I Got Isekai’d, Well Shyt!

Vol.3 Ch.215 Removing the Poison.

Rya gulped. She could feel the heat on her face, but she wasn't blushing.

'Fuck! She thinks I'm interested in her!? Those God damn purple particles keep drawing in my eyes and are bugging me! I want to cure her so I can stop seeing the fucking things. It's like my brain is telling me she's going to die if I don't help her! But the Queen thinks I'm into her and not her injury. I know that I'm interested in women's bodies thanks to my old male side, but they no longer turn me on... Shit! I doubt she'll believe me, but I guess I should try,' Rya thought.

Rya sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose, "Queen Rianna, Quinus is the only man that can touch me. I've only been with one man, and that was Quinus. I'm not interested in women—"

"Then why do you keep looking at my womanhood?" the Queen interrupted.

"Because... There's a problem," Rya answered.

"And what would that be?" the Queen asked.

Rya took a breath and stared straight into Rianna's eyes. Rya used all of her willpower to not look at her crotch.

"You've heard about me being a healer... Right?" Rya asked.

"Yes... You're the first healer to come in centuries, they say. But what does that have to do with anything?" Rianna asked.

"My healing powers allow me to see the state of people's health," Rya stated.

Rianna looked at her in disbelief, "You're lying. No one can do such a thing. It's impossible."

Rya chuckled and shook her head. "I'm not. I can see how healthy you are and even the state of your injuries. It's like seeing a bunch of fireflies floating around inside your body. Most of the time, these particles are red, which means there is either internal bleeding or a broken bone."

"Really now. I've heard rumors that you can heal someone without even laying a hand on them," the Queen challenged.

"When it comes to minor cuts and bruises, sure, I can handle it. But when it comes to serious injuries or illness, the distance and complexity really affect how much mana and focus I need to put into healing," Rya elaborated.

"So you're telling me you see red particles floating around my womanhood? I can't believe any of this nonsense. Are you sure you're not trying to pull a fast one on me? And if I got hurt, you should have been able to mend me right where you are," Rianna countered.

"That's the thing... The particles are purple," Rya stated.


Yuliana nearly broke her teacup when she set it down too hard upon hearing what Rya had said.

"I-I think I misheard you, Rya... What did you say again?" the Wood Elf asked with dread in her eyes.

"The Queen has purple particles," Rya repeated.

Yuliana and Nieren both stood up in a hurry.

"You need to save her! NOW!" Yuliana demanded.

The Queen and her guards gazed at Yuliana as though she had completely lost her mind. Rianna was about to ask a question when the other women spoke before she could.

"W-What's wrong? What's wrong with the Queen having purple particles?" Tayna asked in a panic.

"Purple Particles are a sign of poison! Rya said she saw them in the Elder Seeds, and once she healed them, they sprouted saplings!" Nieren yelled.

"Yes! It was wyvern's blood that was used in the poison!" Yuliana confirmed, "Rya was able to remove the poison from the seeds, and we collected it in a vial! My daughter! You must heal the Queen!"

The green-haired wood elf was acting crazy, and the guards were unsure how to respond. The Queen, however, was not amused and stood up from her chair.

"Are you telling me that I've been poisoned!? By whom!?" Rianna questioned with annoyance.

"That doesn't matter until you are saved first! Rya, I'll hold her down while you start purging the poison," Nieren declared as she grabbed Rya's left shoulder and started to shake her.

"Yes! That's a great idea! Hurry, Rya! You are the only one who can save her!" Yuliana yelled as she grabbed Rya's right shoulder and started shaking her as well.

Rya was stunned as the wood elf duo shook her back and forth. To make matters worse, the Queen was staring at her as if she had suddenly sprouted three heads.

"Yuliana!? Nieren! S-Stop shaking me!" Rya complained, but the two elves continued shaking her.

'Why are they acting so crazy?! They're making things worse!'

"Mom! Sis! STOP!" Rya shouted, getting the two's attention.

