I Became the Mother of Dragons

Chapter 13

Is inbreeding good or bad?

In the opinion of the general public, consanguineous couples are prone to give birth to children with genetic defects, which is very unfavorable for eugenics.

This is scientific fact.

Since the primordial period of human birth, the cruel natural environment has already helped human beings to eliminate the genes of an overwhelming majority of the dominant diseases.

Millions of years have passed, and when human beings developed a relatively advanced civilization, genetic diseases are all recessive– only if both parents carry the same recessive gene for the disease, their children are likely to have the same disease. A 1 in 4 chance of having a genetic disease.

Note that it must be a recessive gene for the same disease.

Bloodline-related relatives are more likely to carry the same recessive gene because their genes are derived from the same ancestor, and their children are more likely to have physical or mental abnormalities.

However, if inbreeding is within tens, hundreds, or thousands of generations…all the recessive defective genes of this bloodline will all be revealed – and then discarded carrying 'pairs' For children with fewer recessive defective genes. The remaining children must have less recessive defective genes than the previous generation.

That is to say, through the cruel elimination system, inbreeding is conducive to reducing defective genes – genetic optimization in disguise.

Of course, there are two aspects of genetic optimization. In addition to reducing inferior genes, it also increases good genes—a more practical hybrid.

Here we only talk about 'inbreeding reduces inferior genes'.

In order to optimize the genes of close relatives, at least dozens of generations of efforts are required. If a new blood is added in the middle, bringing new defective genes, all previous efforts will be invalid and must be restarted from scratch.

Without the thousand-year-old intermarriage of direct blood relatives, the "noble bloodline" plan should not be considered.

And the Chinese Dynasty did not have a thousand-year-old family – the kind that can refuse the Imperial Families marriage, so for the Chinese nation, the marriage of close relatives was always a taboo that should be avoided.

Even if you look at Earth's 10,000-year history, only the Pharaohs of ancient Egypt have done this – they later also fell into the system of inbreeding, because of the 'lower' mixed blood involved in the middle, everything had to be done all over again.

They kept giving birth to disabled and mentally handicapped heirs, and couldn't maintain the dynastic rule that was increasingly crumbling – their dominance could not decline, and the 'noble' Pharaohs had to marry other families.

Eventually the ancient pharaohs were almost wiped out—people may not have died, but the dynasty and the institutions it established were almost eliminated.

Old European nobles also had similar ideas to the Pharaohs, but unfortunately they were worse than the pharaohs – such as the haemophilia that collapsed the Imperial Family in Europe.

The main reason is that it is impossible to carry out complete direct reproduction. From time to time, a mixed bloodline is added in the middle.

But what the Earth people can't do, many families in The Song of Ice and Fire have done, they are the real Royal Clan Bloodline.

Like House Targaryen.

In fact, there was a great inbreeding group in Essos continent – ​​Old Valyria Freehold, Targaryen is just one of the small branches.

How strong is Valyrian's bloodline?

Look at todays Daenerys Targaryen to see.

For the bereaved Valyria family, the Duke family of Westeros (the former Royal Family, but due to the invasion of Aegon Targaryen and the unification of the eight kingdoms, the Royal Family was downgraded to Dukedom), more or less…well, they can only be considered as 'secondary' inbreeding, they had also married other families.

This world can achieve "close relatives optimized genes", mainly because their history is too long, such as the family of the protagonist of the plot – The Wolves of Stark, they have a family history of at least 8,000 years.

Frey, the Twins of Red Wedding, has been discriminated against by the upper class because of their shallow background.

So how 'upstart' is House Frey?

Well, they're just a 'small' 600-year-old Marquess family with nothing but money.

Well, if the 600-year-old wealthy family is placed in the Dynasty, then…

The above said so much, just one meaning: Viserys was going to climb the bed of his younger sister. In the wild and fantastic world of Ice and Fire, it is a crime, but not an ethical one.

House Targaryen has always followed an ancient tradition: the union of siblings.

Aegon, for example, who started the Targaryen Dynasty, married his two sisters.

Uh, yes, two: elder sister Visenya, and younger sister Rhaenys.

King's Landing consists of three hills, Aegon's High Hill, Rhaeny's Hill and Visenya's Hill, to commemorate the three founders of the Dynasty.

In fact, Daenerys' parents, "Mad King" Aerys and Queen Rhaella, were siblings, and even her grandparents were siblings.

If Dany had been born ten years earlier—no, maybe five years—she would probably have married her older brother Rhaegar.

"And then?" Dany said to Lilith flatly, "Viserys is a wet shit, I already knew that."

Lilith gave her a weird look, puzzled by her serenity.

At the same time, seeing that she couldn't hurt Dany with words, her inner anger grew more and more, she turned her head sharply, and pointed at Ser Jorah who was looking at oneself vigilantly, "He also got on me, although he didn't scream. He said your name, but he looked towards me…it seemed like he was fucking your Soul through my skin."

