teleportation magic?”

“It’s Acceleration Magic!”

From the lack of teleportation magic, they seemed to be about Rank 5. A bit iffy for entering the exam department.

But still, they probably had other strengths to get hired.

Receiving the newbie’s Acceleration Magic, I jumped through the window without hesitation. My office was on a high floor right next to the Headmistress’s office, but thankfully the newbie seemed quick-witted enough not to panic and used Shock Absorption Magic to land safely.

The Shock Absorption Magic artifact the Headmistress had set up for me functioned perfectly.

Racing toward the Entrance Exam Hall, I called out, “What are the damages?!”

“Uh? Luckily, there are no injuries! Of course, there are no fatalities either.”

“I’m not talking about injuries; I mean financial damage!”


What’s the point of telling me about injuries as the Finance Director who’s only Rank 1?

Of course, assessing casualties is important, but that’s the Medical Director’s job; I have my own responsibilities as Finance Director.

In the end, I’d be handling medical costs and compensation for mental damages too, but the reason why the supervisor called for me was likely to confirm the financial damage.

“Hurry up!”

“Um… one side of the Entrance Exam Hall’s wall is partially collapsed! The magical reinforcement was also destroyed, creating a huge hole, and debris covered the surrounding area. Oh, and…”


“One Rank Measurement Device got destroyed, but compared to the wall collapsing…”

“NO! My measurement device and wall repair costs!!!”

A measurement device? It got destroyed!?

This is a bigger deal than I thought. While the newbie was startled by my soul’s scream, I reached the Entrance Exam Hall quickly with the help of Acceleration Magic.

“What’s that?”

“I’ve never seen the Entrance Exam Hall destroyed before.”

“Wow, it fell with just one slash?”

“Everyone, make way!”

“Wait, Adam-senpai—uhm.”

“Hey, call me Finance Director now that I’m the department head! Don’t act chummy just because we met once in freshman year…!!”

I felt a familiar voice but ignored it.

As I passed through the crowd of murmuring students, the destruction they described unfolded before my eyes.

“The wall is…”

“Thankfully, the other wall is safe. It was thanks to the Headmistress acting quickly.”

“The Headmistress?”

“Yes, that’s right.”

Why was the Headmistress at the exam hall instead of dealing with the paperwork I requested?

I wanted to lecture her, but since she prevented a bigger collapse, I let it slide for now.

More importantly, examining the state of the collapsed wall…

“F-Finance Director! You’ve arrived!”

“Long time no see, Dalcoon Exam Supervisor. What’s the exact damage situation?”

“You probably heard from the newbie, but the wall itself didn’t collapse much. It could have led to a major collapse, but thanks to the Headmistress stepping in, we’re okay. However…”

Yeah, the wall was just slightly damaged.

Though one side of the wall of a huge building had collapsed halfway, in an academy where buildings sometimes totally fall over, this is practically a minor issue.

It’s designed to be reinforced with expensive magic for situations like this. With the Headmistress lending a hand, this was all it amounted to.

‘If that’s the case, the costs shouldn’t be too high.’

Considering the Entrance Exam Hall isn’t used much except during exams, there’s no urgent need for repairs, so I could take my time. Naturally, I also wouldn’t have to pay extra for expedited service.

But Dalcoon Exam Supervisor trailed off his sentence.

It sounded terrifying, but I already knew what was coming next.

“One Rank Measurement Device… is completely wrecked.”

“What about repairs…?”

“Well, repairing it is possible, but as you know, Finance Director…”

“…Damn it.”

Dalcoon could tell I wasn’t in a good mood and took a step back.

While I was moaning in despair, I overheard the newbie and Dalcoon whispering.

“Uh, Exam Supervisor? Why is the Finance Director reacting like that?”

“Thinking back, you joined a month ago, right? That measurement device was made by dwarves.”


“Yeah. The Headmistress purchased it from the dwarves fifty years ago. And as you might know, during the last fifty years…”

“Dwarven cities have been wrecked by monster invasions.”

“Exactly. And because of the repair costs, dwarves have started charging much more for the magical devices they made. Only dwarves can repair what they made, so we have no choice but to pay their prices.”

“But is it really that expensive? It’s outrageous…”

“It is expensive, right? It’s a sum that would take you or me a lifetime to earn. But more than that, dwarves are just incredibly rude. They say, ‘Pay up or tough luck’ because only they can fix it. Last year, the Headmistress’s office almost got blown away.”


What’s with the “Oh,” you twits?

Casting a glance at Dalcoon and the newbie as they whispered, they straightened up, which only made me angrier.

