I Became the Mother of Dragons

Chapter 36

The third person is a Shadowbinder from Asshai. She wears a wooden lacquer mask and says in smooth Seven Kingdoms common language: "Hello, Mother of Dragons, I am the Shadow Lands Shadowbinder, Quaithe."

The wood-shell mask of red paint blocks her eyes and facial expressions, and Dany can't feel her inner thoughts in her flat voice.

Dany nods and lets Dothraki clear the way, she and the guests go first, and they follow.

As soon as they crossed the city gateway, Dany saw Ser Jorah coming with her Bloodrider, and on their way to the palace, she introduced them to each other again.

"You came here to find the dragon," Jorah asked the doubts that had been buried in Dany's heart, "but how do you know there is a dragon here?"

"The Stars in the sky leads the way. following us." Quaithe said briefly.

"The stars?" Jorah wondered.

"That's it," The Warlock said, pointing to the Red Comet still hanging in the sky.

It has been three months, and the comet has not completely disappeared, but it is much dimmer than before.

Maybe before long, when people lift their heads, they will wonder when it's completely gone.

"Bleeding Star? It keeps changing direction, how does it guide you? Also, does its appearance have anything to do with dragons?" Jorah asked.

"For mortals like you, it's just a comet that has been rarely seen for thousands of years. We, who have magic, have personally felt the great changes between the world." The Warlock stared at Big Black, with a voice that fatally said.

"Isn't this too ridiculous? It's not like there's never been a dragon before, although everyone keeps saying that dragons have been extinct for more than a hundred years, but that's only in Westeros.

Ironmen said there are sea dragons in the depths of the Sunset Sea, and the legend of Ice Dragons are endless, and there are even news of dragons from the hidden places of the world." Jorah thinks that the Warlock is talking big, and it is estimated that he wants to deceive his princess.

"hehehe…" The Warlock's sneer was unmistakably on his grotesque blue lips, and he didn't even bother to go back to the "ordinary" question.

"tsk tsk tsk, this is a city full of sandstorms and decay, completely unworthy of the noble Mother of Dragons." The Qarth businessman with his round head like a hard-boiled egg, slapped his camel's ass with a whip, he took a few steps to get close to Dany, and invited her in a grandiose tone: "Khaleesi, you are born to wear the most luxurious jewelry, a dress woven from Myr silk, surrounded by servants, living in the most luxurious place. Close to the magnificent palace of God.

Only Qarth in the center of the world can satisfy all of this.

And as it happens, I have the ability and the most sincere heart to provide you with these services. Please get out of this rubbish place and follow me to Qarth."

"Haha, Mr. Daxos, you are a noble and generous gentleman, but I have a lot of people to look after." Dany smiled and declined.

"hahaha…" Xaro laughed up to the sky, full of pride and superiority, "Khaleesi, you really should go to Qarth, this desert has polluted your vision.

The smallest corner of my house can easily accommodate all your subordinates.

In fact, Kings and nobles from all over the world come to Qarth to visit me and they alone carry more servants than you, and I once entertained 35 noble visitors at one time."

Well, translated into easy-to-understand words: a single bathroom in my house is bigger than your entire house , and my house has 35 bathrooms.

Dany would like to say, I have three cities.

"Ai, you may not know, Khal Drogo is dead." She sighed.

"Of course we know," Xaro said immediately: "The most powerful Horselord died, the Great Grass Sea now has a few more Khals, and the entire Essos continent knows it."

Dany was stunned. She was surprised at the speed at which this world's strange information spread.

Actually, she wouldn't be so shocked when she sees the raven's with her own eyes.

"The problem is, the Usurper has never let go of his pursuit of me, and the last time he even sent someone to poison me at the holy Vaes Dothrak. Without Khal's shelter, why wouldn't he send someone after I leaves here? Then what?"

"Don't worry, Khaleesi, Robert Baratheon, who usurped your father Prince's throne, has been dead for almost half a year."

Then Xaro began to tell the news from the Sunset Lands.

Similar to the television drama that Dany has seen, during the hunt, he drank the wine from Lancel, and was mortally wounded by a wild boar in the daze.

How great he was before, how useless he was when he died.

Well, Lancel Lannister, cousin of Queen Cersei, and her Self-Heating vibrator.

That guy, he was awesome when he was young, his Spiked Mace can be ranked 3rd on the "Ice and Fire Weapons", and second only to the modified version of The Mountain, holding the greatsword "Dawn" Sword of the Morning Arthur Dayne.

Horselord Drogo, and First Sword to the Sealord of Braavos Syrio Forel are all one level behind him.

Rhaegar and White Bull are one level behind them.

Jorah Mormont next to Dany…though a bit embarrassing is probably a grade or two worse than White Bull.

This is not intended to elevate the Usurper. In Ice and Fire, only his two physical talents, strength and agility, have reached the full value.

Skill can be exercised, and talent determines a person's upper limit.