"No," Ser kept on guarding against Lilith's violent outbursts, "Poor and weak Jorah didn't want himself to be involved, he blushed, his hands with iron gloves waved again and again, "You slander me, I don't think so."

"There are countless people, you can't hide it from me." Lilith smiled contemptuously.

"cough cough, you are Khaleesi now, no longer a red card for Lys brothel." Dany was embarrassed and immediately warned her severely: "I don't think Khal Jhaqo wants to hear what you said before."

Jorah Mormont had sex with Lilith, and she knew it.

Well, I learned from Game of Thrones before crossing over: When Jorah Mormont met Tyrion in a brothel, he was holding a Volantis prostitute with silver hair and purple eyes, who was playing as the renowned Queen of Meereen – Daenerys two or three years later .

(P.S: This book is mainly based on "Song of Ice and Fire", and "Game of Thrones" is also an important reference. The author not only watched the television drama, but also read the book several times. This book The protagonist has only watched popular dramas, so the subsequent plot may be beyond her expectations.

About Jorah Mormont's whoring… It is more obvious in the television drama, the plot in "Ice and Fire" is hinted – In fact, many plots in the book are hints, and then the television drama tells it perfectly, not that the two plots change, such as the relationship between Renly and Knight of the Flowers.)

"Jhaqo?" Dany Failing to frighten her, Lilith's mouth became more and more twisted, and she leaned into Dany's ear and said in a word that only she could hear: "How do you think I followed him?"

Dany's heart tightened. , She is the Helen of Troy?

"Could it be that he also loves me deeply? Not so much." She also whispered, not ashamed at all.

Lilith sneered, "Because he is the same as me, he just wants the same thing as Khal, you and Drogo's horse, king tent, there is no difference in his heart."

"Then you're not even better than Drogo's tent?" Dany pushed her head away and shouted, "Go away, I don't want to discuss these boring topics with you anymore."

"Okay, I'm leaving, anyway Khalasar goes back to Vaes Dothrak almost every year, when the time comes, you who hope to join the ranks of Dosh Khaleen Crones can still be as proud as you are now."

Lilith angrily and swiftly left.

Second day In the early morning, the sky was bright, and Khalasar in Jhaqo also walked slowly towards the north through the cold mist in the morning.

If you don't leave, you can't do it. Not to mention drinking water and horse grass. Even the firewood is gone. It was gone a few days ago.

Red Waste is dry and hot during the day, but the temperature drops below ten degrees at night, typical of desert climate.

Stepping out of the dim tent, Dany found the world outside was terrifyingly bright.

The rising Sun is like a furnace dripping with melting gold, and the burning gold spills over the ground, making the ground dry and hollow.

The small camp is not quiet. There are old people coughing from the nearby grass hut. A small group of young children run and play in the camp open space despite the heat. There are some women in the distance doing daily chores.

There are more than a hundred unsaddled horses outside, kicking the ground, walking listlessly, neighing from time to time, as if complaining: This damn place , not even a tuft of grass?

Seeing Dany's silhouette, the maids immediately stood aside with water, wine, fruits and barbecue.

Wiping her face, Dany ate something casually, and asked Aggo to direct Khas to move back to the original position of the straw curtain yurt.

Although it is also desolate, there are at least the surrounding hills to help shelter from the sun, wind, and sand.

Qotho and Haggo were still in the tent with Drogo, who was dying. Dany called Aggo, Quaro, Jhogo, Rakharo and Ser Jorah into the shade and sat on the ground in a circle.

The first enlarged political meeting was held under the small mound.

"Drogo's Khalasar is gone," she said directly to them.

Jhogo naturally: "A Khal who cannot ride a horse is not qualified to be a Khal."

"The Dothraki only follow the dominant," Ser Jorah said, "Her Highness, I'm sorry, we just can't keep people. Starting from Ko Pono, Drogo's Warriors are disappearing day by day in small groups."

"Well, how many people and supplies do we have?" Dany asked road.

"Khaleesi, none of your Khas are left," Aggo said seriously: "We are Khaleesi's escorts and swore allegiance to you and not Khal, so we all stayed."

Dany rejoices, the Dothraki are savage, but far more loyal than those more civilized peoples, like the Westeros who treat sacred oaths as shit.

"Who else?" Dany asked briskly. "We have less than 100 Khas. I saw at least 200 family when we moved the tent just now."

Whatever For any Daenerys, Dothraki is her basic plate. Dothraki are loyal, brave, and straightforward, and are more authentic and trustworthy than the people of the homeland tens of thousands of miles away.

In terms of identity, Dany is Khal's wife and has already changed to the Dothraki "registration" of the Dothraki Great Grass Sea.

So she called Dothraki 'family'.

Other people didn't notice such a subtle change of mind, or the Dothraki in front of her have always regarded her as family.

Jhogo replied, "The old people with limited mobility, the cowards, the weak, the sick, the new Khalasar who went away would not take them in."

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