I Became the Mother of Dragons

Chapter 128

      "Which sellsword groups are still resisting?" Dany looked up at Gray Worm and found that there was some blood on his leather armor, but overall it was much cleaner than hers. It seemed that the Unsullied's mission was easier to complete.

"There are seven small groups left."

In this battle plan, 2,600 cavalry were responsible for intercepting the enemy camps in the middle, and then driving the horses to attack the camp from north to south.

And the five thousand Unsullied to two thousand longbowmen to block The enemy's escape route on the White Poplar Slope. After all, The Ghis Alliance Was not stupid. Seeing ten thousand horses galloping in the distance, they would know that they should avoid it.

When the horses went around the White Poplar Slope and left, the Unsullied set off from the White Poplar Slope and pressed towards the broken camp of the Ghis, forming a pincer attack with the two thousand cavalry.

After clearing up the stragglers, the 20,000 people carrying sandbags will set up an isolation belt at the gate of the enemy's small camp.

Well, stop the other party from escaping, the Unsullied have no horses, so they can't catch up!

"The Company of the Rose on the edge is the best preserved, the Second Sons were broken through by the horses, and suffered heavy casualties, leaving only 200 people to hide in the camp of the Ghis Wise Masters.

The Stormcrows were the worst off, they are powerful, with 500 iron armored elite cavalry.

Because their entire camp is cavalry, the camp they built was connected with the stables, and nearly 2,000 horses rioted. The camp was trampled to a pulp, and almost no one survived."

Speaking of this, Grey Worm, who has always been restrained, could not help but very quietly sigh and say: "The strongest sellsword group has been destroyed the most. What a foolish choice, they should have surrendered to Your Majesty sooner."

"This is their own' choice." She said lightly, pulling down her face armor, stood up, and shouted to the Dothraki cavalry who surrounded her in a circle to protect her: "Aggo, let Ser Barristan clean up 10 kilometers north with the Unsullied as planned."

"Yes, Khaleesi."

"Come, finish the finishing work, we can also take a break for a while after," Dany said to Gray Worm.

Seeing her coming, the Dothraki immediately brought a tall horse with yellow fur.

Well, her little silver horse stumbled and got hurt.

The iron cavalry guards, who already numbered less than five hundred, quickly surrounded Dany again with her as the center.

Little White also crunched on the final bone in his mouth, flapped his wings, and flew above Dany's head, following the group slowly in circles.

"Quaro, how many brothers did we lose?" Dany asked the armored guard beside her.

Unlike Aggo's three Bloodriders, Quaro began to adapt to the iron armor after joining the Queen's iron cavalry guards.

"20 dead and 40 injured, Khaleesi, how are your injuries?" He asked back with concern.

He had witnessed the whole process of Dany's horse throwing before his own eyes.

"It's okay, the inner armor cushions most of the damage."

The wearing process of full-body armor is very complicated.

Start with the close-fitting cotton coat, the light and soft leather armor, the flexible and elastic inner pad, the silk or linen coat, and finally the iron armor. If you want to be more elaborate, you can also wear a coat over the armor.

Of course, ordinary warriors do not have the financial resources to assemble a complete set of equipment. For them, poor-quality inner armor will affect the performance of their skill. In the case of the overwhelming majority, only a layer of leather armor will be added to the armor.

The difference between a noble knight and an ordinary armored cavalry is that when they fall off their horses on the battlefield at the same time, after the noble master slowly recovers, there is nothing to do, so he gets up and continues to swing his sword and slash; even if the ordinary cavalry does not fall if the internals of the armor is broken, there will also be internal bleeding and will force out of the fight, in risk of gaining permanent injury.

There is another point, the iron armor with fine lining can partially resist the blow of a mace, while if ordinary iron armor encounters a man wielding a Spiked Mace, it is guaranteed injury and perhaps death when hit.

