I Became the Mother of Dragons

Chapter 27

At dawn of the second day, Dany began to regret killing all the sheep and cattle too soon after walking around Whitecloud herself.

The resources here are too rich, enough for them to live here forever.

Almost every street, every large courtyard, has at least one well, and the water in the well has not dried up.

Thinking in the same way, Dany's water collection team can fetch water from a soil pit one or two meters deep, and a stone well is naturally filled with water more than ten meters deep.

And in the courtyard, among the gaps in the slate, there are clumps of Devilgrass, enough for the horses and lambs to breed.

It's a pity that the lambs were all killed, and horse is not a very good food animal.

After taking a general tour of the city, Dany immediately started construction.

The older women clean the orchards of weeds and gather fruits for Khalasar's daily needs.

The strong woman, led by Ser Jorah, sort out the abandoned palace.

The palace houses are enough for all Dothraki to live in.

The older men are responsible for feeding the horses, repairing the saddles, stirrups and horseshoes.

Dany personally led the Bloodrider and Dothraki Warriors to tear down the low houses in the slum area of ​​the city. The extra bricks and stones were taken up to repair the palace, and the ground was ploughed open by the horses.

Then, Dany and Khalasar dispatched collectively found a large amount of firewood and weeds from outside the city, spread them on the freshly turned mud, and burned them for one day and one night.

Then for a second time the ground is ploughed, the grass ash and soil are mixed evenly, and the selected large grains of wheat are sprinkled into the soil.

Well, in this world where summer can last for more than ten years, there is no such thing as spring sowing and autumn harvest. If you really want to sow in spring and harvest in autumn, after more than ten years of summer, humans will starve to death.

As long as the field is empty, you can plant any crop at any time as long as it is not winter.

And spring peaches, or autumn pears, don't exist.

Fruits that appear in different seasons on Earth can be seen here at the same time, where the fruit trees are full of fruit on the thick branches.

Turnips are also one of this world's staples, and Dany's Khalasar has always carried it.

At this point shriveled turnips are cut into pieces, and the seedlings are first sprouted in a wet cloth, and then taken out and planted separately.

In addition to turnip and barley as rations, they also found beetroot, onion, garlic, blackberry, mint, pepper and other such plants in the Whitecloud gardens.

The inedible flowers and grasses in the gardens were pulled up to feed the horses, and all the free space was planted with food.

The children were not idle either. They wandered the winding alleys, shuttled between the windowsills of the houses, looking for ancient bronze utensils, and or rusted iron pots and weapons.

In Khalasar there are old people who know how to smith. They used to be Drogo's slaves, but because they were too old to lift a hammer, they were abandoned by the new Khals of Pono and Jhaqo.

Dany picked out four Dothraki warriors with the worst strength, and let them transfer to the work of smithing.

"We are great Dothraki Warriors, born to kill and be killed, not to do slave work."

The Dothraki seemed to be subjected to extraordinary shame and humiliation, rising he blushed loudly in protest.

Dany wanted to taunt them: you don't kill people, you just get killed. With your skills, what else can you do besides helping others exercise their blade skills?

"Who said a smith couldn't kill people?" Dany sullenly began to talk righteously. "Do you know who I am? Princess of Dragonstone of Stormborn. I used to be the daughter of the Sunset Continents King, my older brother Rhaegar was no weaker than any Khal except Drogo, but he died at the hands of the Usurper.

The man named Robert Baratheon killed my older brother and robbed my father's and brother's throne, he is almost as powerful as the greatest Khal Drogo."

The four Dothraki were dazed, of course they knew the origin of their own Khaleesi, they knew she was the Last Princess, so the original Khal Drogo would like to marry her.

"Khaleesi, I don't understand." said a Dothraki.

"That Usurper, Robert Baratheon, a man as strong as Khal Drogo…" Dany looked at the sky in a forty-five degrees angle and said in a melancholic voice: "He is but a smith!"

"cough, cough cough..." Ser Jorah choked on his own saliva all of a sudden.

"I just wanted to tell you that even if you learn the smith's craft, you can be a great Warrior." Dany concluded.

"But…that Sunset Continents… Khal Usurper is really a smith?" Dothraki doubted.

Dany looked solemn, looked towards Jorah and asked, "Ser, in the name of The Seven and Old Gods, tell them, what weapon does the Usurper use?"

"The hammer." Jorah Mormont said dryly.

"Did you hear that?" Dany glanced sharply at Dothraki. "Think about it, can you kill people by hitting their heads with a hammer?"

"The Usurper hit her brother's chest. The ruby-encrusted Red Dragon on his chest plate was smashed, and was scattered on the riverbank, and the place where Prince Rhaegar was defeated was called the 'Ruby Ford'." Jorah added grimly.

"You have also seen Ser Jorah's iron armor. An arakh can't cut it at all, but the Red Dragon armor of my brother which is harder than his, was smashed by an iron hammer." Dany shrugged, looking around the crowd that had a dumbfounded expression the dumb Dothraki asked and answered themselves: "What does this show? It shows that a smith is strong!"

