I no longer want to be a part of this triangle

Chapter 13- Stop blaming him

In the living room, Kazuki faced a person with whom he used to talk without reservations, joke around, and consider his only true friend.

Kohta and Kazuki easily became friends after they shared a basketball court for the first time in the first year of high school. Although they started as rivals, the rivalry shaped into friendship in no time, thanks to their similar thought process.

They always had the same preference and barely had a dispute...until they fell in love with a pink-haired girl, and after that, a silent rivalry again began between the two.

Kazuki started to search for opportunities to build a good relationship with Katori and leave Kohta behind. He wanted Katori so he could defeat Kohta—a realization that struck him recently. And there was a chance that Kohta also had similar thoughts?

Regardless, Kazuki had decided to not meddle with these two anymore, as such, when he opened his mouth not a single friendly word rolled out,

"You shouldn't have come here. I am already tired of all the drama." His tone suggested that he was annoyed, which irked Kohta.

Leaning forward with his hands clutching his knees, Kohta asked, "Why are you behaving like it is I and Katori who wronged you? If you think you haven't done anything wrong and were falsely accused then why aren't you explaining yourself?"

Kazuki was surprised. He really was. He actually wanted to laugh.

With a smile and his eyes stretched he asked back, "Why do you give yourself such importance? Why the fuck would I explain myself to you?"

Kohta's eyes widened in shock as he slowly uttered, "I thought we were friends...and that's why I came here today. To sort things out...why are you behaving like this?"

Kazuki no longer showed any emotions. He was tired of this bullshit. Leaning back in his seat he calmly said, "I stopped considering you my friend after yesterday. So stop bothering me and leave."

Kohta clenched his fist, seeing that attitude before he got up, and while reeling his punch back, he intended to punch Kazuki in the face—only to stop mid-way when suddenly something hit his head.

Kohta was stunned and so was Kazuki as both of them turned toward the direction from where the spatula was thrown....only to find a furious Kohana standing there.

Kohana stomped her way toward the duo before angrily asking Kohta, "How dare you call yourself Senpai's friend when you didn't stand for him yesterday? What true friendship means is to side with your partner even if they are wrong. Yet you...without knowing a thing nor bothering to ask Senpai what was the case, just instantly formed a judgment and accused Senpai! So you are the last person who should be blaming him now!"

Her every word was heard. Kohta was taken aback by the short girl's big temperament to the point he took several steps back.

He was forced to think about what she just said.

Indeed...being Kazuki's friend he should have been the last person to blame him. He should have acted calmly and should have tried to discern everything first. But...seeing Katori cry he just lost his cool.

Kohta couldn't understand what was right and what was wrong. He wasn't used to thinking this much.

Twirling on his feet he never stopped once and soon left the house.

Kohana huffed as she crossed her arms under her ample chest.

Once the door closed, she turned to look at Kazuki, intending to ask if he was hurt. However, she was startled to see those admiring eyes on her Senpai.


"Kohana-chan...will you marry me?"

"Ehhh? Why so suddenly?"

Kazuki knelt on the floor with his hands clasped as he continued, "The way you just warded off the problem child was too handsome. For further protection let's sign a minor certificate."

Kohana, who instantly understood what 'certificate' he was talking about, turned red and complained,

"Senpai, you should choose your words wisely. What if I take you seriously?" She pouted.

Kazuki leaned back, resting his butt on his heels with his hands loosely hanging by his side as he uttered in a defeated tone, "Then I guess...we will just get married?"

Her face, which slowly regaining its natural shade returned to match the setting sun as she shouted,



Kohta slowly walked on the street in a daze. He couldn't help but think of what that shortie said to him just now.

He was forced to think about this from a different perspective.

Did he do wrong? Was it wrong to not trust Kazuki? Was it all a misunderstanding? Maybe it indeed was that's why Katori also looked so genuinely guilty.

And because of their fault...Kazuki was humiliated in front of others and was also suspended from school. The long-awaited sports day...he wasn't allowed to participate in that as well.

‘I need to find out the truth…’ Deciding on what he deemed most important at the moment, Kohta dropped the plan on returning to Katori’s house. Rather, the place he decided to visit was his school.

He had to find the evidence now.


A/N:- Too late brother. I really like writing about Kazuki being a fanboy of Kohana. Drop a comment.

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