I Became the Mother of Dragons

Chapter 187

           Volantis, that ancient colony of the Old Valyria Freehold, stands resplendent, its power undeniable. They christened it the "First Daughter of Valyria," the "Queen of Rhoyne," and the "Mistress of the Summer Sea," each title a testament to its indomitable might.

As the sun's swollen and red visage dipped below the horizon around the sixth hour of the day, the waters of the sea shimmered with ethereal, blood-red reflections. In the harbor, the masts of hundreds of ships reached for the heavens, their sails awash in the crimson hue of twilight.

"Behold," Kadlik proclaimed, rising from the back of an elephant, his voice laden with fervor. He pointed with an outstretched arm to a pier nestled against the imposing Black Wall of noble houses. "That pier belongs to the Black Wall nobility, and those two hundred warships anchored there stand ready for that woman."

The sails, a mélange of beige, dark red, dark green, and pale yellow, billowed gloriously. Each ship bore its own flag atop the mast, a vivid display of their origins and allegiances. The Maiden flag of the Lyseni, the skull crown banner of Volantis, the Harpy standard of the Ghiscari, the jeweled gold crown flag of the Qartheen Tourmaline Brotherhood, and the green and white elephant emblem of the Isle of Elephants in the distant East – they all danced in the breeze.

Over two hundred vessels, not a common merchant ship among them. These were oar-driven galleys and imposing warships, a disciplined and formidable maritime army, standing in perfect formation along the azure stage of the sea.

It was a sight to awe even a slave working the Hathay, his face adorned with tattoos of wheels, found himself humbled.

Kadlik, a Rhoynar clansman with fair hair and piercing blue eyes, rose above the crowd. His slender frame, scarcely taller than 1.65 meters, carried a visage that bore the marks of long days beneath the sun.

Dany and Barristan had but a brief respite on the arid wasteland, for soon, they embarked on their easterly journey astride a Dragon. After but an hour's flight, they beheld sprawling manors, an expanse of ordered nobility unfurling in the midst of azure fields.

Within the next half-hour, they touched down in a towering birch forest, traversed a two-mile path, and encountered a modest inn adorned with a flag that read "Mother Kelly Lamb Pie" on the side of the Loess Road.

Kelly, the proprietor, with her silver hair, blue eyes, and a genteel corpulence that belied her years, bore the visage of familiarity. In the lands surrounding, it was no rarity to see those with silver hair and amethyst eyes, remnants of Old Valyria's bloodline. Yet, Dany's presence, with her iconic silver tresses and purple irises, stirred a warmth in her heart, for such sight was rare even here.

"Dear child," Aunt Kelly spoke with a knowing tone, "In the eyes of our folk and the foreign ship captains who grace our port, walking is deemed undignified, and horseback riding, too uncouth. The noble and highborn among us prefer the comfort of Hathays when they journey."

"It's clear you're no common folk," Kelly observed, her shrewd eyes sizing up Dany and Barristan. "Why not engage the services of a Hathay, then? Fate has it that my cousin is a magnate of the Hathay, with interests extending from the western expanses to the eastern cities of Volantis."

"Indeed, I reckon you must be of noble stock, with a knight bearing steel at your hip," she continued, her voice carrying an air of presumption. "Knights, they're tethered to their mounts, and I've steeds aplenty in my stable."

In the exchange that followed, Aunt Kelly, in her typical manner of speech, rambled on, and Dany acquired a white, a red, and two well-trained horses. She also procured a carton of carrot lamb pie, four bottles of red wine rumored to hail from the Sunset Lands, and an assortment of sundries. Not to forget, she secured the services of a Hathay from her cousin's establishment.

All of this came at the cost of five Gold Honors, a sum which elicited a hearty clap to her ample bosom from Aunt Kelly. The innkeeper pledged not only a 20% discount but also a minimum of two Silver Stags in return.

Dany, without a word, presented six Gold Honors. In the bewildered gaze of Aunt Kelly, she spoke softly, "Honesty deserves reward. Here, I shall bestow upon you a golden Dragon as a token of appreciation."