It appeared to have done the trick as the two wood elves came to a halt.

Nelumbo and the guards didn't know what to make of the situation.

"Why would the Queen have poison inside her body?" Tayna asked.

"Yes... How am I poisoned, Lady Rya?" The Queen asked, unamused.

Rya took a moment to straighten her clothes, "I think it's a poison or toxin that only affects a person's sexual organs. And it has a high resistance to healing potions... What that poison might be is beyond my knowledge. But I can get rid of it, my Queen."

Rianna was completely caught off guard by the news. She found herself questioning whether she should trust the source, but deep down, she had a gut feeling that it was the truth.

"I will allow you to proceed, but if this is a trick. I will have you executed," the Queen said with a stern expression.

"If this is a trick, then I'll let you execute me. But if this is true, then you should thank me," Rya said.

'She's a brave one, alright, and she's not backing down... This Dark Elf may have strong conviction, but she better not be lying to me... Or I'll have to order her death... But I can't shake this feeling that she's telling the truth... And I have no idea how long the poison has been in my body, either... My gut better not be wrong about this,' the Queen thought while nodding to Nelumbo to be on guard if this Dark Elf tried anything funny.

"Very well, Lady Rya. What do I need to do?" the Queen asked while sitting back down in her chair.

"All I need to do is hold one of your hands," Rya answered.

The Queen reached out, and Rya held her hand. Rya could feel the Queen's hand was ice cold.

'Well... Here goes nothing. This is my first time healing someone's pussy. Hope this works,' Rya thought as she closed her eyes and channeled her mana into her hands.

As Queen Rianna vigilantly watched Rya for any signs of foul play, she unexpectedly began to feel a warmth spreading through her insides. She felt a little embarrassed when she felt her pussy begin to get wet.

Rianna could only blush while staring at Rya, who had her eyes closed.

'S-She must be trying to embarrass me! I-I won't let her! I will resist! Aunh! I-I can't let everyone here know that I'm feeling weird. This is just a test! Nothing else!' Rianna thought while doing her best not to show the pleasure she was feeling.

The Queen could feel a wave of heat rush through her lower regions, and it made her squeeze her legs together. She was thankful for wearing a thicker dress and was glad the table blocked the view from her guests.

'This feels... Really good...' Rianna thought as she gritted her teeth. A part of her wanted to let go and order her guards to throw her in the dungeon. But the other part of her was curious about this girl and her healing magic. Maybe she was poisoned, and this elf was trying to heal her?

'Maybe... This isn't that bad?... Aunh! No! I was wrong! I'm not going to cum from this! N-Never!' the Queen thought as a wave of warmth hit her, and she felt her clit throb. Her nipples hardened under her dress, and her pussy was practically dripping.

The Queen did everything in her power to hold back. But her body didn't listen to her mind, and she felt the waves of pleasure crash over her.

Rianna had no idea that her pussy was being healed as she tried her hardest to suppress the incoming orgasm. She grabbed Rya's hand tightly and squeezed her legs together, holding back her moans and breathing through her nose.

Rya was so focused that she didn't notice the Queen's struggle, and her eyelashes began to flutter. She could see the purple particles condensing into her womb and was trying to flush it out of Rianna.

'Huh!? I know I have all this poison centralized, but something is fighting me... Come on, Rya! If you do this, then your future mother-in-law has to like you. Just focus!... Gah! Fucking shit. These stupid purple things aren't getting out of the womb. It's like I'm being blocked. Time to use more mana.' Rya thought, concentrated her mana into the palm of her hand, and released it into Rianna's.

'Oh, Goddess! Oh, Goddess!... D-Don't cum, Rianna! She's trying to humiliate me! That has to be it! She's using her magic to give me a pleasure I never felt before... B-But I'm strong! I won't break! I won't let her win! I'm... I'm... Aunh! Aunh!... NO! NO! NO! AUNH!!'

The Queen was losing the battle with her own body as she felt something squirting out of her loins.

