I Became the Mother of Dragons

Chapter 34

"Khaleesi, there's a situation!"

In the evening, the earth-scorching sun rolled below the horizon, and Dothraki got out of their sleeping bags and ate jerky with mare's milk before excavation started again.

First they had to clean up the ashes left by burning the ancient Dragonlord's corpse. It was very little to start with, whether it was the devil's body or a cursed Valyria Dragonlord, it was scorched to black bones under the flames.

Even if there was a virus that Dany was worried about, 80% of them would have been roasted by the heat.

After jumping into the pit, the Dothraki saw that it was no different from Drogo's cremation remains, and they were more daring and used their hands to dig the ashes directly.

After a while, a Dothraki raised their arms covered with black soot, and held a pitch-black metal badge with both hands, and shouted to Dany: "Khaleesi, I found a piece of metal, I think it's a relic left by the Dragonlord. "

Jorah took it and scrubbed it with sand to remove the smudges and checked it carefully before handing it to Dany. "This is Valyrian steel, with the dragon shape family crest and an ancient Valyrian glyph.

Our previous guess should be correct, the badge should be similar to an identity card, like the Hand of the Kings Brooch."

The closest advisor to the King of the Westeros Kingdoms is called the Hand of the King, or the Kings Hand. The Hand of the King can design their own badge, which can be a brooch, cape pin, or a chain hanging on the chest….but there will always be a tiny metal hand on the badge.

The steel badge was slightly heavy, yet it barely covered Dany's small hand, reminding her of a mobile phone. It had the same thickness and weight, but was only one third a mobile phones size.

Valyrian steel is also a kind of steel in essence. If you get it to a laboratory for analysis, you will find that it is no different from ordinary steel, however, during its forging process, the magic unique to the Valyrian civilization was added, which has brought about almost indestructible characteristics.

By the way, Valyrian steel forged weapons also have powerful magic breaker effects, such as beheading White walkers.

Ignoring the thick half a pound material, the symbols and glyphs on the steel badge are also very beautiful.

On the front is a dragon with its wings spread, ready to fly. The dragon's claws hold a sword with a cold feeling shining about it, which seems very delicate and expressive. You can not only feel the majesty revealed by the dragon, but also distinguish the gem on the swords cross-guard.

There is a circle of glyphs around the dragon. Dany knows the most authentic High Valyrian characters, but she can't seem to understand a single glyph.

The other side of the steel badge was also incomprehensible to Dany. It carved a mountain with a comparably rough technique different from the front.

Stroking the mountain pattern gently, you can feel the obvious convex and concaves of the engraving.

There seem to be wisps of fireworks at the top of the mountain…the carving is so rough that Dany isn't sure if it's black smoke or a big tree.

"If the front pattern is really a family emblem, a dragon holding a sword, the dragon may imply the Dragonlord itself, everyone be careful, there might be a Valyrian steel two handed sword buried in the sand." Dany was very excited, cheering to the men in the pit.

It turns out that she had though too beautifully.

the moon rose to the middle of the night sky, Dothraki were digging all over the nearby sand and soil going 4 or 5 meters deep into the ground with water seeping out, but nothing is found.

Jorah shook his head and sighed: "In this case, it's hard to escape Valyria, and he might not have had the time to go home to get the ancestral sword. If the sword the dragon is holding is real, the sword's weight and volume must not lose to Stark's ancestral sword – Ice."

Then Ser described Ice to Dany: the body is wider than a mans palm, dark as smoke, and a head taller than Dany .

Dany felt embarrassed, although she is only 14 years old, she is not short. Except for a little stunted growth, no breasts, and no buttocks she knows without measuring, she must be about 1.6 meters tall.

The sword is a head taller than 1.6 meters, even if it is less than two meters, it should be more than 1.8 meters.

"It's so long that it's inconvenient to swing even if you can hold it?" she said curiously.

"Eddard Stark has choped dozens of heads off with that sword every year, and even over several decades, he's simply not skilled enough." Jorah said in a tone full of resentment and sarcasm.

He almost got too experience Eddard's Greatsword skills himself.

Finally, Dany approved of Jorah's analysis. Under normal circumstances, the greatsword cannot be carried with one hand, and the dead Dragonlord had no chance to go back and get the sword.

Before midnight, Dothraki dug out more than 20 jet-black dragon bones of various lengths from the sand. The longest one was over 10 meters, and the short one was as tall as Dany's waist and as thick as her abdomen.

Many of them have obvious fracture marks, which further proves that the dragon was seriously injured and unable to fly, and fell from the sky to the ground.

"Forget it, let's stop here, this is enough for the entire Khalasar to have dragon bone arakhs." Dany clapped her hands and stopped the Dothraki in the pit.

"Her Highness, dragon bone can only be used as a hilt, not a blade. Ordinary steel mixed with dragon bone is a waste, in fact, except for Valyrian steel weapons, other steel weapons do not need to use dragons bone." Jorah reminded.

"You claimed dragon bone is very valuable." Dany said.

"It's very valuable because there's only so much dragon bone in the world, but you don't need money?"

"Who would think that one has too much money?" Dany waved her hand casually as she rode.

Before leaving, Dany had the dragon's skull buried in a small hill.

This is her treasure, and no one else can get it.

