I Became the Mother of Dragons

Chapter 14

"There are more than 200 people, and no more than 100 can fight. The only elite screamers are 60 people from your Khas clan. They…" Jorah paused, with a look of unbearable expression on his face, sighed Said: "It is foreseeable that in the long journey in the future, half of the old, the weak, the sick and the young will die."

"What about the supplies?" Dany asked with a frown.

"It can be guaranteed that everyone has horses, and there are no more than 200 cows and sheep combined."

Dany wondered: "There is not even a single grass nearby, what do horses and sheep eat these days?"

"There are reddish-brown ones between the cracks in the rocks. Devilgrass, tough enough to feed the horses, doesn't last long. The resources are exhausted and we have to move," Rakharo admonished her.

"Where to?" Dany's heart moved, and she tested the Dothraki: "What are your plans next? If I reorganize this Young Kas into Khalasar, and let the four of you become my Bloodriders, do you accept it?"

Dany's words seemed to cause a lot of trouble to several Dothraki Warriors, and after thinking for a while with a frown, Quaro first refused: "This is impossible, being a woman's Bloodrider will shame and for Bloodrider only has three."

Dany looked towards the next man, Aggo lowered his eyes, "I can't swear either, only men can lead Khalasar."

"You are Khaleesi and only Khaleesi," Rakharo went on: "I will ride with you to Wes Dothraki under the Mother of Mountains and protect you from peril until you join the Crone of Dosh Khaleen. Apart from this, I Can't make more promises."


"Okay, I get it," Dany said before the last Jhogo could speak. she interrupted him angrily, "Let's put this aside for now. Our first major event now is to send the great Khal Drogo back to Night Land."

Knight Jorah suddenly stood up from his knees. He got up and pulled out the saber around the waist with a 'bass' sound, and the sharp sword edge shook Dany's eyes.

Then Jorah Mormont stepped down one-knee kneels, placing the sword at Dany's feet, "I swear to serve you, Your Highness, to do all your will, even at the expense of my life."

He glanced sideways at the four Dothraki beside him, and declared loudly: "I swear by the sword in my hand and the bear family emblem of my family, no one will want to bring you back to Weiss unless you are willing to do so. Dothraki, you don't have to join Dosh Khaleen."

The four Dothraki looked at each other, their almond-shaped black eyes flashing with confusion and unease.

It seems that Westeros of rites and music in ruins also has a high-quality loyal Knight!

Although Ser Jorah's purpose is not pure, his loyalty is more from unrequited love, but Dany is still very happy.

"According to the Dothraki tradition, Khal will return to the arms of Horse God on a horse in the fire, so I order you to lead the Knight all around to collect all the firewood, hay, vines…. .."

This is a bitter cold place that can't live long, and Dany must leave as soon as possible.

I heard that Dany is going to cremate Drogo, and the two Bloodriders who have been depressed have left Drogo's bed again, and they also have to prepare their luggage.

"You go out first, I want to end his pain and humiliation." Dany said to the maid beside him.

Drogo has not woken up for four days, half of his chest is black and rotten, but he still has a faint breath, which is both painful and humiliating for him – the great horse-riding Warrior should not have been lying on the bed.

Dany spent 3 minutes freeing him with a feather pillow, slicing through his rotting flesh, draining the pus and blood, and filling his chest with a sticky balm.

Irri and Jhiqui clean Drogo's hair and body, and then Dany washes his long hair and puts it back into a braid and a series of little bells.

And many more bells, gold, silver, and bronze, that will announce his coming to his enemies and make them timid…even in Death.

Doreah then dressed him in horsehair leggings and high boots, and tied a heavy belt full of gold and silver medals around his waist.

Irri and Jhiqui joined forces to lift Drogo's large but bony frame and help him put on a painted vest to hide the scar on his chest.

Although the vest was worn and faded, it was his favorite.

Dany originally planned to hold a cremation tonight, but she didn't have enough firewood when the sun went west. Jhogo walked the farthest, riding a horse and ran 20 kilometers to the north, almost back to the Sheepman's sphere of influence.

"They shot me with bows and arrows, Dothraki are not welcome by sheep people." Jhogo said angrily.

Isn't this nonsense, you are like cutting trees. Every year from Vaes Dothrak south to the Great Grass Sea, you have to go to the "Grass Valley" in the Lhazar River Basin. It seems that the sheep people are regarded as " New Year's luck".

Well, this year seems to be particularly evil, with two Khals planted in the "novice village" in a row.

Jhogo soon got excited again and said, "But I met Khalasar of Odo, and they heard that I was preparing firewood for Khal's cremation and offered to help us build a village as a sacrifice."

Odo is also Drogo's former warrior. The Khalasar he separated was not big, and the bulk of it was eaten by Pono and Jhaqo – more than 40,000 screamers, Pono took 20,000, Jhaqo took 10,000, and the rest The next 10,000 warriors were divided up by a dozen or so others, and one Khalasar was only of one or two thousand warriors.

