I Became the Mother of Dragons

Chapter 130

           Although Jon had to negotiate terms with Dany, he didn't lock up his camp like the Second Sons, with the whole army ready.

On the contrary, the gate of the Company of the Rose was wide open, and the sellswords inside were also…

Uh, most of them were still lying in the tents asleep.

"Your Majesty, your Wall's Dry Red Wine is really strong, I'm still tipsy, and most of my team members are still hungover," Jon said to Dany on his horse with a wry smile.

"How can it be called 'Wall' if it's not strong enough," Dany said as it should be by rights.

Of course, it is strong enough, my liquor is not for drinking at all.

High-concentration wine that can be disinfected, mixed with grape juice, and added a lot of sugar, people who can drink can drink a large glass in one shot, but the endurance is not affordable for regular people!

Speaking of this "Wall's Dry Red Wine", one has to feel the poor alcohol options of Slaver's Bay.

Before Dany's arrival, Slaver's Bay had five major specialties, slaves, olives, copper mines, Beetroots, and sour grapes. Except for the olive oil and slaves, there were almost no materials that could be exported.

Well, the grapes in Slaver's Bay are not suitable for winemaking, and the wine produced is almost undrinkable even by the owners of the manors. There is a kind of astringency that Dany can't understand, obviously, the grapes are big and sweet.

Dany did three things in Astapor's economic reform after her arrival. First, high-concentration wine, that is, a high-concentration liquor that cleans wounds, and can also be sold as a specialty wine— —Fake wine with white wine mixed with grape juice; second, use Beetroot to make sugar; third, fund craftsmen to establish more than a dozen copper ware processing factories to create an industrial chain of 'copper mines – copper ingots – exquisite copper ware'.

Astapor is currently blocked by the Ghis people from sea routes and trade routes, and good products cannot be sold.

"Your Majesty, what are you going to do with the Company of the Rose?" Jon said resolutely.

Dany's iron glove slapped hit on the saddle, not answering his question, but instead asked with a smile, "Do you now understand why Torrhen Stark surrendered so bluntly to Aegon the Conqueror three hundred years ago?"

Captain Jon smiled bitterly and sighed: "Our ancestors blamed the 'King who Knelt' by mistake. He was very wise and made the best choice for the Northern people.

You who holds three young Dragons, swept the Ghis allies with very low losses. When King Torrhen had fewer soldiers than now.

And his Majesty Aegon had a stronger army than you own, and a more powerful fully grown Dragon, mortal armies are but a small obstacle."

"So, as the descendants of the self-exiled North nobles, you are now relieved of what happened back then?" Dany continued.

"You know we are descended from nobles?" Jon said with a complicated expression.

"Heh, don't forget I'm from Westeros too." Dany said softly, in Common: "Your three companions, Lyra Umber, Brus Wayn, and Helman Tallhart.

I'm a little unsure except for Wayn, Umber in 'Last Hearth' and Tallhart in 'Torrhen's Square', am I right?"

"Your Majesty knows us well. Wayn's ancestors are attached to One of Winterfell's Sers, without Fiefdom, that leaves Stark, and his family's title is naturally gone."

"so that's how it is." Dany nods.

This world is very particular about inheritance, or in other words, the class system is too rigid. Even if the descendants of nobles and commoners are sellswords together, most of them are descendants of nobles.

Because they have various inheritances such as sword skills, battle skills, knowledge, etiquette, enterprising, etc., they have stronger survivability and a higher probability of ascending to a high position. Under the same conditions, other people's identification with the noble bloodline is also higher.

"Your surname is Snow, and most ordinary people's families don't even have a wife, so how can you have an illegal child?" Dany continued.

The illegitimate children of Westeros are the same as the third child in modern society, and most people are not qualified to have it.

"Who is your father?" she said curiously.

Jon Snow shook his head with a wry smile and sighed: "My father is probably a sellsword of Braavos, and as for my mother, I do not know."


"My mother is a 'Bolton'."

"House Bolton of the Dreadfort?" Dany exclaimed in shock.


Captain Jon quickly added: "Your Majesty, I don't skin people. In fact, the ancestors of House Bolton came to the Essos continent and didn't skin again as it seemed too barbaric, it will frighten many and ruin the reputation of the Company of the Rose."

"You know of what the North is like today?" Dany asked.

"I was concerned, I heard that Robb Stark led the Lords of the North to the Riverlands south, fighting for the Iron Throne," Jon said.

"He's not interested in the Iron Throne, mainly it is to avenge his father."

"How can you be sure he's really not interested in the Iron Throne? Your Majesty, excuse me, but 15 years earlier, Robert Baratheon also revolted in the name of revenge, and ended up on the Iron Throne." Jon said with repugnance.

"What are your plans for the future?" Dany changed the subject and asked tentatively, "The situation in the Seven Kingdoms is chaotic, and the Four Kings are fighting for hegemony. You can join one of them and mayhaps have a chance to restore the glory of your ancestors."

"This…" Jon was stunned and said bluntly: "Your Majesty, do you also have the idea of retaking the Iron Throne? To be honest, our ancestors were all self-exiled, the title is still there, and there is no resentment towards the current family."

"Okay, I won't go around in circles." Dany said bluntly: "I think with the reputation and integrity of the Company of the Rose, it is worthy of allegiance. At this time, my purpose is only to level Slaver's Bay, and dismantle the slave system, and I am not sure about the future."

"Thanks for Your Majesty's praise, we always stick to the bottom line."

