I Became the Mother of Dragons

Chapter 19

The Dothraki advocate dominance and despise cowardice – and whether it is someone else's or theirs, without entertainment, fighting is a common occurrence.

All to often because of a trivial matter, an Arakh is used to decide life or death.

"Are there any Knights in Westeros who use battle for decisions?" Dany asked Jorah.

Jorah nods: "We all have armor, and even in group melee battles, few people die. Instead, we can let the Knight's apprentice learn in stage sword competitions, let them change into full body armor, and use unopened blunt swords to compete."

This kind of competition is definitely not the same as real battle, because many Dothraki take the agile path, and one-shot killing is their pursuit.

The blunt sword and leather armor require higher strength and stamina.

But in order not to die, Dany can only accept Jorah's advice.

In the evening, the newly drawn black flag fluttered in the wind, and her Khalasar began to slowly move south.

Taking the Sun and Stars as reference directions.

Before leaving, Dany also sent people to the cremation mound to dig out the melted gold.

"This is what Drogo threw away. He will take everything he needs to Night Land, and give us the rest." Facing the hesitant Dothraki, Dany said flickeringly.

Drogo's dragon bone bow was also retrieved.

dragon bone The 'dragon bone' in the bow is not a metaphor, it is a real dragon bone.

Not to mention the dozens of dragon corpses of Targaryen Dynasty, the ancient Valyria civilization has only died out for 300 years, and the Valyria at their peak could dispatch 300 dragons to form a conquering army.

Dragon also has a lifespan limit, they will die, leaving an indelible dragon bone after death, so there are many dragon bones throughout the world.

A Dragon bone is rich in iron, the more the iron content, the darker the color, until finally it becomes black.

The burning of ordinary flames can't hurt them…even a young dragon can withstand the heat of firewood burning, even more how the skeleton of an adult dragon?

In addition to gold and dragon bone, several Dothraki also found a pile of cracked stone dragon egg shells in the ashes.

Putting those stones together, three stone eggs were completely restored!

"Dragons don't come out of stone eggs." Several Dothraki first looked at each other in blank dismay, then exclaimed in horror, as if thinking of something, "Khaleesi gave birth to the Three Dragons! Dosh Khaleen's prophecy came true, Khaleesi gave birth to Stallion Who Mounts the World!"

Dany, who was startled by the Dothraki's cry, was also shocked after seeing the stone egg.

"What kind of existence is a dragon?" She had doubts in her heart.

No matter how the dragons were born, they all had to leave here. The charred bones left by pyre were gathered together, buried in a deep pit, and the team was set off.

On the first night, Dany's Khalasar only covered ten kilometers.

Five kilometers after leaving the station, they encountered the stream that Drogo Khalasar drew water from. It was drunk by more than 100,000 people and hundreds of thousands of livestock for four or five days. Only a thin layer of mud remained in the gurgling stream.

Dany changed her course of action and decided to follow the wetlands.

After another five kilometers, Dany stopped Khalasar after they encountered a new shallow puddle, where they were to stay for a day or two.

"All 87 cows and sheep must be killed," Dany told her family. "The further you go into the wasteland, the less water and forage you will have. You can't keep them competing with horses for resources."

After the reorganization of Khalasar by Dany, the allocation of human resources is more reasonable and the efficiency is improved.

The mutton is made into jerky, and the sheepskin is not treated with the outer wool.

The wasteland is too hot, wearing a cloak can hide from the sun during the day, reduce the evaporation of water from the body, and can also be draped on the body to keep warm at night.

It's true that the Dothraki are nomads, but nomads can't guarantee that everyone has fur coats and cloaks. Dany's original hundred and ten Khas tribes naturally have no shortage of clothing.

But she now has nearly 200 more people, 80% of whom are abandoned old and weak, and they don't even have Dothraki vests to change into…

Dany also has a leather cape.

When Daenerys first came to the Dothraki Grass Sea Drogo hunted for her a white lion, taller than her little silver horse, with a terrifying head that just formed a pocket. The hat covered her head, and the lion's skin became a natural mantle, falling from the shoulders to the back.

In the evening of the third day, Khalasar began to advance again, this time they walked all night, until the second days Sun rose above the horizon before stopping.

In 10 hours, about 150 kilometers.

Dany ran into trouble at this time. More than ten cavalry riders searched the surrounding area for five kilometers, but still could not find a clean water source.

Along the river bed that was as dry as bones, they could see from time to time a stagnant pool of bitter water exposed to the scorching sun.

But it's a pool of death that even animals don't drink from. It's full of germs, silt, rotting animal carcasses, and even a strong smell of sulfur.

Dany became more and more curious about this world. Such a great plain surrounded by mountains in the east and west, the prairie in the north and the sea in the south, turned out to be a barren Gobi.

Forget the Gobi, where does the Sulphur in the water come from?

This is not a hot spring…

Thinking of the hot spring, Dany suddenly flashed a single thought, she asked Ser Jorah: "I heard that Old Valyria is built on a volcano, on the continent near the Summer Sea, was it the same purgatory-like scene before? "

"What do you mean?" Jorah wondered.

"Could there also be a volcano beneath the Red Waste we're in now? So the rivers would evaporate and the pools would smell of sulfur." She speculated.

What Dany would like to say is that both Old Valyria and the Red Waste are peculiar thin-crustal geographical environments, and the surface is too close to the underground lava layer.

