I Got Isekai’d, Well Shyt!

Vol.3 Ch.214 The Queen’s Tea Party.

The Queen's astonishment deepened with every word the General spoke. He validated every assertion made by the dark elf and dropped even more shocking revelations. Despite the General's confirmation, Rianna remained cautious around the Dark Elf, determined to ensure that Rya was indeed the suitable match for her son.

"Douglas is really putting his reputation on the line for her? It's still so difficult to wrap my head around the idea of her being able to do all of that... mending wounds that would normally take years to heal and effortlessly conjuring up golems. If it's actually true, then she's truly a force to be reckoned with... But I can't take the risk of trusting her, not until I witness her actions in person. Only then will I feel comfortable having her around my son," Rianna mumbled to herself while making her way through the corridors, eventually reaching the opulent Royal Tea Room.

The grand royal tea room was a vast and elegant space adorned with a delightful small garden featuring a tranquil stream of water and a charming koi fish pond. Adjacent to the garden, a quaint gazebo stood, and a table was thoughtfully positioned near the serene fish pond.

Rya, Nieren, Dalia, Yuliana, and Tayna were entertaining themselves with a game of cards while having tea.

"I'll win this round. Just you wait," Dalia said with a competitive smile.

"You've said that three rounds ago, Dalia. But yet I've won every round so far," Tayna taunted.

"Someone is Brave to speak to the former battle champion in such a manner," Dalia smirked.

"Dalia? What does being a slave and fighting in the battle arenas have to do with playing a card game?" Rya asked.

"Uh? Well... Ummm..." Dalia mumbled while trying to come up with an answer.

Just then, to Dalia's great relief, the Queen swept into the tea room, causing the maids and guards to rise and bow in unison.

"Greetings, Your Majesty," the maids chanted.

When the sound of the maids reached Rya's group, they all snapped their heads in Rianna's direction and got up from their seats.

"Sit down, please. And enjoy your game. I just wanted to see you all for myself," Rianna smiled. Lady Nelumbo gave her queen a nod and walked behind her.

The group wrapped up their card game in record time, but Rya couldn't help but notice something peculiar. As the Queen took a seat across from her, she couldn't ignore the strange sight of purple particles swirling around Rianna's lower region. It was as distracting as gnats buzzing around the corner of her vision, and Rya felt compelled to do something about it.

"Haah... I fold," Rya sighed as she placed her cards face down, leaving Tayna, Dalia, and Nieren to continue the game. Tayna confidently folded her hand and leaned back in her chair, but Dalia remained determined to emerge victorious.

"Hah! It's just me and you, Woody... Let's see what you—"

Nieren skillfully revealed her hand just as the Wolfkin was about to express herself. With a winning flush, the Wood Elf claimed victory in the round.

"Read it and weep, Wolfy girl." The wood elf flashed a triumphant smile as she spoke.

"What!? When did you get a hand like that!? I thought you were bluffing this whole time. Haah... Oh, well... Good game, Woody. This deck isn't going my way, so I'm calling it quits." With a heavy sigh, Dalia conceded defeat and dramatically tossed her hand away.

Queen Rianna elegantly savored her tea, her eyes locked on Rya, the Dark Elf. Her keen gaze assessed whether Rya was a potential threat or a valuable ally. Finally, after a moment of tense silence, the Queen broke the quiet with her voice.

"I've heard so many stories about the famous dark elf from my son. I couldn't believe it when I first read about them... So you're a mage on top of being a healer? That's amazing to hear. But I wonder how true they are," Rianna said. She heard all the stories, but she needed to witness some of Rya's magic with her own eyes.

"Well, I'm flattered," Rya replied, "But I don't think it's wise for me to create my golems out of the wood floors... When they get unsummoned, the wood becomes a pile of splinters... And I would rather stay on whatever good terms we have with each other. So, no magic," Rya explained.

"Well, that's kind of you to be worrying about damaging my lovely floors, but I know you can show me some magic... After all, I'm sure there is one spell that is not going to damage anything, right? Or is everything General Douglas mentioned about your capabilities a lie?" Rianna questioned with a straight face.

Rya shot her a quizzical look. She fought the urge to glance down at her lower region where the purple particles were moving around, sensing that something was amiss with the Queen. However, she didn't want to cause any embarrassment.

