I Became the Mother of Dragons

Chapter 28

"How do you think I'd choose?" Dany asked Ser Jorah rhetorically.

With the only three dragons in the world, no matter how glorious the future may be, she must stay low now.

Being low-key is king, and it's the real idiots who would go out into all kinds of problems with three little dragons that may be slaughtered at any time.

Jorah thought for a while, then said, "There's not enough food here for three dragons to grow. Balerion of Aegon is said to have swallowed a whole bison in one bite, or easily eaten the legendary roaming Mammoths in the icy wasteland.

With the amount of food a young dragon can eat, all of Khalasar's horses will be eaten up in less than a year, and a year is definitely not enough time for a young dragon to grow enough."

Dany lifted Big Black in the basket behind her into her arms, trying to poke her pinky finger into his mouth, the hot mucus burned her until she felt a little tingle, but she couldn't even stick her pinky down his throat.

When will he be able to swallow a mammoth whole?

"Didn't I just ask Rakharo to look for prey nearby?" she said while lowering her head to tease the struggling Big Black.

"Have we ever encountered a sand lizard bigger than a dog along the way?" Jorah retorted. "Carnivores feed on herbivores, and the Red Waste doesn't have the environment for a tame prey."

"Dragons, shouldn't be fed by others. From tomorrow, I will train them to hunt by themselves." Dany said.

"Without prey, what good are brilliant hunting skills?" Jorah was speechless.

"I don't expect the three of them to grow into Balerions here. As long as they become powerful predators, they will not be easily killed by humans who covet, fear, and hate them."

Dany turned to the Knight with bright eyes and said in an unpredictable tone: "Viserys told me that the nobles and commoners of Westeros are secretly sewing the Three Headed Dragon Banner at home, and they are looking forward to the return of the Dragon, what do you think?"

Jorah smiled bitterly, "Her Highness, I dare not deceive you. The big nobles are addicted to a Game of Thrones, while the little nobles and businessmen are more keen on wine, women, and tourney which represent glory.

And ordinary people only hope that every year is Summer, and it is best that the legendary 'Always Summer' arrives: the orchards are full of fruits, and the farmland is full of golden ears of wheat and sweet watermelon.

Then the lord is kinder, doesn't take your wife and daughter, and doesn't shoot your son as a target.

As for the King or something, they don't care at all, it's useless to care, because their lives have nothing to do with the King."

"So even if I get out of here, where can I go?" Dany shrugged, indifferent, "I'm not as good as Viserys…he's not pure either, instead, I have no choice but to arm myself for what lies.

No matter how I wish, but when the Usurper knows that the last Targaryen has hatched dragons, they will send the strongest most ruthless assassin to hunt me and my dragons.

I used to wander in Braavos for a few years, I know that it is the strongest and most prosperous of the Free Cities, and I also know that there holds the most powerful assassins in the world, Faceless Men.

'Valar Morghulis', as long as the price is right, they can kill anyone. It is said that they have never missed.

The price to kill me must be the highest, but no matter how expensive it is, what does it count for a King?"

Jorah frowned for a moment and comforted her: "The Usurper should not send the Faceless Men to assassinate you, the last time the wine merchant was going to poison you was not the Faceless Men."

"Why so sure? I have dragons now, it's different." Dany road.

Because of me!

Jorah thought to himself.

Dany has followed the "Game of Thrones" drama, and remembers a very important plot: King Robert knew that Dany was pregnant and called the Small Council to discuss on how to once and for all solve the previous Imperial Family matter. Because of his strong opposition to the killing of women and children, Eddard also fell out with a good friend and resigned from the Hand of the King position in outrage.

That should have happened a year ago, and just three months ago, Dany had an attempted poisoning in Vaes Dothrak.

That meeting of the Small Council was, for King Robert and Hand of the King Eddard Stark, "whether to kill the evil remnants of House Targaryen"; How to Kill Daenerys and Her wild child" meeting.

Among them, some Council proposed to hire Faceless Men, and this resolution was almost passed.

It's just that Robert is a profligate King, with an empty treasury and a lot of debt, and Littlefinger as Treasury secretary, thought it best to choose a cheaper alternative.

Jorah Mormont!

That's right, it's the simple and honest-looking tall man in front of her.

He's undercover, collecting information on Dany and, if necessary, killing her as King's Landing undercover agent.

But Dany is not worried that Jorah will hurt her. Except for the unreliable emotional factor, from the perspective of interests, Jorah has no reason to choose to betray her.

The offer from King's Landing was to drop the wanted charges on Jorah and restore him as Earl of Bear Island.

Compared to Dany's efforts to save him from the dragon, it's but a piece of shit!

Not only is Earl of Bear Island worthless in and of itself, Jorah didn't lose House Mormont's Fiefdom, his aunt took his place as Earl.

