I Became the Mother of Dragons

Chapter 32

Five days have passed since the days of leisure, and the group of warriors originally dispatched by Dany to the third white city returned.

Although Aggo looked tired, he was very excited, and said: "Khaleesi, I walked west for half a day, and saw a mountain range in the distance, because you told us not to leave the plains at will, I only wandered around the periphery. There are sparse forests and endless mountain ranges where antelope and elk are infested. I hunted a deer with a bow and arrow and I planned to bring it back to you, but the weather was too hot and maggots are born in the Red Waste in half a day."

"Half-day ride…" Dany looked thoughtful, "Not needing to worry about horsepower, one person and three horses…about half a day are able to run 100 kilometers, this distance is… a bit awkward, not too far but not too close, but for the dragon's food problem this is half of the solution."

She can take the dragons to the west to hunt in the mountain range.

"Visible traces of human presence?" she asked.

Aggo didn't know how to estimate the time, so he thought about it and said in ambiguous words: "We set off before the sun rises, when the sky becomes hot but before it reaches the highest point. There were stone houses that had collapsed, the houses are low and not many, and now they are half submerged in the sand."

Dany nominates it should be a white city village, there is no city blockings, and with the sands and time they are about to disappear.

Jorah chimed in: "Her Highness, if I'm not mistaken, after crossing the mountain range to the west, it will enter Slaver's Bay territory."

"Ser, we discussed earlier I'll take care of it." Dany looked at him seriously and said, "I'm not going to leave here until life doesn't work out."

"Yes." Jorah agreed.

"How about you?" she looked towards Rakharo.

"There are no people and no large animals, and as you go further south, even the Devilgrass starts to thin out." Rakharo's lips are chapped, and his skin is black and red. She can see that in the past few days he must have had a very bad time.

"Finally knowing that the southern environment is harsh, we can focus more on developing the western mountain range." Dany comforted.

"Khaleesi, the south is not worthless, look at this…"

He untied the long "charcoal" hanging from the saddle, excited Said: "Khaleesi, guess what this is?"

"Isn't it charcoal that filters muddy water?" Dany took the long stick in surprise, "Oh, this is… so heavy, no, so light ."

She said two contradictory words in a row.

It looks like black charcoal from a distance, but it is far heavier than charcoal in hand; when you take a closer look, it has the luster of metal and the texture of black iron, but it is much lighter than an iron rod.

Suddenly, the name of a weapon flashed across Dany's mind, the dragon bone bow she had fished out of Drogo pyre.

"This is dragon bone!? Raw dragon bone, but how is that possible? Did you find the dragon corpse?" she exclaimed in horror.

"Hah, you guessed it," Rakharo was very surprised, seeing the look of shock on Dany's face, he was very proud, "it's a dragon corpse, only a skeleton larger than a stone house is left. It was buried for the most part by the sand. But the body was too big, and the sand couldn't completely bury it, I think it bigger than the Black Dread Balerion."

"Impossible!" Dany didn't respond, Jorah Mormont seemed insulted and shook his head in denial. "You haven't seen Balerion. Except for old legends, I have seen its skull in King's Landing. Its mouth is big enough to fit a horse."

"Hahaha, I personally rode through the mouth of that dragon skull." Rakharo laughed triumphantly.

"I…oh, The Seven is on top." Dany opened her mouth and couldn't believe it: "That must be a dragon that fell in the Red Waste during the Old Valyria period, for the dragons of House Targaryen Black Dread belongs to the biggest."

"Not to mention the significance of dragons to Valyria, dragon corpses have always been a most precious treasure, why didn't Valyria recover it?" Jorah wondered.

"Maybe..." Dany's eyes flashed with a bright light, and faintly said: "Maybe he is the sixth dragon to escape the Old Valyria cataclysm."

House Targaryen was originally one of the Dragonlords of the Valyria Freehold, before the volcanic eruption destroyed the Lands of Long Summer, where Valyria was located, maiden Daenys of House Targaryen received a prophecy in a Dragon Dream: Old Valyria would be destroyed.

The contemporary House Head, the father of Daenys, believed his daughter's prophecy, disregarded the mockery of the Valyria nobles, sold all the castles, manors, and shops in Valyria, and led all the family and the five dragons to leave by boat the Lands of Long Summer.

In the Cataclysm, both the dragons and Valyrians died in the fiery lava that spewed from the center of the earth.

Yes, even dragons can't resist the heat and poisonous smoke of lava.

Therefore, only House Targaryen has dragons in the world, and Targaryen became the last Dragonlords.

Now hearing Rakharo's description of the dragon corpse's body shape she immediately thought, would there be any dragons who escaped from the cataclysm?

He was seriously injured, struggled to fly into the Red Waste, and soon died in pain, leaving only a huge corpse for future generations?

