I Became the Mother of Dragons

Chapter 4

When Daenerys returned to the camp, the hairless people who helped Drogo to heal hadn't left, a few women with hideous appearances, with their legs as dry as roots, were scattered with white flowers. Hair swings in the dance of priest.

The mouth with a broken tooth sings the ancient songs of the Dothraki in a high-pitched, ear-piercing voice.

They sang and danced around the man on the bed. The flames on the bonfire, along with the rhythm of the song, sometimes burst into a two-meter-high orange flame. It went out, leaving only the charcoal flickering .

Dany's scalp was numb, standing at the door with her legs like solidified reinforced concrete pillars, unable to move a step.

It's just the dance of the Witch Doctor in Dothraki, nothing at worst, you're still the Mother of Dragons, the weak flames just fluctuate, maybe just the wind… she told oneself in her heart.


Drogo suddenly let out an inhuman howl on the fur bed, and the sound had only one emotion: extreme pain.

How many times has Dany ever seen him smile and face ten times more trauma.

The big man has only a cut off a layer of skin on his chest, which is only a superficial wound!

Even if the sores become inflamed and infected, and even if the germs penetrate deep into the viscera, he should be drowsy, and almost unconscious—although she has just graduated, she has had dozens of internship experiences, and even more so. Knows that inflammation never stimulates pain nerves so much.

Looking back at the time Drogo was healed by Mirri Maz Dull, every night, Drogo on the bed was punching and kicking in the air, and the sheepskin blanket tore several beds.

Dany was absolutely sure that Maegi did it on purpose, and she wanted to take revenge on Dothraki in the cruelest way possible. No doubt, nothing would satisfy her more than letting Khal die in extreme pain and endless torment.

No, she's not satisfied, Daenerys touches her belly, Maegi is going to sacrifice Drogo's son to the devil, to make his Khaleesi miserable all her life.

Drogo, who was drowsy during the day and struggled in pain at night, was quickly poured down two large bowls of poppy wine by several horse people medical women.

Poppy flower milk, a milk-white liquid extracted from poppy flowers, has miraculous effects of pain relief and anesthesia, and is the most commonly used anesthetic in Westeros continent and Nine Free Cities.

(P.S: The poppy flower in "Song of Ice and Fire" mirrors the real poppy, but the poppy flower is not equal to the poppy flower. In short, the poppy flower milk in Game of Thrones is a secondary Magic item unique to the fantasy world, which is not in reality.)

horse people do not know Westeros Maester's technique of purifying poppy flower milk, but they can make wine with poppy flower, and the effect is similar.

These hairless people are fully worthy of the title of 'Mongolian doctor'. They have not received formal training, and are only part-time doctors because they are unable to bear children.

Their medical skills are extremely poor, witchcraft is almost nonexistent, neither can they cure a slightly more serious injury, nor can it remove Maegi's dark sorcery – Dany is sure they didn't even notice Drogo was being cursed.

After the hairless people saluted to her and left, Daenerys was helped by the maid to the bed.

"Jhiqui, find me a dagger, it needs to be sharper." She said to the maid.

Daenerys received many gifts when she married Drogo, including three maids from Viserys. Dothraki Maiden Jhiqui and Irri, Lys man Doreah with golden hair and blue eyes.

Jhiqui and Irri and Dany are about the same age, 14 years old, and both were captured as slaves when their father's Khalasar was destroyed by Drogo.

Doreah is older, 20 years old, the head of a famous brothel in Lys.

None of them are ordinary maids, Irri a riding talent, who teaches Daenerys how to ride.

Jhiqui is proficient in Common Language, Dothraki language, High Valyrian, and specializes in teaching Dany the Dothraki language.

Doreah Well…she trains the young Dany who doesn't know how to be a 'riding' expert…well, commonly known as 'old driver'.

Jhiqui moved quickly and found a 30cm long dagger from a half-human-high purple wood inlaid red copper-framed large box on one side.

The tawny bone hilt, the dagger wrapped in a brown leather scabbard, curved in an Arakh-like arc.

"This is Drogo's dragon bone dagger, Khaleesi," Jhiqui said.


The short blade unsheathed, bringing up a snow-white unrolled bolt of white silk under the dark red torch.

As thin as a bugs wing There is not a single gap in the blade, Daenerys' purple eyes flash with satisfaction, good knife!

Seeing her leaning over the butter candlestick held up by Doreah, as if ready to rip the gauze on Drogo's chest, Ser Jorah hurriedly came over and said softly, "Khaleesi, you are inexperienced, let me come."

I'm inexperienced? Do you think my master's diploma is fake?

Dany glanced at Jorah, dangled the blade on the outer flame of the candle, and skillfully cut open the dirty silk cloth stuck to the skin, under which was a layer of blue wet mud and no flowers. The hard lumps of the fruit tree leaves, layer after layer, accumulated over seven or eight days, and the hairless person repeatedly pasted more than ten layers of 'Dothraki holy medicine' – muddy paste on it.

To say that they are Mongolian doctors is an insult to other Mongolian doctors.

Jorah turned his head sideways, looking towards Dany with surprise and doubts in his eyes, the dressing was cut and opened lightly and flexibly, and the unimaginable came from the hands of a maiden who was not familiar with swords and was pregnant.

The top layer of dressing was still moist, but the bottom layer was dry like a caked mud wall of a sheepman, which easily cracked into pieces under Dany's rhythmic tapping.

