I Became the Mother of Dragons

Chapter 33

The last time the Bloodrider was ordered to go out to explore the terrain and properties, he couldn't ride in the night. Although the Bleeding Star in the sky dyes the sky and land red, it is impossible to see the distant scenery with only the blushing rays of light.

So, last time Aggo worked really hard.

This time is different, the purpose is clear and there is no need to detect whether there are people or large animals nearby…

The Bleeding Star of blood and fire hangs overhead, no old and weak women and children from Khalasar dragged them down, Dany took the lead, and the little silver horse galloped happily on the sand, bringing slender red sand between the horses' hooves.

Jorah and her Bloodrider were three horses behind Dany, followed closely from behind by 30 Dothraki screamers.

The rumbling of hooves spread far and wide across the ground, and reddish-brown-scaled sand lizards poked their heads out feeling the ground shaking.

"Hi ga–"

"ga ga–shoom–"

A sharp, rough cry suddenly sounded overhead, from a dragon the size of a wild ocelot. The sand lizard wanted to retract into the sand, but… it was meet by a string of dark red flames that fell from the sky.

The black smoke mixed with the smell of sulfur ignited the Devilgrass beside it at once.

The sand lizard hissed and fled out of the fire sea, but the next moment the sky darkened, it rose into the air with nowhere to focus on. The stinging pain of being pierced by sharp teeth in its soft abdomen had not yet dispelled the panic in its heart, "hong", a mass of flames swept over, and the sand lizard died.


The Devilgrass, ignited by Dragonflame, quickly sank into the shallow red sand as the horses hooves stepped on it one after another, leaving only a few strands left with white smoke swaying in the wind.

Dany looked up at the young dragon vying for food in the sky, and a satisfied smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

Dothraki's sense of direction is very good, their entire group hardly detoured and found the dragon bone at midnight.

If you think about it, it is true that people with poor sense of direction cannot be Khalasar's scout rides, because Dothraki Great Grass Sea is less recognizable than Red Waste, and scout rides are scattered in all directions, and scouts would have to leave the Khalasar by a day or two ride.

"The Seven, is this really the skeleton of a living creature?!"

Even though I have heard many times that Balerion can swallow a bison in one bite, it is as big as a destroyer. Dany couldn't help but exclaim.

The skeleton exposed outside the sand is an ash-gray. The deeper it goes into the ground, the darker the color of the skeleton. Originally, only a small half of the skull was exposed on the ground, but last time, Rakharo dug out the sand that buried the skull in order to explore the size of the dragon bone.

"Even if the sand is completely swept away, the project is too big and it will take a lot of time…" Dany climbed to the top of the dragon's head, which was two stories high, and looked at the buried corpse's bones that accumulated into a curved hill. In her heart she began to hesitate.

Jorah frowned at the huge skull and said, "Her Highness, what are you going to do with this dragon bone corpse? I'm afraid it's unrealistic to take it all back."

"This…" Dany smiled bitterly, "To be honest, I really planned to take it back, not to mention how much gold can be exchanged for dragon bone, even if it's just made into weapons… You've also seen the power of the dragon bone bow. A great weapon that warriors must match!"

"The Dothraki don't have the technology to forge dragon bone weapons, only the highest Qohor Smith can shape dragon bones into weapons." Jorah shook his head.

"What do you say? Leave it here?" she asked.

Jorah touched his chin, suggested: "Choose some dragon bones that are easy to carry and go back, and bury the rest in place. In the future… come back and pick them up as needed."

"The skull is too big to handle, take bone from the wings."

Dany gave the order and the Dothraki began to move in a frenzy. They dug along the dragon's neck to the waist and abdomen. They didn't need to dig too deep, just enough to search for broken bones.

The bone that Rakharo brought back was a broken one. The Dragon seemed to be as Dany had guessed.

"Hey, this is… this bone is too slender, it's not right…" A Dothraki stopped digging and picked up a 40cm long bone stick from the sand , looking back and forth in confusion.

Following the route of "head-neck-back-wing", Dothraki dug a winding gully.

The sand is soft and much easier to dig than expected, and a ditch of two or three meters deep was created.

When the sky was dyed deep into an indigo azure, they had dug up to the middle of their necks.

"Khaleesi, there is a situation, it's not dragon bone, I dug up a human corpse." A Dothraki shouted loudly, the faint vibration could let people feel his fear. "This is not a human, it is a devil , the devil's corpse, people shouldn't be like this!"

"Devil, the devil's corpse!" The other Dothraki who were working came over to take a look, and also shouted in horror.

As a leader, Dany certainly didn't have to work. She had been training the little dragons before.

Hearing the noise coming from the pit, she trotted over quickly, looked towards the Dothraki in the pit, and shouted: "There is no devil, the devil dare not approach a dragon, even a dragon who has been dead for many years! That must be a human…uh…"

She was yelling in a rage at first, but as the crowd made way for her, she could see half-buried in the brownish-red sand the twisted corpse in the middle, she was also horrified and stuck.

