I Became the Mother of Dragons

Chapter 20

Dany understands that she is now the leader of the Khalasar and must show confidence and strength, not fear or weakness.

Just like the attending physician must not show doubt and worry to the patient before entering the operating room.

"Are the horses reluctant to drink from the puddle?" Dany asked again.

"Yes, they don't even want to come near them." Effendi showed fear and trembled: "It's poisonous water, and the water that livestock can't drink is poisonous water that has been cursed by devils, it is known. "

"It is known."

A voice came from behind Dany, it was Aggo.

Dany's Bloodrider came out shirtless and wearing silk pants.

Dothraki are ignorant, but their survival wisdom is worth affirming.

"I'll tell you a little trick to solve this problem."

Soon Dany was busy, and she had her large red copper basin be lifted out of the tent .

It was a bathtub larger than a modern family bathtub, a two-meter-high tub Drogo used for bathing, a big guy weighing more than 200 pounds.

They then dig a trench on the edge of the puddle and put the red copper bathtub in it – the bathtub is too high to put water on the ground.

Next, cover the surface of the bathtub with a sheepskin blanket, and dig a hole the size of a bowl in the center of the blanket—the sheepskin prevents the water in the bathtub from evaporating at high temperatures.

The next step is to build a two-meter-high triangular support above the bathtub. The shelf is divided into four layers, and each layer is hung with a cotton bag.

From top to bottom, the first bag is filled with a thick layer of coarse sand, the second is fine sand, the third is half a bag of cotton wool, and the fourth is a bag full of coke.

Finally, because the weather was too hot, Dany arranged for someone to build a tent above the tripod.

"Now, go get the water from that stagnant puddle, pour it into the wide-mouth cloth bag on top, take your time, don't spill it."

After a while, the water drops Layer by layer, "tick tick", it was just dripping at first, and gradually, as the filling of the cloth bag was soaked, under the last cloth bag, the translucent water almost formed a silver line Run into the bathtub.

Aggo climbed on the bottom of the wooden frame and exclaimed in surprise: "The water has become so clean, even cleaner than what we took from the Skahazadhan River."

"This.…" Ser Jorah, an experienced and knowledgeable Knight, was also shocked, he had never seen such a simple and ingenious way of fetching water.

Is Her Highness really an unborn genius?

He knew that the idea of ​​her extreme wisdom was only inspired by the words of the maid.

The Red Waste is not a big desert. There are many mud pits with shallow sewage. What it lacks is clean water.

If this water filtration can really get rid of the "curse of devil", they might actually be able to bring most of the Khalasar across the wasteland.

Thinking of this, Jorah became more and more excited, "Her Highness, we should melt the bathtub and make a big kettle.

the wasteland is scattered with many shallow puddles and wet muddy ground, but a single puddle cannot fill such a large bathtub, and the puddles are too far apart, it is a pity to give up, taking it to one after another is too wasteful of time and manpower.

It is better to choose dozens of elites cavalry, in groups of three, one person and two horses, one large water bottle and several empty water bags in one group, are scattered around in the form of exploration riding. While exploring the terrain, collecting wasteland water sources."

Dany looked suspicious. This middle-aged bald man, as burly as a black bear, this was the first time she had discovered he had such a sharp mind.

"Yes." She nods to his idea.

"Khaleesi, the water can't flow anymore, what's going on?" Rakharo, who had been pouring water into the upper cloth bag, cried out in panic.

Dany stepped forward, got close to the wooden frame, and opened the corner of the cloth bag…

"It smells bad!" Take three steps back.

The originally bright red grit was now covered by a layer of messy goo, and the filtering system was paralyzed.

"The sandy charcoal inside must be replaced every once in a while. The amount is limited. If it runs out, it can be replaced with weeds."

Dany thinks that tenacious horses can't chew Devilgrass, who was moving, added: "Knead the grass into a ball first and mash it into a floc. Or put it in the horse's mouth and let it chew for a while before digging it out ."

"Can you dig it out? Come out, Effendi?" she asked, looking at Little Old Man.

"Yes, horses won't swallow the grass without chewing it, it's just…" Effendi hesitated for a moment, then said with a bitter face, "A docile mare is honest, but some steeds have a temperament. Even a sheep bites."

"You yourself can handle this."

Even though it has been filtered by carbon adsorption, Dany still asks people to boil the water before distributing it. This time she took into account the problem of sweat taking away the body's minerals, but also added salt and dried figs to the water.