'Nice! I can see the purple glow flowing downward. I think one more push should do it,' Rya thought as she sent the last surge of her mana into Rianna's womb.

The Queen's irises slowly rolled up as she rubbed her legs together, and she bit her lip hard to stop her from moaning. Her legs were shaking uncontrollably, and she gripped Rya's hand tightly. If the Queen were of the right mind, she would have sent a signal to Lady Nelumbo and her guards to arrest Rya. But this feeling was overwhelming, and her body was giving in.

'Come on... Almost there. A little more...' Rya thought.

"Auunh!!" the Queen moaned softly, and the dam burst.

'I-I can't take it anymore! I-It's too much!' Queen Rianna arched her back, throwing her head back in an act of pure ecstasy. Her body went rigid from the tsunami of pleasure that flooded her system. Whatever resistance she had faded away in an instant. She couldn't stop herself from releasing the juices inside her underwear as her legs opened up. She felt her panties getting soaked by her cum which seemed thicker than normal. It was the most she'd cummed in her entire life.

Her guards didn't know what was happening and didn't dare leave their posts. They looked at each other and tried to gauge whether they should step in or not.

Lady Nelumbo was worried at first, but she saw her Queen's face show signs of relief that she hadn't seen in a long time. She was a little confused about what was happening but decided to stand her ground and keep watch over the situation.

Queen Rianna had just cummed, and the pleasure was so intense she forgot how to breathe for a moment.

Rya sighed in relief once she had gotten the last bit of poison out of Rianna's body. The dark elf was utterly unaware that Rianna had an orgasm while she was healing her.

'Hmph! Hmph! Job well done, Rya... Now Quin's mom has to like m-' Rya's self-congratulatory thoughts came to an abrupt halt as she laid eyes on the Queen's condition. Rya could see a whirlwind of emotions swept through Rianna's face- confusion, satisfaction, fear, shame, embarrassment, and anger.

"A-Are you okay?" Rya asked, looking concerned as she let go of the Queen's hand.

The Queen's eyes narrowed as she hissed, "You were trying to make a mockery of me!" Her words cut through the tense silence, sparking a confrontation with the dark elf.

Rya was taken aback. "What!? No, I wasn't! I was trying to heal you! And-" Her retort was cut short as Dalia suddenly started sniffing the air, her expression quickly turning to one of revulsion at a smell that came from out of nowhere.

"What's wrong?" Nieren asked.

The pungent odor made Dalia wrinkle her nose in disgust. "It's a smell!... A bad one," she grimaced.

"Smell? What smell?" Tayna asked, her curiosity piqued as she thought the Wolfkin was overreacting at first.

Dalia pinched her nose in disgust. "The chieftain smells like rotting eggs, but worse," she said, making a gagging face.

"Huh!? Rotten eggs? But I only smell the scent of flowers?" Tayna asked, confused.

Rya was skeptical about Dalia's claims until she caught a whiff of a horrifying scent emanating from the queen.

'Fuck!?... Why does it smell like something rolled over and died? Wait, it smells kind of like chemicals?' Rya thought, unsure of what it was.

The Queen didn't understand what Dalia was talking about, but that made her angrier. She glared at the dark elf, "Is this a trick?"

"No! I honestly don't know what-" Rya was interrupted again when the two wood elves noticed the smell and reacted similarly to the Wolfkin.

"Oh wow! I-I think I can smell what Dalia is talking about. It smells like bad basilisk eggs," Nieren added as she pinched her nose. Yuliana followed suit when she noticed that her daughter was pinching her nose.

The humans in the room were oblivious to the heightened sense of smell that the demi-humans possessed.

"So, you are making this up?" the Queen asked as her gaze became more hostile.

"No, Your Majesty. I swear. It must be the poison I pushed out of your body. The smell must be coming from it," Rya responded.

Rianna wanted to punish Rya for humiliating her, but she couldn't deny the fact that she'd never felt this good in a long time. She hadn't felt this amazing since her teenage years. It was as if her body had been completely revitalized. And it was all thanks to this Dark Elf.