"Well, I could make three simple balls of earth, fire, and water while flowing some wind magic towards you, Your Majesty... But that would probably be unwise in such a delicate setting, don't you think? Plus, even if I did show you, I'm sure that it wouldn't be enough to convince you that I'm telling the truth. If you wish, we can go to the training grounds where I could demonstrate some more spells... Or is there a reason why you want me to use magic now, Your Majesty?" Rya replied, hoping the Queen would drop the subject.

The Queen took a long sip of her tea before answering, a mischievous smirk on her lips.

"You're very perceptive... I know we've been through this already. But how will you handle this line of questioning from all the major nobles when they want you to prove yourself immediately? After all, you'll have to face them in the future, and you're already at a disadvantage with your race alone," Rianna explained.

"I will answer all questions I have to answer if it's not a private question. And if it is, then it's no one's business," Rya said. "But I understand what you're saying. It seems like everywhere I go, everyone I've met treats me as a threat or they fear me."

Tayna, Nieren, and Yuliana couldn't help but feel ashamed of themselves. They realized that they had all treated Rya as a threat when they first met her, mirroring the Queen's current attitude towards Rya. Dalia was the only one who didn't share this feeling of shame due to the Dark Elf rescuing her from death's door.

"We're sorry, Lady Rya," the girls said.

"No, it's okay... I can't blame you. You didn't know who I was, and you were just protecting yourselves... But I did enjoy it when you all struggled with the reality of the situation when I completely turned your expectations upside down," Rya grinned, causing the girls to blush.

The girls were embarrassed, but the Queen's mood shifted as she witnessed how the group interacted with each other. She was still skeptical, but her curiosity grew by the second.

"You have a lot to learn if you plan to join this court, but I can't deny that you're quite an enigma. Fortunately, I feel like I'm starting to understand you more. Tell me, what was it like when the four of you first met Rya? I'm quite curious," inquired Queen Rianna.

The four women exchanged uncertain glances before Yuliana gathered her courage and decided to speak up, sharing her unique perspective.

"Uh, well... At the time, we were hiding from the humans of the Kingdom of Marn, and I forbade my daughter from going out adventuring due to the goblin hordes that were roaming around the walls of Ironside. She didn't listen to me, and she went out to help the people... She's stubborn like that," Yuliana replied.

"Mom! You're embarrassing me," Nieren groaned.

Rianna glanced at the mother-daughter combo and couldn't help but relate to Yuliana's worries, knowing full well how difficult it was to raise an only child.

"She sounds like my son," Rianna muttered to herself with a sigh. Quinus was always thinking about how to help the people of Fiafyr even though he was the Prince. She never was able to speak sense into him when his mind was set on something.

"It's not as bad as it sounds. She was just trying to help the people and help our financial situation. But she didn't realize the danger she was in," Yuliana said, giving her daughter a stern look.

"We would still be in Ironside if I didn't go out to help. Mom's too paranoid," Nieren argued.

Yuliana could only smile and shake her head. "That's true, but I'm a mother who just wants to keep her only daughter safe. But I guess adding another daughter who saved our Elder Seeds was a plus," she chuckled.

Rya smiled back at Yuliana and gave her a gentle laugh, "I can't deny that... But I'm glad you're part of my new family," the dark elf replied.

The Queen carefully observed Rya's every move and gesture. Having faced skepticism from nobles due to her heritage, she was adept at sensing any signs of trouble. She was from a noble family in a foreign country, Corialis. It's an island nation to the east of the continent. It was the biggest island nation that ships had to stop at if they wished to travel to the Elros Continent.

Her father's family, the Alvos Family, was a well-known Noble house in Corialis. They were a well-known military family. She had an older brother named Rolfe Alvos. The Fiafyr Kingdom offered a peace treaty with the Alvos family so they could trade with each other.

Her father was the Duke, and he offered Rianna's hand in marriage to the king's second-born son. Her family was happy to offer her hand in marriage, but Rianna was devastated at first. She was only fourteen at the time, and she loved the tropical climate of Corialis, but she didn't want to marry the prince.

But when she met Cyndre for the first time, she changed her mind. He wasn't that much older than her. And he was far more handsome than she expected. She found him attractive and charming. So, she didn't hate her fate as much as she did before. Plus, she couldn't help but chuckle as she watched Cyndre struggle to avert his gaze from her captivating figure.

