I Became the Mother of Dragons

Chapter 129

      Dany's order was immediately executed. the Unsullied in the front row supported their shields on sandbags to form a wall and the Unsullied in the rear lined up to throw large rocks at the opposite camp in a "three-stage shot" mode.

"peng~ peng~ peng~ peng~ …"

The pungent smell of asphalt quickly spread to a radius of 100 meters, even watching the situation in a nearby small stockade it can also be smelled by other sellsword groups.

The Braavos looked at the broken oil tank on the sellsword shield and yelled in horror: "Little slut, what do you want?"

"We are willing to surrender." Suddenly, a sellsword shouted, picked up the crossbow at his feet, turned around, and shot Mero on the tower.

"Ah – Traitor!" Titan's Bastard got an arrow in the arm, crouched down surprised and angry, and shouted: "Kill him for me, kill that traitor!"

"Chi chi chi -" Mero's remaining power over the Second Sons for many years had an effect, and the nearby sellswords subconsciously raised their crossbows and shot the sellsword who was uprising into a hornet's nest.

But just after killing him, those guys immediately changed their faces: What the hell did I do? Let that… oh, no, let him be a warrior alone to bear the sin of being the leader, it is only right for myself and the others to survive safely!

Alas, now one only hopes that after seeing our steadfastness and loyalty, the Mother of Dragons can show pity for our bravery with a broad mind!

"Didn't expect the Second Sons to be second only to Brave Companions (Bloody Mummers) on the Ranking List of Sellsword Notoriety is also so loyal." Dany saw their staunchness and looked at Grey Worm in a complicated way and said: "Send them!"

"whiz whiz whiz!"

With a wave of her hand, the longbowmen behind her immediately fired hundreds of arrows.

"Boom—" On the carriage, which acts as a fence, on the shields and helmets of the sellswords, a layer of orange-yellow flame quilted instantly, adding another heat wave to this hot noon.

"Ahhh—I surrender, Mother of Dragons, I surrender—" The sellswords threw away their shields, bows, and arrows, rolled wildly on the ground, and let out shrill howls.

There are also brave sellswords who picked up the hand crossbow and shot in the direction of Dany desperately. After the hand crossbow shot, they picked up the bow and arrow and continued to shoot.

"Duh, duh…" The shield in front of Dany made a series of clanging sounds, and the naked eye could see that the iron-headed arrows were bounced off.

"Charge ahead, charge ahead, and fight them." The Braavos were still calling.

A dozen or so armored cavalrymen braved the rain of arrows, jumped over the flaming wood, and charged towards the sand surrounding wall. But before they could get close, the densely packed long spears poked out from the gaps in the sandbags, forming a wall of long spikes, and the warhorses and Knights fell in a spray of blood howling miserably.

"Captain, climb up the rock and go to the sea." A sellsword climbed a two-meter-high rock, staggered through the uneven stone forest, and fled to the west coast.

Others followed suit, and soon the remaining more than 100 people, including Mero and the Meereen Great Masters, also left the camp and entered the rugged rocky narrow road.


"Ahhhh, Dragon!" A desperate scream rang out from the mouth of the first sellsword who climbed up the rock from the front.

Then, "Boom—"

The bright red tongue with black smoke licked the bodies of a dozen sellswords in front of them, they were struggling desperately, their flesh and armor melting in the heat, and the skeletons twist in Dragonflame like candles.



Two Dragons flew from the direction of the sea, fast above the heads of the sellswords who passed by, leaving behind a long wave of fire.

Mero hides behind a block of granite, feels the hot air sliding past him, and yells in horror, "Shoot the Dragons with a bow and arrow!"

If your bow and arrow can shoot the Dragons, I wouldn't have let them out, Dany sneers inwardly.

There is no strong crossbow, no huge mighty longbow, and no special arrow forged with steel. Unless it can hit the Dragon's eyes, it is almost impossible to cause fatal damage to the Dragon.

In fact, those terrified sellswords didn't dare to attack the three Dragons whizzing back and forth.

"Kill the Braavos who insulted the Mother of Dragons!" the Great Masters howled in fear.

"Kill Mero!"

"Mero insults the Mother of Dragons and is no longer the Second Sons leader, kill him!"

"Kill him! And we can get out of Hell!"

The Ghis Yellow Silk Cloak Warrior, Second Sons' sellswords, all with scared visages, dodging the rolling heat while looking for the big Braavos man.

"Squeak -" The sellsword group and slave masters who saw the Dragon raging scene not far away, directly opened the gate of their camp, and no longer dared to put up a desperate struggle, and want to make surrender terms to the Mother of Dragons.

As long as they don't get burned by the Dragons, even if their head is chopped off by the Unsullied, they thought in horror.

Dany ordered the Unsullied to deal with those who surrendered, but she seemed to be stunned, standing there, watching the three Dragons melt more than a hundred people who were crying in despair into fat and tar.

In the end, Little Green and Little White even landed on the rock, biting at the charred corpse within the fire, and the "corpse" was still yelling hoarsely… The scene was extremely tragic.

"Roar—" Big Black flapped his wings, and his mouth seemed to be inhaling sharply.

In fact, Dany has entered the Dreki state, and through the Black Dragon's perspective, she can see countless fluorescent and colorful flakes floating in the flames.

She immediately became one with Big Blacks Soul, and with the "Mother of Dragons Bestowing Spirit", she merged the escaped spirits from the burned sellsword's body into Big Black.

This isn't the first time escaping esoteric substances have been discovered in human corpses.

