I Became the Mother of Dragons

Chapter 37

Whether or not to go to Qarth is actually like "whether or not to lead Khalasar south" that day, it seems that the future is unpredictable and cannot be easily decided, but there is no choice.

"Her Highness, obviously they're here to find dragons and care about your dragons beyond their interest. If one of them is going to take it, it's more dangerous for you to stay here." Jorah said after a moment of thought.


"All Free Cities, whether ordinary merchants or Merchant Princes, value benefit over righteousness, they have no sense of honor, but only one point is worthy of everyone's trust." light flashed in Jorah's eyes. "That is the foundation on which they live, and the foundation for Free Cities to exist in the world, credit!"

"Simply put, above the sea, and the Great Way in the wild, any businessman can turn into a robber and snatch what they like with martial power.

But in the trading city, they will be familiar with using deception, blackmail, lures and other means to profit, but will never rob the other party's property."

Seeing Dany's thoughtful expression, he laughed and said. "The bigger the businessman, the more sinister and gentle the means, but this world is vast and its information flowing.

If the three Xaro invite you, in theory he also assumes the responsibility of keeping you safe.

It's not how noble they are, it's how they are their reputation in the hearts of other businessmen is far more valuable than any immediate interests.

Her Highness, you have been wandering in the major city-states of the western continent for a long time, and you should have a deeper understanding of this."

Dany had too agree, the Usurper had never rid of the bounties for their Targaryen siblings, but every Merchant Prince and Magister who had entertained them never cut off their heads and exchanged them for money.

The benefits do not equal the loses.

But the only three dragons in the world are enough to make anyone lose their honor and credit on their own initiative.

"Even in the Seven Kingdoms' the popular guest right has had its moments of being trampled on?" she said.

Jorah seemed to be stunned by her words, widened his eyes, and said incredulously: "Apart from the legend of the Rat Cook, who trampled on the guest right? The stupidest, craziest, most ignorant person will not take the initiative to destroy the guest right."

hehe, in two years, when the news of Robb Stark's death comes, you won't be so surprised.

"Who is the Rat Cook?" she asked.

"The Rat Cook was a Night's Watch, working as a cook in the Nightfort. He had a feud with the Casterly Rock King at the time, and the Night's Watch had entertained an Andal King when he led his son and bannermen around the Wall.

One night, the Rat Cook saw the opportunity to assassinate the King's son, then made a big pie with the Prince's meat, onions, carrots, mushrooms and other ingredients, sprinkled with pepper, salt, bacon, and dark red Dorne wine.

He presented the pie to the King, who ate his own son and talked about its deliciousness, and asked the chef to have another.

The guest rights being ignored is something that even Gods couldn't accept. They turned the chef into a fat white rat like an old sow. From then on, he can only eat his own children to survive.

The Rat Cook has been wandering the Nightfort, driven by an insatiable hunger, devouring his own offspring."

In the dim light, Jorah's blurred face was indescribably grim, Dany's two Dothraki maids huddled together, with panic in their almond eyes, looking around, as if looking for a white mouse that would appear out of nowhere.

"cough cough, great bedtime story, but it's too intimidating, right?" Dany coughed lightly.

"It's the true, in North, even the little ones know of it." Jorah shouted in dissatisfaction.

"The first half of the story should be true, but then Gods punishing…" Dany shook her head and asked him, "Which God do you think punished the Rat Cook?"

Jorah said immediately: "Gods are Gods, of course all Gods will not see the Rat Cook's wanton trampling of the guest right."

"hehe, the North, especially the Wall's an area that belongs to the Old Gods, and the Andals believe in The Seven. Perhaps for reasons of political harmony, human beings will recognize the reality that The Seven and the Old Gods coexist.

But the doctrine of The Seven only recognizes itself as the only one, if it is true, how could it cooperate with the Old Gods to punish a human being?"

Jorah sighed then said, with a helpless expression, "Her Highness, the purpose of this story is to warn the world: A man has the right to take revenge, but Gods will never forgive if he kills the guests under his own roof and tramples on the guest right."

"Whether the Gods exist, or which God the Rat Cook was punished by, It doesn't matter, the important thing is that through this story, we understand the truth of respecting the sacred guest right." He concluded in the tone of educating naughty children.

Alas, you are the one who doesn't understand, Big Bear.

Because the moral significance of this story is too obvious, the authenticity of the story is greatly reduced.

This story makes all smart people understand one thing: taking advantage of other people's trust in guest right can be an easy and fun way to get revenge, but Gods will never punish him for it.

The Rat Cook may have a tragic ending, but it's the sad King who punishes him, not Gods.