Aunt Kelly clutched the six gold Dragons, her expression torn between surprise and regret. She mused, "I've been too forthright, letting slip on such a rare catch. I'll have to adjust my pricing and make up for it in the days to come. Beware, travelers, my lamb pie will be more expensive in the coming days!"

Volantis abounded in elephants, and its southern neighbors, those near the Summer Sea, possessed these great beasts too. Slaver's Bay was no exception. Yet, it was Volantis that boasted a sizable population of dwarfish gray elephants.

The notion of employing elephants in agriculture was not Dany's own. Volantis had long embarked on this path. These creatures were tasked with a multitude of functions – from tilling the earth and pulling carts to transporting goods and even serving as mounts in battle. They were, in essence, the versatile steeds of Volantis.

The so-called "dwarf" label was, of course, a matter of perspective, when juxtaposed against mammoths that stood three or four meters tall. In truth, an adult dwarf elephant could reach heights of 2.2 to 2.5 meters.

For instance, the elephant that would be pulling Dany's cart measured a respectable 2.4 meters. Its skin, though, bore a pale, dirty white, resembling snow trodden underfoot.

The Hathay, resembling the bullock carts of other city-states, was an expanded variation with larger wheels than Dany's newly acquired conveyance.

Enormous wooden wheels, their surfaces embedded with rusted iron sheets, bore the weight of passengers on brown leather seats nestled between them. The driver perched atop the elephant's back, a mat beneath him to soften the jarring journey.

Valyria's climate was oppressive, a relentless heat that clung to the land.

Upon transitioning from the loess-swept dirt road to the Valyrian thoroughfare, where solidified brown livestock excrement marked the way, the procession of travelers grew denser. Nearly all Free Folks of consequence occupied sedan chairs or Hathays.

Those who chose to tread the path on foot bore the brand of slavery on their very faces, dressed in the most rudimentary attire. The Hathay driver, for example, exhibited a wheel tattoo etched onto one cheek, and naught but a loincloth and sandals adorned his form. His bare back, tanned to an ebony hue, appeared akin to well-oiled cowhide.

After traversing four or five miles, the group departed the city's outskirts and ventured into the easternmost extremity of the West City Pier. The Hathay came to a halt at a secondary post. The driver descended from the elephant's back and gestured toward a silver-haired middle-aged man clad in a silk robe, uttering a few words.

The Volantene middle-aged man, his voice carrying authority, bellowed, "Kadlik, make your way to the elephant lan and bring forth a high-level white elephant to seat them upon yellow golden Jade."

Turning to Dany as she disembarked, he offered an explanation with a gracious smile, "My dear Olier, 'Valyrian' Hathay is stationed at the Seneschal, the dock area. Do you notice the placard affixed to the Hathay's rear? It designates Hathay's intended destination. Beyond the city's gates, a Hathay is not permitted. Thus, within the inner city, we must arrange for a transfer."

He assured, "Worry not, for no additional charge shall be made, and I shall arrange for your conveyance to be a splendid elephant, guided by the most skilled mahout. Your Hathay shall transport you to the Merchant's House in the West City, in the grandest fashion."

Dany could only nod, what more could she say? The driver's voice, after all, was a booming echo that carried across vast distances.

As a parting gift, the generous guest bestowed a gold Dragon upon Lady Kelly.

Kadlik was indeed a master of his craft, his ability to command elephants rivaling Dany's control over her Dragons, boasting a remarkable skill.

The previous Hathay driver had relied on whips and reins to enforce his will upon the elephant, while Kadlik sat cross-legged atop a magnificent white elephant, conversing with Dany in the local Valyrian dialect, accentuating it with a grand flair. His commands guided the elephant seamlessly, instructing it to turn, to move forward, or to slow down.

Had it not been for the profound mental resonance, Dany might have mistaken him for a skinchanger, one with the soul of a Warg.

"From whence have my esteemed guests journeyed?" Kadlik inquired.

"Braavos," Dany responded with a smile, "He is a distant relative from Westeros who sought refuge with my family due to the ongoing conflict."

