I Became the Mother of Dragons

Chapter 186

         The following morning, within the Great Pyramid's garden courtyard, Barristan attentively examined the contents of a travel bag while voicing his concerns, "I've heard that the Faceless Men seldom relent once they've accepted a contract."

"Exceptions do exist," Dany replied.

Strapping herself onto Big Black's back for her journey with Whitebeard, they were resuming their long-delayed tour of Westeros. Though the old knight was a mere passenger, Daenerys, when accompanied by any Dragon, could attain a bond that transcended the norm. If the wind was favorable, Big Black could soar at tremendous speed, allowing her to dance ballet-like on his back.

"We might not pose a threat to the House of Black and White," the old knight stated despondently.

Dany responded, "I possess Dragons, and considering the Battle of Slaver's Bay, it's unlikely the Faceless Men would underestimate the capabilities of Dragons that hurl incendiary bombs at sea vessels."

"Well, there's a chance..."

Jorah added, "Your Majesty, have you forgotten? Braavos is perpetually shrouded in mist, and one can scarcely discern the ground-level structures from a high vantage point. Braavos was founded nine hundred years ago but remained hidden for only a century before voluntarily declaring its existence to the world. At that time, there were still three hundred years before Valyria's fall. The Valyrian Dragonlords avoided the city due to the thick fog, ultimately receiving compensation from the Iron Bank in exchange for not pursuing the descendants of their runaway slaves."

Dany shrugged with an air of indifference. "Even if negotiations prove unsuccessful, there's no harm done. The Faceless Men cannot fathom the full extent of our abilities, nor could Ironhead's pet dog discern my true identity, could they?"

The thought of the many patrol dogs within the pyramid cast a quiet mood over the two White Cloaks, rendering them silent.

This time, Dany had altered her flight path. Rather than traversing the Lands of the Long Summer, she chose to cross Slaver's Bay to reach Tolos, situated on the opposite shore of the bay. From there, she followed the Valyrian road, heading northwest to Mantarys and then continued westward toward Volantis. The entire journey would keep her flying along the Valyrian road.

Given the Windblown's plans for the Allied offensives, one of them involved the so-called "Demon Road," a part of Old Valyria.

In less than two hours, Dany and her companions beheld the remnants of the Old Valyrian Freehold—Tolos, perched on the cape where they had once been established. Smaller and more forlorn than Astapor, it appeared nearly deserted.

Only a few moored barges with furled sails could be seen at the harbor, and seven or eight crew members were unloading items, such as wine barrels and flour, from horse-drawn carts parked on the pier.

The sparsely populated streets were lined with old, gray-slate buildings. Street vendors in sun hats pushed carts laden with multicolored fruits, and silk-clad merchants bustled about. Sailors in short-sleeved attire traded jests with brightly dressed streetwalkers.

A servant, draped in blue cloth and astride a single-story white elephant, bellowed loudly to clear a path for the procession. Behind him, a pink-clad Maiden peered out from a sedan atop the elephant's back as they proceeded from the Golden Peak.

The city's residents donned loose, Old Valyrian-style robes and boasted fair, smooth skin. Many had silver or pale blond hair, bearing the typical Valyrian appearance, though a few Ghiscari in Tokar robes could be spotted among them.

As they left the harbor, the number of passersby on the streets diminished rapidly, with certain squares lying nearly empty. Tolos seemed to exude an atmosphere of antiquity, shrouded in a melancholic haze, lacking in fervor.

The one-kilometer-wide city passed by swiftly, giving way to manors on the outskirts. There were forests teeming with red apples, lush vineyards, golden wheat fields, and sporadic vegetable patches. Yet, more land lay barren, featuring a dozen sheep and a few placid cows strolling leisurely along the vast Valyrian road.

"Tolos has a population of no more than 50,000 people, so their attitude should not be of great concern," Daenerys remarked with a smile.

Barristan, however, expressed his reservations. "It may not be a threat to us, but it could serve as an outpost for the Allies or perhaps a stronghold for a Legion."

"Haha, indeed!" Daenerys laughed. "The Allies are showing signs of moving toward Tolos, so I'll seize the city first and keep the battlefield out of my territory."

Tolos, like other cities in Slaver's Bay, had its own population of slaves. However, across the vast expanse of Slaver's Bay, it was but a small enclave, and taking it would likely become a burden for Dany.

After fully digesting the results of Meereen and Yunkai's victories over the course of two or three years, Tolos would become their next target.

Traveling 200 kilometers to the northeast of Tolos, they reached a fork in the road, with Mantarys to the east and Bhorash to the west. Tolos, situated on the peninsula, had managed to endure, but Bhorash on the Great Plains had met its demise at the hands of the Dothraki during the Years of Blood.

Setting off from the three-forked road, they continued eastward toward the area known as the Demon Road, reentering a region with heightened magical energy radiation.

What was intriguing, however, was that Big Black displayed no signs of crisis or unease. This observation suggested to Dany that Big Black's sense of crisis wasn't solely linked to his own safety; rather, it could be triggered by her own safety as well.

As they followed the ancient Valyrian road through the Lands of the Long Summer, they encountered no signs of habitation. However, the stone road leading to Mantarys revealed faint traces of caravans. These caravans, composed of dozens of people, over a hundred horses, and thirty or forty ox-drawn carts, extended for several hundred meters in length.

Through Big Black's vision, Daenerys observed four double-headed creatures, eight dwarfs, and numerous deformed children with twisted limbs and crooked features.

She surmised that this caravan likely belonged to Mantarys.

After traversing one hundred kilometers of gray-green wasteland, an endless black sea suddenly came into view—a landlocked sea known as the Sea of Sighs in the Lands of the Long Summer.