After listening to Dany's guess, Ser Jorah nodded in approval and sighed: "As long as there is enough food, the size of dragons will continue to grow. Balerion grew to its limit and naturally because of old age it hardly ever grew again. There's no dragon bigger than it, unless…"

"Also, the Red Waste is next door to Slaver's Bay, and west of Slaver's Bay is the Lands of Long Summer, and Old Valyria is at the mouth of Slaver's Bay, the distance is very close."

The fall of the dragon corpse is a little far from the third white city, close to 300 kilometers, and 200 kilometers south is the sea.

Dany let the two Bloodriders rest for three days, then left the maid and Khalasar in Whitecloud and personally led Jorah and 30 Dothraki warriors, one person and three horses, set off at four or five in the morning, and try by 8 in the morning to reach the third white city before the last bit of shade.

Dany stopped to take a look when they passed the second "Devil's City" on the way.

A circle of two-meter-long iron spears were inserted outside the white city wall, like guards protecting the white city. The tip of the spears carried pale skulls. "That crisp sound, as if the devil laughing?

No wonder her Bloodrider were terrified, even Dany felt a chill down her spine.

Also thanks to the dry air and lack of water in the Red Waste, the iron spears have only produced a layer of reddish-brown rust over the past few hundred years, but have not completely rotted into rusted powder.

"It's a little weird." Dany turned to Aggo and asked, "Do Dothraki have this custom?"

"No…" The Bloodrider was uncertain.

"Khaleesi, each Khal has different habits and different ways of doing things, and this kind of thing doesn't go against our tradition." Effendi interjected.

Well, the old man also came along and was in charge of grazing the horses for the next few days.

"Perhaps the inhabitants of the city resisted too much, causing a lot of casualties to the Khalasar of Khal." Jorah whispered.

Before leaving, he suggested: "Even if the Dothraki don't want to settle in this city, they should send someone to clean it up. Maybe they can find a lot of belongings, such as that opal bracelet."

Jhogo hearing this repeatedly shook his head and shouted: "We can't take the devil's things."

"Then last time you…"

"I found the iron bracelet in another white city, and I didn't even enter this city." Jhogo explained quickly.

"The purpose of our visit this time is to explore the dragon bones, let's put the rest aside for later." Dany decided.

Looking from outside the city, the third white city is almost a replica of Whitecloud, but Dany who entered it is keenly aware of the difference.

First of all, the density and height of the houses are not as good as Whitecloud, and secondly, there are no "luxurious" palaces in this city.

The third white city originally had seven or eight Dothraki. When Dany's group arrived, they had already prepared food.

Well, the three dragons flew over the city ahead of time, and Dothraki knew that Khaleesi was coming when they saw the dragons.

During the lunch break, Dany also went to what Jhogo called the "library"…it was actually the office of the City Lord's house.

Like the parchment discovered by Whitecloud, the books aren't readable, only a few scrolls can be viewed.

Through one of the pictures, Dany probably judged the meaning of the existence of these white cities.

The Silk Road!

Qarth, the pearl on the strait connecting the Jade Sea and the Summer Sea, its status is similar to the Suez Canal on Earth.

Meereen, the largest and most prosperous city in Slaver's Bay, is also the largest slave trading market in the world.

At this time, on the map, Meereen, Whitecloud, Qarth, the three cities are connected into a straight line.

Compared to the long circuit path of the sea, crossing the Red Waste reduces the journey by 70%, and the land is safer than the unpredictable sea. So for a while, the white city was very prosperous, just like those famous cities on the Silk Road.

"So, there's an Old Way between Meereen and Whitecloud?" Dany swiped her finger on the map, her thoughts suddenly changing.

If Whitecloud is ultimately unable to support the three dragons, she can follow the "Silk Road" to the Northwest and eventually build a city in the mountain range near Meereen.

She can be sure that by walking along the road on the map she will encounter the fourth and fifth white city, which may not be as magnificent as the first white city, but at least she can find small villages for travelers to rest hundreds of years ago.

In this way, she can carry out the plan of her farms to the end.

It seems that entering the Red Waste is not a dead end, but a "world outside the fairytale" arranged by God, no one pays attention to her, no one knows that she has dragons.

What prophecy, what White walkers, what Jon Snow, what Game of Thrones in the Westeros continent, let's go to see White walkers!

Waiting for the moment when the dragons grow, she will ride her dragons and swept the Dothraki Sea to the north, and be crowned as the only female Khal who unites the Essos Continent.

Then, with three dragons and hundreds of thousands of screamers, the whole world will tremble under her sandals!

First Emperor Qin, Genghis Khan, Alexander the Great, Julius Caesar, Napoleon Bonaparte, they are all her role models, but they are not as good as her!

"he he he…" Dany couldn't help smirking at the thought of the future.

"Khaleesi, Khaleesi...what's the matter with you?" Aggo's shouting woke her from her daze.

"What's the matter with you?" she yelled back in a bad tone.

Aggo didn't care about her attitude at all, just widened his black almond-shaped eyes and shouted, "It's getting dark."

"of course it's dark when it's dark… oh, it's time to set off." Dany understood this time.

This time they will travel by day and by night, just as they did through the wasteland before.

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