Uncover the pieces stuck to the flesh and blood, peel off the purple black fruit tree leaves, and gradually, a rancid and strong smell mixed with sweetness fills the spacious yurt hut, making it difficult to breathe for the people inside

Doreah covered her mouth with one hand, her face bulging, and the thick butter candle in the other hand kept shaking. Jorah quickly reached out to take the candle, Doreah immediately took a few steps back, and trotted to open the leather curtain to go outside and vomit.

In the wooden tray Irri held in both hands, there were piles of loose mud and Leaf, stained with pus and blood and tiny rotten minced meat.

At this point, Drogo's wounds were fully displayed in front of Dany, her left chest was pitch black, and the rotting wounds gleamed in the candlelight.

As Drogo breathed fast and hard, his chest heaved up and down, and the three-forked stream gurgled with purple and black pus, which stained the white lamb's wool blanket under him, and the sweet smell became stronger and stronger. , the tough guy Jorah is starting to vomit.

"Khaleesi, Khaleesi…" Ser Jorah looked at Dany, who was standing there with a pale face, and Irri and Jhiqui, who covered their noses and turned their heads. He opened and closed his mouth and shouted several times. But he couldn't utter a complete sentence.

When Dany came back to her senses and asked Irri and Jhiqui to prepare hot water, spirits, etc., Jorah immediately took her arm and said eagerly: "Khaleesi, you see? Your Husband He's dying."

I know, I can guess that his chest cavity must be full of foul pus and blood, and Drogo's heart is soaked in purple-black blood. Even if the black magic is eliminated, this kind of trauma in the modern medical age, he will still die, Daenerys thought silently.

It could even be said that he was dead, and Maegi wished him more pain before cursing him with a strange black magic.

"What are you trying to say, Ser?"

"Child, let's go before he takes his last breath!" Jorah advised.

"Go? Where?" Dany asked blankly, staring straight at Drogo's chest.

"Go to Asshai in the Shadow Lands. It's far south, the end of the known world, and it's said to be a great and prosperous port. There, we should be able to take a boat back to Pentos….."

Ser Jorah hesitated for a moment, then asked: "Are your Khas members trustworthy? The two of us are afraid…"

"hehe . ….." Daenerys' pale smile revealed a bitter smile, and shook his head: "Ser, if you think too much, we can't leave. It's hard to protect our safety if there are fewer people, bring the Khas group, a large group of people. It's too conspicuous, do you think 40,000 screamers are blind?"

Go to Asshai?

For thousands of miles, adult men can't bear the pain of long-distance travel. Dany, a 14-year-old maiden with a big belly… It's better to give her a knife directly.

Ser Jorah looked towards Dany's big belly, frowned: "Your Highness, even for the sake of the child, you should try to escape from here.

Dothraki acknowledges allegiance to the power of Khal Drogo , but only for that, they will never follow a baby waiting to be fed, which is completely different from Westeros.

When Drogo dies, Jhaqo, Pono and a dozen other bandits will immediately start fighting for the position of Khal , Drogo's Khalasar will fall apart and kill each other until a victor emerges."

"And then?" Dany asked sullenly.

Ser Jorah couldn't bear it, hesitated for a moment, and whispered: "The new Khal will not leave the opponent alive, your child will be taken away as soon as it is born, and they will feed the dogs…just like Drogo once did to the Son and Father of Ogo."

This Dany is stronger than Jorah imagined, except that her face is paler, she doesn't fall into hysterical despair.

"If…I have about a week… or so to give birth, if Drogo dies before that and my child isn't born, will they let me go." Dany said hesitantly.

"I am Khaleesi, the tradition of the Dothraki, no one can hurt a widowed Khaleesi, at most…"

Dany gritted his teeth and struggled to say the last word : "At most, send me back to Vaes Dothrak and become a member of Dosh Khaleen."

Ser Jorah looked shocked and said in disbelief, "Are you willing to rot in Vaes Dothrak all your life?"

Then, he shook his head painfully, "It's useless, don't you realize that Dosh Khaleen in Vaes Dothrak has no children? After all these years, is there no Khaleesi like you, pregnant with Losing Khal while pregnant?"

"It's just a baby who lost a clan." Dany's purple eyes flickered with fear in disbelief.

Ser Jorah smiled bitterly and asked, "Remember your older brother Rhaegar?"

14 years ago, on the eve of Daenerys' birth, her older brother, Crown Prince Rhaegar Targaryen died on the shores of Trident while fighting against the usurpers.

Her father, 'Mad King' Aerys, was cut by the throat of the White Cloak, who was supposed to guard him, and died tragically under the Iron Throne.

On the same day, Prince Rhaegar's child, Daenerys' nephew and niece, three-year-old Princess Rhaenys, was split in two. Prince Aegon, who was still a baby, was pulled from his mother's head, and smashed like a cantaloupe on the stone wall in the mournful cry of Crown Prince's concubine…

In the entire Targaryen Dynasty, only Dany and Viserys are left…now only Dany is left.

"And so is the Westeros who advocates the spirit of the Knight, the savage Dothraki…" Paused, Jorah said again: "One more thing, under the Mother of Mountains, Dosh Khaleen predicts that your child will be The Stallion Who Mounts the World, his future accomplishments are enough to terrify any enemy, and no one will let you go at the risk of him growing up and coming back for revenge."

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