"So, are you and your Company of the Rose are willing to be loyal to me? Continue to be a sellsword, work for money; work for me, your strength will be used, so how do you feel in the meaningful and just cause of liberating slaves?" Dany asked.

"Your Majesty, you are fighting against the world." Jon's eyes flashed, replied.

"The world was ruled by the Dragonlords for five thousand years," Dany said.

"You only have three young Dragons."

"My enemies are all shit, young Dragons are enough."

"…" Capitan Jon Snow.

I and my Company of the Rose are rubbish too?

He blushed and wanted to refute, but the reality was that their five thousand elite sellswords were really swept away by the Queen in front of them like trash.

"The slave masters of Yunkai and Meereen have too much wealth, enough to employ the sellsword groups of the entire world. At this time, they will learn the lessons of today's defeat. At least, there will be countless Scorpions being killed from within the tent." Jon uttered a tactic against the Dragon.

"Heh, Captain Jon, do you think those slave masters have a chance to form a coalition again? Do you think that Dragons can only breathe fire?" Dany's laughter was as crisp as a bell.

"I ask you, Party A is fighting for money, Party B is fighting for the life of them and their family members, Party B has more people than Party A, and can also know all of Party A's tactics and camp defense status, but knows nothing about Party B, who will win?"

"This…" Jon was stunned.

"Today's surprise attack is by no means a special case. All future battles between me and the Ghis alliance will be similar to today's – the information between the two sides is completely unequal.

Go back and discuss it with your companions.

I won't force it, if you refuse, just pay the ransom as per tradition and swear not to join the enemy camp."

After finishing speaking, Dany turned her horse and headed back to White Poplar Slope.

"Wait a minute." Jon stopped her and asked solemnly, "Your Majesty, please tell me how you would use the Company of the Rose?"

Dany restrained her horse, turned her head, and said: "I will expand the Mother of Dragons guards, the cavalry and infantry will be expanded several times, and the soldiers will be selected from the slave army. If you are loyal to me, I will disband the Company of the Rose and form a new one. The Colonel of the Legion."

It is impossible for every sellsword to be under Jorah Mormont, but the commander of a Ten Men Squad, or Hundred Men Squad is definitely fine.

The Company of the Rose has 800 core members, even if they are only promoted to Ten Men Squad Captains, Dany will immediately have 8,000 Warriors.

Slave soldiers, no matter how poor, are better than Westeros' peasant soldiers with pitchforks and scythes?

Why not select the cadres from the original Mother of Dragons guards and form another army, so that loyalty is more guaranteed?

The problem is here. The members of the Mother of Dragons guards were all slaves before, and there were too few people who had received military training. Even the cadres in the army were not qualified at this time.

For example, Dany's cavalry Commander, Symon Stripeback, Barristan chose him as Commander for two reasons: loud enough and a good political mindset.

Well, the so-called political component is that the slave was born, hates the slave masters extremely, and has a high personal adoration for Dany who liberates the slaves.

His real technical and tactical literacy is actually that of a rookie. His equestrian skills are not as good as that of Dany's maid Irri.

If the Ghis League doesn't take the initiative, she'll let Jorah and Barristan retrain them for about a year.

But what Jon said is right, the slave masters have money and can hire sellswords and assassins all over the world.

She must take advantage of Yunkai and Meereen's defeat and weakness, and lead her army northwards to conquer the two cities within three months.

Well, it usually takes two months to half a year for sellswords from Free Cities on the west coast to go to Meereen.

"Your Majesty, Jon Snow is willing to swear allegiance to you." The bearded leader walked quickly, came to Dany's horse, and said solemnly under oath.

"Oh, where are your members?" Dany asked with a smile, knowing what he meant.

"The Company of the Rose is disbanded in my hands today. The members of the group are all voluntary and can stay loyal to you, but they no longer have a relationship with me.

If the members choose to leave, I will hand over the Winter Rose flag and they can reorganize the Company of the Rose." Jon Snow loudly said.

This is a smart man!

Dany dismounted from her horse, drew out her long sword, put the tip of the sword on the shoulder of the bearded regimental commander, and said, "Do you remember how to make an oath to the monarch?"

"Yes, your Majesty…" Jon Snow was thrilled and apprehensive at Dany taking his allegiance so seriously, and a ceremony arose in his heart.

I swear I will never fail the one who gave me such an honor!

He blushed and made a decision in his heart.

"Do you now believe in the Old Gods or other Gods," Dany asked solemnly.

Hesitating for a moment, he gritted his teeth and said, "I should have believed in the Old Gods, but the Essos continent doesn't even have Weirwood; I may believe in the most popular Red God (Lord of Light R'hllor) in this continent, but I will always be of Westeros descent. So, Your Majesty, I swear by The Seven!"

"Yes, I too also believe in The Seven," Dany said with a smile.

This is not a lie, as a monarch, Dany must have faith, an unbeliever is less accepted by the world than a fallen.

She can't tell people, I believe in Buddha, right?

Well, that's not right. In modern society, she didn't believe in Buddhism at all, nor does she believe in the Three Purities.

The Seven: Father (Judgment), Mother (Mother and Nurture), Warrior (Courage and Victory), Maiden (Innocence and Purity), Smith (Craft and Labor), Crone (Wisdom), Stranger ( Death and the fear of the unknown).

The Church of The Seven does not have a real God. The Seven only represents the seven stages of life and seven noble virtues, which is not fundamentally different from the modern "eight honors and eight shames".

Dany thinks The Seven is almost the most advanced doctrine in the world, and it doesn't matter if you believe in it.

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