Cyndre was a true gentleman, making a valiant effort not to let his gaze linger on her curves and breasts for too long. Little did he know, she found amusement in his inner turmoil. Every now and then, she would playfully tease him, relishing the sight of him becoming flustered. It puzzled her why she took pleasure in this, especially when the attention of other men made her uncomfortable.

And her relationship with the prince grew from there. And after a year, they got married. Then, the line of succession changed when the Major Nobles declared Cyndre the next heir to the throne over his brother Alaric. She thought she was only going to be a duchess. But she was happy when she was told she was going to be queen.

She was just 18 when this happened. Now, at 45, she's still as stunning and has maintained the same youthful figure she had back then. But her bosoms got a little bigger after the birth of her only son.

The Queen was snapped out of her reverie as Yuliana recounted her cringeworthy first run-in with the dark elf. She described how she launched an attack with her plants, only for Rya to effortlessly halt them without using any force.

"Sorry to interrupt, but let me get this straight... Did you really attack Rya just because she's a dark elf?" Rianna asked, realizing she hadn't fully listened before.

"Y-Yes... I believed in all of those stories when I was growing up and even when I became an adult... And since we were in hiding, I thought the dark elves had found my daughter and followed her to find me and finish off the last royal bloodline of the Wood Elf Kingdom of Agon. I didn't want to believe her even when my daughter was pleading with me. But I knew there was no other way she could've found us if we were hidden in a forest that was far from the border. The only thing that makes sense is that she's a dark elf spy," Yuliana said with a sigh.

Nieren started to laugh, "Mother was completely befuddled when her Writhing Briarthorns stopped their attack on Lady Rya. She couldn't comprehend what she was seeing. She's always so confident when it comes to her magic. She's one of the strongest Wood Elf Mages there is... And even a Dark Elf can stop her magic without any effort. Mother didn't know what to do."

Yuliana frowned, "You don't have to say it like that... I didn't know that the stories were a lie, and she's different than the stories."

"I'm sure... But you shouldn't have attacked her," Nieren said, "If she was the dark elf the stories talked about, then we'd all be dead."

"Well? Alpha probably could kill us all if she wanted." Dalia's words caught Rya off guard as she took a sip of her tea, almost making her spit it out in surprise at what the Wolfkin had just said.

"Dalia!? That's not true," Rya argued, trying to downplay her abilities.

"But you're the strongest person I've ever met. I don't know anyone who can summon golems. Let alone fight off an army by yourself... I don't think even Beta could stop you," Dalia countered.

Rya scanned the room, racking her brain for the right words to dispel the suspicious gazes of the Queen and her guards. She couldn't afford to have the Queen fretting over her.

'Goddammit! They are looking at me like I'm a criminal! Okay! Okay... I can't believe I'm going to steal this line, but it should work. Here goes nothing,' Rya thought.

"Dalia... There's an important saying I love to live by... 'With great power comes great responsibility,'" Rya quoted, "I have to use my powers wisely. If I were evil, then I wouldn't be helping people or fighting off monsters."

Rya hoped her words would make the Queen feel at ease, but her words had an unintended effect. The Queen looked even more confused than before.

"God damn it... I failed you, Stan Lee! Ugh, that's what I get for using a comic book reference with a group of people from a fantasy world where it's more common to find Majas and Mages running around than someone who can't use mana... I can't win..." Rya cursed internally before she thought up another way to dispel the suspicion.

"I know that I'm strong, but even though I am strong. I can still get hurt, and I will make mistakes. Like when I let my guard down and got collared. I'm not going to make the same mistakes of the past... If I lost anyone I care about, I don't know what I would do... And I care for Quinus with all of my heart, Queen Rianna," Rya said, her eyes meeting the Queen's.

Everyone was shocked at the dark elf's bluntness, but the Queen was even more surprised that she mentioned her son's name. It was unusual for someone to mention a Royal's name unless they were very close to them. And it was unheard of for anyone outside her family to speak to her so boldly. Rianna couldn't help but be in awe of Rya's fierce determination as she bravely stood her ground against the Queen's scrutiny, all while being under the watchful gaze of the Royal Guards. The guards were perplexed by the enigmatic dark elf's words and actions, and some of them even began to wonder if the rumors were true. Rianna might have even begun to feel a sense of camaraderie with Rya if it weren't for the lingering discomfort caused by Rya's persistent glances at her body. While Rianna didn't typically mind being observed by another woman, the nature of Rya's scrutiny left her feeling unsettled.