'Did she really heal me? N-No. It's my imagination. She must have played a trick on me! But if I throw her in jail, then I don't know what my son will do,' Rianna thought. She was trying to remain angry at the Dark Elf, but her womanhood was still buzzing and needed more attention. Her hands wanted to drift south to give herself more relief, but she forced them back onto the table.

'Aunh!... I-I need to leave, but I need to show her that I'm displeased. I can't let her get away with what she did to me. Maybe I can threaten her or something? Augh! I-I should... No, that won't work. Gah! I-I can't think straight with my womanhood being in a state like this!' the Queen thought with frustration.

Rianna gritted her teeth and stood up on shaky legs while trying her best to glare at Rya with her half-lidded eyes. She didn't realize her cheeks were flush and her bosoms were heaving. Her dress was barely concealing her erect nipples.

Rya and the rest of the group rose to their feet, but Dalia remained seated, determined to shield herself from the noxious stench.

"Y-Your Majesty? Are you okay?" Tayna's question quivered in the air, underscoring her nerves, while Rya's fear skyrocketed. She had never encountered a woman so furious in all her life.

"Y-You!" Rianna pointed at the dark elf, "You've embarrassed me and made me appear powerless in front of my staff! I would scold you if it wouldn't upset my son. So, you should consider yourself fortunate and remember not to breathe a word of this to anyone. Unless, of course, you want to reconsider the marriage," the Queen finished, glaring at the dark elf.

Rya's throat felt constricted as she struggled to swallow, a lump forming in her throat, "N-No—Your Majesty. I promise I won't say anything. And I'm sorry if I upset you," Rya said apologetically.

Rianna looked away, "You did... If you pull this stunt again, especially in front of other nobles, then I'll make sure to throw you in the dungeon."

The Dark Elf nodded her head and looked at the floor, "Yes, Your Majesty," Rya said obediently.

Rianna sighed and waved her hand, "You are all dismissed," the Queen said as she walked towards the door. Rianna was having trouble walking straight as she opened the door. She quickly left, followed by Lady Nelumbo, Gretchen, and the two guards.

The door slammed shut, and Dalia, Tayna, Nieren, and Yuliana turned to Rya, whose expression betrayed her shock.

Rya gazed into the distance, her mind consumed with one pressing question: 'Did I fuck up? What did I do wrong?'

"Rya?" Tayna asked as she gently touched the dark elf's shoulder, drawing her attention away from her thoughts.

"Uh, yes?" Rya answered.

"You alright?... You look a little lost," Tayna said.

"Yeah... I guess... I feel so out of my element. I don't know if I belong here," Rya answered with worry written in her azure eyes.

"Why do you say that? You saved Ironside, didn't you?" Dalia asked, trying to cheer up her Alpha.

"Yeah! And you changed both my mother's and I's opinion of Dark Elves, too. You have nothing to worry about. I'm sure you'll pass the Queen's test," Nieren said and smiled while Yuliana nodded her head vigorously.

Rya appreciated everyone's comfort, but she sat back in her chair and then placed her forehead on the table. Then she bumped it into the table with a little force a couple of times as she groaned in frustration.

"Ow... Guh... Thanks, guys. But... I think I really screwed it up with Quin's mom... Fuck! Why didn't I act like my usual confident self? I was acting like a scared child," Rya muttered as her forehead was still smushed up against the table.

Yuliana came over and rubbed the dark elf's back, trying to comfort her.

"Well, you are a child, my daughter. You tried to help her, and she didn't appreciate what you did for her... Plus, if she really was displeased with you. She would have sent you to a dungeon. But she would have to go through me," Yuliana said as she smiled at her daughter.

Rya still had her forehead resting on the table.

'Yuliana doesn't know that I was born a human on another planet... But it's nice to know that she would defend me... That makes me happy,' Rya thought as her heart warmed up a little.