"Because there are devils here, that's why it smells of Sulphur." Interjected the maid Doreah.

Although she was hiding in the tent, her face was still flushed from the heat, like steamed prawns, sweat flowed down several streams down her neck, and her exquisite figure was all thin. It was exposed under the thin silk clothes.

"Have you seen the devils?" Dany laughed.

"I… I seem to be possessed by the devil, and I feel terrible all over," she rubbed her chest with difficulty, and panted: "It's biting my heart, or else how long will it take to devour my Soul!"

The Lys girl's eyes were filled with fear, she had solemnly vowed, Dany almost believed it.

"You have heat stroke!" she said.

"What is heatstroke?" Irri asked, fanning.

Dany is not afraid of heat, and the maids fan the fans for herself, without serving her.

"Princess, are you talking about fever?" Jorah struggled to take off his vest, revealing the rich black fur on his chest.

"Almost." With that, Dany handed Doreah her milkskin bag, "Don't drink water, all the minerals in your body…"

"Forget it, drink my mare's milk."

"But, this is your quota." Doreah looked dazed, just reached out to touch the leather bag and then retracted like an electric shock, shaking his head Said: "I can still hold on, I can drink water…"

Dany didn't try to persuade, but shoved the leather bag directly into her hand.

Because of material scarcity and uncertain future, Dany established a rationing system long before setting off.

The water is free to drink, as water has always been found along the river.

Horse meat can also be eaten casually. The dry and hard jerky can be used as a knife to cut wood. Even if the supply is open, everyone will not eat much.

Mainly mare's milk, salt, wine and fruit, which need to be rationed in limited quantities.

Look at this situation, even water…

No, no!

There must be enough water, or even if they can get out of wasteland, more than half of them will die.

Thinking of this, she couldn't sit still, and said to the maid, "I will camp separately for men and women, and everyone can be naked in the their tent. You can take off your clothes later."


"The tent is like a stove, and it's useless if you take off your clothes. Before in the grasslands, if you put two layers of sheepskin on the ground, you would wake up at night, but now you're burning your feet when you step on the ground." Irri sighed.

Dany said with a smile: "You can shovel away the top layer of sand—"

Speaking of this, she suddenly dived light flashed and laughed, " How did I only think of such a simple method now."

"What method?" Jorah said curiously.

Dany waved his hand, "Let's go out and have a look."

The tent curtain opened, Dany saw a flash, and the Sun put its rays on her, like a beam of light cast by it. The white light makes one enter a world of white glow in an instant.

She lowered her head and rubbed her eyes, finally regaining her vision, Dany had the illusion that she was really in purgatory.

The dazzling white light shines on the crackly flat red sandstone ground, reflecting the red glow in the same intensity. Like the red light of a flame the large and dense red glow forms a red fiery sea. The people in the wasteland are like walking in purgatory.

My God, and the smell of Sulphur lingering on the tip of the nose, this…

As expected, there is only a wrong name, not a wrong nickname, here is the "red" Purgatory"!

Hurrying to put on the white lion hood, Dany looked around at her camp, each camp was very quiet, like dozens of graves stacked on the ground.

She walked to the nearest one, ready to remind everyone to separate men and women in order to undress for the summer.

But as soon as she walked to the door of the big tent, which was sewn like patches of cowhide, sheepskin, and horseskin, she heard a suppressed gasp.

The kind that is of male and female.

Dany grew up with a mouth full of disbelief.

Until she took a step up quietly and opened the curtain…

It seems that I think too much, Dothraki don't care about the difference between men and women.

Also, they're not Doreah, they seem to be super adaptable and very hardy to "fuck".

Taking a few steps back quietly, Dany didn't bother those Dothraki who were expressing their passion, stepping on the hot gravel ground and walking to the edge of the riverbed.

Forty-fifty horses unsaddled, ears drooping, scorching sun overhead, scattered in the open, chomping hard on the yellow growth from under rocks and from the bottom of dead trees. Brown tenacious Devilgrass.

"Khaleesi, are you here?" An Old Man emerged from nowhere and suddenly appeared in front of Dany.

"Effendi, can the horses recover before dark?" Dany asked a question that she did not believe.

This Little Old Man who helped Khalasar herd horses is the "multi-dynasty elder" who served twelve Khals, and now Dany is the 13th.

Well, a little ominous!

Effendi is short and skinny, with a hunched back, bald graying hair, barely a braid at the back of his head that's not as long as his dick, and a reddish-brown face full of years ripped apart. Withered texture, like a sun-dried orange.

Only a pair of deformed eyes that no longer resemble almonds, still filled with the light that symbolizes life.

He opened his mouth with missing teeth and laughed to Dany in a pleasing manner…an ugly smile.

"Khaleesi, if there's enough clear water, plus this wasteland's unique Devilgrass, they can at least hold on for half a month."

Dany sighed in relief, they can make it if they don't take detours, it's time for a half month cross of this desert.

"However, all I have here are strong horses." Effendi told Dany worriedly. "Except for the hundred and ten children riding strong and good horses, the majority are just old, thin, sick, lame, weak and Bad-tempered beasts.

Even in the Great Grass Sea, with plenty of forage, they won't last long…

it is known, horses like that should be long overdue Killed for their meat. Our previous Khalasar used this for food."

"I see, when the time comes there will be other arrangements." Dany said calmly.

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