But quarreling with Dalcoon and the newbie here wouldn’t reduce the repair costs. All it would do is relieve my mood a bit, which would surely plummet again upon facing reality.

Ultimately, leaving the two of them alone as mere employees, I positioned myself—somewhere between the one paying salaries and the ones receiving them—and stepped through the gaping hole into the Entrance Exam Hall.

As expected, there were hardly any people inside the exam hall. The candidates had likely evacuated outside.

Yet there had to be some who remained, some who needed to be.

“Ah, Finance Director!”

“…You’ve come, Finance Director.”


One bright-eyed Headmistress waving cheerfully, and one woman with an icy, expressionless demeanor.

And finally, there stood the culprit behind this chaos.

“Headmistress, thank you for your hard work. Instead of handling the paperwork in your office, you came here to prevent the building from collapsing; I’m truly in awe of your foresight.”

“Haha, yes… right.”

When we’re alone, I could treat her casually, but I couldn’t in front of others, so I indirectly questioned why she was here instead of doing paperwork, then hinted that since she did well, I’d let this slide…

I then turned to the cold and virtually emotionless woman.

“Chief Examiner Ciel.”

“Yes, Adam Finance Director.”

I could casually talk to the newbie and be polite to Dalcoon, taking into account age and experience, but I had no choice but to speak formally to her, just like with the Headmistress.

She was a Rank 7 swordsman and the Chief Examiner managing all exams at Grandis Academy.

One of the four real power players beneath the headmaster’s absolute authority.

Oh, and one of the four is me. I may be the weakest in actual power.

“I’ve heard you called for me urgently.”

“Indeed. If it were just the wall collapsing, a follow-up report would suffice. However, an unexpected event occurred, and I deemed it right to summon the Finance Director.”

“…You’re referring to the measurement device.”

“I believe it would be clearer for you to see it directly.”

Following Ciel’s gaze was a piece of scrap metal that was unrecognizable from its original form.

To be precise, a chunk of scrap that was about to devour an immense amount of money.

‘Damn it.’

Dalcoon said it was “destroyed,” so I braced myself, but I didn’t expect it to be this wrecked.

Thinking about having to face that rude dwarf again made me rethink my career.

“Adam Finance Director, you don’t need to despair too much. I’ve heard that even dwarves tend to be a bit kinder to frequent trading partners, so it might be better than last year.”


I understood their words, but both Dalcoon and Ciel were concerned about the broken measurement device, but that was just due to ‘the dwarves.’

They were likely pitying me for having to deal with the notoriously rude dwarves as Finance Director, not focusing on the ‘repair costs.’

Of course, they found it expensive, but they assumed the academy could handle it easily. They didn’t know about my steadily approaching financial collapse in three years.

The Headmistress was the only one to show signs of worry, so I approached her to shed some light on the reality.

“Everything you earned this time is gone.”


The Headmistress, who had briefly turned red with embarrassment, now blushed again for a different reason as she glared at the culprit of this incident.

Right, speaking of the culprit.

Who on earth broke the measurement device? It measures up to Rank 5! Doesn’t that mean they’re at least Rank 6?

‘If they have this kind of power, why would they want to come to the academy?’

Are they just really desperate to show off their strength to weaker opponents?

Looking at the culprit, I found…


“Ruth Spero, currently presumed to be Rank 6.”

“Uh… hi…”

Isn’t this the protagonist?

The one who scores the lowest in the entrance exam?

No, more importantly…

‘Can we possibly transfer the repair costs to the candidate?’

You’re the protagonist, so wouldn’t you pay it back quickly and grow? At this level, you probably wouldn’t even need growth, would you?

Huh? Then shouldn’t you not even have to come to the academy?

“What’s the issue, Ruth candidate? Can I ask you something?”


“Why do you want to enter the academy? This is a place of learning, not a place to prove strength. With your skills, you could easily earn recognition as a knight or adventurer.”

“Is being strong not a reason to enter the academy?”

“Not exactly, but I can’t see how three years at the academy would benefit you, Ruth candidate.”

Last time I cleared the academy part of the Dark Kingdom game, I was around Rank 4.

But starting the entrance exam at Rank 6? Seriously, why even come to the academy?

It’s not an unreasonable question. The Headmistress, who witnessed a week’s worth of salary fly away, and Ciel nodded along in agreement.

It’s akin to someone who already holds a Ph.D. deciding to pursue a master’s degree again. It’s unnecessary.

Ruth’s response to my question was…

“I’ll pay double the tuition.”

“Ruth candidate, it’s not about the money—”

“Five times.”

“Welcome, Ruth student! Grandis Academy is thrilled to have you!”

“Thank you.”




What now?

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