"I think you're being too down on yourself, Lady Rya. The Queen will come around. She has a trust issue due to most of the nobility questioning her when she was married to the current King. But she does care about her son, and I can see that he loves her very much. Just give it time," Tayna added.

"Yeah. And I'm pretty sure the prince has already spoken to the Queen and told her not to hurt you, sis," Nieren commented.

Rya took a deep breath. "Thank you. I'll try to be more confident next time. But I'm still nervous about meeting the royal court and other nobles. I was hoping things would be easier," Rya said, sitting up in her chair.

"It'll be fine. Most of them won't bite you... Well, there are a few I don't recommend interacting with. But we'll handle them," Tayna stated.

"Thanks, Tayna... I'll need to lean on your knowledge of all the nobles I need to look out for," Rya replied.

"I'll help, too," Yuliana said.

"Yeah, same! You can count on me, sis," Nieren commented.

"Thank you," Rya said and gave them a gentle smile.

After the warm moment was over, Tayna had a question that was bugging her.

"Hey... You said you could smell a foul stench just a moment ago. But it seemed like no one else could smell it besides you four... Do you think that was the poison coming out of the Queen?" Tayna asked curiously.

"Yeah, I think it was," Nieren replied.

"But what type of poison only damages the woman's, well?... womanhood? I've never heard of such a thing," Yuliana asked.

"I think I have an idea... But I want proof before I say anything definitiveBut that was the foulest stench I have ever smelled. I'm sure it was worse for Dalia," Rya commented.

The Wolfkin nodded her head, "Yes. It was. And I usually like smelly things. But this was just too much. It still is lingering in the air," Dalia added.

"If you are saying the truth, then the person or persons who did this were evil beyond words. To even poison a Queen's womanhood is just a new low. I wonder who was cruel enough to do such a thing," Tayna replied.

"That's the mystery, isn't it?Rya remarked as she thought she knew who might be behind it. But she didn't want to overstep her bounds and thought it wasn't her place to investigate it.

"Let's leave the topic alone. I don't know about you four, but I could use a bath—a long, hot one," Rya said as she looked at the women.

"Yeah. I could use one too. You mind if I join you, sis?" Nieren asked.

"Sure," Rya replied.

"Nah! I'm good. I kinda want to explore this place more," Dalia commented.

"You sure? Quinus said They have a nice hot spring. I think it would help with your soreness," Rya stated.

Dalia was rubbing her sore breasts, "I don't know..."

"Come on, Dalia. I think you could use a soak," Rya responded.

"Well, if it's okay with you. I'll join," Dalia replied.

"Nice! What about you two? Want to join?" Rya asked Tayna and Yuliana.

"I don't know," Tayna replied, a little unsure.

"Yeah, I'll go. I need to get some bonding time with my new daughter," Yuliana said, smiling.

"Then it's decided. Come on, let's see if the hot spring can hold all five of us," Rya stated as she got out of her chair and left the room.

"B-But I haven't decided yet?" Tayna stuttered, unsure of herself.

"You got to admit my daughter has a way with people. And it's pointless to argue because she'll talk you into going, Lady Tayna," Yuliana replied.

"But the Queen wasn't-"

"Come on, Tayna. I'm good at giving back massages. Maybe it'll help with the stress," Rya called out from the doorway.

"See what I mean?" Yuliana commented.

Tayna sighed and got up, "Fine. I'll go."

"Sweet. Now, come on. I want to have a long soak," Rya said excitedly.

The sooner she could forget about what happened with Rianna, the better.


Hey all! If you don't want to wait for a whole week to see the next chapter. Then check out my Patreon Page of Vol.3 First Drafts for only $1 dollar! That's correct. One USD is needed to read up to Chapter 224!

See where Rya is going next (with a bit more grammatical mistakes, but you'll get the point) and see if she can convince her future mother-in-law that she's right for her son!

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Also, I have Vol. 4 started for those who choose a higher membership. PEACE!

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