The last time Astapor was attacked, more than 10,000 people died. When Dany cremated the corpses of the slave and the unmanned slave masters separately, she found that the human corpse would overflow with a denser mass when burned in the fire.

The fresher the corpse, the higher the concentration of the substance. The Ghis corpses were left for two more days, and they rotted into a pool of rancid waste, and a batch of spirits still overflowed.

Dany was amazed.

A person's life constantly seeks nourishment from nature. After death, the elements that make up the body return to the earth, and the qualities that make up the spirit dissipate.

Although this phenomenon is fantastic, she can understand it and think it is very reasonable.

But if the spirit comes from the Soul, then why are there still spirits in the corpse after several days of death?

Afterward, she quietly burned a batch of "mummies"…well, specially treated mummies at the bottom of the Great Pyramid.

Ghis nobles have a popular practice to store the corpses of their ancestors at the bottom of their own pyramids, and Dany also very traditionally reserved a Little Gold Pyramid for the surviving descendants of the nobles.

Dany was even more shocked after the incineration. Even the mummified corpse still overflowed with spirit, but the density of it was greatly reduced.

Do the body and the soul not exist independently, but each cell of the human body contains a part of the soul, a complete spirit and flesh united?

If spirit remnants are resurrected, can the corpses of this world be resurrected?

Well, it seems to be possible, for example, Others, Whitewalkers, resurrect human corpses into Wights.

Dany almost switched from Queen to Scientist.

Well, she's actually doing verification at this point.

The density of the spirit overflowing during the burning of living beings is truly terrifying!

"Bastards, who allowed you to eat humans?" coming back to her senses she saw human vertebrae in the two Dragon's mouths, crunching bone marrow with a nasty sound, Dany was furious.

Don't you see that the surrounding prisoners are almost scared to pissing themselves by this?

Not to mention the captured sellswords, even the young men under Dany turned pale and were about to vomit.

Dany climbed the rock with iron armor and whipped the two Dragons in the face.

"crackle ——wu wu quack——"

The two Dragons were drawn covered their heads and sneaked away like rats, but they no longer spit fire on Dany like before and didn't even screech at her.

In the last time, Euron took the Dragons, she did not use the Dragon Horn to control the White Dragon and the Green Dragon but combined the power of the Black Dragon to lead the White Dragon and the Green Dragon to forcibly break through the bondage of the Dragon Horn.

The horn's "Dragonbinder power" is destroyed, becoming a magic instrument that can't control Dragons.

Well, you can still use the Dragon soul in the Dragon horn to deter "lower" creatures.

Since then, her relationship with the White Dragon and Green Dragon has become much closer, not purely emotional intimacy, but a peculiar connection from the depths of the Soul.

Let's put it this way, if Big Black dies one day, Dany can immediately establish a stable Dreki relationship with either the White Dragon or Green Dragon.

If she has three "slots", she can even pull the Souls of the White, Green Dragon, and Black Dragon in different regions together to play.

"Your Majesty, Captain Jon of the Company of the Rose wants to see you." Grey Worm looked at Dany who was chasing after the Dragons, yelling and beating, and his expression winced a little.

Well, all the soldiers below who have seen the Dragon's process of breathing fire, burning people, and eating people, regardless of friend or foe, saw the scene of two ferocious Dragons fleeing under Queen Dany's whip, will be in awe of Queen Dany: These are Dragons, the Mother who can subdue Dragons!

"I'll starve you for two days when you go back!" Dany threatened fiercely with the whip pointing at the two Dragons flying toward the sea.

When Little White and Little Green flew away, she stepped on Belwas' shoulders and climbed down from the rocky beach.

"Has the Company of the Rose surrendered?" she asked.

"They are willing to surrender, but would like to talk to you about their treatment after surrender," said Unsullied Commander.

"Heh, they are very courageous." Dany rode a big tan horse while moving, while instructed Quaro: "Today's war is over, you first take off your armor and go to the battlefield to collect a group of livestock corpses for the Black Dragon… well, if the White Dragon and Green Dragon come back, watch them and stop them from eating people."

"It's okay to eat enemy corpses. ' muttered the Dothraki teenager.

Dany glared at him and said, "Today they eat dead corpses, tomorrow they may eat the living, and the day after tomorrow, even your Dragonsguard will be eaten, does it not matter?"

"Uh…" the Dothraki bowed his head, silently beat his horse, and left.

Arriving all the way under the White Poplar Slope, Dany caught a glimpse of the Dragonmother Guard infantry Commander Mollino spreading flags on the grass and asked, "This is the Ghis alliance and the sellsword group flags? What's the use of collecting them?"

 "Long live Mother of Dragons!" Seeing Dany, Mollono immediately straightened his body, raised his right hand quickly, and shouted a slogan.

If you replace it with "Heil, Hitler", it's almost a complete ceremony.

Dany was also taken aback when she first encountered this kind of military salute. Later, after inquiring with Barristan and Mollono, she learned that the "raise of hands" became popular when the ancient Ghis Legion existed.

In Westeros, there are "chest-thumping salutes" in which the body stands upright, and the right-hand clenches a fist and hammers at the heart. There are more formal one-knee kneeling salutes, and there are also knights who use the raised hands salute.

Among the sellswords of the Essos continent, the fist bumping ceremony passed down from Summer Isles, is also popular.

Mollono later suggested that Dany raise the hands of the whole army, because, in Slaver's Bay, the etiquette of the Ghis Legion is more solemn, like the Valyrian language dialect they use.

"Your Majesty, this was not collected for me, they are symbols of your great achievements and should be hung in the Great Pyramid hall for your guests to appreciate." Mollono pointed to the flags that were either damaged or dirty and said.

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