Well, in the battle of the armored cavalry, the mace is the most lethal, followed by the spear, again the two-handed heavy sword, and finally the Arakh.

"What of the Unsullied and Longbowmen casualties?" Dany asked Gray Worm, who was walking beside her.

"The Unsullied and the longbowman have no deaths, only a dozen were hit by the arrows."

In the end, Gray Worm respectfully praised: "Your Majesty, you hit a shot. It's a battle that can be praised for thousands of years!"

This is not a deliberate compliment, the slave soldiers of the Ghis people, and the yellow silk cloaks are horseshit, but the five thousand sellswords are a terrifying army.

While sellswords hold bad reputations, their strength cannot be denied. Whether it be the individual warrior's martial power or a small Legion's collective strength, in this world, it surpasses the regular army of almost all countries and city-states.

Let's put it this way, 5,000 sellswords against 5,000 Unsullied, half of the Unsullied may be lost.

Unlike the Dothraki screamers, a sellswords battle skill is too high, and it is very versatile. Many sellswords can be both cavalry and archer, equip one with armor, and they become heavily armored knights.

For example, Jorah Mormont, who once worked as a sellsword, signed labor contracts with several little-known small sellsword groups.

At Jorah's level, he can only become a Small Captain of a 50-person team – his highest position in the sellsword world. In most cases, he is just an ordinary member of the sellsword group.

More importantly, a sellsword group is richer and better equipped than the Unsullied.

For example, Stormcrows, which was destroyed by thousands of horses galloping, had only 500 cavalries on the surface but was equipped with 1,500 war horses and 500 pack horses, and the rest of the material was countless.

"Khaleesi, you can add another bell! I dare say that no Khal on the prairie has ever beaten you."

Quaro was also excited, is deeply proud of himself to be able to pledge allegiance to such a great Khaleesi.

"Khal Drogo cheers for you in the Nightlands too."

If you don't say the last word, this time the flattery counts as full marks, now forty points will be deducted from you, keep up the good work.

Dany complained lightly in her heart but said symmetrically: "It all depends on the lives of the soldiers, in order to liberate the slaves, we have sacrificed a lot of brothers today, and we will lose more comrades tomorrow. "

"It is my honor to die for the Khaleesi!" Quaro said immediately.

"I'm willing to die for Your Majesty!" More than 400 Knights shouted in unison.

Very good, the heart is strong, and the morale is high!

It may be possible to change the established strategy.

Previously I just wanted to repel the attack, then wait for the Dragons to grow for another year, plant a year at the same time, and finally sweep Slaver's Bay by crushing the opposition.

But the fact that the slave masters hired the sellsword groups on a large scale reminded her that the slave masters are already rich, and that group of guys who should go to Hell are using her money to hire soldiers to attack her city. . .

Dany thought angrily.

"Don't kill me, don't–uh–"

Suddenly, a scream woke Dany, who was in deep thought.

"What's going on?" She kicked the horse's stomach a few times, walked a few steps quickly, and came to the front of the queue.

Not far away, a man in linen with a huge Dragon's head pattern on his chest was lying on top of a corpse, desperately pulling the chain around the opponent's neck.

In the noon sun, the chain reflects a little golden light and the gold chain with thick fingers?

Dany hadn't had time to "invent" printing and papermaking, but printing and dyeing equipment for carving patterns out of large blocks of oak had already been developed.

She is a bit obsessive-compulsive and dislikes the messy uniforms of this era. The soldiers under her command, even the people, have uniform clothes, two linen shirts with black Dragon heads printed on their chests.

Like the man who is picking up the corpse.

Dany glanced around, the ground was torn by the hooves of thousands of horses galloping, the weeds and flowers of the fields were trampled into the dirt, the carcasses of men and horses and smoking wood, stepping into the tent in the mud, you can smell the fragrance of the mud and the scorching stench of blood and fire between the nostrils.