As long as the original dragon bone shows, any fool would know that she found a dragon corpse in the Red Waste.

Now that this is buried, even she is not sure if she can find it next time.

Indeed, there are too many similar low hills in this plain, and there are no special markers nearby. Stacking rocks and placing wooden poles are only effective for a short period of time, and they will be buried and blown down by wind and sand over time.

"Big Black, do you remember?" she asked her Black Dragon.

Big Black does have some intelligence, but he's too brain-dead compared to humans – the real brain-dead, the underdeveloped kind.

However, the sense of orientation of a dragon is particularly strong, after often entering Dragon Dream, Dreki, and the soul of the Big Black, Dany can clearly perceive that dragons not only have the five senses of sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch, but have even more with six or even seven senses.

Well, her dragons don't understand this small universe, but just as birds can use Earth's magnetic field to tell where they are, so too can dragons.

For example, Dany tried to throw the dragon in Whitecloud, and then she rode a small silver horse for a few kilometers in any direction, and finally found a bush to hide, and all three dragons could accurately find her.

At that time, she deliberately cut off the Dragon Dream state.

Dany can receive seven or eight senses from Big Black, but she doesn't know what it is, nor can she understand it.

After asking several times in a row, and leaving a distance of two kilometers, she let Big Black fly back to try it out. Dany was sweating so hard that she was finally reluctant to be sure that he might really remember it.

"Hey, Ser Jorah, for the Targaryen of more than 100 years ago, is there any way to help dragons increase their intelligence? My children are too stupid." In the early morning, on the way back to the horse team, Dany complained to him, "It's okay to be dumb as long as you listen to me, but the dragons are too unruly, Big Black is okay, but for Little Green and Little White even I can't control them since communication is too difficult ."

"I don't know, Bear Island is too far from the center of power. I'm not familiar with the dignitaries outside of Stark." Big Bear shook his head.

"You're the real son-in-law of House Hightower, and House Hightower controls the Citadel," Dany reminded him.

Anyway, Jorah Mormont has also been to house Hightower for a few years and should have been to the Citadel a few times and at least met a few knowledgeable Citadel Archmaesters.

Well, Maesters are also graded, Acolyte, Maester, Archmaester, Grand Maester. Maester grades are judged according to the depth and breadth of their knowledge.

"I wasn't interested in the Maesters and Citadel at all back then, and in fact, I'm not interested in them now either."

There were no surprises along the way, and two days later, their entire group returned to Whitecloud with dragon bones.

In the days that followed, Dany went out to exercise with dragons on her back when it was cool in the morning and evening. During the scorching morning and afternoon she began to give cultural lessons to the three dragons.

Their getting bigger and bigger, from a thin "cat" to the small "Pekingese" toy dog breed, and now there is a trend towards normal "dog".

The bigger the size, the more food they eat every day. The sand lizards, scorpions, and Sand Snakes on the Red Waste can no longer satisfy them.

So Dany tempted them to study with food.

This process is very difficult.

In math class, she demonstrated elementary school math operations to Big Black in the state of Dragon Dream; in language class, she opened her mouth wide, making a sound and telling its meaning in the state of connection.

There is also gym class, Dany taps their scales with a wooden stick, and at first, the scales of the young dragons are broken like hard egg shells, and the blood seeps out of the body with white smoke. The dripping blood also burnt out.

Because Big Black has a soul connection with her, she kept comforting and encouraging the little dragon in their connected mind, and although Big Black hissed angrily, he could barely cooperate with her.

Little White and Little Green are not so honest.

A month later when they were born, Dany completely lost contact with Little White and Little Green's Dreki. The closer she is to Big Black, the greater the estrangement from the other two dragons.

Not only can the Language class and Math class not be taken, but also the physical education class for body toughening can't be either…Once Dany knocked Little White's back to bleed, and the little fellow ignored her and sprayed her wrist with Dragonflame.

Dragonflame is hotter than firewood, and for the first time, she was injured in the flames. A cockroach-sized blister appeared on the skin of the wrist, which was painful and itchy, and it took four or five days to recover.

The only consolation is that there are no scars.

Maybe it's really possible to draw strength from the flames, or maybe Big Black's growing relationship with Dreki, but she is recovering faster and more fully from her injuries than normal.

Like the scar on her stomach.

In order to prevent others from discovering her plan, Dany didn't let the maids serve her to take a bath after half a month.

Well, she explained that water resources are scarce, and from now on everyone will use fine sand to clean their skin.

She also asked people to prepare a sand bed, which was covered with fine white sand.

Before going to bed every night, she takes off her clothes and rubs it on her to get rid of the dust on her skin – oil and dead skin scraps are burned away in the fire.

But half a month later, Dany is living a corrupt "slave-master" life.

She was surprised to find that the scars on her belly became lighter and lighter, and finally completely disappeared, and the skin returned to its former tenderness and smoothness.

It seems that high temperature promotes blood circulation, and the cell activity is too high in the fire?

This is a scientific explanation.

In a magical way, dragons and fire have magic power to restore the body.

Just like more than a year ago, the original owner Dany just married Drogo. She was frail and not used to life on horseback.

As a result, Dragon Dream once, only for one night, all the injuries disappeared, and the body is strong like a native Dothraki Maiden.

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