It's really that the corpse is too horrifying, it's a corpse curled into a ball like in a mother's fetus, but it's not a pure skeleton.

Its skin is of a purple black devilish scale, tightly wrapping the bones, you can see the thumb-cap-sized "scales" as rough as old tree bark, and it's densely packed covering the whole body.

The arm curled up in front of the chest…is that really an arm and not some kind of creature's claws?

Ten dagger-like fingers poked towards the sky, as if ready to tear apart anything, and devour them.

The corpse was as thin as a bony child, but its sharp-toothed claws were 20cm long. Completely disproportionate.

What's even more terrifying is that the eyeballs in the corpse's eye sockets were not corroded or weathered, um, not decomposed by bacteria.

There is pitch black-like mucus around the deep purple eyes, staring at everyone "viciously" like it's still alive, and the mouth that is almost cracked 180 degrees seems to be roaring the devil's curse.

"Fuck…" Cursing in Earth's words, Dany immediately followed the in local and said, "Seven Hells, Ser Jorah, you are experienced and knowledgeable, do you know who this is?"

She didn't forget that this is a fantasy world, there are the Children of the Forest and Gianst, it's not uncommon to see Goblins and Gnolls.

"He should be a human." Jorah was also digging soil in the pit, hearing this and walking to the Dothraki who first found the body, and took the thin white bone from him.

"Her Highness, look…" He shook at Dany the bone, and then gestured with the bone on the left leg of 'devil'. "The body is missing a calf, which is the one in my hand. According to your previous conjecture about the origin of the dragon, a dragon escaped from Old Valyria in the cataclysm.

Then, it is possible that it is controlled by someone who left?

The dragon died of serious injuries and fell from the air, and the person broke his leg, so the calf bone was separated from the body."

Aggo retorted: "Look at the calf bone. If that corpse was really human, then he is also a dwarf."

The calf bone without the soles of the feet is over 40cm, indicating that its owner must have been a tall man in his lifetime.

But the crouched corpse… is probably no more than 1.2 meters tall.

"It is said that the ruins of Old Valyria from the Lands of Long Summer to the Smoking Sea are still shrouded in a curse." Ser Jorah stood up and looked at Dany solemnly: "From Volantis to Slaver's Bay there is a Valyrian road left from the Freehold period, but they would rather take a boat to bypass the ruins of Old Valyria and travel several times the distance instead. That road that leads to Mantarys is called Demon Road."

"Was not Valyria destroyed by a volcanic eruption why is there a curse?" Dany wondered.

"I don't know." Jorah guessed with a frown, "perhaps a curse from the Old Valyrian Dragonlord? As everyone knows, Valyria is a civilization that masters both dragons and Blood Magic."

"Hehe, you just said that this 'Dragonlord' died horribly because of a curse." Dany pointed to the "devil" corpse in the pit, and said with a smile: "Aren't you contradicting yourself?"

"If it wasn't for the curse, why did Valyria not escape without a single dragon? Dragons can fly. Earth Fires lava is very terrifying, but it can't burn dragons, so how can they kill all dragons?" Jorah asked in chorus.

"Maybe he was cursed so he rode a dragon to Qarth to ask a Warlock for help." Aggo interjected.

Dothraki were scared to death at first, but now they saw Khaleesi and Jorah quarrel in front of the 'devil' corpse for a long time, and the devil didn't move.

Gradually, their courage returned.

"Qarth's Warlocks are indeed famous." Jorah said sarcastically. "But they are famous because they often use false Magic to deceive, and even Westeros has been scammed by those blue-lipped liars."

"Then…" Aggo thought for a while, then pointed to the east: "He may ride a dragon to the Shadow Lands on the other side of the Jade Sea, where there are Sorcerers and Shadowbinders everywhere. Burned by Khaleesi The dead Maegi had a method of communicating with the devil learned from there."

"Why do you think he is going to ask someone for help? Where else can Magic be stronger than Valyria?" Jorah laugh.

"Whether he's going to Asshai to find a Sorcerer, or he was stunned by Earth Fire, flying here indiscriminately has nothing to do with us." Dany pointed to the devil-like corpse and ordered: "Don't touch it directly, go to the nearby tree trunks and weeds, and burn them on the spot. The Valyrian believe in cremation, and I don't mean to disgrace this old Dragonlord."

Dothraki immediately stopped digging and climbed up the soil pit and went around to collect firewood.

Around nine o'clock in the morning, Dany's three dragons breathed fire together, lighting the firewood in the pit. Then dozens of people hid from the sun with their backs in Dragons bones, and resumed their work in the evening.

Well, Dany is the most comfortable, she makes her home in the Dragons Mouth, its thick head completely blocking the sun, lying on a cleaned jawbone cool, and comfortable.

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