Of course, in the vast Dothraki Sea, Khalasars of several thousand people are the norm. Similar to the previous Drogo, it is a rare overlord on the grassland.

"Khal Odo has malice, he is 80% ordered by Pono and them, and he has been waiting in the north in order to wait for you." When Jhogo left, Jorah who's expression was grave said: "Her Highness, what the hell are you doing? What's the idea? You tried to subdue Quaro and the others before…you are obviously reluctant to be Vaes Dothrak as Dosh Khaleen, then we seem to be stuck.

And your Khas is loyal to you, but also has a will all to their own —The tradition of Dothraki in the last ages."

Dany gave him a reassuring look, "You will understand this problem in two days."

Second day, In the dim light, Qotho rode alone to the place agreed with Odo in the north, and at noon he brought back a large line of horses.

Ten Knights of Odo Khalasar, escorting two hundred sheepmen slaves, the slaves are strung together with ropes, and their faces are full of despair.

There are more than a dozen slaves driving more than a dozen carriages.

The carriage is piled high with bundles of split firewood…well, and truck castor oil.

"These slaves will accompany us on our journey of the night." Qotho gloomy and coldly said.

Dany wore a pair of loose sand silk trousers and sandals tied to the knees, and a Dothraki painted tank top similar to Drogo.

"Khal has you, with five hundred most loyal Warriors to accompany, and does not need those cowardly sheepmen slaves." She rejected the intention of others to sacrifice without the slightest hesitation.

"You—" Qotho raised his whip with a sinister look on his face.

"Be honest, I'll call the shots here now!" Dany coldly said.

Quaro and Jorah are at her side, just behind her, and Aggo and Rakharo's bows and arrows are aimed at Qotho.

Hundreds of people worked all afternoon. Before sunset, firewood was piled into squares five meters long and four meters high. The hollows were filled with straw, shrubs, bark chips and hay. Khal's "Master Bedroom".

On the Pyre lays Khal Drogo's treasure: his blanket, painted vest, saddle and reins, the whip given by his father when he came of age, his Arakh who killed Son and Father of Khal Ogo, and there's that huge dragon bone longbow.

Jhogo was about to put the weapon that Drogo's Bloodrider gave Dany as a bridal gift, but she stopped him.

"Those are my things," she told him, "I'm going to keep them."

After thinking about it, Dany took the two back down the hills, where they A layer of red soil was dug in the corner of the soil and stone, revealing several cowhide bags the size of cement bags.


When the tail section of the bag was raised, the dazzling golden river splashed out, and the golden piece was full of gold medals the size of a child's palm. .

Drogo had a total of ten boxes of gold medals. Dany dug up three boxes of gold and buried them. Of the ten boxes thrown out, 30% of them were filled with brass medals.

Thousands of people looted, they couldn't even tell how many boxes they lost, how could they know that Dany was a mess.

The savage Dothraki have not evolved this routine.

Khal's treasure is covered with another gold medallion, followed by bales of hay.

Awe-inspiring, Qotho and Haggo carried Drogo's body out of the tent while Dothraki watched in silence.

They made him lie on his pillow and quilt, with his head facing the Mother of Mountains in the far northeast.

Rakharo brought Drogo's red mount, tall and ferocious, as red as charcoal fire, with smooth fur like the most precious silk, this is a rare beast in the world and few can rival, even a white lion on the grassland dares not test it.

The Dothraki are a cruel and ruthless people. According to their customs, they never give names to animals. Otherwise, Drogo's mount will have a name that has been passed down through the ages, just like those famous horses in ancient times.

The horse was particularly honest today and were led obediently east of Drogo's pyre.

It seemed to know its fate, it raised its head, barely touched Drogo's head, licked his face, and two strands of agate-like eyeballs dripped and wet Drogo temples ' hair and pillows.

Then it ate a shriveled apple handed over by Dany, raised on its hoofs, raised its head and neighed for a while before calming down.

Faced with the blade of the axe that Rakharo slashed in the face, it was neither afraid nor dodged, and was cut down neatly to the ground.

Dothraki use firewood to build a platform on top of the horse carcass, using the trunk of a small tree and the branches of a big tree. The firewood is placed from east to west, symbolizing the rise of the sun and the sunset.

Qotho and Haggo built a slightly lower platform in the north and south directions of Drogo, which was also covered with property and weapons, and also brought their mount, like Drogo's red horse, fed an apple, and an axe.

That pyre belonged to two Bloodriders, they cleaned and lay down holding their Arakh.

Extending along the platform of Bloodrider, Dothraki built a long Level 3 platform with branches. Drogo's four meters high, Bloodrider three meters, this two meters, covered with dry leaves and dead branches, from north to south, symbolizing mysterious ice to fire.

The Level 3 pyre stacks five hundred heads in sequence, along with the heads of the warriors who died in battle with Cohollo. Finally, the soft pillows and silk quilts are piled on top, and they are piled high.

Well, Cohollo had his severed head next to Drogo.

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