I Became the Mother of Dragons

Chapter 3

Across the camp of Jhaqo Khas, Dany took Jorah Aggo and five Knights to the outskirts of Khalasar. A group of women in Dothraki painted vests were weaving straw curtains. Their rough and cracked fingers were very dexterous. The wheat ears on the upper part of the wheat seedlings are thrown into the dustpan on one side, like knitting a sweater, and the remaining half-green and half-yellow wheat stalks are woven into a long curtain.

Dothraki's yurts are mostly made of straw curtains, and even the fabrics used to make the clothes are pitiful. They all wear leather vests and coats. An overwhelming majority of horse men do not have cloth tents.

Seeing Khaleesi's arrival, the women and the children next to them looked blank, without respectful greetings, nor did they look at her with malicious eyes.

"These are slaves captured from Ogo Khalasar." Jorah whispered aside.

The 'ecological environment' of the Dothraki is extremely cruel.

About a month ago, at Vaes Dothrak, when the old Dosh Khaleen predicted that Daenerys would give birth to a 'Stallion Who Mounts the World', Khal Ogo and Drogo were drinking and having fun in a tent, Like a pair of brothers.

About nine days ago, on the banks of the Lhazar River, a few beyond a thousand miles from Vaes Dothrak, the two met again.

Khal Drogo happened to pass by when Khal Ogo was leading his Khalasar to besiege the town of the Lhazar people.

No, Drogo led his screamer to join the battle at the first time.

Not to help Ogo siege the city, but to attack the tail section of his team while Khal Ogo is busy sieging the city.

After sweeping Khal Ogo's clan, Drogo took down the dying town of Lhazar.

In that battle, Drogo killed Son and Father of Ogo with his own hands, and also cut off the head of a Khal Ogo Bloodrider, with one enemy three, at a very small price, only the skin was cut off.

Drogo's strength is not mentioned, from his behavior we can see Dothraki's ruthless survival principle.

There is a plot at the beginning of "Kung Fu", Crocodile Gang Lord said to Ax Gang Lord who was about to kill him: Wait a minute, you forgot, I also invited you to dinner!

Drogo and Ogo have more than just eaten together.

Unfortunately, all friendship and peace exist only in Vaes Dothrak.

Under the shadow of the Mother of Mountains, every steppe horse men of Vaes Dothrak is a brother, and all disputes are set aside, and after leaving Holy Land, only the ruthless remains on the Dothraki Sea. 'The dominant survives, the weak are cut out' .

Drogo not only killed Son and Father of Ogo, but also demoted all his Khalasar women and children to slaves, and is now heading west along the Lhazar River to sell them to Ghis slavers in Slaver's Bay.

Dany came back to her senses with a commotion and whiplash, and unconsciously, they had walked out of the outermost perimeter of Khalasar.

Under the yellow sky of the evening, several Lhazar manors were struggling in the billowing black smoke. Warriors in painted vests galloped to and fro, whipping their whips loudly as they shouted the survivors away from the smoking ruins.

Dany saw many mothers looking numb and lifeless, staggering and holding the sobbing children, driven by the whip, to Drogo Khalasar's slave camp.

There are only a few men among them, and most of them are crippled and grandparents.

The grown men are almost dead.

The Dothraki Warrior consciously made way for Dany's group, which caught the attention of those resting under the dirt wall, and soon rode up with a blood-stained Haggo.

"Khaleesi, do you want to snatch someone else's slave again?"

Haggo sneered, suddenly thinking, laughed at Dany like a jackal, and slammed into the saddle The hemp rope is lifted high.


It was not what he expected, and stinky blood rushed towards him, and Dany's pupils shrank to a point in fear, and her mouth twitched. Involuntarily, she let out a breathless cry.

It was a series of human heads, young, old, some with fear on their faces, some with anger on their faces… The thick dark red blood ran down the hemp ropes that tied the hair. It dripped slowly, soaking up Haggo's thigh hanging from the side of the saddle.

Some people's heads were cut in two with neat cuts, and some were even at the neck, and it seemed that they had to be cut several times before they were decapitated.

Dany also saw that there was a human head with a white vertebra hanging from the neck with black blood.

Could it be that Haggo forcibly pulled the half-cut head off his shoulders?

They all had their eyes wide open, their mouths wide open, and Dany's ears seemed to be filled with cries of accusations and curses.

Dany, who saw this cruel scene for the first time, was not unexpectedly frightened and almost stunned.

It's a pity, she was still in the beautiful Medical College Square this morning, receiving a Masters in Surgery!