For the Rat Cook, he's a commoner who was also assigned to the Wall and almost forever lost his chance for revenge, even more how against a King.

What guest right? It doesn't make any sense to that kind of character.

But these are just some words that she thinks about in her heart. If you say it, others will definitely "look at her differently": didn't expect Her Highness you are that kind of person.

As if she had done something.

So, Dany just asked: "Do you recommend us to go to Qarth?"

Jorah nods and says seriously: "Qarth is a big city connecting the East and the West, and there is always something you need there, things such as ships and sailors. If we find the Qartheen malicious, we can take a boat and leave immediately."

"Robert Baratheon is dead, do you really have no thoughts?" He fixedly looked at her, It seems that he wanted to pass through the violet mist in front of him and look deep into her heart.

Let someone else be the King of the Seven Kingdoms!

Dany complained in her heart, but she didn't show it at all, but showed a serious and longing look, saying: "I have a chance?"

Westeros is Jorah's home, and he wants to go home, so he willingly became Robert's spy.

There is no doubt that between Baratheon and Dany, the balance in his heart has been heavily in favor of Dany.

But if it is known that Dany has no intention of returning to the Seven Kingdoms, then the tray on the other end of the scale is no longer "loyalty to King's Landing and the current King", but "the temptation to go home."

Homesickness and love are on the same level.

even more how someone sent the poor Knight a Good Guy Card long ago.

"Here, no information is received, and I can't judge the situation of the Seven Kingdoms at this time. Only one thing, even if the Usurper is dead, he has two sons, and the queen is a Lannister!

At least Baratheon and Lannister will hinder your return.

Eddard Stark made Robert into a brother, and he won't support you.

And the Vale of Arryn, Riverlands House Tully, and Stark are in-laws and they're…" Jorah said with a tangled face.

He didn't know that none of the queen's sons were Baratheon, nor did he know that Eddard had been imprisoned by the queen, and that he had been beheaded by the new king, Joffrey.

The political situation in Westeros in recent years has been even more unpredictable than storms at sea. Qarth is still too far away from King's Landing, with high information delay and large errors.

"Ai, Her Highness, let's avoid Westeros first and wait for the dragon to grow up." Jorah gave a seasoned and prudent advice.

Dany nods. In fact, Jorah has always been very cautious and realistic.

"What advice do you have?" She looked towards the Dothraki who had been watching silently for a long time.

"Khaleesi, you are my blood of my blood, go wherever you want to go!" Jhogo said with an anxious face, scratching the top of his bare head.

Dothraki actually don't want to go far away from the grasslands. They think the sea water is poisonous and should be avoided, but their stupid brains can't come up with better suggestions, they can only be anxious and helpless.

Seeing the other two Bloodriders also had the same attitude, Dany asked the representative of the elderly again, "Effendi, Solomon, what do you think?"

"How about we sneak out of this place tonight to the mountain range in the west?" Effendi said a rather brainless suggestion.

The old man Qohor immediately shook his head and persuaded: "If we deceive the Qartheen, then we are no longer their friends and VIPs, but their enemies. Have you ever thought about how they found us?"

"Prophecy, the Shadowbinder will use prophecy." Jhiqui yelled in horror.

Irri corrected her: "The stars are leading the way for them, and I listened to that blue-mouthed Warlock this afternoon."

"They can find us in the west." Doreah nods and said.

"Quaro, from tomorrow onwards, you have to guard my dragons forever." Dany made a decision in her heart and said to her "Dragonsguard".

"Khaleesi, as long as I'm alive, no one can steal your dragons." Quaro said firmly.

A consensus was reached at the meeting. Early in the morning on the second day, Dany told the three guests about her decision.

For Quaithe she still couldn't see her expression, the Warlock and the merchant directly expressed their welcome and joy, both of them solemnly promising that in Qarth, Dany and her Khalasar would be under their protection.

In the morning, Dany sent warriors to notify the herdsmen in the other two white cities to bring Khalasar's horse team to Whitecloud, and people hunting in the western mountain range were also notified.

So, four days later, Dany's Khalasar is set off again.

Target, Qarth, Southwest.

Of course, Dany didn't do anything in those four days. She arranged for Aggo to travel alone, bring enough food and water, and set off to Qarth first.

Xaro wrote a letter for Aggo, when Aggo arrives in Qarth, just give the letter to his steward, and a group of servants will lead the camels to set off towards the Red Waste.

The camel herd will carry a lot of food and water. More importantly, Khalasar doesn't have to worry about horsepower anymore. When the camel arrives, the Dothraki can change to a more comfortable camel.

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