It's just that the stew has rotted within the pot.

Actually, Daenerys would be dead if not for Jorah's protection, and or if he really wanted to kill her.

The point is, if the King's Landing Council knew Jorah was unreliable, would they send the Faceless Men?

Because of political chaos in the original plot, new Kings kept appearing and falling one after another. The people at King's Landing seemed to have forgotten about Dany.

But does she put the safety of herself on the unreliable "original plot"?

"The Faceless Men are not invincible assassins, and the Kings of House Targaryen are not without enemies, but none of them died at the hands of the Faceless Men. The Faceless Men are a legendary existence to the ordinary person, but in the face of For the Kingsguard who are Legendary themselves, their tricks don't work so well." Jorah comforted softly, and looked firmly committed: "You forgot? I am also the Kingsguard, your Queensguard!"

If the "White Bull" or "Sword of the Morning" said this to me, I would probably believe it, but you are two faced…

Jorah is being a strong Knight is true, but for being a Kingsguard he is not necessarily qualified.

"Well, I'm relieved to have you here." Dany smiled encouragingly. "But let's try to stay here for as long as possible."

Then she extended her hand to invite, and the two walked up to the white tower of the city gate, discussing arrangements for Whitecloud guards while climbing the stairs.

When they got to the top of the building, Dany threw the three dragons into the sky, letting them soar in the sky with a "squeaky" cry.

A few days later, after the Black Dragon the White and Green Dragon also learned to fly and breathe dragon flames.

Three brightly colored little dragons are chasing each other under the blue sky. The sun shines through their thin translucent wings, reflecting a halo, which is very beautiful.

"Big Black first learned to fly when he was only seven days old. How does it compare to the dragons of Targaryen?" Dany looked at the Black Dragon hovering in the blue sky with infinite pride in her heart.

"I don't know, if there is a Maester who studies dragons…" Jorah shook his head and wondered: "Why such a vulgar name? Aegon's dragon is called Balerion, and Visenya's dragon is called Vhagar, Rhaenys is Meraxes, they are names of Old Valyria deities."

Dany also bluntly said, "My dragons and I are too weak to want a name that is too aggressive it would raise alarm.

I could also name the dragons after ancestors, like Rhaegal and Viserys, but I want to draw a line from the Targaryen of before."

"Why?" Jorah asked in shock.

In this era, in this world, nobles with even a little family history are all proud of their their great ancestor, and even several or dozens of generations have used the name of an ancestor.

For example, House Stark's numerous Brandons, House Targaryen's numerous Aegons and Rhaenys.

Even Daenerys, also evolved from the maiden Daenys (only two more letters), and as early as more than 100 years ago, with Dorne and pro-Princess Targaryen was also called Daenerys.

"I'm not like them."

The roots of the Targaryen before were House Targaryen, now Dany…Dragons are her children, Dothraki is her family, the Targaryen belt is only a burden and crisis given to her.

"Don't talk about me." She opened the topic and looked towards Jorah with a smile: "You know all about me, but I know very little about your story. Tell me about yourself."

"Me? What do you want to know?" Ser Jorah said dryly.

"You are the North Earl of Bear Island, how did you get to the Essos continent tens of thousands of miles away?" Dany turned her head, looked at the dragons flying in the sky, and said softly, "You seem to understand jewelry very well. You know their value, Bear Island has gemstone mines?"

"If Bear Island had mines, I wouldn't be living in a foreign land." The Knight said bitterly with a smile.

He picked up a milk-white stone from the ground and drew a rough map of Westeros on the towers window slate.

"Look, here's Bear Island, it's in the far Bay of Ice, almost as far beyond as the North wall.

It's a beautiful, but primordial In the places where the island is 100 kilometers deep, there are old oak trees with intertwined roots, towering ancient pines, and sweet and sour hawthorn forests that bloom everywhere in spring.

But it is too remote…and also very poor.

Unlike the stone castles of other nobles, the hall of my house is built of giant trees. There is no tall city wall around it, just a circle of fences.

Most of the people live by fishing, and they can only make a living by it. There is no trade, and one cannot draw a lot of taxes.

As for specialties…only bears, but where can there be no bears?

Businessmen often come to us only once every few years, bringing daily necessities such as cloth, bronzes, utensils, seasonings, and furs, almost bartering.

Although barren and boring, I've always been used to it, and I've never been short of things, fisherwomen and peasant women will not reject their Earl – Her Highness, I did not use force.

I was still underage, so my father picked for me a bride, a girl from Deepwood Motte next door to Bear Island, a Glover.

I'm not sure if I ever loved her, which makes me ashamed, she was mediocre but verily She had a good character.

After ten years of marriage, she had three miscarriages, the last one she never recovered from and died soon after."

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