A group of civilians was scattered on the land that had been "plowed". Carrying baskets and arakhs, they bought the lives of the dying and wounded as if they were buying crops, looting their shoes, leather armor, helmets, iron arrows, swords, and other weapons, and even wallets and precious jewelry that one can carry.

The arakh was sent into the dying man's neck, and from time to time there was a rapid and short whine. Dany opened and closed her mouth several times, but said nothing, took a pause for a few moments, remained silent, and started moving on.

Maybe she can save a few with her means, but what's the point of that?

She can't save that young man, it would be wasting her energy and scarce medicine for the enemy.

This is war!

Soon she crossed the battlefield and came to the only seven stockades left at the front of the camp.

The reason why they were preserved in the trampling of thousands of horses is mainly because of their location to the west, in the rocky recesses of the coast.

At this time, there is a circle of low walls stacked with sacks on the periphery of each small stockade, which is about one meter or two. Light riders charge at high speed and may be able to jump over… If you ignore that behind the sandbags are the Unsullied.

"Which camp is the Second Sons hiding in?" Dany asked.

Gray Worm didn't have time to speak when a familiar voice came from the top of a wooden tower 40 meters away: "Your Majesty, I surrender, I am willing to lead the team to join you!"

The camp is backed by a continuous cyan-gray color huge rock. The tallest stone is four or five meters high, and the short one is one-meter square. The other three sides have a circle of "fences" composed of a mixture of carriages and wooden stakes.

It looks like it was just built, but the carriage is connected by a wrist-thick iron cable, which seems to be quite sturdy.

Behind the fence formed by the carrier, there are two rows of warriors with shields in their left hands and swords in their right hands. There are more than a hundred archers behind the shieldsman, and three or four string crossbows are placed at the feet of each archer.

Behind the warriors, near the rock, there is a wooden tent with the top removed. Similar to Dany's wooden house, the wood is used as the wall and the canvas is used as the ceiling.

At this time, in the tent with the roof removed, a small sentry tower more than four meters high was built with wooden tables and wooden stakes, and two people were standing on it.

It was the bearded "Titan's Bastard" Mero who waved to Dany.

The slave master next to him also met with Dany last night, a Meereen Great Master who also seems to be called Grazdan, although his last name is different.

"Drop your weapons and come out and surrender," Dany shouted from behind the sack wall.

"We at Second Sons are here to serve Your Majesty," Mero said.

"Put down your arms and talk."

"We're Warriors and can serve Your Majesty."

Dany, annoyed, points to the big Braavos man, and said to the sellswords and Ghis soldiers inside: "Cut off the head of this man who disrespects me, put down your weapons, and surrender on your knees, or be killed without mercy!"

"You—" Titan's Bastard was surprised and angry, and the golden long beard that dragged to his waist couldn't stop shaking.

He never imagined that Dany was so aggressive. His Second Sons still had more than 200 members!

Two hundred elite sellswords are almost equal to two hundred experienced cavalries, and in Westeros, there are more than two hundred knights.

"My team holds allegiance to me, Mother of Dragons, I apologize for my inappropriate words and actions last night. But please also understand that by accepting my refuge, you will have hundreds of more warriors, if you choose either the fish dies or the net splits, my brothers and I will take from you a thousand Unsullied!" Mero suppressed his anger and persuaded.

At the same time, he swears in his heart that as long as he gets out of trouble this time, he will find a chance to fiercely take revenge on this silver-haired bitch.

"pēng pēng pēng "Second Sons sword and shield player immediately tapped the shield with a sword to express his support for the leader, and also to show the unity and courage of Second Sons to Dany on the opposite side.

"Titan's Bastard, Titan's Bastard!" They shouted in unison.

The big Braavos man straightened his back and looked down at Dany behind the sand enclosure with a smug smile on his face.

Amid the shouts of the Second Sons crowd, Dany slowly backed out of the Unsullied enclosure, and indifferently said: "Use a tinderbox, don't leave even one alive!"

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