There was no doubt in her words, her Valyrian flavored with a distinct Braavosi accent.

"Aye, I saw you approaching from the east and thought…" Kadlik's voice trailed off, a hint of despondency in his tone.

Dany rolled her eyes playfully and quipped, "While I am indeed from Braavos, I have just returned from the East this time."

"Truly?" Kadlik inquired, "Have you seen that woman?"

"Which woman?" Dany inquired, as the sun dipped toward the horizon, casting a warm glow on the bustling streets near the port, the air filled with a peculiar and pungent odor that prompted Dany to draw her handkerchief to her nose.

Kadlik patted the elephant's back, causing it to slow its pace. He gestured toward the western dock fleet, his cheeks taking on a slight crimson hue. In a hushed tone, he disclosed, "The woman they intend to negotiate with of course."

"I am unaware of the particulars of their dealings. Please, just tell me her name," Dany responded, feigning ignorance.

The young man, who had been loquacious until now, suddenly seemed crestfallen. He whispered from his position behind the elephant's hindquarters, "You can't even utter her name. It's a taboo, especially around these parts. Slaver's Bay... Dragon Queen."

"I see," Dany remarked, her realization dawning. "But why is her name a forbidden utterance?"

Barristan adjusted his posture, discreetly removing himself from the spotlight to allow his Queen to engage.

"It's not so much that one can't speak her name," Kadlik clarified, pointing to the wheel tattoo on his own right cheek, the symbol of his enslaved status. "It's more that we dare not speak it. Our master fears to hear that name pass our lips."

And so, 'that woman' had become the substitute, a euphemism employed in hushed tones. The act of uttering her name was best avoided, especially when in the presence of the local nobility. The freckled young man, his long, horse-like face now etched with a touch of distortion, bore a shade of apprehension in his grass-green eyes.

"No, I won't. You can rest easy," Dany assured him, her expression softening. "I hail from Braavos, remember?"

Indeed, Braavos held a steadfast commitment against the institution of slavery, and the young man found solace in her words.

"That's right," the freckled man sighed with a sense of relief.

Curiosity gnawed at Dany, prompting her to inquire, "But we are nearly 3,000 kilometers removed from Slaver's Bay. Why is the atmosphere here so...oppressive?"

The young man, his dexterity evident as he deftly maneuvered on the elephant's back, scanning the surroundings for any eavesdroppers, offered an explanation. "Well, initially, when word of Astapor first reached us, everyone could openly discuss her. But ever since she routed the Ghiscari coalition four months ago..."

His head swiveled left and right, examining the bustling street, a hesitant look on his face.

Dany reassured him, "There are many Hathays around us, and no one is paying us any heed."

"Ah, I'd still advise caution," he cautioned, his voice tinged with bitterness.

Nevertheless, he eventually found his way to the rear of the white elephant and leaned in close, whispering, "Two months back, someone came back with that woman's remarkable feat of defeating the Ghiscari coalition in Slaver's Bay. The whole of Volantis was ablaze with excitement. Yet, a few days later, one night, within the Black Wall, Master Qhaedar awoke to find the butcher sharpening his knife beneath the eaves..."

"I cannot attest to the veracity of the situation," he continued, "but come the early morn of the second day, the butcher Gyle and his entire family were beheaded, their bodies tarred and left hanging on lances along the Black Wall. Passersby on the streets below could behold their gruesome spectacle. You understand now?"

Whether or not Dany comprehended, the slave stood tall on the elephant's back, gesturing to the vast southern sea, and proclaimed, "Guest, do not doubt my words. We Volantenes are aware that even if Braavos, with its more than a hundred islands, were to be submerged into our harbor, the great ships would still have unhindered ingress and egress. This, my friends, is the widest and deepest port in the world!"

"Yes, we of Volantis possess the world's premier port. The one and only."

The onlookers nearby chimed in, and even the Volantenes who had been regarding Dany and the young man with bafflement moments before now wore expressions of newfound understanding.

A shrewd fellow, indeed. One who knew when a change of name was needed, thought Dany with a knowing smile.

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