I Got Isekai’d, Well Shyt!

Vol.3 Ch.213 Some Alone Time with Mother.

"Okay, Mom. What was so important that you had to wait until we were alone?" Quinus asked.

Rianna hurried over to him and embraced him tightly.

"Son! I missed you more than words could describe. You were gone for way too long. It's a mother's job to worry," the queen said while rubbing her cheek against his.

Quinus couldn't help but smile at his mom's affection, even if it was a bit embarrassing.

'Huh! Looks like I ended up being away for a whole month longer than I had intended. Even though she's royalty, she's still a mom. I should have anticipated that she would react this way,' Quinus thought as he wrapped his arms around his mother.

"I'm sorry, mom. It's just the trip took a lot longer than we thought. We ran into some issues," Quinus explained.

"Sshhh! All that matters is that you're home now. I missed you," the queen said.

She pulled back and placed a hand on his face. She smiled brightly at her son.

"Now, son, are you sure she didn't charm you with some kind of magic? It's not a crime if she did, but I could make her pay for tricking you. And don't lie to me, Quinus. I know when a man who has been charmed when I see one," the queen said with concern in her eyes.

Quinus stepped back, wearing an expression of bewildered surprise as he looked at his mom.

"You're kidding, right? A charm spell?... No, she doesn't have that kind of magic, Mom... Now, I can understand why Douglas was acting the way he was when he first arrived at Ironside... You ordered him to be wary of Rya, didn't you? But mom, she's a good woman. And if it weren't for her, I wouldn't be standing here for you to hug me. You should know better than to accuse her of something you have no proof of... I won't tell you again. Leave her alone, and let's end this charade," Quinus said.

"Son, she's a dark elf. The same race that destroyed kingdoms. And she's young, but she has a powerful aura around her. If she weren't a dark elf, then I'd be happy for you. But that's the race she is, Quinus... So, how do you think the kingdom is going to react? There will be a massive uprising if we don't put a stop to it," the queen explained.

"Mother, come on. This has been dragging on for days. Everyone in Ironside hails her as the city's savior, revering her as the Saintess. I understand the need to quell any potential unrest, but we shouldn't underestimate Rya. She's much smarter than you realize... She already has plans to deal with the problem. We just need your support. Please, mom. Just listen to her. That's all I'm asking for," Quinus said.

He was about to say something else, but a guard walked into the room and bowed.

"Your Majesty, I sincerely apologize for the interruption. However, we just received word that the King is set to arrive in Lomar by nightfall. It seems he's concerned about his son and is eager to see him. The mayor won't be able to conceal the King's arrival from the public. I must inform the Mayor immediately so that arrangements can be made for an escort to welcome him," the guard said.

'Dad's coming? This could be the perfect opportunity to resolve everything. Mom may have her reservations about Rya, but if Dad is supportive of her, then he could pull some strings with his council... Wait!... Who am I kidding? Dad's been in the dog house for years with Mom... And if he's coming all the way here, then it must mean he's worried, which could lead to an argument between him and Mom. Damn it, things were finally starting to calm down. Now, there's going to be an uproar over Dad's sudden arrival... Haah... I guess the ball is in Mother's court... I wish I knew what to say to persuade her. I know that she'll love Rya, but she's letting her prejudices cloud her judgment... Well, whatever happens, I'm staying by Rya's side. And there's nothing she can say to change my mind,' Quinus thought.

The queen stood there deep in thought. 'My husband's coming. He'll be able to get to the bottom of this. He'll find out if Rya has some kind of hold on my son, just in case I missed something. I know she has an amazing ability to heal, and that's how she has won over the people of Ironside. But I know her kind. She could turn on us at a moment's notice.'

"Tell the Mayor to have the King's escort ready. And make sure everything is perfect. This is a joyous occasion," the queen ordered.

"Yes, Your Majesty. I will tell the Mayor right away."

Quinus looked at his mother. "So, how have things been with Uncle? I'm sorry that things are a mess after I ordered Marcus' death. But you have to understand. I couldn't let him get away with treason, especially since he almost killed all of us inside the labyrinth. I know it's not easy for you, Mom. But we did the right thing," he said in a somber tone.

Rianna observed her son and bestowed upon him a warm smile.

"Quinus, what's done is done. I'm proud of you for making the tough decision, but it was necessary. Your uncle has been quiet lately, which worries your father and me. And the Prince of the Divine Three has arrived at Marquess Duval's manor with Princess Hilda Stoneworthh. He's waiting for your arrival in the capital and wishes to marry you to her immediately. That's why I wanted to see you here in Lomar—to make sure everything was okay with you first and to give you some warning about the Prime Minister's intentions," the queen said.

'Dammit... I was so focused on getting here that I forgot about the arranged marriage after everything we've been through. I'm going to have to meet the Princess in the capital, aren't I... I better tell the others about this... I'm going to need their help to get out of this arranged marriage.'

"Well, it's been a long trip, and I would love to relax a bit before dinner. I'll inform you when we head for the capital tomorrow. I'm aiming to depart at noon," Quinus said.

The queen was about to respond when the doors opened, and two maids walked in and bowed.

"We're here to escort the Princess and the Ladies of the party to the Royal Tea Room, Your Majesty."

The queen nodded, "Very well, I will be there in ten minutes. I need to speak with the General first."

"Of course, Your Majesty. We'll cater to their needs."

Quinus kissed his mother on the cheek, "I'll see you at dinner. I need a change of clothes. These are a bit rank."

The queen just smiled, "Of course, son. We'll see you at dinner."

Quinus walked out of the audience chamber and saw his companions waiting for him, as well as Lady Nelumbo, who was talking with the General. He walked over to them.