His record of beating Rhaegar to death when he was young will not be mentioned, only the last battle of his life.

Well, that was the time when he was killed by a wild boar.

At that time, he drank several large flasks of alcohol. He couldn't dodge, and the wild boar's fangs pierced him, and cut a half-meter-long opening from the lower abdomen all the way up. If it wasn't for the ribs on his chest, he would have been broken in two.

The intestines and internal organs in the fat belly are like shit that have been held for days, and they flowed happily all over the place upon release.

As an ordinary person, he should have immediately fell to the ground after being skewered, but Robert Baratheon is a dangerous man and landed a counterattack under such serious injuries. With the lance in his hand he stabbed to death the boar on his chest

Very brave.

After the incident, he persisted for a few days, left a will, reviewed the past with his good friend Ned, and died with the help of poppy milk.

However, such a brave and strong Warrior was actually cuckolded by his own wife Cersei Lannister, and his three sons were not his own.

Well, Cersei was with her younger brother instead.

Cersei doesn't want to give birth for her husband, even sexual intercourse… Every time Robert comes to her while drunk, she deliberately creates the illusion of a relationship between the two, in fact, she hasn't even touched it with her hands a bit. The first time Cersei became pregnant with the a child, she seemed to let it happen on purpose.

(P.S: This is different from the television drama "Game of Thrones", Cersei doesn't love Robert at all, and doesn't even want to share a bed with Robert. When performing her duty, she deliberately got Robert drunk – she herself is also often drunk. Robert and Cersei have been together a for14 years  and you can count them on your fingers.)

After Eddard became Hand of the King, he quickly realized that, under the hints of a few ill-conceived people The fact that his friend had raised children for others.

Then he let the Cersei know that he knew.

She knew that he knew, so she made the first move and let her lover, cousin Lancel, fortify the Kings wine, making it stronger, and as described above, he tragically died under the tusks of a wild boar.

Of course, what Xaro told Dany wasn't as detailed, he just said there were rumors that Robert was killed by Cersei.

"So, you don't have to worry about the Usurper going against you anymore." He comforted Dany, "In Qarth, under my protection, no one can hurt you."

Dany nodded and followed his topic: "How far is it from here to Qarth? How many days did it take to get here by camel?"

"It took us almost a week to arrive at about 1000 kilometers."

Dany reckons they seem to be going about as fast as her Khalasar southbound.

The only difference is that the camel can continue to walk a thousand kilometers in such an environment, while her Khalasar is on the verge of collapse after only walking more than 500.

The entire group came to the gate of the palace after talking. A group of old people and children in the square looked at the three guests on the camels in amazement.

Dany prepared water and kumiss for the guests to quench their thirst, and set aside three bedrooms near the garden for them to rest.

In the evening, she threw another bonfire in the square with roast horse meat dipped in plum sauce, mushroom and smoked venison stew, butter beetroot, turnip stew, and wine.

Almost the best food her Khalasar could come up with.

Three guests from Qarth also brought wine, sausages, and caviar from bags hanging from the camels.

Dany also showed them the three dragons about the size of a hound by herself, and let them touch the little dragons.

She and Jorah kept watching their reactions to the dragons, Quaithe stroking the Black Dragon in awe, and the Warlock's eyes couldn't hide the longing.

The big businessman Xaro's smiling eyes seemed to be shining, expressing his surprise to Dany at the high temperature on the dragon's body.

Overall, the guests were very pleased with Dany's reception tonight.

Finally, when sending them back to their room to rest, Dany told Xaro that she would seriously consider the possibility of a trip to Qarth.

"What do you think?"

Dany didn't go to sleep immediately, she called Jorah, Bloodrider, several old people, and the three maids together, and held a "about whether to go to Qarth or not." "Conference of Unity of Opinion."

Unlike other Khals who treat the elderly as useless burdens, Dany attaches great importance to the elderly who can live for so many years in the cruel environment of the Great Grass Sea.

Except for Wason's misjudgment, herdsman Effendi and the old smith Solomon brought her a very big surprise.

For example, Effendi is simply an amazing breeder.

The Red Waste is such a desolate place, there are now not only a few horses, but after a few months, there are more than a dozen newborn ponies.

In modern society, those world-famous horse racing clubs will probably break their heads in order to compete for him.

Solomon is an foreign banner man with green hair and green eyes.

The Dothraki have no smiths and have been relying on foreign slaves to help repair their weapons. When Drogo's father asked Qohor for a gift, the Merchant Prince of the city-state gave Solomon, who was convicted and imprisoned, as a gift to the Dothraki .

Well, after the destruction of Valyria in the Cataclysm, Qohor's smith technology was the top.

The Prostitutes of Lys, Myr's Crafts, Qohor's Cloth & Smith, Pentos' Spice & Dairy, Braavos' Iron Bank, Volantis' Slave…

The Nine Free Cities of course have everything, but they also have their own characteristics.

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