Ser Jorah hurriedly drove his horse to Dany's side, held her up to keep her from falling, helped her with her breath, picked up a water bag and poured water into her mouth..  …

Dany let Jorah and Aggo toss around like a rag doll for a while, before she took her breath away and woke up.

She tried her best to take back the tears and fear in her eyes, she tried to make her eyes full of murderous aura, and then she worked hard to lift the head, forcing oneself to look at Haggo who was still holding the head string high .

Gradually, the cruel smile on Haggo's face faded, and he hung his head back on the saddle as if bored.

As soon as he lowered his head, Haggo seemed to be disturbed by the quiet and low atmosphere around him.

"Khaleesi, what are you looking at?" he couldn't help but raised his head and yelled fiercely at Dany.

Dany's eyes at this time are completely free of fear and confusion. Violet's eyes are clear and cold, like a cold spring, "I'm counting to see if you have cut off the most heads. Very unfortunately, Ko Pono has two more than you."


Haggo's neck was exposed with blue veins, just about to attack Dany, but immediately shut up, swiftly He rolled over and dismounted, walked quickly to Pono's side, counted the head string facing him in a low voice, counted for a while, and then snapped his fingers in confusion.

Dany's icy pretty face can't last.

Bloodrider is indeed very powerful, but "Song of Ice and Fire" is a world of low magic and swords, the strongest personal strength is only ten enemies as a powerful warrior.

Whether it was Haggo or a dozen Khas bandits, none of them captured 20 heads, but Haggo counted for one minute with his carrot-thick fingers…

Finally, he went back to the saddle and compared his heads with Ko Pono's one by one.

Well, Daenerys is right, Haggo is missing two.


The bloody human head rolled on the ground, covered in a thin layer of dust, like fried chicken legs stuck with breadcrumbs…


Haggo got angry and dropped his head string and pulled out a 30-year-old woman from the 'sheep people' slave team around him, ignoring her shrill cry and struggle, and didn't care about Khaleesi On the opposite side, he directly unbuttoned the sheepskin shorts and rode up.

The woman's wailing seemed to be honor him, and he lifted the head proudly laughed at Daenerys, with a cruel and provocative smile.

it is known that Khaleesi violated Dothraki tradition by forcibly saving women who had been publicly abused.

Daenerys knew better that this was a war between her and Haggo, and that she should leave as if nothing had happened, which was the best choice for her and the poor woman.


Kicked the horse's belly lightly, and the little silver horse left with a light pace.

Haggo swears a few words in Dothraki dialect, and bleeds…

Entering the battle, the dying horse is startled by Daenerys, lifts the head whining and neighing at her, There were also the moaning wounded, licking their chapped lips and shouting 'Khaleesi, please give me some water', but before Dany could move, a Jaqqa Rhan trotted over.

"I'm sorry, Khaleesi, for disturbing you."

Apologizing to Daenerys laugh, the mans blade flashed and cut the neck of the wounded soldier begging for water.

Accompanied by the sound of blood squirting, the injured person's cry his eyes dimmed, there was no pain and fear on his face, only a touch of regret and doubt.

It seems that at the last moment of his life, he was just wondering: why not let me drink a sip of water before I die?

Jaqqa Rhan, the Dothraki rescuers for the wounded, travel back and forth across the battlefield, harvesting a string of heads from the dead and dying.

There were also a group of little girls carrying baskets, running happily behind Jaqqa Rhan, looked at Dany curiously for a while, then smiled and walked towards the corpse, stretched out their blood-stained black and red hands, and rubbed the human body . The arrow on the top is pulled out and thrown into the basket.

Arrows intact will be left for next use. If the tail is damaged, feathers will be inserted. The metal arrows should also be retrieved. After returning, the slaves or the woman will reload them on the wooden pole.

In the end, there were a group of thin and hungry wild dogs with fierce eyes. They tentatively sniffed the corpse in front of Dany, and when they looked up and saw that she was not stopping, they bit… A pack of wild dogs follows Khalasar, seemingly forming an ecological chain unique to the Grass Sea.

Similar things have happened many times, the dogs are used to it, and they think the 'horse men' Dany is used to it.


Dany retched on the horse's back, startling the wild dog back and forth again and again.

"Khaleesi, it's getting late, shall we leave?" Ser Jorah supported her shoulders, looking worried and persuading.

"Okay, let's go back."

This cruel world has no scruples to lift the veil on Dany.

In the shortest amount of time, she had a sufficient understanding of the environment she was in at this time.

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