"Douglas... My mother wants to speak with you," Quinus said.

"Right... Well, it's time to tell her that she can trust Lady Rya," the General said.

"Good luck, Douglas... But my mother is more stubborn than you," Quinus said with a smirk.

"That may be true, Your Highness... But your mother isn't as dumb as me. So, it won't take me long to reason with her," the General said with a smile.

Quinus watched the General go into the room, and he turned to Lady Nelumbo, who was giving Quinus her patented judgemental stare.

"You really know how to stir up a hornet's nest, don't you, my Prince," Lady Nelumbo said.

Quinus just smirked at his old teacher, "What can I say... I'm a sucker for strong women."

"Falling for a strong woman isn't a bad thing. Falling for the enemy is. Don't forget that, young prince," Lady Nelumbo said.

"The dark elves aren't our enemies. And isn't that arranged marriage proposed by Duval doing the exact same thing as marrying our enemy," Quinus said with a coy smile.

"That is a good point, but how sure are you that this dark elf can do what you claim she can? She could be an enemy spy, for all you know. She could be working with the enemy. Or, she could be a spy sent to gather information on us by another kingdom," Lady Nelumbo stated.

"She's not," Quinus said firmly.

"How can you be sure?" Lady Nelumbo questioned.

"Because I am... By the way, did you question Lady Wina this much when you found out that she was an assassin hired by my uncle? Because I remember you two were close friends, and yet you didn't doubt her intentions. She even saved your life," Quinus countered.

Lady Nelumbo was surprised by that statement. It was true that she was close friends with Wina. But she proved her loyalty to the Royal Family when she betrayed Alaric Revelia by saving Prince Quinus' life.

"You are a smart boy, my Prince. Maybe there's hope for you yet," Lady Nelumbo teased.

"I'll take that as a compliment. And thank you," Quinus said.

Lady Nelumbo just scoffed and was about to go back on duty when Quinus asked her another question.

"Hold on. Lady Nelumbo? I have a favor to ask," Quinus said.

"And what is this favor, my Prince?"

"I've been training my fiancee in the ways of the sword. She's good, but she needs a teacher—someone who can help her hone her skills, someone with the skills that only the Royal Swordmaster can teach," Quinus explained.

Nelumbo gave Quinus a confused look.

"She's good with a sword? I thought she was a healer and a mage. Mages look down on sword fighting. So, I'm surprised," Nelumbo said.

"She's different from any mage you've met, that's for sure. So, will you train her? I'm asking you because you're the best, and I fear that I'm teaching her incorrectly compared to you," Quinus explained.

Lady Nelumbo smiled, "You give yourself too little credit... But I can understand how you feel... My daughter doesn't have the will to become a warrior like her mother. And I don't have the same drive to kick her ass like my mentor before me. But, since you're asking. I'll teach her... But you owe me, my Prince," Lady Nelumbo said and gave him a devilish smirk.

Quinus smiled and nodded, "Thank you, Lady Nelumbo. Maybe I can train your daughter as payment."

"Hah!... That would be the day... No, she's too much like her father," Lady Nelumbo frowned.

"So she's aiming to work in the Royal Council like her father," Quinus asked.

"Yeah... She can read books and study politics, which is all she likes. But the girl can't handle herself in a fight," Lady Nelumbo scoffed.

"Don't worry, Lady Nelumbo... It's never too late. How old is she again?" Quinus asked.


'Geez!... She's still that young?... Maybe she'd be more interested in swordsmanship if her mother wasn't such a stickler. I mean. I guess I'm technically 50 years old, and I didn't start practicing until I was 35ish. So, it shouldn't be too late for her.'

"Okay... It's not that late. You just have to be patient and believe in her," Quinus said.

"Thanks. But she's too soft-hearted like her father. That's what I get for falling in love with a man who was raised as a scholar," Lady Nelumbo smiled.

"Well, they say opposites attract," Quinus said with a knowing smile.

"True... I don't know what it is about a man who can make a woman's heart race with words alone," Lady Nelumbo whispered for a moment before shaking her head vigorously. "Gah! I should have fallen for a knight or a soldier... But I couldn't get Mitchell out of my mind," she continued.

'Looks like our Lady Swordmaster has her own love life. Who knew that the cold, unflappable Lady Swordmaster had a soft spot,' Quinus thought.

"Rya is the same for me. She's a good person, trust me. You'll appreciate her work ethic and dedication. And I know she will do great things. And that's why I'm going to protect her," Quinus said.

Lady Nelumbo gazed at the Prince, astonished. She had never witnessed this side of him before. The boy possessed a remarkable sense of justice and honor, and it was clear to her that he was truly in love with the dark elf.

"So, I guess there's nothing more to argue about, then. Well, I believe it's high time for my family and me to go on vacation before all the chaos brewing in the kingdom erupts. Once Lady Rya's secret is out, there will be no stopping the Major Nobles and the power of the church. I hope she's worth the trouble, my Prince, because the future of the kingdom rests in her hands," Lady Nelumbo said.

"She's worth it," Quinus said with a confident smile.

"Let's hope so," Lady Nelumbo replied. "Now, I need to watch over your fiancee... the Queen's orders and all."

"Got it... Thanks again," Quinus said.

"It's not a problem, My Prince," Lady Nelumbo said as she smiled at Quinus and left to attend to the ladies.

Hey all! If you don't want to wait for a whole week to see the next chapter. Then check out my Patreon Page of Vol.3 First Drafts for only $1 dollar! That's correct. One USD is needed to read up to Chapter 224!

See where Rya is going next (with a bit more grammatical mistakes, but you'll get the point) and see if she can convince her future mother-in-law that she's right for her son!

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