Lightly sweet, lightly salty, cool and delicious, Doreah loves it.

On the second evening Dany's Khalasar only walked 100 kilometers, half less than the previous night, and stopped at about midnight.

In addition to encountering a slightly larger sewage pool here Dany wants to save the horse's physical strength.

Everyone in her team has at least one horse traveling at a speed of 15 kilometers per hour. This kind of exercise intensity is not too much burden for horses or people.

The key lies in supply, as even healthy horses cannot maintain a high-intensity march without food and water.

This time Dany also made adjustments to the yurt placement.

In the process of filtering and drinking water in the second half of the night, she directed a group of strong warriors to paste a wall with rocks and mud. The curved low wall was not solid at all, but the second day Sun When raised, the wall blocks 70% of direct sunlight.

When they left on the third day, Dany made another change to the Dothraki's hairstyle.

Dothraki cut their braids only when they fail. The longer the braids, the more respected they are, so even Effendi, the old man who kept horses, braided his sparse bald hair.

Although there is no such thing as "skincare", Dothraki never cut their hair.

The weather is so hot, and one can't take a shower and its prone to infection with bacteria. Not to mention getting sick, that greasy feeling… Even if the Dothraki are used to it, Dany on the side can smell it. A smell, she can't stand.

If it wasn't for the heat-resistant physique, she would have cut off this silver golden hair.

So she suggested Aggo get a bald haircut, well, bald Jorah doesn't need a haircut, and he doesn't have a lot of hair to manage.

"Cut off the braids and everyone will look down on me." Aggo shook his head like a rattle.

"Then I'll have everyone shave their heads," Dany said.

"It is known what braids mean to the Dothraki, and what will other people think of us after we leave wasteland? Cowards defeated? Slaves from Slaver's Bay?" Jhogo also firmly objected.

"I heard that Dothraki slaves would rather be killed by their slave-master than have their hair shaved unless it's a Dothraki slave raised from a baby.

The long braids and the bells on the braids are a more distinctive sign of Dothraki than Arakh," Jorah persuaded.

Dany struggled for a while, then gritted her teeth and said, "Then let's have a Khitan hairstyle…oh!"

The last sigh contained helplessness.

Except for her, who can understand?

She seems to want to resurrect "My Qing" in this "clean" world.

The dagger shoved hard between Jorah's fingers, like shoveling shit in a toilet without a squat, the blade against the scalp, scraping a thick layer of black dirt.

It's a peculiar product of a mixture of hair oil, sweat, dandruff, dust, and flea eggs that have been fermented for months.

Aggo whose hair on the top of his head and temples has been shaved off is like a tortoise peeling off its shell… It's really a layer of shells that are hardened together!

"How do you feel?" Rakharo said curiously on the side.

"Feel?" Aggo showed a refreshing expression of being completely released after half a month of constipation, and murmured: "I feel like I took off the sheepskin mattress that I had been in for a long time in Summer, and there is a kind of whole person. It's an illusion that it's a lot easier."

"It's not an illusion, at least three pounds have been lightened on your head this time." Dany exaggeratedly complained.

"The braids are preserved without any loss." Quaro pointed to the scalp on the back of Aggo's head where the hair still remained, and exclaimed excitedly: "Look, it doesn't affect the length of the braids, this kind of The Khitan hairstyle is simply amazing. It is a gift to us from Khaleesi on behalf of Horse God and should be promoted throughout the Dothraki Sea."

"Khaleesi, can we shave this hair too?" Dothraki Jhiqui envied.

Dany nearly choked on saliva.

"You'd better cut your hair short."

In the end, her Khalasar cut most of the hair for both men and women. Men, including boys, have Khitan hairstyles, and women also follow suit until they see Dany's short ear-length haircut for Doreah…

Dany herself didn't cut her hair, she didn't need it, first, she was heat-resistant, two, cleaning her hair is very simple, just go into the fire and grill herself on it.

What dandruff, oil stains, lice, bacteria can't resist the burning of a 1000 degrees high temperature.

Every time she bathes in the fire, her three young dragons will flap their wings and follow, like children who follow mother into the women's bath.

And every time Dany was seen playing with the three dragons in the flames, her maid had an expression of awe as if she was facing a God.

It's also because of the flame bath with the Darling Dragons that Dany knows how to feed them.

Thank you for reading. Starting tomorrow, 1 chapter per day will be released.

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