"Now are you willing to learn from the smith?" Finally she asked.

"I do, Khaleesi, I want to be a smith too." Her Bloodrider, Jhogo, excitedly said.

Dany looked at him…

Soon, under the guidance of the old master, the four smith apprentices began to recycle the collected artifacts.

Not long after, Dothraki children found a batch of scrolls in a stone house, and Dany was very happy to rush to it.

It turned out to be a pity to find that the texture of the scrolls had been changed over the long period of time. Except for the first page on the surface, the rest of the pages were glued together, and if you are to rough with it, it will immediately start shattering into powder.

However, she still had a major gain. She found a roll of maps in the stone house that was suspected to be hiding a book room.

The handwriting and patterns on it are blurred, and the parchment is almost rotten, but Dany still found it worth something as it showed where they were.

Well, the center of the map is Whitecloud.

There is a continuous mountain range to the west. This mountain range is far west, and beyond three cities are marked. Dany can easily name a city, "Meereen" written in High Valyrian.

The east is also a continuous mountain range, and further east of the eastern mountain range is the sea.

The most valuable of the geographic information is to the south of Whitecloud. The due south is the ocean, and since there is no standard scale it is impossible to judge the specific distance.

Only by the distance between Whitecloud and the Skahazadhan River…Whitecloud is probably in the center between the Skahazadhan River and Southern Ocean.

Dany and her party walked for five days, about 500 to 600 kilometers, but they did not walk in a straight line, nor did they start at the Skahazadhan River.

It is estimated that if you go 600 kilometers south, you will definitely reach the seaside.

This is good news.

The second good news is that there are two more cities within 100 kilometers of Whitecloud just southwest. Like Whitecloud, they are cities the Red Waste.

They should also be like Whitecloud, which has turned into a dead zone over the years, because as Dany had thought before, the map marked that there used to be a river running from the Lhazar River basin all the way through Whitecloud and the two cities outside. Now this river is completely gone.

So Dany has two new "farms"?

This is the second time she regretted killing all the lambs too early, otherwise Whitecloud could be used as farmland, and the other two cities could be developed into pastures, which would be perfect!

It turns out that she thinks too much.

The sent Warriors, by the second day had found the second and third white city according to the direction specified by Dany.

Well, like Whitecloud they had white city walls, white towers, and white buildings. Apart from being smaller than Whitecloud, there is little difference.

But Jhogo, who led the team out to find the city, told her: "Khaleesi, the nearest city is too weird. There is a circle of skeletons and red rusted iron spears outside the city wall.

The breeze was blowing and I could hear the sound of laughing, it was the devils hideous laughter, I dared not go in."

Dany was speechless, you know the wind blows!

Returned by the 'devils' savage laughter if there are devils, they would also make a mocking laugh, laughing at you Dothraki for being too timid.

Seemingly aware of Khaleesi's displeased expression, Jhogo hurriedly took out a light black iron bracelet from his pocket, with a thumb-sized opal inlaid in the center.

The uncut opal is of a fiery red and translucent color resembling nature itself.

"Khaleesi, look, I found it in the second white city."

"It's just opal, worthless." Dany shook his head.

"How can it be worthless?" Jorah was puzzled, took the bracelet from Jhogo, and said in a familiar tone, "This opal is fiery red and translucent, uncut and not small, It's worth at least 5 gold coins in the Free Cities. If you take the gem off and give it to a brilliant silversmith to set it on a silver bracelet, the price can double again."

As he spoke, the Knight's tone became sighed, and his rough bearded face was gradually dyed with memories of sweetness and pain.

"You're a big man, why are you so familiar with women's jewelry?" Dany asked deliberately knowing his story.

Jorah looked at the Dothraki who were all around, curiously staring at him, and hesitatingly did not speak.

Dany looked towards her Bloodrider, "Rakharo, Aggo, each of you select three Warriors, two old men who can ride horses, and two women who can gather food, three horses each, carrying enough Food and water.

First go to the third white city in the southwest, and use it as a base to search for places to ride for a day in three directions: south, southwest, and southeast.

There are three search targets, the ruins of towns, animals, and possible humans.

Remember, your safety is the most important thing, don't try to hunt animals you don't understand, just write down their appearance and the location is enough.

If you meet someone…"

"Should they try to get in touch?" She asked Jorah for advice.

Jorah pondered for a moment, "Two in groups, one person goes to communicate, and the other person returns to report."

Dany nods and says to Dothraki, "Just do it."

Then she said to Jhogo, who had just returned from the third white city: "blood of my blood, although there have been no people here, but since we can come, other people may be able to as well.

I want you to lead two companies to repair the city gate.

We are short of hard and heavy wood, so we don't need to repair the wooden parts of the gate. You can stack stones at the city gateway, and only leave a carriages width free, and then…"

And then build a small urn behind the city gate.

But Dothraki don't know what an urn is, and Dany said Jhogo can't figure it out.

"Let's do this first."

When Bloodrider left with Dothraki, Jorah hesitantly said: "Her Highness, what are your plans for the future? Do you wish to live here all your life?"

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