Mantarys rested at the northernmost end of the Sea of Sighs—a city that sprawled within a five-kilometer-wide circle of towering Blackstone structures. It boasted a Flight Tower without a roof, a Sorcerer tower, a black tower for the Faith of the Seven, spacious "well"-shaped streets, towering civic towers, fountains adorning squares, and vast rooftop gardens. Much like Oros, this Valyrian city-state lacked a protective city wall.

However, there was a notable exception. The Fiend residing in Mantarys had overseen the reconstruction of a city wall using red bricks. The red clay bricks and their red walls were a stark contrast to the city's predominantly black aesthetic.

Dany expressed her disappointment, stating, "Why are there so many people..."

Ser Barristan chimed in, "The Flight Tower in the center of the city is so heavily guarded that it can't 'fall from the sky.' I am rather disappointed as well."

Daenerys had promised to reward Barristan with Valyrian Armor should he find any in Mantarys. As a result, the old knight began to question his own integrity, pondering whether he should simply adapt to the situation.

The environment in Mantarys was no better than that of Oros. It was similarly affected by magical energy radiation, resulting in a population with a high rate of deformities. Nevertheless, the city served as a crucial connection between Slaver's Bay and Volantis, boasting thriving commerce and agriculture.

Upon closer inspection, Daenerys noticed crops outside the city. However, these weren't the typical grains like wheat but rather deep purple chrysanthemums with large, peculiar bowls and dark red long-leaf grasses that stood taller than humans.

"By the gods, that's Sourleaf, and it's so... so much larger!" The Knight, peering through a telescope to scrutinize the ground, exclaimed in astonishment.

"Sourleaf?" Dany queried, taken aback. Upon further examination, she realized it bore a resemblance to the Sourleaf she had seen in the farmlands of Slaver's Bay but was three or four times larger.

Sourleaf was a type of plant akin to betel nut and chewing tobacco, commonly chewed by the residents. The act of chewing it would result in the excretion of dark red juice mixed with saliva, leading to unsanitary and blood-red stained teeth—qualities Dany found distasteful.

"I believe it's mutated. All the plants here have been influenced by the magical energy radiation."

The Sourleaf in the field had grown taller than the smoke leaf grass, possessed a darker red hue, and exuded a stronger flavor.

"So…" Barristan pointed to the deep purple chrysanthemums below and inquired, "Does it resemble Tansy?"

"The color may be different, but the stems and flowers do seem quite similar."

Tansy held significant medicinal value and, when combined with mint, absinthe, honey, and a small quantity of peppermint oil, could be used to concoct Moon Tea—an exclusive contraceptive and abortive solution in this world.

"I see now. This desolate place may not be conducive to growing food, but it seems to nurture potent medicinal ingredients," Dany mused.

As they continued their eastward journey, they spotted small fishing boats on the Sea of Sighs and a large expanse of poppy trees along the shores.

The Valyrian road leading to Volantis wasn't deserted either, as caravans appeared at roughly 50-kilometer intervals.

"Look, a horde of Fiends attacking the caravan! It's a dire situation!" Dany exclaimed.

The two Dragons couldn't help but slow their pace. Barristan retrieved a telescope to get a better view and was immediately struck with dread.

Fiends, densely packed like fleas, fearlessly attacked the caravan. Fiends were felled every second, and those nearby immediately abandoned their opponents to swarm over and feast on the fallen, tearing off chunks of flesh and gnawing voraciously. After their gruesome meals, they resumed their attacks.

From time to time, caravan guards missed their marks and were dragged out of the defensive circle by Fiends. Once the Fiends had their fill, they withdrew from the Great Way and burrowed into the grass and woods nearby, leaving behind a scene reminiscent of a slaughterhouse. The vast bloodstains more closely resembled tables where diners had licked their plates clean.

Daenerys appeared visibly shaken and remarked, "It's no wonder they call this place the Road of the Fiends. After such a disaster, those who survive are likely haunted by fear.

She continued, "I don't know how many Fiends are lurking in the vicinity, but I hope that the Allies can restore this region to a brighter future. These losses have been severe."

After flying eastward for another two hours, the scenery before them suddenly transformed into a vivid and vibrant landscape. They were greeted by a clear blue sky, white clouds, a blazing sun, lush grasslands, fresh air, and even a heightened sense of clarity in the atmosphere.

Finally, they had left behind the somber and ashy Lands of Long Summer and entered the Great Plains of Rhoyne.

In their haste to traverse the Lands of Long Summer, the two dragons had flown at a remarkable speed of 300 kilometers per hour, departing in the morning and now nearing the seven-hour mark of their journey. They were beginning to feel the effects of fatigue.

Dany decided to land when she spotted a herd of buffalo by a creek in the wilderness. Big Black descended first, and with a fiery Dragonflame, he ignited a robust bull that failed to evade the attack. The shallow stream beside the bull produced a bubbling sound as it boiled with white steam. It took a moment for the water to return to a calmer state.

Barristan unfastened his backpack and stepped across the stream. He used his charred sword to cut a sizable portion of meat from the hind leg of the ox. After scraping off the charred exterior with a dagger, he placed the meat slices into a lunchbox. He sprinkled red pepper, fennel, dragon pepper, cumin, salt, and pepper powder over the meat, stirred the mixture thoroughly, and handed it to Daenerys.

He himself devoured the half-cooked meat, still oozing with blood, without even bothering to add salt.

The Old Knight savored the meat and declared with a sense of ecstasy, "It exudes a primal fragrance and sweetness."

Dany, while chewing on a piece of beef, simply responded, "As long as you enjoy it."

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