"Indeed, Lady Rya, you make a compelling point," remarked the Queen. "The allure of power is strong, but as a formidable dark elf with mysterious abilities, you must tread carefully. Unchecked power has the potential to corrupt even the most steadfast of souls."

Rya wasn't convinced. "I don't think that's entirely true, my Queen," she countered, her eyes blazing with determination.

"Oh, really?" the Queen replied with a smirk.

"Power is not inherently evil. Its impact is determined by the intentions of the one who wields it," Rya emphasized.

The Queen replied passionately, "I have witnessed countless individuals succumb to darkness as a result of their pursuit of power."

"Or that's when their true character shines through," Rya added with a knowing smile.

The Queen fixed her gaze on Lady Rya. "True character? And what, pray tell, is your true character, Lady Rya?"

"Have you ever thought about how you can truly understand someone's character? Some say that you can strip away everything from a person and see what's left, but that doesn't really show the whole picture. When someone is at their weakest, unable to escape a tough situation, or even starving, their actions might not reflect who they truly are. If you want to see someone's real character, give them power. It could be the power of money, influence, or authority. It's what they do with that power that truly reveals who they are. Do they use it to control and dominate, or do they lift others up and help them succeed alongside them?" Rya explained.

The Queen fixed her gaze on the Dark Elf, sensing a depth of wisdom that surpassed her outward appearance. The words she spoke carried a sense of deja vu, stirring something familiar within the Queen.

'Where have I heard those words before?' Rianna thought.

The Queen was lost in thought when Yuliana interrupted her.

"My Queen... I'm curious. Why are you so worried about Rya's character?" the Royal Wood Elf asked.

Rianna blinked and then turned her gaze towards the enigmatic Wood Elf.

"Princess Yuliana, I'm sorry, but I find it hard to trust outsiders so easily. Understanding the dangers of the outside world, I would expect you, of all people, to comprehend this," Rianna said.

"Of course. But Lady Rya isn't an outsider. She is now a part of my family. Which is the proud Royal House of Vellanax," Yuliana argued.

Rianna arched an eyebrow, her voice laced with doubt. "Just because you took her in doesn't mean I can trust her. You may be a royal without a kingdom, but now you're part of this human realm. You might as well be an outsider, but I'm not heartless. I understand your plight and have given you refuge within these walls. Besides, you're friends with my son, who helped keep him safe. That's the only reason I've allowed you and your daughter to stay. That's the only reason you hold the title of Countess, Princess Yuliana," the Queen cautioned.

Yuliana's frown deepened as she prepared to argue, but Rya swiftly raised her hand to silence her.

"Queen Rianna, I completely understand where you're coming from. It's natural to be cautious with strangers. I don't expect instant trust, but I want to assure you that I'm here to make a positive impact and earn my place. Your trust means a lot to me, and I'm committed to proving myself," Rya said with a smile before her eyes glanced down to the Queen's crotch once again.

Rianna’s frustration grew as the Dark Elf kept sneakily glancing at a particular region below her waistline. She couldn't comprehend why Rya was so fixated on that area and mistakenly thought it was flirtatious interest. This led her to question Rya’s feelings towards her son and made her uneasy at the thought of Rya being interested in her. Rianna only feels sexually attracted to men, and the idea of another woman being interested in her feels unappealing and even revolting. It made her think that Rya had ulterior motives.

"Tell me, Rya... Are you really attracted to my son? Or are you attracted to women?" The queen inquired, her expression revealing her lack of amusement.

Rya's blood turned to ice as she realized that the Queen had mistaken her looks for romantic interest. 'Oh, no!'

Rya found herself facing an unexpected challenge, and it was all because of those mysterious purple particles emanating from the Queen's crotch. As she tried to focus, her gaze kept drifting back to the strange glow. Deep down, she knew she had to find a way to heal Rianna, not just for her sake but for Quinus' as well.

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See where Rya is going next (with a bit more grammatical mistakes, but you'll get the point) and see if she can convince her future mother-in-law that she's right for her son!

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