I no longer want to be a part of this triangle

Chapter 14- I care only about you

Last night, Kazuki had a peaceful sleep.

When Katori came to meet him, and after all that drama, he thought it would take him time to fall asleep, but thanks to Kohana's presence, he never realized when he dozed off while talking to her.

"Oh, good morning Senpai." Hearing her voice early in the morning was the best thing. She sounded like that sweet wind chime hanging in the back of the house that always makes your heart and mind calm.

He stretched his body a little and straightened his back.

She placed some water and tea on the bedside table

before asking, "I am going to prepare breakfast. What would you like to have?"

Her question brought an instant shake of his head, "No, no, Kohana-chan. You are the guest here and I am making you do so many things. Let me-"

"Senpai...a-am I really just a guest?"

"Omelet and toast would do. And black coffee." Those teary eyes and the way she pressed the tray against her bosom instantly changed his mind and Kazuki told his preference immediately.

Kohana grinned with her teeth peeking as she said, "Freshen up. I will prepare it in ten minutes."

Kazuki sighed as he took the warm water and started gulping it slowly.

Seriously, going against that pitiful version of Kohana was tougher than passing the maths exam.

While he was drinking water, he took his phone to check the notification....only to freeze up upon seeing the number of notifications flashing on his phone.

Over five hundred messages, mentions, and links were flashing over his screen. Even his phone was lagging because of those many notifications.

He instantly placed the glass on the table before checking one of those links to see what is this all about.

"Huh?" His eyes widened upon finding a scene that was familiar to him...after all, one of the two people in the video was Kazuki himself.

The video didn't have a clear voice, but the way it was edited made it seem that Katori was begging Kazuki to listen to her. However, as a cold-blooded bastard, he rejected her and didn't want to listen to her at all.

There were a lot of curses on the video, and each one is them was directed at Kazuki for being heartless and whatnot. He was getting online thrashed but he didn't care about it.


Suddenly, Kazuki tore his eyes away from the phone and looked at the girl standing at the door while holding her phone. Her eyes were parted slightly wide in shock and she visibly looked pale.

Kazuki threw the phone on the bed and approached Kohana.

Making her sit, he crouched before her and while holding her hand delicately, he said, "I wanted to tell you about yesterday. But so many things happened that I completely forgot about the meeting with Katori."

His heart raced, and a sense of panic built within at the thought of getting misunderstood by her as he added, "Believe me, Kohana, the video is not the whole thing that happened. Katori was telling me to clear things out and I didn't want to talk with her. That's why I walked away."

Kohana suddenly brought her hand to softly hold his face and asked in a trembling voice, "You aren't bothered a-about what people are saying...y-you are concerned about what I might think?"

Kazuki was genuinely baffled but he nodded his head and replied, "I don't care about the world. I just don't want you to think badly of me." Holding her hand that cupped his cheek, he added softly, "I don't want a third person to ruin this sweet bond I share with you. Separating from you would completely break me."

Heavy droplets rolled down her cheeks as Kohana wept silently while feeling the heat from his skin, warming her heart.

Kazuki got up and slowly wrapped the girl in a heartfelt hug.


Katori was moving inside her room while chewing on her lips and looking at the barrage of messages she had received within three hours since morning.

The video of yesterday was shot by someone and uploaded after editing it. And because of that Kazuki was getting hate from almost everyone from the school.

She checked Kazuki's DM and found that he hadn't sent a single message for three days now.

'Should I start the conversation and clarify things?' Katori was contemplating whether it would look suspicious if she tried to defend herself here. In the video, she was clearly shown as a pitiful character, and given the recent exchange they had, it wouldn't be too surprising for Kazuki to not believe her words.


Suddenly, she received a call from her uncle, who was also the vice principal of the school.

Receiving the call, the first thing she heard was,

[Where are you? Did he hurt you?! Oh god, I am going to rusticate that boy.]

Katori panicked, "Ojii-san, relax. It isn't like how it is being shown. I was the one who went to bother him and pestered him to talk things out. So please, don't do anything reckless."

[Are you sure about it? He isn't threatening you right?]

"No, I swear. Anyway, I will talk to you later." Disconnecting the call Katori heaved a sigh.

Kazuki was already resenting her for what happened, and now this incident. He was suspended and surely had been scolded by his father.

'But still, who would do this...' Tapping the phone against her chin, she closely thought of the potential threat to this story...when suddenly it struck her.

"How can I possibly forget about 'him'?!"

In a rush, she went to the bathroom, and after changing clothes, Katori left her house.

A single slap has changed the flow of the plot. The character who should have remained dormant was probably acting up already. And if he indeed is involved in this situation, then Katori might end up losing Kohta and Kazuki, both.

'Unacceptable. I can't let anyone ruin this story!'


A/N:- Wake up girl. This ain't a manga anymore. *Sigh*

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